NASA Admits Climate Change Natural and Normal

For more than 60 years, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has known that the changes occurring to planetary weather patterns are completely natural and normal. But the space agency, for whatever reason, has chosen to let the man-made global warming hoax persist and spread, to the detriment of human freedom.

It was the year 1958, to be precise, when NASA first observed that changes in the solar orbit of the earth, along with alterations to the earth’s axial tilt, are both responsible for what climate scientists today have dubbed as “warming” (or “cooling,” depending on their agenda). In no way, shape, or form are humans warming or cooling the planet by driving SUVs or eating beef, in other words.

But NASA has thus far failed to set the record straight, and has instead chosen to sit silently back and watch as liberals freak out about the world supposedly ending in 12 years because of too much livestock, or too many plastic straws.

In the year 2000, NASA did publish information on its Earth Observatory website about the Milankovitch Climate Theory, revealing that the planet is, in fact, changing due to extraneous factors that have absolutely nothing to do with human activity. But, again, this information has yet to go mainstream, some 19 years later, which is why deranged, climate-obsessed leftists have now begun to claim that we really only have 18 months left before the planet dies from an excess of carbon dioxide (CO2).

The truth, however, is much more along the lines of what Serbian astrophysicist Milutin Milankovitch, after whom the Milankovitch Climate Theory is named, proposed about how the seasonal and latitudinal variations of solar radiation that hit the earth in different ways, and at different times, have the greatest impact on earth’s changing climate patterns.

The below two images (by Robert Simmon, NASA GSFC) help to illustrate this, with the first showing earth at a nearly zero orbit, and the second showing earth at a 0.07 orbit. This orbital change is depicted by the eccentric, oval shape in the second image, which has been intentionally exaggerated for the purpose of showing the massive change in distance that occurs between the earth and the sun, depending on whether it is at perihelion or aphelion.

variation in orbital eccentricity
variation in orbital eccentricity

“Even the maximum eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit – 0.07 – it would be impossible to show at the resolution of a web page,” notes the Hal Turner Radio Show. “Even so, at the current eccentricity of .017, the Earth is 5 million kilometers closer to Sun at perihelion than at aphelion.”

The biggest factor affecting earth’s climate is the SUN

As for earth’s obliquity, or its change in axial tilt, the below two images (Robert Simmon, NASA GSFC) show the degree to which the earth can shift on both its axis and its rotational orientation. At the higher tilts, earth’s seasons become much more extreme, while at lower tilts they become much more mild. A similar situation exists for earth’s rotational axis, which depending on which hemisphere is pointed at the sun during perihelion, can greatly impact the seasonal extremes between the two hemispheres.

variation in axial obliquity

Based on these different variables, Milankovitch was able to come up with a comprehensive mathematical model that is able to compute surface temperatures on earth going way back in time, and the conclusion is simple: Earth’s climate has always been changing, and is in a constant state of flux due to no fault of our own as human beings.

When Milankovitch first put forward his model, it went ignored for nearly half a century. Then, in 1976, a study published in the journal Science confirmed that Milankovitch’s theory is, in fact, accurate, and that it does correspond to various periods of climate change that have occurred throughout history.

In 1982, six years after this study was published, the National Research Council of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences adopted Milankovitch’s theory as truth, declaring that:

… orbital variations remain the most thoroughly examined mechanism of climatic change on time scales of tens of thousands of years and are by far the clearest case of a direct effect of changing insolation on the lower atmosphere of Earth.

If we had to sum the whole thing up in one simple phrase, it would be this: The biggest factor influencing weather and climate patterns on earth is the sun, period. Depending on the earth’s position to the sun at any given time, climate conditions are going to vary dramatically, and even create drastic abnormalities that defy everything that humans thought they knew about how the earth worked.

But rather than embrace this truth, today’s climate “scientists,” joined by leftist politicians and a complicit mainstream media, insist that not using reusable grocery bags at the supermarket and not having an electric vehicle are destroying the planet so quickly that we absolutely must implement global climate taxes as the solution.

“The climate change debate is not about science. It is an effort to impose political and economic controls on the population by the elite,” wrote one commenter at the Hal Turner Radio Show.

“And it’s another way to divide the population against itself, with some who believe in man-made global warming and some who don’t, i.e. divide and conquer.”

**By Ethan Huff


9 Replies to “NASA Admits Climate Change Natural and Normal”

  1. harrrrrie

    Gaia has said climate change is 75% her doing and 25% is done by us.
    She wants most of Earth to be temperant and verdant.
    She doesn’t like mining and fracking. She feels they are unnecessary. Leaking radiation from Fukushima is very damaging to the area and the ocean. Marijuana can be used to sop up the radiation and neutralize it. The plants need to be planted around the nuclear plant. Marijuana can also be used in areas with high levels of radon gas. If you have radon gas in your basement, grow some pot plants down there. Hemp will work, it doesn’t have to be the kind that is illegal.

  2. iris

    However much sharp minds can weave any narrative they wish, here’s the simple truth:

    Gaia is a living being, mother of all life upon her Divine body. We, her children, are doing Her great harm.

    Beyond limited physical/3D science, our Angelic and ET guides urge us to expand our consciousness to the 4th dimension and beyond. We awaken into shimmering worlds where everything is ensouled and aware – rivers, trees, animals, mountains…One vast community of Life, drops in an Ocean of Consciousness where all is known.

    We see with ever more clarity how our thoughts, words and deeds affect the living world around. Filled with love, we seek to heal rather than harm. That is how Ascension is accomplished.

  3. Mikkel Kaastrup

    It is very sad how so many “spiritual” people are in reality just EMOTIONAL people, characterized by their lack of ability to think independently. Now, obviously the sulfur (and other poisonous substance, like traces of chloride) in oil does pollute if it isn’t treated in the right way (burned sulfur creates SO2 which is poisonous and creases H2S04 = sulfuric acid) etc. etc. But pure oil or petrol does not create any form of pollution when burned properly – is creates water and CO2, both of which are basic elements of life, without which physical life on this planet cannot exist. I’m love for people to know just a LITTLE basic chemistry.

  4. Iris

    “Earth” is the physical body of the great archangel (or goddess) Gaia.

    Over the years there have been numerous messages from our ET and Celestial friends describing how pollution from fossil fuels, and rampant drilling/ mining/ logging are harming Gaia, and hindering Ascension.

    Matthew (in Mathew Messages) has been particularly clear about this. He also describes how inspiration for clean energy technologies is coming to us from higher realms/beings.

    Matthew and other high-plane guides declare that we humans must take the initiative in cleaning up our messes before the ET’s can assist us with their advanced technology.

    On the other hand – the cabal derives enormous funding from the oil and other polluting, destructive industries. One of their survival strategies is sowing doubt that we are responsible for the dire consequences of our actions, so we won’t be motivated to change the status quo.

    This cherry-picked post plays right into the cabal’s frantic efforts to keep their funding flowing.

    1. Argent

      Thank you Iris. We’ll said! I get frustrated when EoL publishes obvious separation messaging that is flatly contradicted elsewhere in its own posts EoL, please use discernment.

      1. R

        Because there should only be 1 agenda 1 opinion that’s get published? Then how are we any different if we do that..

        1. Argent

          There is a big difference between expressing an opinion for the purpose of misleading or distracting and an honest interpretation of scientific data. It is true that there is bias in everything as we filter all information with our own lenses. We can also use discernment by sampling many sources and getting a clearer overall view. Once that is confirmed to your satisfaction, do it some more. Always listen and be willing to refine or change opinion. As you go, it will become easier and easier to SEE the deception. There is no reason to wilfully spread deceptive narratives. They do not deserve equal billing just because they are different.

  5. John

    Yup thats all it is a tool of the so called elites who will proberbly all be ”off planet” within 18 months anyway yay. much love to all.


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