The Time Before Time; The Stirrings Of The Waters Of “Nun”

Although humanity calculates time for purposes of historical discussions and the organization of daily tasks, still, we can assess planetary and galactic happenings so that we are in some way knowledgeable about creation above and below our planet “Earth”, known as “Gaia” in Greek, as “Bhumi” in Sanskrit, and as “Geb” in ancient Medu Neter—the “Sacred Speech” of Kemet (ancient Egypt).

All languages have a word for what is commonly referred to as our “blue planet” due to all of the waters encased within it and around it.

Ancient civilizations, such as that of Kemet, taught about more than just the planetary orb of Earth.

They spoke and wrote about the entire galaxy and beyond.

It was taught, for instance, that “NUN” (“NAUNET” in feminine form) represented the waters of the entire cosmos. This word also translates as “moisture”.

As the EMERALD TABLET states: “God created everything from an infinite darkness, a bottomless depth and water.”

Interestingly, although the ancient Medu Neter language has both masculine and feminine nouns, only the masculine words are usually presented in our modern world whenever anyone knows just a bit about the ancient language.

Yet, one of the oldest names for the DIVINE is “MUT-EM-UA” which translates as “Water of the Virgin Mother”, and it dates back (in human calculation) to approximately 83,000 B.C.E.—the same date that has previously been given for the date of “HOREM-AKHET” (known in Greek as the “Sphinx”).

The DIVINE FEMININE is said to be “Self-Created and Self-Creating”.

PTAH (“Heaven Supporting Earth”) is said to have been Her “forceps” assisting in the emergence of creation.

However, the date 83,000 B.C.E. must now be changed due to some astounding research which has just been recently published by two renowned scientists from the Ukraine.

They are Dr. Manichev Vjacheslav of the “Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine” and Dr. Alexander G. Parkhomenka of the “Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine”.

They have proven that “HOREM-AKHET” (the “Sphinx”) is at least 800,000 years old!

The marks on the upper large erosion hollow of the “Sphinx” correspond to the level of the water of the Pleistocene Age (beginning 2,580,000 years ago and lasting to about 12,000 years ago), and the “Sphinx” had already stood on the Giza Plateau far prior to the end of that age.

This was a time when huge sheets of glaciers covered a large part of what came to be eventually known as Antarctica, large parts of Europe, North America, South America, and Asia.

The argument that only sand erosion by wind storms caused the deterioration of the “Sphinx” is inaccurate.

The deterioration was definitely caused by massive flood waters entering the “Hapi” Valley (“Nile” in Greek) 800,000 years ago.

Thus, the “Sphinx” is one of the oldest monuments on the Earth, and ancient civilizations inhabited this planet far longer than mainstream scientists have stated who want to seemingly give humans a time frame of about only 6,000 years on this planet.

Two megalith temples adjacent to the “Sphinx” seem to also be as old as the “Sphinx”.

The Kemetu named the various aspects of existence.

RA was “Light”, “Heat” and “Fire” of ATEN (the solar disk); SHU was “Air” (and also the breath of creation); ATUM (from where the word “autumn” is derived) was “Darkness”—the time before KHEPERA—“The Coming Forth Before the Light of Dawn”; NUN—as mentioned above constituted the cosmic waters—better yet, NAUNET—because from the DIVINE MOTHER comes forth the waters of birth.

Do we not even today refer to a feminine womb as the “Bag of Waters”?

NUT (also the word TEFNUT) was the entire sky above Earth.

In the current space/time continuum when our planet is surging at its core with amplitude strength as solar flares, solar winds, and coronal mass ejections activate “Her” tectonic plates and crystals, and “She” accordingly rises with strong quakes, major volcanic eruptions, soaring tsunamis, powerful thunder storms, and more, “She” is announcing transformation in creation and higher states of consciousness.

Earth’s past is coming up for review and revitalization. The waters of the DIVINE MOTHER have been flowing for a time that the human brain cannot adequately conceive of in this “Now”.

As alluded to above, only a general idea can be analyzed as to the true age of creation upon this planet.

Only our DIVINE MOTHER knows when “She” was fertilized, gestated creation, and brought it forth in all of its splendor throughout the entire cosmos.

“She” allows us only a glimpse of “Her” HEKA NETER (“Sacred Effective Action”)—but what a glimpse!

The ancient Kemetu trace their cosmic heritage to the star system “Sepdet” (“Sirius”), and a mystical ancient space ship-like statue is in Kemet which I saw for myself on my tours to ancient sites in Kemet during study tours where I had the honor of being a “Senior Lecturer” for the “Institute of Karmic Guidance” under the direction of Professor Anthony Browder of Washington, D.C. (USA).

Ancient documents also speak of the Kemetu trading gold for technological knowledge with beings from what we call the planet “Mars”.

Tehuti, whom the Greeks called “Thoth”, is the Avatar (“One Who Descends”) of Kemet.

An “Avatar” is a physical aspect of SOURCE who “descends” from ethereal regions to teach profound knowledge and the wisdom of using it properly.

Tehuti spanned the three main deluges of Atlantis which were 50,000 B.C.E., 28,000 B.C.E. and when it finally sank beneath earthly waters in 10,500 B.C.E. (Remember these are general human calculations of time periods that are actually most likely far older than these).

As an aspect of SOURCE, it can be said that Tehuti was from the cosmic realms far beyond human understanding. He was not an “Atlantean”.

He “descended” to the earthly land of Kemet and worked from that venue where he not only taught those worthy of spiritual knowledge, but he wrote approximately 3,000 books on spiritual principles, healing, science, and ethics.

He even taught the secrets of continual regeneration—immortality.

He gave the laws of MAAT (“Truth, Justice, Righteousness, Balance, and Harmony”) to humanity which became the “constitution” of Kemet.

These are also called “The Declarations of Innocence” and the “Negative Confessions”.

They are spoken with an individual beginning with the words “I have not” because he or she had to proclaim that they had not done certain disharmonious actions.

There are a total of 147 of these, and 42 of them were considered as being the “Keys to Paradise”.

They are the foundation of the Christian “Ten Commandments”. Just seven of these laws are: “I have not wasted water”; “I have not acted with violence”; “I have not polluted the Earth”; I have not given false witness”; “I have not been prejudiced”; “I have not mistreated children”; “I have not mistreated animals”; “I have not been arrogant”. When even just 42 of these 147 laws were recited, as already mentioned, due to the mercy of SOURCE, a person gained entrance into “Amenta”—the “Hidden Eternal Land”—Paradise.

At the end of the entire recitation, the person had to say: “I am pure. I am pure. I am pure. My purity is the divinity of the holy temple, and I know the laws of God which are God. So may it be in truth.”

The great scholar, Dr. Ivan Sertima, one of whose most famous books is THEY CAME BEFORE COLUMBUS, discussed how the glyphs on Native American buildings and earlier teepees are exactly the same as those on the temples in ancient Kemet—Medu Neter—“Sacred Speech” which Greeks called “Heiroglyphics” which in the Greek language is “Word Pictures”.

This indicates, therefore, that Native Americans are originally from the Kemetic civilization and traveled throughout the world—settling primarily in North America.

This also indicates that their cosmic heritage is also from the star system “Sepdet” (“Sirius”).

Yet, there are those who teach in their books and lectures that they landed in North America by crossing the Siberian Peninsula and were of European extraction.

In truth, every being in the cosmos is from different galaxies which suggests that we are all—even those of us on the Earth— from the stars!

However, we must also know about earthly history because for far too long has humanity not respected each other’s specific planetary history.

Some of us are far older in our DNA than so-called historians want to admit. The “Shift of the Ages” will correct this.

Tehuti also gave us knowledge of the NETERU—the “Divine Forces of Nature”.

He taught about, for instance, the SHAI— whereby at birth, each person is given a guardian force which travels with them throughout life—the concept of the “Guardian Angel”.

This is the Higher Self—the Soul—the DIVINE “encodement”.

The very first concept of the trinity can be found in Kemet: SUT—the darkness of the womb before birth; SHU (the breath of life); and HERU—courage, protection, and spiritual LIGHT.

Then came the trinity of ASAR (“rebirth”, “resurrection”, “DNA remembrance” whom Greeks called Osiris); ASET (“throne” whom Greeks called Isis), and again HERU (whom Greeks called Horus).

The first Greeks did not enter Kemet until the fifth century B.C.E. as students.

Some of the greatest of the Greek students were Plato, Aristophanes, Socrates, and Hippocrates (who is called the “Father of Western Medicine”).

The Kemetic “Father of Medicine” who can be said to be the “Father of World Medicine”—is IMHOTEP whose name has a wonderful definition. It translates as “I Come in Peace”.

It is his teachings that Hippocrates learned, and the wisdom of “Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food” is originally from Imhotep.

Many people today have said that students who graduate from medical schools should take the “Imhotep Oath”, not the “Hippocratic Oath”.

Some of the greatest of the Greek students were Plato, Aristophanes, Socrates, and Hippocrates (who is called the “Father of Western Medicine”).

The Kemetic “Father of Medicine” who can be said to be the “Father of World Medicine”—is IMHOTEP whose name has a wonderful definition. It translates as “I Come in Peace”.

It is his teachings that Hippocrates learned, and the wisdom of “Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food” is originally from Imhotep.

Many people today have said that students who graduate from medical schools should take the “Imhotep Oath”, not the “Hippocratic Oath”.

However, the Western world is based upon its classical civilizations of Greece and Rome, so this is not likely to happen.

Several students have shared with me, however, that they go into another room after medical school commencement and take the “Imhotep Oath”.

I had the pleasure of witnessing one of these ceremonies years ago.

Sometimes the truths of history can be upsetting to those who have been entrenched in information that they were taught to believe and then they discover that there is another reality. However, there is a scriptural verse which says” The truth shall set you free”.

The transformational process of DNA is bringing illumination to cellular records.

The sibling civilization of Kemet is Bharata (eventually known as “India”—again, a Greek term).

This ancient culture thrived alongside Kemet. They were both at one time long long ago both on the massive continent of Alkebu-lan which after many ages broke apart due to cataclysms into what is now termed “Africa” and “Asia”.

Sri Bhagavan Krishna is one of Bharata’s greatest Avatars.

His earthly homeland is known as “Dwarka” which at one time had hundreds of temples made of crystals.

It was a land of LIGHT just as was Kemet. Many of the treasures of Dwarka have been found beneath the waters off of the eastern coast of Asia.

Bharata’s langauge of Sanskrit boasts of its being “off-Earth”, that is, Divinely revealed just as is Medu Neter. Its moral principles are the same. Its rituals are similar. Its mantras and prayers are similar.

They both used prayer beads which are known today in Bharata as “Malas” (“Garlands”) and were known in Kemet as “SHA-SHA” (“Good Luck”).

Prayer beads made of Amber that are over 40,000 years old have been discovered in Kemetic ruins.

Eventually, humanity will respect each other’s cosmic and earthly histories—in whatever continent, island, peninsula, and country we reside in at this time/frame. We must do so if the “New Golden Age” is to be actualized. This requires owning-up to both the harmonies as well as the disharmonies of history.

One group cannot feel superior to another and oppress and subjugate other groups whom they are perhaps envious of subconsciously because certain groups preceded them in particular great developments.

For example, Napoleon Bonaparte’s soldiers wrote profane words in French on temples in the ruins of Kemet, and they also exploded noses from many of the large statues.

A story is told that Napoleon’s Grandmother taught him when he was a small child that people with large noses are very strong and he must be careful of them. It is said that this is why he had his solders to destroy the noses on the statues and to write profane language on the ancient buildings.

This is quite childlike to destroy someone else’s things because of anger or jealousy. There are so many lessons from Nature.

Does a beautiful Willow tree destroy the Evergreen growing next to it? Does the Maple push aside the Oak? Does a Rose overtake the Tulip? Numerous other examples could obviously be listed.

The message is that we are all from the ONE. We are like individual drops in a huge sea. Let us learn what LOVE really is because SOURCE is LOVE and LIGHT—MER and RA to the ancients of the land of the pyramids, and the ancient term MER is what the pyramids were also called. Dr. Vjacheslav and Dr. Parkhomenka are to be applauded in their research.

They have opened humanity’s eyes to their amazingly old DNA.

The waters of NUN have stirred within them and are stirring within everyone else who is elevating in consciousness, particularly in those who are doing historical and spiritual research.

TUA NETER (“Sacred Praises”) to all of us—sisters and brothers of this galaxy, and ANKH UDJA SENEB NETER KA BA! (“Life, Strength, Health, to Our Spirit and Soul”). Let us continue to elevate and stay within the LIGHT of SOURCE.

**By Dr Schavi M Ali


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