Ashtar: The Child of Light Shall Speak


The full moon of September 10, 2022 provides a deep cleansing. The light child awakens and transforms its energy, it gets the need to start speaking actively. The brain is not yet mature, but the voice that will speak comes from a higher consciousness. It is the call of an ancient wisdom and this is connected to a higher light dimension. This intelligence has been disturbed and is now being opened to give insight. The Mary energy calls all children to activate their inner light.


This moon brings the brainwaves to a higher level, so that images from a distant past surface. These are beautiful images in which the Light Child lived in harmony, but this memory brings up many emotions because the world they live in is so different. The Light Child now wants to break the chains of captivity so that they can all begin to rise up to be seen and heard. For the heart can no longer bear all this.


A new era is dawning, Elisabeth the Queen of England died on September 8, 2022. The New World Order is now rising further, but many secrets are coming to light, they are being suppressed with great difficulty. Still, there will be an unexpected blow, in which the (light) children play a major role. The chaos that is put down is going to incline: ‘The truth will come out.’

Not everyone can bear this truth and some will succumb under this blow, many will pass, but the chaos also carries a lot of light and comfort. Focus on that, even if you feel the sadness of the world. Try to recharge yourself to beautiful music, colors, flowers, artistic movement and song, then you can better endure and process all this. Step out of negativity in time.


The Holy Mary energy will help the light child to find the right path, people will appear on their path who will help them to transform this suffering. The parents who have been entangled by many abuses will rise up to rescue their child from emergencies. The social workers, counsellors and teachers are also going to stir, they see too much injustice and suffering. The government has to answer and is faltering.


The inner child who has never been able to speak, suddenly becomes aware of the red thread in their life. Following the thread brings them to the obstacles they have felt all their lives. The inner child wants to start speaking and it fights itself free so that their new talents can be born. When the inner child is healed, the new talents start to develop rapidly.

The Prison of Illusion is Broken

The illusion is an unfair game that no one has to comply with, because it manipulates your choice. Free choice from the heart is going to rise and this realization will bring many to their senses, causing the mind to rebel. As the New World Order continues to expand, there will be great opposition. Autumn carries a new solution and not only the leaves are going to fall.


The full moon works powerfully in the magnetic field of the earth. Her great transformational power is much stronger than usual, this is due to the magnetic wave (Arthura: see previous posts), this is now going to flow together with the power of the full moon. The Magnetic Moon and Mother Mary are working together on a special healing energy. They are sending the soft and comforting Light to your heart and to the children of light who are opening up.


The natural connection between mother and child is especially empowered by this moon. The parents bear the main responsibility and not the ‘unknown specialist’. The government wants to take over the parent role, but the love bond between the light children and parents is very strong and overcomes everything.

The Children of Light

The children of light long for a natural connection. Often they do not understand how things work on earth, a loving embrace is so desperately needed. Disconnecting from parents too quickly from an unnatural choice, can do great damage. Light children come from a loving light world where everyone is connected to each other. The duality on earth makes them very lonely. Far too soon children are treated as adults, even if they are very wise, whereby their connecting light is broken. The connecting light is the line that connects the heart with others. This light may be received and passed on; if there is a rational blockage here, then remove it!


Are the children on earth still allowed to play? Are adolescents still allowed to slowly fly out from a safe parental base and return (temporarily)? Becoming independent comes with trial and error, it is a natural process. The regular assistance works according to the laws of the government, the box method. How can a government know what this light child needs? Light children and parents know very well what they need, through a holistic way and according to the laws of nature they can come back into balance. Detaching from each other goes in a softer way.

Light children want to follow their heart, give them space. The inner light child in your heart wants to play, give it space. Don’t be afraid to give it space or to take up space. This natural movement has often been disrupted and may be restored from the heart.

I greet the Light in your heart

Adonai, Ashtar.

**Channel: Arthura Hector

**Translation to English by

