Message from Tunia: A Day In My Life (NSFW)

My dearest brothers and sisters,

This is Tunia speaking. I love you so very much.

I would like to share one day, in the life of me and my family. I hope that this will open your eyes as to what kind of society is possible, and also that your attention will help manifest this into being.

Yes, I myself am in a loving relationship and have a family. However, lots of other Pleiadians are single and they really are not that different from Hakann and myself. I consider myself to be pretty average. And lots of Pleiadians think of Earthling light workers as attractive.

Here on spaceship New Jerusalem, we do not divide our time into 24 hour chunks. We simply eat when we want to eat, and rest when we want to rest. We do have cycles, which is the time period between two periods of rest. But our cycles are not a set number of hours – we do not go to bed when a clock tells us so. We go to bed when we want.

So, here is one of my cycles.

I desire rest. I return to my resting place and see that my son and daughter are already sitting there. They are both doing something that’s closer to meditation than sleeping, although occasionally they might doze off. I do the same. We all meditate for about an hour.

After a while my husband enters. My heart leaps and I am again surprised that a being can be so beautiful and radiant as he is. He smiles warmly and generously. Our family forms a circle and hold each other’s hands. We telepathically share pictures and sensations of what we have done since the last time that we did this sharing. We ask if anyone wants to do something together during the next cycle. My daughter asks my husband to physically show her around on a certain planet. My husband telepathically finds someone who can fill in for him and then agrees.

We all switch our resting places from, “sitting mode,” to, “laying down mode.” We lay down and as we agreed earlier, we all astral travel together to a paradise-like relaxation resort. We spend a couple of hours there in something akin to a spa. This place is an old favorite of mine and I enjoy showing my children around there. When we all feel rested, we return to our bodies and “wake up.”

My husband and I share a look. I’ve waited long enough. I tell my family that I want to make love to my husband. My son telepathically wishes us a good time and leaves. My daughter stays to watch, not to get turned on but to learn from us. She has recently become an adult and is curious.

We Pleiadians do not have sex with our family members, but we have no problem with our family members watching us make love. In this case and because my daughter is interested, I consider this to be healthy sexual education for her.

Perhaps this is strange to you, but the Earthling way is strange to us. I would much rather show my daughter real people having loving sex, instead of having her try to figure out how it’s done from anatomy diagrams and from porn videos and from strangers. Doesn’t that just lead to bad sex and hurt feelings for the first few times?

My husband and I undress each other and I sit on his lap, in what is on Earth known as the yab-yum posture. Our foreheads touch and I move my energy body into his, so that our energy hearts and energy heads are literally in the same place. We breathe as one for a while and kiss and caress each other, and then at some point I want him so much I can’t take it anymore. I push him on his back.

I ride my husband until he’s close to an orgasm. Then I slow my movements and use my vaginal muscles and mind-reading abilities to keep him at that near-ejaculation point for a good long while. He soon forgets that he’s a person and drifts off into a cloud of pleasure.

After a while, when we’ve both had our minds blown and we’re satisfied, we return to the yab-yum posture. The sexual energy has now built so much that we’re energetically like two shining halves of the yin-yang. We feel as two parts of one whole, and we feel intensely connected to the other and to rest of the world. We beam out our light and love to all of existence.

Then at some point our attention and the energy starts flowing away. We telepathically beam love to the other person, to their body and to their genitals. Everything has a consciousness, and that includes genitals. On Earth, it’s quite possible that for example Anna doesn’t like John, but Anna’s vagina likes John very much. Or Anna loves John, but her vagina doesn’t like him or her vagina is scared or has been hurt, which can make sex difficult. It doesn’t hurt to beam love to your partner’s genitals after sex.

I’m not worried about getting pregnant, because I simply consciously decided beforehand that this encounter was not going to lead to pregnancy. So it will not. Pleiadians do not need technology for this, we just use consciousness. Of course, Earthlings aren’t quite there yet, so I do not recommend you use this as a contraceptive yourself.

Our daughter asks us some questions and we answer. One thing I explain is that ingesting either the semen or the vaginal fluid from the other person can be both a connective experience and a way to positively rebalance your energy.

I’m curious how it was for her to watch us. She seems particularly interested in the huge amount of love and energy that is generated during conscious love-making.

My husband and I take a bath, while my daughter chooses to go off to have a bath by herself. We get dressed.

My husband, daughter, son and some friends of my son have breakfast together. We discuss our daughter’s adventure. My son and his friends shares some experiences about their vocation. They have all finished their basic education, which is quite brief and really basic. As soon as our children develop an interest, we encourage them to start studying under an adult who is an expert at that craft. Of course, they’re free to switch to another topic at any time. We think that it’s much more productive and fun for them to learn say reading in the context of their chosen interest, rather than just as an abstract skill.

In this case, my son and his friends empathize with Earthlings and feel that things aren’t going quickly enough. They feel called to help others and serve God in a military or special forces capacity. They telepathically share images and sensations of what they’ve been doing and studying and exercising.

On one hand I feel proud of my son and I can see him becoming more and more of a man every single day. On the other hand, going into the military is more or less the only way in which a Pleiadian has a significant risk of transitioning or dying involuntarily. So as his mother, I am very worried about that possibility. I don’t need to express my feelings, because my son mind-reads me and feels them. Then again, free will is very important, so I wouldn’t dream of trying to convince my son to do something else.

I wish my family a good day and do my periodic sensing of Earth’s energies. I mind-read the channeler to see what he’s been up to (with his permission, but he never notices when I do). I also download an update about Earth’s latest developments into my brain. After that, I do some more meditation to calm myself. Earth is intense, and some of the things that are going on are heart-wrenching. But there are a lot of good developments too.

I have a meeting with Hakann and some advisors about which messages we’re going to be sending to the channeler next week, and if we need to send him any specific energies to make sure he’s doing well. Both Hakann and I have the final say over our respective messages, but there’s a huge amount of messages we could be sending. Our advisors can give us some perspectives of what Earth needs most right now and maybe we should delay that message or provide some additional context in this message.

Frankly I sometimes still have a hard time believing that out of all the amazing men and women here, I was chosen. I understand that our channeler was connected to Hakann for the divine-masculine, you-can-do-it perspective. However I really don’t feel like out of everyone on this ship, I am the best spokeswoman for the divine feminine, you-are-loved perspective. Still, everyone around me assures me that I am. Maybe I’m more relatable to Earthlings because I still have my own share of insecurities and flaws?

I consider this channeling work to be the most impactful thing I have done with my life so far, and will possibly ever do in this life. That is because through the people who are receiving this message, Pleiadian energies are entering into and transforming the collective subconscious of Earthlings. That is immensely powerful. If you are receiving this message, thank you for your contribution to this process.

So I take these channelings very seriously. However I don’t agonize over the decisions because at the end of my meeting I just ask my soul what it prefers, and then I make a note to send out that message.

I hang out with Hakann after the meeting. I briefly check if he’s ok because he has a lot of responsibilities. He is. He shares a funny story in the form of a telepathically sent video. We rest and eat a bit. We’ve become friends ever since we both started doing channelings. The channeler happens to ask me a question during this time and I respond.

I telepathically check to see if my mentor is available. She is and I go to her to do some spiritual practice. I personally do not consider meditation to be a spiritual practice – I consider meditation to be resting, although certainly meditation can be a spiritual practice for Earthlings.

I’ve recently achieved a new level of spiritual development, which means that a couple of things are unsteady and shifting in my energy. Plus I want to learn to be in two places at once. Because of that, I’ve been seeing my mentor pretty often recently, as well as my parents because they have a lot of wisdom in that area too. I feel blessed to have so many amazing people around me.

I briefly consider asking New Jerusalem if I can do some volunteering (what Earthlings would think of as “normal work”) but decide against it. There’s really not that much “normal work” that needs to be done because we’ve automated nearly everything. And I feel like I’ve done enough useful things for this cycle.

I telepathically check up on my husband and daughter, visit my son (I am still worried but don’t want to be the mother who visits every two hours) and then spend some entertainment time with friends on gardening and in what you would think of as holodecks.

I meet another woman there and instantly feel sexually attracted to her. I sense that she’s feeling the same towards me. We sit down. I teasingly show a bit of skin and enjoy sensing her attraction to me rise. We hold hands and look into each other’s eyes. We mind read each other’s life story, interests, personal values, desires and boundaries and see that we’re compatible for some casual fun.

Most Pleiadians are primarily attracted to the opposite gender but occasionally meet someone of the same gender they’re attracted to. My husband and I have a pretty typical arrangement, which is that the only man I can sleep with is him, but I am free to have casual sex with other women. And he can have casual sex with any man he wants, but the only woman he can sleep with is me. Neither I nor my husband can start a serious relationship with someone else, regardless of gender.

Still, best to be open. I telepathically send the current situation to my husband. I closely watch his emotions to see what he feels – I wouldn’t want to have sex with this woman if there was any part of my husband that would be hurt by that. Still, he is fully and genuinely ok with this, and he and our daughter are having a great time. I sense him mindreading me to check if I’m ok and I am.

The other woman and I eat together, bathe together and then go to the sacred area. Before you enter the sacred area, someone hands you our version of a glass of wine. And they inform you what the current intention is – in this case the intention is, “use the energy generated in the sacred area to help Earthlings.” If you want to enter the sacred area, you have to set that intention yourself. Because of this, everyone in the sacred area has their energy flowing in the same direction, and thus great light work can be achieved.

To affect the world in what you would think of as a “magical” way, you need the following things. One, you need your body and subconscious emotions and conscious emotions and mind and energy to be aligned towards one purpose. This is difficult for Earthlings, but for us Pleiadians this is done just by setting an intention. And two, once you have set a course, you need lots of energy to get there. And optionally, three: the more people who unite in this way, the more effect you will create.

In the sacred area, the intention has been set. All that’s left to do is generate energy. Some people do that by meditating or chanting. Some people do that by dancing. Some people do that by focusing on beaming out love towards others. As for us, we curl up together on a couch and we watch some other people make love in the sacred area. Having sex is an amazing way to generate energy, and that night this woman and I would generate quite a lot of energy. All for the benefit of Earthlings, of course 😉

When I return to the resting area, my son is already meditating, a bit sore but also content. He senses that I’m proud of him and he smiles. After a while, my husband and daughter return too, bringing with them laughter, amazing stories and some intriguing new foods and drinks to try the next cycle.

Again we catch up with each other: how was this cycle for you? What do you want to do the next cycle?

So, that was a day I had a while ago. Other than the meeting about which message I was going to send to the channeler, it was a pretty typical day for a Pleiadian. The amount of sex I had was pretty average for a Pleiadian too.

In a society where there’s zero risk or danger to women, where people are used to connecting deeply and having their partner know everything about them, where everyone is self-actualized and healthy, where there’s no shame about sex or bodies and where women have all their needs met and aren’t stressed out, women are generally a lot more open to having a lot of sex. Our men certainly aren’t complaining.

I hope you found this enjoyable or interesting. This kind of future is within reach. There’s genuinely no reason why your lives need to be as hard as they are right now.

Though of course, it’s up to you how you want to structure your society.

So, what things do you want to include in the love-based, 5d society that is being created on Earth? Feel free to write it in the comments. I’m curious.

I leave you today with all my love and well-wishes. You are doing very well. I am proud of you and I love you.


For Era of Light

**Channel: A.S.


93 Replies to “Message from Tunia: A Day In My Life (NSFW)”

  1. Dubious

    We’ve never actually disagreed before Don, but unfortunately I suppose there comes a first time for everything. I think that you are missing peoples’ point here, and like AS, are trivilizing peoples’ objections by essentially boiling it all down to it ‘merely being their own issues with sex’ and they ‘need to sort themselves out’.

    Not the case. People have very valid points here and have raised very valid objections and questions.

    If a channel is producing content that raises red flags for many people, then perhaps the issue actually lies with that channel’s channelings and the need to do a little ‘inner checking’ lies with them. Just how clear, true and valid is the information being delivered here…

    Is this really the Pleiadians? That is the question. I can only think to a recent video I saw that showed what most channeled ‘Pleiadians’ look like in real life, seven foot tall ugly as hell reptilians posing as ‘beautiful Pleiadians’ and manipulating humanity for their own negative agenda. Not saying that is the case here, not saying it isn’t the case here. I am only saying that everyone should be suspicious of all channelings and take it all with a pinch of salt, never, ever giving their power away.

    For my part, if this is what the Pleiadians are, then count me waaay out, they obviously haven’t even overcome the most basic of egoic workings. That is demonstrated over and over again in all the channelings from this channel. I am not just refering to sex and such attitudes, I am refering to the basic interactions between the ‘Pleiadians’ related by this channel in numerous channelings. Very, very ‘human’. 3D ‘human’. That is not good, 3D ‘human’ is a manipulated and mind control version of what we truly are, something that is not admirable or an example of ‘daily life’ for any ‘advanced’ race out there.

    As for: ‘They are saving us, so we should shut up and be grateful’. We don’t know that this is the truth at all. Oh don’t get me wrong, when all is revealed and IF we found out that the Pleiadians WERE actually helping and saving us (these Pleiadians in particular), I would be first in line with absolute gratitude and love, but until then I have zero proof these beings are what they say are, or even exist.

    It is all very well for people that don’t like us raising our concerns to tell us….’Don’t like it move along’. But the fact is that these recent channelings are pretty much dominating this website recently, and I am sorry but they raise a lot of red flags for a lot of people. Like I said before, this article and others read like porn, that there is a huge red flag. So…

    – Why the overly detailed sex scenes?

    – What is there to be gained from relating them?

    – What does the reader gain?

    – How does this differ from pretty much all other channeled information regarding sex?

    The answer I come up with after inner listening is that it lowers the reader’s energetic vibration, the same way regular porn does and is intended to do. So who benefits from putting forth this information……?

    Perhaps the channel would benefit from really looking at who and what he/she is channeling, rather then passing the buck onto the readers.

  2. MEM

    Hello Tunia 🖐 and what an amazing article ! ! ! What do I need to do to move in spaceship New Jerusalem?! I’m ready 😁 Much love ❤🌻

  3. Nur

    Hi Tunia,

    I love you very much as well. Thanks a lot for giving us a peek into an average day of yours. This is very insightful to me as a awake and aware Starseed for it gives me a picture of how a 5D society can be.

    I have to be honest that I was shocked when I read that you let your daughter watch you and your husband having sex. On the other hand, it is very true that proper sex education here on earth is a real issue. I remember myself growing up and getting the ‘wrong’ message about what sex or ‘unifying with another’ is all about. This is one of the areas here that needs a total ‘loving’ overhaul.

    Me and my partner, who is also a Starseed, have lately been feeling into/thinking about how a 5D Gaian ought to feel/look like in our eyes. This was prompted by a deep knowing that it can and ought to be more balanced (read: healthy balance between family time, we have 2 boys, alone time, partner time etc.). We have been struggling lately with the realization that paid work is taking too much of our time. Although the current situation with the inflation and increasing energy prices demand otherwise, we have been setting intentions and are taking the necessary steps to create a more balanced life. I need alone time to charge up in order to be that ‘loving’ father and individual I want to be.

    For me the ‘need’ to work to survive needs a radical change. That ought to be optional. All of our primary needs ought to be taking care of so that we have the ‘freedom’ to follow our interests and passions and further develop our innate abilities.

    I can totally understand why you feel anxious about your son joining the military. I would as well if my sons would be taking that decision. Perhaps you could gently nudge him into a different area :-): scientist/engineer, healing, etc. I am sure there are many more roles that he could fulfill.

    I am very connected to the Plaeidians, for my I AM Presence has had many lives as one. You are an inspiration for me and the work that you personally and collectively are doing is invaluable to the Ascension of Gaia. Keep on keeping on my dear and much loving greetings to your family. Looking forward to the times when we can meet more openly.

    This is it for now. And if you come across commander Kyra, a member of my soul family, by any chance give her my utmost love. 🙂

    Love and Light!

  4. Calgon Take Me Away

    Folks, this is NOT indicative of how Pleiadians actually live. I don’t know what drugs this channeler is doing, but Pleiadians don’t let their children watch them have sex. Note: Anything you read that takes you out of a spiritual frame of mind should be avoided.

    1. A.S.

      “Note: Anything you read that takes you out of a spiritual frame of mind should be avoided.”

      This is a commonly stated rule but it’s actually incomplete, and this incomplete version is very misleading and can be damaging.

      The full version of that rule is:

      1) if some message makes you feel bad, first check if you happen to have some trauma or limiting beliefs or cultural hangups that are triggered. If you don’t just think “eh, this doesn’t resonate” but are actively projecting some bad thing onto the channeler that you have no idea about (e.g. he must be doing drugs), then that’s probably a good sign that there’s some kind of personal wound that is getting triggered.

      If you’re genuinely not sure whether the message is just bad or if some wound of you is getting triggered, then it can be helpful to read some other work by the same author. If most of his articles make you feel kind of bad, then yeah, just avoid that author.

      However if most of his other work make you feel uplifted and then one of his articles makes you feel triggered, then probably the author isn’t just some misguided soul. At that point, it’s beneficial to really ask yourself “do I have some limiting belief or old pain that I could let go of?”

      2) If you’re sure that the previous point doesn’t apply and you can just sort of dispassionately say “well this message seems to make me feel bad”, then yes, probably avoid that channeler in the future.

      In any case, I’m sending you all my love.

  5. Dubious

    No, just no. This reads like porn, there is simply no need for the blow by blow detail of the woman shagging the husband. This is the second article I have read today from the ‘Pleiadians’ with it’s focus being on sex, in fact an obsessive focus on sex. The first being a man obsessed with sex who ‘gave it up to come and save earth’. lol

    It doesn’t feel right or true in any way. It is not that sex is bad in any way, the point is, as others have pointed out, the Dark is obsessed with sex. They are a sex cult and have degraded and trivialized sex in every way possible. They have created a sick society obsessed with the physical act of sex, over a true act of joining and love between two beings.

    So when I see the ‘Pleiadians’ demonstrating the same attitudes to sex that is the ‘norm’ in our manipulated and mind controlled society, alarm bells ring. Either the Pleiadians are a society no freer or more evolved then we, and just as prone to obsession…or this ain’t the Pleiadians.

    That is even aside from the child watching the parents bit, which is utterly abhorrent and you would think the Pleiadians would be aware of the fact that here, to humans, such a thing is unthinkably disgusting and wrong.

  6. Sven

    Hi ich hatte zwar nur mastrubation in den letzten Jahren, hatte aber immer die Absicht die Energie dem menschlichen kollektiv zu senden…..oder in meine merkaba zu leiten….

    ich hatte jetzt die 18 gesetzte der Schöpfung gelesen , phönix journal, und mich auf Enthaltsamkeit eingestellt und mich nicht mehr so oft befriedigt…..wegen des ego Vergnügens aber solange ich die absicht halte und schöne sinnige Gedanke halte dürfte es ja gehen…..

    ich bin irgendwie auch erleichtert zu erfahren das es doch so schön sein kann….

    ich denke ich hatte auch schon 1-5 Begegnungen mit plejadischen Frauen, nur hatte ich sie nie angesprochen..das waren keine Zufälle und die augen bei 4 von ihnen sagten alles , ich habe aber weggeschaut, nachdem wir uns angelächelt hatten…. aber nicht bei allen waren die augen so tief wie der kosmos….

    ich denke jetzt die Frauen waren bekannte Seelen nur ist mein vergessen noch stark doch meine intuition sagt mir das so…..

    letztens sind 2 von euch an mir vorbeigelaufen , ich denke ihr wart es ,die Augen von dem Mann waren wieder sehr tief, aber ich traute mich der Frau nicht in die Augen zu schauen, um nicht sexuelle Gedanken zu haben wegen der Gesetze der Schöpfung…..das ist jetzt sehr interessant für mich und auch erleichternd da ich dachte es wäre strenger …..

    ich bin so froh wenn ich endlich mein Wissen wieder habe

    Ich wollte noch fragen wie ihr eure Haustiere physisch mit euch leben?

    Ich danke euch beiden für eure Offenheit…. 💜💫🧘🧘‍♀️🌐

  7. John Robbins

    Sex IS powerful no doubt. How it is used makes all the difference. As a gay man, it makes no difference to me who is with whom and whatnot. As long as NO minors are involved. That’s my take. Most of the ‘ickiness’ around sexual matters is plain eons old trauma held in the DNA.

    1. A.S.

      Haha, your comment made me (the channeler) chuckle. Thanks for that.

      Yes, Pleiadians are very attractive. I can’t wait to physically meet them either.

  8. Phil

    Earth trauma regarding sex comes from Atlantis. Sex pushes energy upwards in the kundalini which is a very powerful creative force. When the intentions are not set properly dark stuff gets created. The Kundalini is often depicted as a rising serpent. This is the Serpent from Genesis: it “tricks” humans. In reality humans trick themselves into misuse of sexual energy. The Serpent is neutral, it rises up according to your intentions.

    The cataclysm in Atlantis originated from misused kundalini. Hence all the trauma and taboos regarding sex. Pretty much everyone on Earth is a sexual PTSD right now. As a result of the misuse, very few humans remember what a real orgasm is. Most humans build up sexual energy in the genitals, not letting it spread throughout the body. This occurs because karma blocks the connections between the genitals and other organs. Hence the notion that “sex is bad”. It doesn’t mean that sex is wrong, it means that it used to feel much better!

    Sex is the only force powerful enough to rebuild Home and it’s good we have Pleiadians to help us with that. Pleiadians are in a position to help everyone in the galaxy because they have mastered creative sexuality. A human orgasming with their full body generates more energy than a nuclear plant.

    1. Lara

      ‘Sex is the only force powerful enough to rebuild Home’. What…not Love? Or Source consciousness? Or compassion, or kindness, or connection?

      ‘A human orgasming with their full body generates more energy than a nuclear plant.’ Yes, and with millions of humans orgasming every day on this planet, we have become a powerfully enlightened, loving, wise society. Right?

  9. Kieran

    The average. human schoolgirl ,is more enlightened than this one ,and her husbandwho appear to have no self control.

  10. Thunder

    I have a very special connection with mother Gaia. Lots of people have. There has been much establishment of love and understanding recently. There is astonishing amounts of energy everywhere in the universe. I guess you could think of me or maybe others as Thor. I draw on positive energy only. Gaia is incredibly powerful everyone, she may decide to (singlehandedly) deal with the globalists/adversaries soon. I would be more of a director and she would send strong lightning, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. They would be placed away from her awakened children and no harm will come to my brothers and sisters. There has already been experiments over Mt. Katahdin in Maine.
    I commanded both powerful lightning and energy bursts. There was also Pleiadians, Arcturians, and others involved. It was a very entertaining evening. I wield great power and not through any egotistical sense. I just happen to have a lot of permission from my prime creator, star family, and Gaia. I will start hitting the deep state enemy/globalists/kazarians/democrats/liberals/illuminati/ with my lightning and various storms. I will hit them with overwhelming amounts of energy sourced from every corner of the universe. They will run and hide. Grab your popcorn and enjoy the show. Join in if you can brothers and sisters, there will be fun contest over who can send the strongest energy and vaporize the corrupt shadow governments/deep state/Draconians. Want to go zapping annoying mosquitoes anyone? But no anger allowed because you will lose the connectivity required. Be well!

  11. Lisa

    Thanks Tunia, for sharing the different aspect of life on your planet! This was very refreshing and interesting as I was always curious what goes on the other side, this also indicates we are moving into a higher level of consciousness” we are finally moving away from our infantile stage”! And are able to receive such messages with enthusiasm and love~ ❤️ Again Thanks for sharing💞💞💕


    From the moment (lately) you and Hakann introduced yourselves
    to us (earthlings), your messages have really affected positively
    our THOUGHT. This last one especially with so many clear-healthy insights on SEX, show how deeply we are misoriented
    on the subject. Of course, Pleiadians, New Jerusalem, telepathy,
    mean a lot to you, being a 5D beings, are terms far from our
    reality. We hope we will soon be free from all negativity on Earth
    of course with your contribution and of other heavenly brothers
    and sisters such as the Arcturians, Andromedans, Sirians and
    others unknown to us.
    I wish we could have the chance to meet any of you on our ground, where we can discuss a lot of our uplift/ascension
    imminent operation
    Thanks to CHANNEL A.S and ERA OF LIGHT.

  13. L

    Super interesting! And brave to share. Thank you for your courage A.S. and Tunia.

    I look forward to a time when we can enjoy our own way without outright rejecting the ways of others. I hope this understanding arises in us soon.

    I wonder how telepathy will come into play in our lives. Will it come to those open to sharing first? Will we need to clear more before sharing so openly in order to share higher energies?

    1. A.S.

      Thanks for your empathy. I expected this was going to be controversial and having this article be in the pipeline was a bit stressful. But ah well, I’m fortunate that I’m in a position where I’m able to serve.

      If you click on “source” you can go to my youtube channel and there you can find the video about telepathy.

      In brief: we all have an energy sense. This detects good vs bad energy / pleasant vs unpleasant vibes. It also can receive thoughts, as those are just energies.

      You understand that if you hear a sound, then it’s possible that you created that and it’s also possible that someone else created it and you’re just perceiving it. The same goes for thoughts. If you perceive a thought, it’s possible that you created it or that someone else created it and you’re just perceiving it. Not all of “your” thoughts come from you.

      You’re almost certainly already telepathic, you just don’t realize it yet. Have you ever been at a high place and gotten a “jump!” thought? That was you being telepathic (you picked up the thoughts via your energy sense). Have you ever been able to finish your brother’s or partner’s sentences? That was telepathy.

      A good way to consciously practice telepathy is thinking or saying, “my heart, what should I do today?” Only immediate answers come from your heart. It will sound like your inner voice, but it will be your heart.

      If you get an answer, congrats on being a conscious telepath. Then you can try “my soul, what should I do today?” or “Archangel Michael, what should I do today?” and see if you can practice telepathy with them. Note that communicating telepathically with a human who isn’t a conscious telepath is very hard, much harder than talking to e.g. archangel Michael.

      If you can’t do that yet, don’t worry, you will be able to unlock that ability once you develop more spiritually. One day it will just click and be easy, with no practice required.

      Personally what really supercharged my telepathy was me doing years of self-healing work. Then I eventually said “God, I am yours, use me as you will.” Saying that statement didn’t make my life easier, because it transformed me in a way where I felt called to take on more responsibilities (these channelings and also other light work). That said, I do not regret saying it.

  14. Michael

    Energy message received 💚💙 Pleadians are love. I wish I could meet one. I’m sure I have if they reside on the earth plane. I have once met a Lemurian. Long story cut short; I dreamt my male cat morphed into a female Lemurian with blue eyes and strawberry red hair wearing a brown satchel bag at her hip haha Anyway she said she had to go. I replied No! I want you to stay. She gave me a hug and that was it. Next day I woke up and thought it was a very intense dream. I was driving with my pregnant wife then my mum called me and she told me the cat had a sudden fit and died. I went back and gave him (his name is TK) a proper burial. But that taught me help is so close and there is such beauty that words cant describe. I would really love to meet a pleadian. Although having sex with my wife while my daughter watching might be a bit strange I reckon it’s breaking social constructs & programming about sex.. like that it’s only between closed doors. Well I’ve had sex in cars and I remember looking up while me and my Mrs where naked and we saw a red dot in the darkness on the 4th level of this unit and they filmed the whole thing😱 haha we got out of there real quick.

    Peace and blessings to all – sending my love to Tunia & channeler.

    1. A.S.

      Thanks so much for your story. That’s a beautiful story about that Lemurian, although sad that she had to go.

      Tunia & I are sending love back to you.

      1. Michael

        Hi Claudia,

        Hope your well 🙂

        Yes, the email is correct 👍 Just making a spinach and lentil soup. I need to eat more greens as they say spinach is the best out of all of them and maybe broccoli too..I’ve got both but something tells me spinach and broccoli probably don’t go together in a soup haha



  15. Don Spectacularis

    Another beautiful channeling yet again! A refreshing breath of fresh air from all of the “sex bad”, “sex evil”, “sex un-spiritual”, sex this, and sex that talk! And it’s even more funny seeing such come from beings who would not even be here right now without our oh-so-taboo sex, and nudity, among other things. But hey, that’s another discussion for another day.

    For those who feel extremely triggered by the topic, consider the idea that your ideas of right and wrong, or, more so, “appropriate” and “inappropriate”, weren’t even natural knowledge to you as a child. Instead, they were given to you. Nothing more than a hand-me-down. A readymade checkbox of “right” and “wrong” stuffed down your throats. And by whom? Your parents? Friends? Society? Religion? Teachers? Community? The same people who are currently following their government orders and $cience blindly to inject themselves (and even their kids!) with murder juice?


    Not all planets and their populaces are obligated to live their lives like brainwashed Earthlings. Doesn’t mean that Earthlings aren’t entitled to their own ways of living and seeing as they see fit. But to judge another for their (perfectly normal and natural!) ways of life, especially when you are 100% brainwashed as a species yourselves? Now that’s entirely something else.

    If God didn’t want (what YOU consider as being) “perversions” to exist, they WOULDN’T exist. Period. If the One Infinite Creator itself sees no problem with the lifestyles of our Pleiadian brethren and sestren, then why do we?

    Guess who’s risking their lives even to help us out of our mess right now?

    Definitely NOT your society, religions, and government!


    1. Gustavo Frein

      Okay Don, then get your rocks off in another man’s anus to show us your 5D enlightenment.

      Have sex in front of children.

      Anything goes as long as you orgasm.

      Yippee Kai Yeeeh!

  16. Gustavo Frein

    It all sounds pretty disgusting, sorry, maybe that’s coming from my outdated notion of family and morality.

    These Pleiadeans sound like a troop of Bonobos. Her husband goes around having gay butt sex with other men. She has lesbian encounters. Their child watches them fuck.

    They don’t sound much like me. They sound much more like Hollywood and the so called elites.

    It sounds like some Jewish pornographers wet dream. What do we call this XXX masterpiece? Flesh Gordon? No they already did that. Spaceballs? No already taken.

    I got it “A Day in the Life of a Spacegoing Bonobo”.

    How about “Fuck Rodgers and the Intergalactic Federation of Orgasmatron”

    1. Michael

      Pleadians are beautiful and definitely bring purity to a whole new level, like what you have sure read here! They love you and most likely laugh at your message

      What you and I have learnt on human earth are 3D truths, codes and morals.. only somehow in some way there is hope that we have received this message without criticism & judgement so in time we can be further guided and revealed a teaching in a totally different type of way with the same lesson mysteriously. Btw I need to say it again, Pleadians are beautiful. Blessings to you my friend! Hope this lifts your vibe!!💙👍

      1. Gustavo Frein

        Well, humor was my intention, or maybe that went over your head. The kind of behavior depicted in this post is exactly the kind of behavior being promoted by the darkness on Earth. Abandonment of any standards or absolutes of sexuality and morality. If it feels good do it.

        Homosexuality is not normal. Why did the creator intend a union of male and female energies? What sexual attraction could a normal male feel towards another male? The answer is none. The same holds true for females.

        Whenever I see some post here promulgating the same agenda as the dark elites on this planet, I see it as darkness.

        There is something even more insidious in this message, and that is normalization of the sexualization of children. Children do not need to watch their parents fuck so they know how to do it when the time comes. This is a not so subtle form of Pedophilia. What is next from our Pleiadean family fuck fest?

        I thought for a time these messages from AS might be legitimate, now I will pass on reading this filth.

        AS, please spare us Hakann’s gay orgies or man-boy sex he enjoys or whatever sort of degeneracy you will put to pen next.

        Those who want these pulp fiction dirty books can already get all the porn they want for the DS.

        1. Michael

          Hi Gustavo,

          Yeah, in this narrative I completely see your point. I see your point clearly as we have been brought to believe as sex as bad.. “taking ones innocence”.. it’s a perspective and programming we have and turn it into an ugly thing.. we have this “sexual apparatus” but we don’t know how to steer and utilise it’s full power on a conscious level… That being said, it would be interesting to see how these Pleadian children feel and how they grow up. Are they scared for life, or have they grown and are more open, loving etc and don’t fall into that victim mentality which psychological wrecks them for life.. it’s interesting to know that’s all. Maybe a channeling on these children would put things into perspective.

          1. Co404

            Humans are influenced by society, government, religion, and an endless number of authorities and teachers who bring influence. One has to be brainwashed at least once on Earth, and I have nothing but humility for the Onjuna people. It is amazing how Earthlings have become this way today. It may take longer for Earthlings to reach the state of consciousness of the Onjussians. It’s really too big a gap. The brainwashing techniques here are so pervasive and insidious that I feel sad and numb for the humans who are deeply involved in it. I hope one day people can stop being human. Even the most advanced Lightworkers have traces of being programmed. Too many distorted beliefs are permeating. It is so difficult for human beings to reach the consciousness of the Oneself. It seems impossible to reach the creatures that exist in the form of energy close to the Self.

    2. Star_struck

      I believe the world do need more sacred sex. However, the sex is done unconsciously the energy generated are feeding the matrix entities. If we would learn how to do conscious love making we can generate beautiful energies on earth. However, hookup culture really is destroying our culture of the misuse of the energies. I am quite surprised you hookup casually with a woman. I was not expecting that. I assume Pleidians were attracted to the opposite sex. I am quite shocked that there is a lot of Pleidians that are single. Beauty comes with a territory cause everybody is attracted to each other. Thank you for your openness and honesty. A lot of people do what you do but in the dark and they are not honest with their partners. They cover up so many lies and even get to point of killing a person to hide their lies. However, people still think they owned their partners. They will get upset if their partner wants to have sex with another person. Unconditional love is easy said than done. Tell your son thank you for answering the call to help earthlings because we are getting weary to be here. Are other ETs have a robust sex drive like the Pleidians? So Pleidians are not monogamous? Where do you drawn the line with children in sexual education. Obviously, the dark forces are trying to make children sexual deviants with their school education and confused them. Why did you and partner have arrangement to have sex outside of the relationship with people of the same sex and not the opposite?

      1. A.S.

        I’ve asked a couple of Pleiadians: “isn’t casual sex, like, bad? Doesn’t it, I don’t know, make you less able to pair bond or to appreciate your partner?”

        I’m going to give a blunt summary of their answers. The actual answers were formulated in a more loving, diplomatic, open and questioning way. But effectively they said the following:

        “casual sex is fine. Casual sex is only damaging if you and your partner have mismatched expectations or hidden agendas or are trying to manipulate each other, which we don’t have because we’re mind readers. Also, it can be damaging if you don’t practice energetic hygiene, e.g. disentangling energies / attachments that are no longer desired. We practice energetic hygiene, but almost all Earthlings don’t.”

        “If casual sex was bad, then why did Source make both Pleiadians and Earthlings desire casual sex, including with people who we know aren’t a good match for us relationship-wise? We don’t think that Source is just needlessly cruel.”

        “We don’t believe that you should just suppress your desires, because that rots your subconscious. Part of the reason why you Earthlings are so stuck is because you suppress so much. If a Pleiadian desires a monogamous relationship, she’s completely free to only have sex with her partner and only behind closed doors. But if a Pleiadian desires casual sex, then suppressing their desires wouldn’t be good for them.”

        As a personal anecdote, I considered myself to be a 100% straight guy. But recently I’ve telepathically had contact with a Pleiadian man who is so hot that I’m thinking “wait, maybe I would like to have sex with that guy if I ever meet him in real life.” My point is that it’s easier to be a bit bi-sexual if everyone is unbelievably hot.

        There are ET species that have little to no sex drives. Not all ETs are like this.

        Pleiadian parents don’t push or force their children to watch them. It has to come from them, with no prodding. The adults aren’t supposed to have the intention of trying to push sex onto the child. The desire to learn about sex has to come from the child.

        “Why did you and partner have arrangement to have sex outside of the relationship with people of the same sex and not the opposite?” Well, first of all, the society didn’t push this relationship structure onto them. It’s just what Tunia and her husband agreed to. Yes, there are monogamous Pleiadians out there who only have sex behind close doors. All choices are respected.

        Tunia and her husband were both primarily attracted to the opposite sex and they also desired safety and stability (both for themselves and for the kids). So “the only opposite-sex person we can sleep with is our partner” ensures that the couple has their primary sexual needs fulfilled by the other.

        There’s no risk of “Tunia sleeps with another guy and then realizes she prefers having sex with him, and uh oh, what does this mean for the relationship and for the children?”

        In this structure Tunia might have amazing lesbian sex, but she’s primarily attracted to men so she’s always going to come back to her partner, no matter how good her lesbian sex is.

        At the same time, Tunia and her husband are hundreds of years old and well, do you want to only have sex with one person for hundreds of years? This way, there’s still some sexual exploration / new-sexual-partner-excitement.

        Plus Pleiadians in general think that desires / needs shouldn’t be suppressed and should be fulfilled, as long as it can be done in a way that isn’t directly harmful to someone else. In this case, Tunia’s has a desire to occasionally have sex with women, and this way, she doesn’t have to suppress it.

        1. Gustavo Frein

          So you saw man with puffy blond hair on one of your mind trips and now you want butt sex. I don’t think you are a 100% straight guy. How is it that all Pleiadeans are so “hot” as you say. Aren’t there any plain Pleiadeans or grizzled looking Pleiadeans. Everyone is hot so that somehow leads to homosexual behavior? Grotesque voyeurism?

          If everyone one was Helen of Troy pretty or Adonis handsome then no one one would be exceptional, no one would be seen as “hot”.

          I also find it odd that even though Tunia is hundreds of years old and her daughter I assume could be somewhere between 18 and 2 or 300 years old, on this particular day recently she decided she wanted to watch mummy and daddy screw.

          Lay off those porn websites.

          Your sex jam is getting weak AS.

          1. Dubious

            ‘If everyone one was Helen of Troy pretty or Adonis handsome then no one one would be exceptional, no one would be seen as “hot”.’

            That is actually a very good point.

    3. Kimberly Cain

      … and then, The Quiet Master suddenly spoke…..

      Ha! Roalph! Lol…giggle…
      I haven’t laughed this hard, spontaneously and out loud in quite sometime. (Oops) …..nevermind.

      Gustavo, you rock! Caused me to laugh out loud. Thank you thank you thank you. “Buck Rogers…..” giggle.

      Lara, feel your beat. Sound and clear. Nice! “Here here” you comment after Ken spouts his yea ya baby!… goofy stuff. Sudden momentary confusion on my end until I read your quick clarifying comment, “that was for Keith not Ken.”

      Love love love you all! How much? How much can I love my fellow my humans? I ask. The reality of them. The truth of them.. Not what mainstream news deems, nor alternative news speaks nor even “spiritual” sites tap…and fall.

      How tired are we? How much absurdity can we endure until we call out? Without “fear”….. and laugh.

      I digress. But if “Ai” can post words from ‘on high.’ Well then, so can I.
      Now mind you that old saying… “you can find pearls of wisdom in a pile of shit.” Second only to “beware the dark weeds in the holiest of scriptures. (gardens)
      … or something like that.

      Here’s what I have to say:

      Take your food bowl away.
      For a day. And another half. All liquids are OK. Wink.

      Set yourself to read “A Wizard of Earthsea.” And try, for the love of God! …. to remember.

  17. Claudia

    “Everything serves a purpose” and this message is awfully interesting from that perspective. “My Nose” is nearly going crazy at the many smells it’s spreading, including how ppl react to it and I must thank Lara for “bursting the bubble” even though it feels more like balancing to me.

    I can see WHY the focus is on sexuality, but… 🤔

    1. A.S.

      I mean, there’s not some kind of hidden secret agenda here.

      Let’s consider a woman named Anne. Anne is married to a 10/10 guy, both on the inside and outside. Also Anne grows up in a culture where sex isn’t shamed but is actually respected and valued. Also there’s zero risks attached to sex. And everyone mind-reads everyone else, which means that Anne is very connected to her 10/10 husband and they’re always on the same page.

      Plus because the society is so sex-positive, Anne’s husband is also highly skilled in bed. Not to mention that he mind reads her which means that he knows exactly what she likes.

      And so, having sex with her amazing 10/10 husband is the perhaps the highlight of Anne’s day. Why wouldn’t it be? And so Anne loves sex and loves talking about it. Why not? Remember that in her society, sex is actually a favorite topic of many people and talking about it isn’t considered bad.

      1. Claudia

        OF COURSE there is a hidden agenda, UNLESS you fully know your subconsciousness, the place where all “what for” answers are being kept. YOU only know “why” you posted this (or all other) messages.

        I happen to know that bc of sth that happened TO me and only bc it was “written down” BEFORE I was born. There is no more free will once you’ve incarnated.

        The story about Anne and her husband is yours btw… obviously triggered by missunderstanding my comment: I have no “personal” opinion concerning Tunia’s message at all bc it’s simply too provocative to fall for it. Also I couldn’t care less about other peoples sexuality, not my business.

        And Lara I thanked for reasons too long to explain.

        But you for sure moved some energies around BIG TIME today.

        1. Lara

          Claudia, you’re welcome. It’s interesting to me that elsewhere on the Internet, Pleiadean channels have much more interesting things to say than to describe their sex life — for example the importance for humans to be focusing on Shadow/Soul work at this time, and the complexity involved. This ‘channel’ sounds like a fantasizing adolescent by comparison.

  18. Keith

    Everything here on planet earth….including the spiritual community has gotten way to weird.
    When it comes to sex and sexuality….whether human or other….please…let’s start keeping sex and sexuality to yourself and who you share that experience with. Why?
    Because it shows an element of class. Not everything needs to be paraded around.
    Space aliens acting like emotionally stunted myopic liberals where sexuality needs to be talked about. It doesn’t. Keep it to yourself next time.
    At least now I know who to avoid….

    1. Ken

      LOL. The New Jerusalem sounds like a really fun place. I’ve always thought I would get on famously with Pleidians, now I’m sure 🤭.

      Humans need to lighten up and not take everything so seriously. Be light-hearted, joyful and playful in your life. As they say your thoughts create your reality. We are going to have to learn to accommodate other perspectives – I’m sure there are much stranger lifestyles than this one out there in the Universe.

      The next time you are in the sacred area remember me Tunia, I’ll be down here cheering for you😁

  19. The Hermit

    “He soon forgets that he’s a person and drifts off into a cloud of pleasure.”

    That settles it. Tunia is officially best girl.

  20. Lilas

    Lees het pleiadisch werkboek ,hun godheid ptah,die wij
    kennen als een Sumerische god doet hier de volgende
    uitspraak “Ik ben een geile god,dat hadden jullie niet
    gedacht he”.
    De pleiadische bibliotheek in Parijs had ook alle geschriften
    van de psychopaat de Sade in bezit en er ook voor gezorgd
    dat dit werd uitgegeven.
    Zij noemen sex liefde.
    Het zou erg prettig voor de mensheid zijn als deze
    menselijke wezens terug gaan naar hun eigen
    sterrenstelsel .

  21. Don Spectacularis

    Beautiful message as always! For anyone feeling triggered by the mention of the taboo word (sex) or any ideas associated with it that your present conditioning might consider as being “unimaginable” or “unthinkable”, please do consider the idea that all of it might be just that…’CONDITIONING’. Do ask yourself whether what you consider as being “appropriate” or “inappropriate” behaviours are truly right or wrong in and of themselves, or is it something that you’ve just learned or “picked up” from your society, friends, teachers, priests, parents, or any other form of external sources?

    Different societies, different perspectives, different approaches to life. Thus, different ideas of how life is to be lived. None better or lesser in the eyes of source.

    Much love to you all. ❤

  22. Vicki

    Thanks for sharing your day with us.Sorry for the nasty comments we are heavy into judgment 😂

      1. Don Spectacularis

        Can’t make a “considered” decision (to reach a Sensible conclusion) if we disallow differing/dissenting opinions and perspectives from reaching us to begin with. 🤷‍♂️🙅‍♀️🤔

      2. Don Spectacularis

        And how exactly do we make “considered” decisions (for coming to Sensible conclusions) if we straight up (and preemptively!) ban and censor all differing viewpoints, perspectives, and Considerations to even as much as begin with? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      3. Michael

        Hey Wayne point noted 💙.. I’m starting to believe in my heart that We need to break the social constructs & programming. There is so much we don’t know. Our Divine Galactic Brothers & Sisters love us beyond measure & want us to want the whole truth about the real nature of things and accept it…. I understand & received the purity of their message🙏 Let’s send our love back to our Divine Galactic Brothers & Sisters 💙💚💙 It’s not easy to be human but I think I’m slowly getting it. I’m sorry if I come across the wrong way.. I know very little but I always get tingles when I read channeled messages here, I feel my inner being dancing haha

        1. Claudia

          Michael, YOU still see UNbroken social constructs&programming? May I ask where you live?

          1. Michael

            Hi Claudia,

            Hope your well 🙂

            I live in Australia. Yes, maybe I’m an old soul possibly from Alpha Centauri haha To cut a long story short, I haven’t watched the news in 10 years and then when I’m at someone’s house and I hear the news and everyone stays silent to listen, my heart and mind actively listen and tune in… I can see it happening and what they are doing.. since the c19 incident happened in 2020 and how everything turned it really shook me Claudia. Like how can ur own govt assist with pensions etc then next moment arm and weoponize itself against its own citizens that serve them. Legit it’s so fake. But I’m a young bloke Ive always believed I want to merge with my higher self and inner being (not sure if higher self and inner being are the same thing) in this lifetime and be in this state at least most of the days I live. We are truly powerful Claudia. If we only knew it, it would all stop in a second. You get chills knowing it, but your being is telling you the truth. We are absolutely 100% gifted.

            I could go on forever given this group is definitely filled with high energy beings. But yeah love will always win 💙 BTW listen to this beautiful Pleadian frequency. I hope the admin doesn’t mind but it’s a YouTube link which would only benefit their SEO and most importantly keep the energy of this group high.

          2. Claudia

            Thx Michael, my whole body reacted STRONGLY to your words, so stop worrying about if or not you’ll be MEETing with your HS/Inner Being in this lifetime.

            Also thx for “Hope you’re well”. Made me realize I don’t even remember what being well feels like haha… but it’s true.

            I am seeing everything from the vantagepoint of evolution where c19 ect. only makes sense…

            RIGHT AT THIS POINT my subconscious/HS/inner me made me stop writing to go thru your above comments again… just to connect some more dots, that weren’t yet “visible” for me yesterday… and “from there” I am being guided to give you this:

            What YOU experience as pure love I (because I’m female) experience as PURE INTELLIGENCE, as sharp as razor blades can be in so many ways. For the last >2500 days I’ve done nothing but watch how that consciousness merged within me, DUE TO a very bizarre but also hillariously humorous experience that started that phase of my life and shut the door to my old life prior to that moment “for good”…

            Idk exactly WHY I’m telling you all this, but you must be awfully important for me… which explains why my bodyfeedback was that strong when you adressed me.

            So thanks again for showing up here and also for the yt-link you sent.


          3. Michael

            Thankyou for letting me know that and your welcome. I’m glad to have assisted in any positive way.
            After reading your message bizarrely my left side primarily the heart chakra, down my shoulder, down my left arm area (strangely) got all tingly and felt activated in some way randomly. haha There is something great that you have discovered within and it is amazing to hear.

            There’s been lots of strange things happening around this time if you are aware you will notice them so I would love to hear your experience 💚 After reading your message I’m not sure what happened but maybe there was help by your side and you didn’t know (or maybe you did later) and you have been somehow saved.

            I’m all for making connections with always the best of intentions. 👍 But yes Claudia if you would like to connect on Facebook, I welcome you to email (admin feel free to modify comment if no email is allowed).. 🙏 I found Era of Light after doing some research possibly a yr ago and it’s great to see so many like minded souls and the messages received are highly profound. So i totally respect the admin and thank the admin if such exchanges are allowed.

            I sense that you have overcome something major and I respect you sharing. May you find that peace in your heart.

            Anyway I have to wake up early to drive my little ones to preschool and fulfil some handyman duties for my wife as it’s almost 230am here.

            Good night 💚

      4. A.S.

        How is this sex illicit? Everyone involved has full information, everyone consents and it’s not breaking any Pleiadian laws or customs.

        Note that the societies are different. In this example, Tunia’s husband mind-reads Tunia every single day (as she does to him). So there’s not much chance of Tunia doing something sneaky behind his back. (Not that she would even without the mind-reading.)

        If Tunia likes men but also occasionally wants to sleep with some women, then well, just suppressing a desire forever isn’t a great solution, from the Pleiadian perspective. That seems a bit like amputating a limb to them: “oh, this is inconvenient? Just cut it off. Problem solved.”

        To clarify, is your position “all sex outside of monogamous relationships is bad”? Or is your position “it’s fine to have sex with anyone, but when you enter into a committed relationship, then that relationship must be monogamous”?

  23. nuri

    Hi Tunia,

    I love you very much as well. Thanks a lot for giving us a peek into an average day of yours. This is very insightful to me as a awake and aware Starseed for it gives me a picture of how a 5D society can be.

    I have to be honest that I was shocked when I read that you let your daughter watch you and your husband having sex. On the other hand, it is very true that proper sex education here on earth is a real issue. I remember myself growing up and getting the ‘wrong’ message about what sex or ‘unifying with another’ is all about. This is one of the areas here that needs a total ‘loving’ overhaul.

    Me and my partner, who is also a Starseed, have lately been feeling into/thinking about how a 5D Gaian ought to feel/look like in our eyes. This was prompted by a deep knowing that it can and ought to be more balanced (read: healthy balance between family time, we have 2 boys, alone time, partner time etc.). We have been struggling lately with the realization that paid work is taking too much of our time. Although the current situation with the inflation and increasing energy prices demand otherwise, we have been setting intentions and are taking the necessary steps to create a more balanced life. I need alone time to charge up in order to be that ‘loving’ father and individual I want to be.

    For me the ‘need’ to work to survive needs a radical change. That ought to be optional. All of our primary needs ought to be taking care of so that we have the ‘freedom’ to follow our interests and passions and further develop our innate abilities.

    I can totally understand why you feel anxious about your son joining the military. I would as well if my sons would be taking that decision. Perhaps you could gently nudge him into a different area :-): scientist/engineer, healing, etc. I am sure there are many more roles that he could fulfill.

    I am very connected to the Plaeidians, for my I AM Presence has had many lives as one. You are an inspiration for me and the work that you personally and collectively are doing is invaluable to the Ascension of Gaia. Keep on keeping on my dear and much loving greetings to your family. Looking forward to the times when we can meet more openly.

    This is it for now. And if you come across commander Kyra, a member of my soul family, by any chance give her my utmost love. 🙂

    Love and Light!

    1. A.S.

      Thanks for your comment. Great to hear that you’ve found another star seed to be in a relationship with. Thanks for your kind words, and love back to you too.

      It’s getting a bit late here and I won’t go into every point, but I will provide some context about the “daughter watches the parents have sex” thing:

      1) The daughter wanted to see this, out of her own free will. Tunia and her husband would never say “daughter, you must now watch us.”

      2) The daughter was an adult when she did. Pleiadians don’t become adults after a certain number of years. They are considered to be adults when they have reached certain milestones (and “be mature enough for sexual situations” is one of them).

      3) Yes, I (the channeler) was shocked too. But when I thought about it, I had to admit that the alternatives also weren’t great.

      Letting your daughter have her first sexual experience without her ever having seen people have sex? She’s probably not going to have a great time. And having a good first experience / good first impression with anything does matter a lot.

      Letting your daughter watch porn and then have sex? Also not great.

      Letting your daughter watch strangers have sex IRL and then let her have sex herself? Also a bit weird. Plus in this case the daughter might become sexually attracted to one of the strangers, which isn’t great because presumably those people are already in a relationship.

      Although if I had adult children here on Earth, I probably wouldn’t tell them that they could watch me and my partner have sex, because the rest of society would probably label me as an absolute creep. Plus I gotta say that the thought seems very off-putting to me. But then again I guess that may just be culture.

      Love and light 🙏

  24. Izzie

    I had “fought” for 10 years to have privacy in our bedroom. Will I end up staying in 3D if I do not want to give up my privacy with my husband and our bedroom? If that is how Pleiadians live their lives then as we say here on earth, good luck to them. One question though, do we have to live and think like Pleiadians even when we live “on our Planet Earth”? Food for thought….

    1. A.S.

      In Pleiadian society there are Pleiadians who are unquestionably 5D and who prefer having sex behind closed doors. So no, I don’t think so. Every choice is honored, including that one.

      Pleiadian society is extremely chill in general — you don’t have to do anything and you’re not judged for anything. The only thing Pleiadians are not cool with is people directly hurting other people (or planning to do that).

      And no, we don’t have to live or think like Pleiadians. No one is forcing us to become like them. If we want to create our own brand of a 5D love-based society, that’s completely fine.

      1. Izzie

        Wrote this just to acknowledge your response to my question A.S.. I truly appreciate it.
        Nuri, I like your term 5D Gaian. It feels exclusive. Not a Pleiadian, nor Lyran, but Gaian. Love it. It makes me smile, something positive to look forward to.
        Michael, I am also from beyond the black stump across the pond. Nice to know I am not alone. Cheerios…Izzie

  25. A.S.

    Hakann’s “day in the life” will also probably get published soon. His days involve more work, including in ways that more directly help humanity.

  26. Muzz

    I would like to know what sort of food you eat. Meat vegetables fruit? Is it similar to ours?

    1. A.S.

      It’s getting a bit late here, but briefly — meat no, vegetables and fruit yes. They have some food that wouldn’t seem strange to us but also some food that we wouldn’t recognize.

      Earthlings basically always have food + liquids whenever we have a meal. For Pleiadians, food + liquid is viable, but having a liquid meal in the form of something resembling a meal shake is also viable. Or they can have just water and then they can live off energy + water in the breatharian way, if they choose.

      From their perspective, there’s also a link between the level of consciousness of the person (and of course that affects the body too), and what kinds of food are suitable for them. They’d offer a different meal to an enlightened Buddhist monk than they’d offer to an average Joe.

  27. Lara

    ‘There’s genuinely no reason why your lives need to be as hard as they are right now.’ Really? Interesting, all the emphasis on sex, when some of us are in Third World countries, having a horrendous time just trying to put food on the table (never mind supplementing our kids’ upbringing with letting them watch Mom & Pops getting it on)….

    Sex (in front of your teenage daughter, no less) is the last ‘urgent’ consideration on your mind when you’re in survival mode, dealing with the fallout of Covid, food shortages, etc. Sorry, your ‘generating energy’ through promiscuous sex hasn’t helped us starving masses here in Africa one bit, l’il white darlin’. Hate to burst the bubble on that one. But hey, if it feels good, and floats the boat of your so-called ‘lightworker’ readers, right ‘A.S.’?

    I guess this is a site for fantasizing. privileged First Worlders, after all. Whatever floats your boat — just don’t pretend you’re a ‘lightworker’ ‘making a difference’ in service of the greater good. This ‘channel’ is as far from real and grounded as you can get.

    1. A.S.

      It’s not primarily the responsibility of Pleiadians to help Earthlings. That is primarily the responsibility of Earthlings.

      This is not just them being callous. They’ve tried to more directly hand us an amazing society (Atlantis), but when it’s handed to beings instead of built by them, they may not have the level of consciousness required to maintain that without it turning corrupt. Indeed, Atlantis became corrupt and then fell.

      1. Tricia

        Hi Tunia and A.S thank you so much for the insight into your typical day, I have often wondered and curious into the typical day of a soul off this planet. I must admit and I know it is a negative program implanted in my sun conscious, is was but the sex part did make me blush, however I do understand we are under a lot of stress and strain with our lifestyles here and not very open to sex as a loving exchange of energies and yes we do learn differently about sex down here, there is a LOT of SHAME attached to sex here on earth I would say our way is dis-functional , and your way I could get used to once this negative program is removed from our subconscious. I always say it’s always the INTENTION behind actions and I can see from reading your thoughts on this is the intentions are pure.
        What I would like to see in this new earth 5D based society would be living life in freedom doing as we wish and when we wish no rigid routines just as you do, learning for the children based on their interests with a mentor specialising in their chosen field, meditating and relaxing just as when you feel/need to, for all truths to be seen (no lies, deception)
        an excellent holistic health care system, new food/medicine discoveries, eating and drinking to nourish, deeper connection and relations with friends family and fellow humans, unity conscious and unlimited abundance, all needs met with ease.
        I would tell you my typical day but it would make you feel depressed however I feel you already know.
        Love you all so much until we meet 🤗💖❤️🙏xxxx

        1. A.S.

          Thanks for sharing. Those are some beautiful wishes for the new Earth.

          Yes, I felt some resistance when I was channeling this too, and I was a bit worried about how this would be received when it was “in the pipeline.”

          But I’m also thankful to Tunia for helping me break out of my own limiting beliefs attached to sex.

          Tunia and I are sending love to you ❤️

    2. Bill

      I won’t argue if this is real or not, but you’re complaining to someone who can’t do any physical actions to help with a bad situation. This isn’t limited to aliens; most people are dealing with their own problems with just getting by per paycheck. it’s unfortunate but it’s why they pray. Devoting their time and energy to energetically try to change something for the better isn’t doing nothing in my opinion.

  28. Saphire

    Very interesting day!🤔 Thanks for sharing. I have many questions. Will Earthlings be transformed to be like Pleadings open, love based, before 5D transition ,while in 4D? It also seems to me that we will need time in learning many new ways of being. What I want in our new 5D Earth is to be sure that not one ounce of 3D or low 4D frequency-energy sneaks into our 5D space !! I know I have to trust Creator!!, From where I sit The Cabal is getting to much leway, The end of their physical operations is so drawn out. And we keep getting told that we can’t Handel the truth so things have to go slow! It’s very hard to sit and visualize 5D Earth when so much of the Earhtlings are having so many physical trials. It is hard work keeping Frequencies high when the powers that be are breathing Down our neck with evil intent. But we will perserver!!!✌💜💜💜

    1. Star_struck

      When you say open loved based you guys really mean it 🤣. I don’t think the world is readying for that. I understand Tunia is in her inner child just having fun. We have a lot of negative programming about our bodies and nakedness. It’s great you have the ability to mind read and see people’s intentions and able to communicate effectively. I was curious if ETs were attracted to the same sex and Tunia you answered that question because there is a large population here on earth and since we are mixed of many races I was wondering where did that come from or was it programming from negative ETs. When you say you are privileged yes you are! Life sounds really easy for you! I know this what triggered some people cause many are having difficult lives and to hear that you are having sex to help earthlings may not take it well. Can you explain the sexual energy that is generated how powerful it is so earthlings can practice it more on earth.

      1. A.S.

        Thanks for your comment, Star_Struck. Haha, yes, they really do mean it.

        It’s weird and almost funny to me. I’ve previously posted a message that said “here is what the afterlife is like, and also here is God’s motivation for structuring the entire universe in this way.” Zero critical comments, lots of positive comments.

        I’ve posted a message where Tunia discussed that society should treat men better, and Tunia also gave some opinions about gender norms and certain societal structures. I thought that would be controversial. I think I got zero or maybe one critical comments, and tons of positive comments.

        Then I post a message where Tunia describes a relaxed, comfortable day that involves her having sex with her husband and also with another woman (and everyone consents to everything). Boom, controversy.

        I guess here on Earth we really do have some baggage related to sexuality. Although to be fair, I also thought that Pleiadian sexuality was bad the first time I became aware of it. It took me a while to realize that wait, maybe it wasn’t the Pleiadians that were wrong, maybe it was my own cultural beliefs surrounding sex.

        I thought that “the only opposite-sex person you can sleep with is your partner, but you can sleep with anyone of the same sex” was an interesting relationship structure. I hadn’t heard of that (admittedly I haven’t read a ton about Earthling relationship structures, maybe we already do this). It sounds like it might be a good combination of security / stability and some fun / excitement on the side.

      2. A.S.

        What Tunia describes is what we on Earth would call sex magic. It’s actually incredibly powerful.

        While someone like Hakann helps Earthlings in a conventional military sense, Tunia is not a soldier or a commander.

        Yes it might sound stupid that Tunia has sex to help Earthlings, but honestly, outside of sending messages via a channeler, it probably is genuinely the most effective way she has to help us. (And I’m the limiting factor in how many messages she sends to Earth, not her.)

        My (very limited) understanding of magic is that you need an energy source and you need an intention (so that the energy that is put into the ritual does the thing you want it to do).

        The average person generates much more energy during sex than during say meditation. Can you think of a time when you feel more energy going through your body than during sex? I can’t. Maybe this is different for masters who have meditated for 40 years, but that’s not me.

        The most effective and powerful light work I do is when I engage in sex magic. I can feel sex magic doing much more than when I, for example, do the classic heart-based meditation where you beam out love to the world.

        I’m not a sex magic expert, but my common method is:
        – together set the same intention (eg “help humanity, in accordance with the highest divine blueprint”)
        – make a space, connect, foreplay,
        – have sex, but don’t let either partner have a conventional orgasm. If 100% is the point where someone orgasms, then keep both partners at something like 80% for as long as possible. Yes, this may mean significantly slowing down your movements. Or it might mean that the partner who is close to an orgasm gives oral for a while until they’ve calmed down enough that they’re able to resume sex.
        – Then either:
        a) at some point when the energy is incredibly high, stop having sex and either hold hands or sit in the yab-yum position. If you want you can visualize being together in a ying-yang to connect. Then focus on together beaming out love / light to the entire world, visualize the better world, etc.
        b) or finally let someone have a conventional orgasm, and just before + during + after they orgasm, both partner beam out love / light to the entire world, visualize the better world, etc. Bonus points if you can orgasm at the same time but it’s plenty powerful even without that.

        I currently don’t have a relationship or sexual partner (I live in The Netherlands and am open to dating, if anyone’s interested). So at the moment I’m doing the above with a Pleiadian woman (not Tunia) who astral travels in. So I’m seeing her in my third eye and feeling her energy, but of course there’s no physical touch.

        I can confirm from first-hand experience that Pleiadian women generate an amazingly large amount of energy when they have sex. Even just their energy body and presence feels incredibly energetically charged and hypnotizing. I’ve seen visions of the entire Earth being surrounded by light multiple times when engaging in sex magic with her.

        How does she do this? Practice, and she’s just completely unencumbered by shame or limiting beliefs or old concepts or traumas or stress. The basic technique we use is the one I’ve outlined above.

        1. Lara

          You’re obsessed, dude. And many here just take your channeling claims for ‘truth’, without spiritual discernment.

          So you ‘channel’ Pleiadeans because you say you do? Anyone can do that. Cheap trick — but it does show how many inside the ‘lightworker’ community have fallen prey to neo-hippy delusions of ‘whatever feels/sounds groovy’. Really, you need to grow up.

        2. nuri

          This is amazing advice. Thanx! I will suggest it to my partner.

          You Live in the Netherlands? So do I. I live in the Hague.

          Much Love

        3. Hannada

          Thank you A.S. for clearing things up in a post above and for continuing to do so, despite the controversy. Though, it was expected that people would react this way and we are just not there yet with our evolution and letting go of the brain washing. However, we will get there. I am especially grateful to you for admitting your own personal feelings and biases regarding Tunia’s sexual descriptions, as it reflects what some of us, or most of us were feeling and you managed to add very good clarification.

          Honestly, it’s about time we all had this discussion. I am so tired of all the brainwashing, cultural hang ups and mystery surrounding sex. We are just not given the true information of what sacred sex is all about, so I see we tend to go to extremes. This does not mean that I would feel comfortable being watched, but why do people think that this multiverse has to be versions of what Earth is now? This reminds me of people who visit other lands and expect the “natives” to have the same cultural norms as their homeland does. Just because they are that way doesn’t mean we have to be, and as long as no one is being hurt, respect the differences. There is a whole gamut of differences to us out there in the multiverse created by our same Source. Yes, we’ll likely be triggered by some of these differences and how could we not, if we’ve been steeped in duality and darkness for millennia? My point is, we all have something to learn from one another and thank God that Source thinks that variety is the spice of life for his/her creations.

          Thank you Tunia and A.S. for being honest and brave. Much love to you, your family and A.S. I would love to see a series of articles on sacred sexuality from the Pleiadian point of view and perhaps from other Star Beings/Races also.

    2. A.S.

      You’re very welcome, Saphire.

      Well, Earthlings are the primary authors and actors in this story. Yes energy is being sent to Earth and that is nudging us into a 5D love-based direction, but it’s not like some external force is going to one day press a button and then we can’t help it, we’ll all have the exact same cultural values and norms that Pleiadians have. Ultimately we decide what our version of 5D is going to look like.

      It’s quite possible that at some point there will be an event and we’ll all be in 5D, and then we can build something like this if we want (of course we’ll have free will). Until that event, at most you’ll be able to do the above in small communities, and there will be a mix of 3d, 4d and 5d people on Earth.

      From my perspective, the “you can’t handle the truth” doesn’t come from the Pleiadians. It comes from the Earthling counterforces (like the positive military). If it was up to the ETs, mass arrests and mass disclosure would start very soon. The ETs just want Earthlings to be the ones to do it, because they know from experience that forcibly imposing things on another civilization can lead to disaster, even if well-intentioned. Other than that they’re generally not of the “you can’t handle the truth” mindset.

      Yes, I agree that things are tough down here. But indeed, we will persevere. Thanks that you’re holding the light! Much love to you.


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