Energy Update: 3D Pain Fog Clearing As Schumann Spikes

meteor shower eraoflightdotcomEnergy Update: Schumann/Gaia resonance spike up to 170 HZ for over an hour in the middle of the night (for those of us in Canada and the pacific northwest anyway). That is one of the higher readings that I can remember. I FELT this one, couldn’t sleep for awhile, with this buzz moving through me…a mixture of excitement and some tension that finally resolved into passing out again.

Then I drifted into two strange dreams with one of them presenting a scenario of diverted disaster that I am still digesting, yet felt like it represented change and transition in my life and in the collective. It is two months until we leave for our next timeline in Europe so it may be connected to that for me. Dreams and even nightmares have been occurring for some of us for the last week or so, dropping into the lower 4D spaces for more cleansing and purging from the 4D Matrix, even if we don’t usually have that.

There has also felt like a fog over consciousness in some ways for the last week….like a kind of murkiness or distracted frequency that can shift us into feeling like real life is more surreal, more into our multidimensional realities that can feel ‘better’ than ‘real life’ interface which is still so anchored in 3D frequencies.

This has brought up some pain cycles to be felt whether in the physical (such a menstrual or chronic pain) or in the emotional body in suffering loop patterns. Being with these pain cycles, bringing love to them, feeling the parts of you that are engaged in them, connecting to the play out it is from other lifetimes can help them to resolve and complete them.

I started to feel a shifting in the energies yesterday with more clarity, softness, and clearing through ‘fog’ coming in. The Schumann frequencies seem to be supporting that hike through and UP in consciousness as well.

3D is going through a continuous rumble into Lower 4D and things like the coronavirus and the fear/shut down it is bringing up for those anchored to 3D consciousness is an example of that. Those souls with healthy immune systems and clean diet, light running through their energy systems on a regular basis, doing their emotional and spiritual healing trauma work are able to move through these kinds of things more easily. Also, those with a growing purpose of service here are much needed at this time and so are choosing to stay.

Part of the rumble is that more souls (and animal companions) are choosing whether to leave this plane right now or whether to stay and go into the next, accelerating phase of Ascension. Many souls who came here exclusively to experience 3D consciousness are choosing to go as the growth for them reaches its peak here.

Bringing light and love into your heart space and into your body can help with these shifting energies. Here is a guided meditation I did offering more about the light body activation process:

Jelelle Awen
1:1 sessions available! More information here:
