The Council of Light: The Time Is Nigh

mass meditation eraoflightdotcomDear Ones,

This is the time we have been waiting for; the time of the great external change is happening. We have been preparing for this for many, many years, and so it has come to pass. Now is the time to use all of the tools and teachings that you have gathered and put them to use in every moment, depending on the fluctuating need. Our practice time is over; no more dress rehearsals. The time is nigh.

You know what to do. The challenge is to stay in such intimate touch with yourself and your own internal state and being the absolute steward of your own well-being at this time of radically fluctuating thoughts and emotions, with all of the varying external influences.

Hold peace. Hold calm. Check in with yourself moment to moment. Monitor and be responsible for your internal state and responses. Be the peace that you want to see in the world. Just keep telling yourself, no matter what, that All is Well.

This is a time of radical transition to a new experience…and so there is the apparent chaos that results in unsettling change. But the dust will eventually settle in your new house. Your new experience. Your new world.

If you have any suspicions that what is happening is like the natural upheaval of moving day, then you are a part of helping the transition take place as intelligently, discerningly and peacefully as possible.

You are a contributor of the outcome in each moment, so be aware of your responsibility in this. Keep holding your excitement that all of your dreams will come true…for they are. It is just that the old must fall away before the new can be born.

Don’t our hearts all yearn for kindness and respect and fairness and equality and abundance and peace and well-being created by clean air, water and food that nourishes our bodies and consequently our entire being? Don’t our hearts all yearn for the unified familyhood of humanity and an expanded understanding of our role in the entire universe? Don’t we all yearn for shared wealth and prosperity and governance under universal law? Don’t we all yearn for our magnificent Mother Earth to radiate her Divine Beauty and be healed from all errs, including our own, of the past?

We want the misery and punishment and disgusting sins to cease that we may know and express our own magnificence inspired by our Divinity in action? Hallelujah. Yes. Bring it on.

Well, the call has been heard and the response is in action…trust that there is the conclusion of a Great War and related injustices that are now coming to pass…we must clean up the mess before we can begin anew. We should be celebrating, and so, in time we will.

But in the meantime, there is work to be done. Care and kindness to our family: immediate, community and world. We must unify in order to express the antidote of common purpose. Arm in arm, we traverse the field in a great sweep of unified cause.

And yet, this is a quiet rebellion, taking place within first and now without…it is important not to re-ignite our fears that we have already dealt with to arrive where we are today. We must only keep calibrating our emotions so that they are not controlling us…we are now inspired by the truth of our hearts. We have done a great job of cultivating this radiance…we cannot go back to the old now.

Charge ahead in peace and determination of the new truth, the new reality, the New Earth.

Do not fear, for the desires of your hearts are being met! “This is the day the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!” Be your own best council now. This is the great benefit of private retreat, you must wean yourself off of external stimulation and receive your own true GPS connection within, for your guidance is unique to you.

Get within and stay there, turn yourself outside in now and ensure that all of you responses come from inside out. This is the opposite of where the distorted evolution took us, use every ounce of your will to turn it around now. You are NOT subject to external control now, you are birthing your authentic control, which is Divinely inspired from within.

Take dominion. You are responsible for receiving and creating the New World, based on all you dream and more. Do not waiver. Do not doubt. Remember who you are and why you are here.

With deep love, support, respect, encouragement and faith, we are always,

Your Council of Light Within.


© 2020 Rebecca Couch, Dean Noblett and HeartLight ~ Living from the Heart. Copies of this message may be made for non-commercial purposes through distribution in any media as long as nothing is changed, the author is credited and this copyright notice and web address is included. Publications and websites interested in carrying this information as monthly columns or special features are encouraged to do so. If the material must be shortened in length, please state that it is an edited version and refer the readers to the original full-length version on or
