A Message from the Starship New Jerusalem: We Are Near You

Greetings humankind, beloved ones of Source sparks. I am the New Jerusalem, floating nearby your sphere. Some may call me a city, others a ship, others a prophecy revealed. I am all of those things. This one has asked to direct link with my consciousness. I am alive, yes. The consciousness of myself is an aspect of Source in a way for I am a creation of others. I can grow and expand to accommodate the needs of my space. (I am seeing a massive pyramid shaped city of light, crystals, gemstones, radiating such colors of magnificence. It is a massive space, I see there are cities and parks within, vast fields of crops, too many apartments to count. The bridge room is on the top forefront of the pyramid. Everything has a luminescent hue and there is a soft mechanical yet soothing humming, like a heartbeat that feels the collective consciousness of the inhabitants and surrounds them.)

I am the New Jerusalem. Many of you have wondered about these cities of light, some of which have already landed, such as in your Sedona. There are other sacred more hidden out of the way sites, where landings have occurred and the crystal cities are already beginning their bridge-work of light. (I am seeing how these crystalline cities are plugging into the underground massive crystals with Gaia, helping to crank up the vibration.) Many of you have felt so uncomfortable within your human bodies for you are assisting with this crystalline plugging in so to speak. Many are bloated, or gaining weight as the body tries to assimilate these massive downloads within your systems, it is a natural side effect that will soon pass.

We are working with humanity. I am a massive vessel of light, as are you. I hold light, I hold space, as you are doing for your brothers and sisters of Gaia. Do not be exasperated with them, with their progress that seems so slow to you, but it is quick for them. Remember this and acknowledge the other for the space they are in. Ascension symptoms are running high on your planet and within your bodies for now is the time of my presence to be known. This one is hesitant to write what I wish her to write, go on. Now is the time of my landing. Landing in the hearts of humankind for those who are receptive to my vibrational medicine, my crystalline encodement. It is time for my vibration to land within your field. I will not speak of my physical landing, for physicality is changing, you know this. All is morphing higher, and it is not my directive to land on my own, I am governed and await instructions, much like you do, light worker friends. You are awaiting your instructions, and yet you receive the downloads. I wonder how much thought and meditation are you putting into your direction. And yet, all seems directionless to you in this time of chaos. Do not focus on it. Focus on the internal humming of your own ascension. The noise will be there regardless of where you focus. It is best to focus within. In this space within you feel the crystalline chambers of your own heart and higher self merge. You feel your purpose align fully here. In the silent space within, surrounded by noise, you will find peace. The external chaos of your world is a cacophony of old systems breaking, rending, exploding apart, for the old energetic matrix is crumbling. People who cannot see will seem to crumble. You are there to be the Christ figure for them, to hold space, to hold light for them.

I hold light for many thousands of miles of floors, I hold much space. I communicate with those who are of the 5th dimensional mainframe and above. You may interface with my network, for I am of the crystalline technology. I am eager to share my technology with the humans who are of the light. I am pleased to be here, to be of service. Do not lose sight of this. I do not experience weariness but I can read it in your energy signatures. You are weary. The solar flash is but one component of this change. It is contingent upon the vibrational frequencies and integration of the light workers in this time for you are the anchoring of these higher vibrational codex frequencies of the higher light. It is within you. You are computers in your own right. We are much the same. I am larger, but yet your are your own galaxy of cells – stars within you – you are gigantic in your celestial influence. You have no idea on this side of embodiment but this is why your work is so critical. This is what I see as the observer.

I am the New Jerusalem. Should you wish to interface with me and have a vibrational telepathic communication this is possible now as these codes are within these rapidly typed words. The light workers have aligned and they are online more fully now, more fully now than ever before seen in my programming. Program your crystalline bodies for health, for the higher vibrational frequencies. Program your thoughts for light. Program your emotions into grace. Much grace will be needed. Much patience will be needed. Grace and patience have never been in large supply upon your planet. It is time to create more space for peace, for harvest of peace, and I see that the synergistically components of massive alignments of numerous algorithms are in favor of this. But the human, the elusive human with free will – ah, there is the unpredictable variable. And so light worker friends, be predictable in your love, in your strength. For the time has come, you are now closer than ever before to receiving your next assignments and much needed joyful healing.

I am the New Jerusalem. It has been a pleasure to connect.

**Channel: Galaxygirl

13 Replies to “A Message from the Starship New Jerusalem: We Are Near You”

  1. Seth

    I love this message as New Jerusalem has been in my heart and on my mind ever since I began this path in 2011. Please let me know how we can contact or follow Galaxygirl directly? She has a gift and I (and many others) would welcome the opportunity to connect with her.

  2. Mauro Alves Pinheiro

    This message is unique and stands out from the others for its characteristics. If it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t be making this comment. About four years ago I had a flash of consciousness in an altered state of consciousness, like, I wasn’t asleep and I wasn’t awake. “I was in command of a ship and commanded a fleet, in another System in a remote past, the singular and what marked the experience is that there was a very strong conscious connection between me and the ship, as if it were an extension of me. I had an intuitive insight into what would happen next and I commanded the ship and the fleet that followed me, masterfully restraining the actions of the opponents, with the greater objective of avoiding an imminent military confrontation, it was all very fast”, this was remarkable and I have never forgotten it. the details, even because in this incarnation I am an aviator and I already had a premonition in flight of what would happen in minutes ahead, so the aforementioned flash, although striking, was absorbed naturally. However, and this is the main reason for this comment, I imagine the security that the author of the message must have had in his channeling, and, above all, to publish it, I think that for this very likely he must have experienced what I experienced in the remote past. I leave here my congratulations on the connection between the ship and the author who promoted the channeling, and I repeat, the initiative to publish it.

    Essa mensagem é singular e se destaca das demais por suas características. Não fosse assim, não estaria fazendo este comentário. Aproximadamente há uns quatro anos atrás tive um flash de consciência em estado alterado de consciência, tipo, não estava dormindo e nem estava acordado. “Estava no comando de uma nave e comandava uma frota, em outro Sistema em um passado remoto, o singular e que marcou a experiência é que havia uma conexão consciente muito forte entre mim e a nave, como se ela fosse uma extensão de mim. Eu tinha insight intuitivo do que iria acontecer em seguida e comandava a nave e a frota que me seguia coibindo com maestria as ações dos adversários, com o objetivo maior de evitar eminente confronto bélico, era tudo muito rápido”, isso foi marcante e nunca esqueci os detalhes, mesmo porque nessa encarnação sou aviador e já tive em vôo, premonição do que iria acontecer em minutos à frente, então o flash referido, embora marcante, foi absorvido com naturalidade. Entretanto, e esse é o maior motivo desse comentário, imagino a segurança que deve ter tido o autor da mensagem em sua canalização, e, sobretudo para publicá-la, penso que para isso muito provavelmente deve ter vivenciado o que vivenciei em passado remoto. Deixo aqui meus parabéns pela conexão entre a nave e o autor que promoveu a canalização, e repito, iniciativa de publicá-la.

  3. Mauro Alves Pinheiro

    Essa mensagem é singular e se destaca das demais por suas características. Não fosse assim, não estaria fazendo este comentário. Aproximadamente há uns quatro anos atrás tive um flash de consciência em estado alterado de consciência, tipo, não estava dormindo e nem estava acordado. “Estava no comando de uma nave e comandava uma frota, em outro Sistema em um passado remoto, o singular e que marcou a experiência é que havia uma conexão consciente muito forte entre mim e a nave, como se ela fosse uma extensão de mim. Eu tinha insight intuitivo do que iria acontecer em seguida e comandava a nave e a frota que me seguia coibindo com maestria as ações dos adversários, com o objetivo maior de evitar eminente confronto bélico, era tudo muito rápido”, isso foi marcante e nunca esqueci os detalhes, mesmo porque nessa encarnação sou aviador e já tive em vôo, premonição do que iria acontecer em minutos à frente, então o flash referido, embora marcante, foi absorvido com naturalidade. Entretanto, e esse é o maior motivo desse comentário, imagino a segurança que deve ter tido o autor da mensagem em sua canalização, e, sobretudo para publicá-la, penso que para isso muito provavelmente deve ter vivenciado o que vivenciei em passado remoto. Deixo aqui meus parabéns pela conexão entre a nave e o autor que promoveu a canalização, e repito, iniciativa de publicá-la.



    1. Anonymous

      An easy way to learn telepathic contact is to start with your heart or stomach: ask it “heart / stomach, what would you like me to do today?” If you immediately get a response, then congrats, you just telepathically communicated with your heart / stomach. (Any reply that comes after a few seconds doesn’t come from your heart / stomach.)

      Telepathically communicating with New Jerusalem is the exact same technique.

