Negative Timeline Fueling & Anniversaries

new sun higher lightI was going to write this then decided against it, then thought I should, then not, and back and forth I’ve vacillated over this particular info at this particular time.

Some of you have probably been hearing about the latest actions taken by certain people around the world who’ve been pushing extra hard and very obviously to take greater control over whatever, wherever, and whomever it is that each of these groups want to. No matter which countries this is happening in, it is the old negative patriarchy still at work. They’re making more lastminute power grabs over more people and their lives and rights, over females bodies and rights, over all peoples rights, actions, thoughts, feelings etc. It’s happened and continues happening here in the USA, it’s happened/happening in Afghanistan, it’s happened/happening around the world and it’s escalating.

Because it’s September 2021 and the 9/11 event happened 20 years ago this month, that negative intentionally created timeline event is being highlighted and fueled up again now in different ways.

Without going into details I’d like you to mind’s eye envision the black cube Kaaba in Mecca with many people around it. Next I’d like you to envision the 9/11 Memorial ‘pools’ that are inverted black cubes with water flowing downward into ‘voids’ (remember that water amplifies energies) with many people around them.

Please recognize when you, your consciousness and emotional energies are being intentionally manipulated, collected and utilized humanity.

You can sense that multiple things around the world have built to a breaking point and that things cannot and will not be able to continue in this old Duality reality way. Team Dark is trying to maintain it but the big separation split is coming and many of you have felt it seriously escalating over the past decade but much more so over the past six years. The energetic tensions present now feel unbearable, oppressive and physically unsustainable. Lower and Higher frequencies cannot co-exist in the same space. No fear just honesty, awareness, Higher Awareness, HighHeart and taking full personal responsibility for the timeline you are currently on and want to continue being on.

These current escalations and different actions taken and multiple anniversary focuses to keep the 9/11 timeline functioning is because the NEW Divine Mother Feminine Crystalline/Christ Diamond template for ascending Earth is being fully implemented in the physical on and in Earth for humanity when we enter 2022. This is why the patriarchy has been pushing so hard these past few decades and recent years to grab more people and their consciousness, suppress more people, gain greater controls over global human females, steal whatever they can before the NEW Divine Mother Feminine planetary template energy is fully physically set on Earth.

Many of you already know and feel the negative densities being magnified and used again now for different reasons and timelines. Your job, our job is to do what we always do which is override it by holding higher space, focus, direction and continue steering ascending Earth and ourselves on the ascending NEW Earth timeline. All I’m saying is that many of you have already been feeling the old negative energy oppressions and related manipulations building. Stay in your HighHeart on the ascending Earth timeline. ❤ ❤ ❤

Denise Le Fay


4 Replies to “Negative Timeline Fueling & Anniversaries”

  1. Miss A

    Thank you for writing this! I think it will spark something in everyone who reads it. 💖🕊

  2. Haraldur Guðbjartsson

    Yes, what you are saying is very prominent these days.
    And seems to be constantly increasing.
    Very popular content in all major news outlets too.
    Constantly aroused by fear and oppression.

  3. Sharon Schimmel

    Thank you for having the courage to step up and share your knowledge, Denise Le Fay. To be awakened is to BE in knowledge with divine discernment, both sides of the proverbial pew, so to speak (the Light and the Dark agenda’s).

  4. Dhara Wood

    A price to pay for everything – rape, absolute control,, murder – the single-energy males are losing their ‘Y’ chromosomes. They know they cannot handle the Higher Vibrating female energies of love and will die. Angry, confused and powerless, they know they are losing a great opportunity to graduate to the Higher Schools of Learning.


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