Prepare Yourself for the Influx of Light in June 2021

We have just completed an epic month of Transformational shifts involving the energy, vibration and consciousness of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth. According to the Company of Heaven, the progress we collectively Cocreated in our Ascension process during the month of May in 2021 benefited ALL Life on this Planet in ways that exceeded even the expectations of Heaven. The Beings of Light have incredible Faith in our ability to God Victoriously accomplish the critical facets of the Divine Plan for Mother Earth that we are ALL Cocreating, so to say we have succeed beyond their expectations is quite a statement.

We are often told by the Company of Heaven to pay attention and we will see signs in the outer world that confirm the support we are receiving from On High and the progress we are making with our Lightwork. In addition to the painful miscreations, the accelerated influx of God’s Light is pushing to the surface to be healed and Transmuted back into its original perfection, there are also very encouraging things occurring in the outer world that confirm the success of our Lightwork.

The Company of Heaven revealed that with the completion of the Activities of Light that took place in May including the opening of the brand new 555 Stargate, the unveiling of the Golden Buddha of Enlightenment in every Heart Flame, the Baptism by Sacred Fire from our Mother God and the powerful Eclipse Series that exponentially expanded within the hearts and minds of ALL Humanity the realization of Christ Consciousness and Divine Enlightenment, Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her have Ascended into NEW Celestial and Cosmic Coordinates.

Earth’s adjusted position in the Universe is now allowing Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth to receive NEW Transfiguring Solar Light Codes through the Portals of the Suns in Earth’s Lineage. This includes the Solar Light Codes flowing through the Portals of our Physical Sun, Central Sun, Great Central Sun and Great, Great Central Sun.

This influx of Light began on May 22nd, the day before Pentecost, and the Baptism by Sacred Fire that our Mother God, the Holy Spirit, said She would Bless every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth with through the Celestial Tones of “Musical Rapture.” According to NASA, on May 22nd a flurry of 11 Solar Flares unlike anything they had seen in a very long time were emitted in rapid-fire explosions that hurled multiple overlapping CMEs into space. The multidimensional frequencies of this expansion of Solar Light Codes from the Portals of our Physical Sun, Central Sun, Great Central Sun and Great, Great Central Sun affected all Life on Earth instantaneously.

These NEW Solar Light Codes literally Created an electrical upgrade in our DNA that prepared Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth at a cellular level to safely receive the NEW frequencies of our Mother God’sComprehensive Divine Love which we were Blessed with on Pentecost during our Baptism by Sacred Fire.

The scientists calculating when the Earth would physically experience the waves of CMEs said the Solar Waves would reach the Earth on May 26th. That day, not by chance, coincided with the very powerful Global Celebration known as the Good Will Festival of Humanity and the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse during which our Father-Mother God and the I AM Presence of every person on Earth exponentially expanded within our hearts and minds the realization of Christ Consciousness and Divine Enlightenment.

On that same day, there were reports of some very important things that demonstrated the shifts of consciousness taking place at this time and the dismantling of the obsolete power structures that have wreaked havoc in the lives of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth.

On May 26th, the Royal Dutch Shell Corporation which is the largest fossil fuel industry in the World was ordered by the courts to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions from all of its activities by 45 percent by the end of 2030. This will substantially accelerate the process of reducing emissions-producing fuels like oil and gas. Shell says they now have a goal of achieving zero emissions by 2050.

Amazingly, on May 26th there were two other very encouraging reports from the oil and gas conglomerates. Both Exxon and Chevron reported the results of their Board of Directors elections. For the first time, the shareholders voted out the climate deniers and the board members committed to blocking any action on fossil fuel emissions. They replaced them with new board members who are conscientious and committed to dealing with the problems of fossil fuel pollution and climate change.

Now in addition to the new Solar Light Codes flowing through the Portals of Suns beyond Suns, the Earth is experiencing greatly intensified Solar and geomagnetic activity at this time. Day by day, we are being flooded with Plasmic Light Infusions that are activating our ability to assimilate even higher frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light through our Chakra System, our Acupuncture Meridians and our Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Strands of DNA. This is providing every person’s I AM Presence with the ability to amplify the Awakening process occurring now within the hearts and minds of the masses of Humanity.

During the month of June in 2021, we are being Called to be the Hands of God in the physical plane for the next facet of the Divine Plan. 2021 is numerically a 5 year, 2+0+2+1=5. The last time we experienced a 5 year was 2012. That was the year that we Birthed the New Earth in the Realms of Cause as we passed through the Shift of the Ages during the Solstice on December 21st and 22nd.

Since that time, Mother Earth and ALL her Life have gone through myriad shifts of vibration at an atomic cellular level. These shifts have greatly accelerated the Divine Alchemy occurring within the Earthly Bodies of Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth. Step by step we have been Transfiguring our 3rd-Dimensional carbon-based bodies into 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies. The Company of Heaven said that with the completion of the Activities of Light that have taken place since the Birth of the New Earth in 2012, Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth are now abiding in Earthly Bodies that are much more rarified and ethereal than they were in 2012.

With new Transfiguring Solar Light Codes bathing the Earth now Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth have reached a frequency of Light that is presenting us with the opportunity to Cocreate a monumental shift within our Earthly Bodies. During the month of June in 2021, the Company of Heaven will guide us through Activities of Light that will allow our I AM Presence to safely Cocreate a shift within our Earthly Bodies and the Earthly Bodies of the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth that will equal the COLLECTIVE SHIFTS of energy, vibration and consciousness we have experienced since the Birth of the New Earth in 2012. According to the Company of Heaven the success of this Holy Endeavor is an essential part of the Divine Plan for 2021 which is destined to be God Victoriously accomplished during the 35th Annual World Congress on Illumination, August 14-19, 2021.

The Beings of Light said that what this shift in our Earthly Bodies means for all of us is truly beyond the comprehension of our finite minds. They confirmed that the only way we will fully understand the magnitude of this opportunity is by experiencing it Breath by Breath through our Heart-based Inner Knowing.

©2020 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles – This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.

6 Replies to “Prepare Yourself for the Influx of Light in June 2021”

  1. Adrienne

    Atmospheric carbon reached its peak 540,000 years ago, creating an explosion of plant life>animal life on Earth.
    CO2 is Nature’s Miracle Grow.
    No carbon = no plants.
    Why is there no life on Mars?
    No plants!
    Why no plants?
    No carbon.
    What is a carbohydrate?
    Carbon+ hydration.
    Plants provide carbohydrates necessary to human & animal life and they give off another thing Mars doesn’t have much of: OXYGEN!

    Did you know:
    • In the last 20 years on the Atlantic side of Brazil, a lush forest the size of France has sprung up.
    • Produce growers who use greenhouses INCREASE the CO2 above ambient levels for higher yields.

    The author of this piece has bought into dangerous propaganda. Exactly as the cult planned. For me, this disqualifies the whole article.

    1. Cheri

      I totally agree with you Adrienne. I stopped reading the piece when it became clear that it was Green New Deal propaganda.

    2. Haraldur Guðbjartsson

      First of all, it is often said that 5D has different laws of nature than 3D. Therefore we do not know what co2 does there.
      CO2 comes a lot from volcanic eruptions that are almost constantly going on now on Earth.
      But today it changes our meteorology here most in 3D.
      When Mother Earth spoke to me about 20 years ago, she showed me all kinds of other pollution like plastic. Toxic substances and Nuclear Energy as examples. All the other planets in our Solar System are not in 3D, so we can have little comparison from there today.

    3. Emerson

      What is the dangerous propaganda in this article Adrienne? is it detrimental to us? I’m simply not knowledgeable enough to pick up on it, discern the “hook” in it, likely making it even more dangerous to me, and that’s why I’m asking you to teach me.

      Thank you!

  2. Deb

    If we will have clean FREE energy (soon), why do oil companies need to reduce emissions?

    Seems like a contradiction.


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