Cosmic Insight

sacred geometry eraoflightdotcomThis hot month of July offers us an opportunity to see with the eyes within sacred geometry, a thousand different angles and patterns, each reflecting another truth. We are asked to look thru all levels and dimensions of emotions into the underlying fragile reefs of self and soul, Very Fragile and in need of our attention. We try so hard to block what hurts, we cushion it anyway we can. Eventually all comes full circle in the karmic Ferris wheel cycle and we come face to face with that which we ran away from. The she crab carries scampers from her truth and runs hither and fro, shielding herself.

In this month of July we come to a holy intersection of time and ancient sacred days that have both an end and a beginning. A great stellar pulse comes forth from our daystar straight into the heart of all mankind. we slowly move step, by step forward like an inch worm, Sidestepping as many issues as possible. Stuffing the emotions with the sweetness, you are not finding in the real world.

On July 25th we will enter the Mayan day out of time, a portal, a place where all and nothing exists simultaneously. A place that would tie the ‘string theory in knots’ if they ever met. The Mayan ‘day out of time’ is the last day of the galactic year in the Mayan calendar, it is the extra day, the 365th day, called the day out of time. This day is observed as a day ‘free of time’. This ‘free day’ re-aligns the solar year. It is aligned with the feminine aspect of nature a day of reverence and respect for all life, dedicated to all time and no time. Each and every day we need to ‘step out of time’ and realign our energies. To swim deep into the void for that eternal minute and realign with the heart and souls desire; To see the multi-verse in all of its choices. Everything you gave up on and tossed to the wind, landed in the sacred place known as ‘the day out of time’.

The day out of time is traditionally called ‘Yellow Seed’. It asks us to know the power of our intentions, words and actions. just like living seeds we are cast into the window to land in the field of dreams. This year empowers us to align with the generative power of the earth; to carry on vital birthrights; to plant seeds of Hope; to be the fruit, be the flower, to be the Harvest of Light! This year will offer the masses hope, whether the size of a mountain or a mustard seed, Hope imbued with Love is a priceless never-ending treasure.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – PO box 217 – Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 –
