Guidance Through The Storm

a new light shines on mother earth image eraoflightdotcomYes, it is us– it is the celestial team!

The fizzing of energy we feel among You now has engaged our frequencies in a most positive and infectious way!

Ah, we know the word “infectious” arouses fear among You in this moment of your “time.” But we wanted You to see that “infectious” can also describe a most wonder-full process, which is how rapidly and effortlessly Love/Light can be spread from one to another!

We feel it important to pause here, before proceeding with our message, to clarify that the words used in your third dimensional realm cannot, and were not created to, express meanings that are multi-dimensional in nature. Thus, we choose words that, in the context of our communications, might elicit the flavor, or frequency, of our meaning (such as “infectious,” for example!)

We amuse ourselves now, for we realize that we ask that You be poets in order to understand our messages! And yet, that is as it should be. The multi-dimensional poet is there within each one of You, and is fast awakening.

To the point of our communication:

A new wave of expansive energy has “hit” your planet. Although it can certainly amplify a sense of chaos for those who are already chaotically engaged, it can also provide much fuel for those of You who are INTENT on expanding your awareness of who You are!

IF YOU HOLD THE INTENTION to expand your frequency into Love/Light rather than contract into fear, you will increasingly begin to feel yourSelves as the Divine energetic beings that You truly are. You will begin to know in every cell that You are far vaster than your physical bodies; that You have actually projected the experience of having a physical body on planet Earth– and that this body is contained within the vastness of YOU, and not the other way around!

IF YOU HOLD THE INTENTION to expand your frequency into Love/Light, You will have flashes of insight in the coming weeks that will bring an expanded sense of your identity ALIVE in You, and will begin to align You with the truth You have forgotten–-

— that YOU have created this projection in order to do the interactive work that YOU are on the planet to do, on behalf of all beings in your universe.

And You’ve all felt small for so long! You have NO IDEA how small You are NOT!! (laughter and frequencies of glee come through)

We will continue to bring our messages to infuse You with the power of Love/Light as You navigate yourSelf through the storm and into your full and dazzling mastery. We will try to keep many of them brief, focusing a few words on particular challenges and skills, so as not to make the reading tiresome. We hope You will welcome our messages, and find them useful.

We “wind up” our present communication with a few broad strokes of the brush — as a poet might metaphorically say (more gleeful laughter)–

* Your main purpose here is integration. You are here to integrate illusions of duality. There is only ONE.
* You are all here to serve in that purpose, yet not to “work!” Your service will spring from your joy within.
* The source of your joy will be the very integration of the all You are serving.
* Your most powerful tool by far is LOVE. You are learning to maintain the frequency of LOVE from within You.
* Maintaining your balance in your own highest frequency is an important focus now. It will keep You from being tossed into dis-equilibrium by your own pre-programmed thoughts or the actions of others.
* Actions of others only trigger that which is within You, and the only place of healing is within You.
* In your expanded state, You will no longer take “personally” the programs of duality that You came to integrate on behalf of all.

Always remember– In your mission, you have already “done it all,” played both sides of every polarity throughout your many lifetimes. You have been all, to heal all.

DO YOU HEAR US? We sense the need to repeat this more strongly:

YOU have already heroically involved yourself in both sides of every duality in order to understand, release judgment of, find compassion for, and integrate ALL of them.

Therefore, do not avoid facing, and do not judge yourSelf or anyone else for, any of it! Forgive, understand, integrate. This is no longer about “you,” for YOU are far more than that “you” You thought You were. YOU are doing this for ALL.

Let that awareness lighten your load. Trust yourSelves again. Enjoy your mastery now! This, actually, can be the best part, and the most fun, once You “get the hang of it.”

Our greatest wish is that you begin to see yourselves through our eyes, as the expanded, glorious, energetic beings You are. Truly, You are the hope of the universe. As such, You have awakened hope in the universe itself.

Therefore, do not doubt for a moment the continual outpouring of support and care that inundates You at every moment!

We leave you now to “digest” all of this deeply into your beings. Our love, appreciation, and support, however, begins anew in the pulse of every moment, and is without end.

