Tunia: How To Not Get Damaged By Casual Sex

My dearest brothers and sisters,

This is Tunia speaking. I love you so very much.

Today I would like to talk about my favorite subject: sex.

A lot of people on Earth have the opinion that lots of casual sex is bad for people. But on the other hand, why would your creator have instilled in you the desire to have casual sex, if this was bad for you? Also, we Pleiadians are not damaged by it.

That said, Earthlings do have a point that casual sex can be bad for you, if you do it carelessly. Therefore today I would like to talk about how to have it without getting damaged by it. This message applies to both men and women.

So, what are the primary ways in which you can get hurt when engaging in casual sex? Well, one of them is being assaulted. You are already aware of this risk and I do not really have anything to add to how you can avoid this, other than “listen to your intuition.”

The other big risk is that you have sex with someone whom you want to be with, more than they want to be with you.

For example, if you think they are the hottest person you’ve ever seen, while they think you’re average and they just want to get laid, then I would not sleep with them.

Or if you want a serious relationship and they want to have sex once and then never see you again, then I would not have sleep with them.

So I would recommend checking in with yourself before you have sex with someone. If you sleep with this person once and then never see them again, will that be okay for you? If not, are you looking to become friends-with-benefits with this person? Or do you want a full romantic relationship with them? Something else?

Once you know this, I would recommend making sure that the other person is on the same page. If you both just want to have sex once and are both okay with potentially never seeing the other person again afterwards, then great. I hope you two will have fun. Or if you both are genuinely open to the possibility of becoming friends-with-benefits or starting a relationship in the future, then great. But if your desires are incompatible, I recommend simply not sleeping with that person.

If the other person is unwilling to have such a conversation, then I recommend only having sex with them if you’re okay with never seeing them again afterwards. Because that is what this may lead to. But if you’re fine with just sex, then there’s nothing wrong with that.

If your intuition or gut tells you that the other person is lying, then well, listen to your gut or your intuition.

It’s good to be honest with yourself here, even if the other person is really hot. If the other person clearly just wants sex, and there’s a part of you that is not okay with that, then I would recommend honoring that part of yourself and not sleeping with them. It’s good to not bulldoze parts of yourself, both in this situation and in other situations.

It sometimes happens that Patricia knows John just wants sex. However, she really likes John. So Patricia sleeps with him in the hopes that he’ll fall in love with her. I recommend against doing this, because the most likely outcome is that John won’t fall in love and Patricia will get hurt here. Just because John wants to sleep with Patricia, doesn’t necessarily mean that John wants to commit to her.

This is also sort of manipulative. Maybe John has a good reason for not wanting to be in a relationship right now, such as unresolved issues that he wants to work on first. In this case it may not be good for him to be in a relationship, even if Patricia could get John to fall in love with her.

I would like to say: have some self-respect and know just how precious your body and your love and your sexuality are. They are sacred.

This doesn’t mean that casual sex is bad. But it does mean that if you think someone is hot and you want a relationship or friends-with-benefits contact with them, while they just want to use you for sex once and then never see you again, then I would invite you to realize just how sacred your body and your sexuality are.

Or if you think they are the hottest person ever, while they think you’re average and just want to get off, then I would invite you to realize just how sacred your body and your sexuality are. Do you really want to do this?

You deserve to be with someone who wants to be with you as much as you want to be with them, on whatever level that is. If you both just want to have an okay person to have a one-night stand with, great. Have fun. If you both think the other person is super hot and you can’t keep your hands off them, but you’re both not ready for a relationship, great. Have fun. So long as you both want to be with the other person as much as they want to be with you.

So yes, if you think they are the most attractive person ever, while they think you’re average and just want to get laid, then I recommend not having sex.

I know it’s hard to say “no” to sleeping with someone who is really hot. However saying “yes” here can lead to you feeling used afterwards, or becoming bitter, or it can lead to you developing unrealistic expectations about how hot your future partner “should” be.

Saying “yes” here may also not be good for the other person. If say Tom has a lot of sex with women who consider Tom to be amazing, while Tom only considers those women to be average, then typically that is not great for Tom. He might start behaving in a narcissistic-like way. He might become shallow. Or he might become dependent on the easy validation and easy positive attention and develop a sex addiction. Or he might feel like people only want him for his body.

Yes, in practice this can mean not having a one-night-stand with a really attractive person and finding a somewhat less attractive person to have sex with instead, if that’s what it takes to find someone who wants to be with you as much as you want to be with them. On whatever level that is.

So, that’s my primary advice: only have sex if you want to be with them as much as they want to be with you.

Now on to some smaller points. As most of you already know: after sex it’s good to engage in some cuddling and possibly conversation afterwards, even if it was just a casual encounter.

Once you’re alone again, it can be good to think or say the following: “I ask wise and benevolent beings, forces and aspects of existence to help with the following. I release attachments and energetic cords and energies and anything else that no longer serves me, in accordance with the highest divine blueprint. Thank you. Now now now.”

And as always, if you have pain or anger or trauma surrounding sex, it can be good to address that. My video “Tunia: How to Heal” may help there.

I hope that these tips will help you to not get hurt when enjoying casual sex.

Finally, it’s of course good to follow your intuition. For example, if you don’t want to have casual sex or think you won’t be able to have casual sex without getting hurt, then don’t. If you desire to wait until you meet the right person, that’s completely valid too.

If you have any other tips, feel free to write them in the comments, so that other people might benefit from it.

I love you very much and I look forward to the day when I will be able to physically meet you all.


For Era of Light

**Channel: A.S.


**These channelings are exclusively submitted to EraofLight.com by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to this original post.

37 Replies to “Tunia: How To Not Get Damaged By Casual Sex”

  1. Crystal

    There is so much more to say about the subject, but let me leave it at this:

    Tenderness …

    Trying to dissociate the physical from the emotional and from spirit feels utterly challenging to me.

    When we enter a relationship, as we keep cultivating it, we are making ourselves receptive and vulnerable to each other, attuning ourselves ever more deeply to each other. It is a long and beautiful process.

    The subtlety of this process requires to be handled as the most precious little newborn child, with utter sensitivity, caring and commitment, which honours and protects this mutual vulnerability and openness of all our energetic systems to each other.

    1. harrrrrie

      I’d say you are getting your info from fake news. What you say about women unable to be faithful due to 5 or more sexual partners prior to marriage is BS. It has nothing to do with sex. It has to do with morals and integrity. Either you have it or you don’t.

      The other point is, women should realize that having sex with any man for any reason is giving that man a ‘gift’. If you don’t want a relationship with him be very careful about giving that gift to him.

      Make sure he wears condoms so nether of you catch any diseases.

      The younger the man is the more likely he won’t be able to keep his mouth shut. Before you know it, rumors will go around about his encounter with you, and after spreading, it won’t be pretty. (We don’t live in 5D just yet.)

  2. khann61

    I find it unbelievable that this is a channel from an advanced human, but more likely just the alleged channeled putting his own views on sex to words.

  3. khann61

    There is a bonding process that becomes destroyed by casual sex. Women especially lose their ability to bond emotionally with a man with the increased number of partners. A man’s sperm plays a role in the bonding process. On a biological level the DNA from a man’s dperm makes its way to the emotional center of the brain. When a woman has too many competing DNA samples rooting around in her body she becomes unable to make an emotional bond. Social scientist have confirmed once a woman has had more than 5 partners there is only a very small chance she will not commit adultery in marriage.

    Casual sex has lead to the breakdown of the family.

  4. Ken

    Don’t worry humans, everyone shall get to choose their own path. Nobody is going to force you to do anything you don’t like.

    Speaking personally…. I’m free the rest of the week Tunia, feel free to cum by…😜

  5. Alexey

    Dear Tunia and Hakann! Thank you so much for your messages about various aspects of your life – it is so interesting to know your life and understand why you live this way. This rises questions about our life – and now is just the right time to rethink our whole “style of living” here…

    The biggest and most practical “insight” I got from your “ET diet” message – and I switched to it right then and I do already enjoy results of it not only on my body but on level of my energy during the day. So I do not get so tired as before (it was vegan diet with lots of fats).

    I want you describe your “physical” body culture – do you have sports, competitions, things like yoga, martial arts? Do your police or military do trainings on martial arts? What arts do they do? I’m interested to know about martial arts not in aspects of defence / attack but as a way to develop consciousness of body/mind/spirit.

    And what spiritual practices do you have? Is there anything humans have no idea about yet?

    Looking forward our bright future! And your answers too )))
    Thank you!

  6. AzureLeaves

    Part 2/2:

    I advise you people to look at your comments here, or even the comments you plan to post here and ask yourselves: “Does this look like a message of someone who promotes unconditional love and higher-dimensional perspectives, thinking (Head Brain), feeling (Heart) and intuiting (Gut) would say?”

    Some of you even crave for Extraterrestrial Contact either because you need help with their advanced technologies or just want this farce to end with the help of their arrival, but then when someone, extraterrestrial or otherwise, presents their views on something you don’t agree with, you attack them and shun them?

    Are you sure you could handle extraterrestrial contact from your other co-fractals of the Divine Source from a different planet, with a different culture and moral standpoint?

    None of the words in this post this extraterrestrial even mentioned something about “Oh all you humans should have casual sex with whoever, and then farm adrenochrome from the babies!” did you even read the post? All that was said here is about how NOT to become damaged if you choose to have casual sex in respect to your own free intent and will.

    All paths lead to Source and that goes for Sex, too. For the Divine Source itself enabled such a function, alongside with all the pains and pleasure, benefits and damages inherent into it. For it is a tool, and it’s the INTENT of the ones using that tool is what really matters in the end.

    “But what about the Adrenochrome farmers etc., etc.,???”

    All paths lead to Source, even the most despicable ones, the adrenochrome farmers et al., because it’s also Source fractal just taking different role–it’s Source itself (in the form of the Cabal et al.) doing the Adrenochrome Farming, and it is Source itself (in the form of the Victim/Babies) being harvested Adrenochrome from.

    Once these “Evil” ones get destroyed and vanquished by someone from their opposite polarity (e.g., a Warrior Angel) they lose their essence, cease to exist and become pure energy again, which then enables them to return back to Source should they choose to go that way, or if they chose to be transmuted into positive polarity again after learning the lessons of being a “Villain” then they return back to Source as well.

    If you truly want to ascend, then let go of your 3D limiting beliefs and perspectives and various prejudices; start seeing things from the bigger picture–step back from the “Painting” and see the whole of it as it is:

    All Creations, from the Holiest of Saints to the most despicable of Human Beings you could imagine, are the Divine Source itself as its Fractals taking different roles in this Divine Play.

    And all actions, decisions, etc., etc., from the Holiest of acts to the most Despicable of acts, is just the Divine Source itself doing those things, and being BOTH the Doer and the Recipient or Victim of said acts.

    All the World’s a Stage and God plays ALL the parts.

  7. AzureLeaves

    Part 1/2:

    >>”All the world’s a stage”–William Shakespeare
    “…and God plays ALL the parts.”–Neville Goddard

    >>”Nothing is true; everything is permitted.”–Hassan-i Sabbah, Grandmaster of the Assassins

    >>”The Egg” short story by Andy Weir


    Sex, as with a lot of things and actions, are just tools. Inherently Neutral and can be used for both Entropic (e.g., “Evil”) and Negentropic (e.g., “Good”) purposes.

    It can be used for both Adrenochrome Harvesting et al., and it can also be used for expressing love and affection for another Co-fractal of the Divine Source.

    It can also be used to raise the Spiritual Energies of the ones involved in such an act, and thus can use such energies for any purposes, for better or for worse. The energies generated can be used for Spiritual and Personal Development too, as per the Spiritual Teachings here in the East.

    At the end of the day, it’s just the Divine Source having sex with itself. Whether that be “Casual Sex” or Sex between romantic lovers. Because all the World’s a Stage and God plays ALL the parts.

    Yet why do a lot of you people condemn these views and label it as something not spiritually beneficial, something 3D, when the One that enabled this kind of act along with all of its effects, positive and negative, is the Divine Source itself from the Origin of Existence, which is way higher than this 3D world you live in?

    The Source of all these is from the Divine, yet you desecrate it by viewing it as something sinful and corrupt, and some people even misuse such a tool that is meant to bring joy and happiness to those who are involved?

    Why continue to stick to your limited beliefs regarding what sex is and what it’s not, and then attack others, extraterrestrial or otherwise because of their views?

    Why react with such hatred, dismissal, sarcasm, and other such negativities to another perspective? Don’t you realize you’re becoming the very thing you’re trying to destroy by vanquishing something with hatred?

    If a Co-fractal of the Divine Source such as a fellow human being, or even an Extraterrestrial wants to have Casual Sex with another Co-fractal of the Divine Source, and there are no babies being harmed, no individuals being harmed in any way shape or form, and if the parties involved willingly, without any manipulation, coercion and distortions participate in it, who are we to judge?

    On the same vein, if you want to have Sex with a loyal romantic lover, then who are we to judge?

    Why should either of these paths be condemned when at the end of the day, it’s just the Divine Source having sex with itself?

    1. AzureLeaves

      Part 2/2:

      I advise you people to look at your comments here, or even the comments you plan to post here and ask yourselves: “Does this look like a message of someone who promotes unconditional love and higher-dimensional perspectives, thinking (Head Brain), feeling (Heart) and intuiting (Gut) would say?”

      Some of you even crave for Extraterrestrial Contact either because you need help with their advanced technologies or just want this farce to end with the help of their arrival, but then when someone, extraterrestrial or otherwise, presents their views on something you don’t agree with, you attack them and shun them?

      Are you sure you could handle extraterrestrial contact from your other co-fractals of the Divine Source from a different planet, with a different culture and moral standpoint?

      None of the words in this post this extraterrestrial even mentioned something about “Oh all you humans should have casual sex with whoever, and then farm adrenochrome from the babies!” did you even read the post? All that was said here is about how NOT to become damaged if you choose to have casual sex in respect to your own free intent and will; who are we to judge on people who want to do that?

    2. AzureLeaves

      All paths lead to Source and that goes for Sex, too. For the Divine Source itself enabled such a function, alongside with all the pains and pleasure, benefits and damages inherent into it. For it is a tool, and it’s the INTENT of the ones using that tool is what really matters in the end. Cue the Divine Madman and the Saint of 5000 Women: The Monk Drukpa Kunley.

      “But what about the Adrenochrome farmers etc., etc.,???”

      All paths lead to Source, even the most despicable ones, the adrenochrome farmers et al., because it’s also Source fractal just taking different role–it’s Source itself (in the form of the Cabal et al.) doing the Adrenochrome Farming, and it is Source itself (in the form of the Victim/Babies) being harvested Adrenochrome from.

      Once these “Evil” ones get destroyed and vanquished by someone from their opposite polarity (e.g., a Warrior Angel) they lose their essence, cease to exist and become pure energy again, which then enables them to return back to Source should they choose to go that way, or if they chose to be transmuted into positive polarity again after learning the lessons of being a “Villain” then they return back to Source as well.

      If you truly want to ascend, then let go of your 3D limiting beliefs and perspectives and various prejudices; start seeing things from the bigger picture–step back from the “Painting” and see the whole of it as it is:

      All Creations, from the Holiest of Saints to the most despicable of Human Beings you could imagine, are the Divine Source itself as its Fractals taking different roles in this Divine Play.

      And all actions, decisions, etc., etc., from the Holiest of acts to the most Despicable of acts, is just the Divine Source itself doing those things, and being BOTH the Doer and the Recipient or Victim of said acts.

      All the World’s a Stage and God plays ALL the parts.

      1. Crystal

        Hello AzureLeaves,

        Some of us may not have your eloquence.

        I am not sure of whether using our mind to reason and justify certain things is the best favour we can do to ourselves, trying to defend absolutely everything in the Universe as being sacred:

        sometimes, some strong, spontaneous reactions, are a message from Spirit that certain things just don’t feel right and would be detrimental to us.

        In the present case, casual sex.

        I can hardly imagine our future evolution with what feels to me as some quite raw expression of an energy, which I feel would be damaging my system at every level.

        So, I allow my spontaneous reactions to warn me, and leave it up to the others to justify or not certain things which … apparently, whether we’re “right” or “wrong -> just don’t feel alright to some of us.

        The best to you

        1. AzureLeaves

          Good day Crystal.

          Of course, this is why I advocate the utilization of ALL parts of the Trinity: The Head Brain (The Masculine, Logic, Rationale, Reason, other mental faculties), The Heart (The Feminine, Feelings, Emotions, other Emotional Faculties, and the Gut (The Child, Intuition, Instinct), to see things as it is.

          Utilizing just one or two of them over the other will make you lose perception of the other angles necessary to perceive things as they are.

          Sex of any kind is a tool; it’s the intent and how you use it is what matters.

          The Divine Source needs to experience itself through us, its Fractals.

          In the eternity of our soul, do you really think, feel and intuit that every Soul that exist will form romantic companionships with just one other Soul for all eternity, when there are plenty to learn and experience from other co-fractals of the Divine source as well?

          Beyond this physical body that you have, there is a high possibility that you yourself had romantic relationships with another Soul from another Lifetime while inhabiting ANOTHER physical body, is it not?

          Siblings in this lifetime might have been parent and child in another lifetime, or even lovers.

          If an individual desires–in this lifetime–to not have Casual Sex and think, feel and intuit that it’s damaging for them, then by the power of their “I AM”-ness, it becomes damaging for them.

          Likewise, if an individual thinks, feels and intuits that “Casual” Sex (a.k.a. Union with another Co-fractal of the Divine Source), WHILE utilizing proper intent, purpose and with compassion and respect towards oneself and another co-fractal of the Divine Source, is beneficial for them, then by the power of their “I AM”-ness, it becomes beneficial for them.

          At the end of the day, that is the path that they chose to take for themselves, whether it leads to an individual’s development or destruction all depends on the individuals themselves and how they use the TOOLS they have been given by the Divine.

          All desires are valid; all is as the Divine Source, our Divine “I AM”-ness wills it.

          All of these are just an Illusion/Maya. “Nothing is true; everything is permitted”. None of these is “Serious” nor “Casual”, none of these are “right” nor “wrong”, it’s just “IS/BE”.

          I am you and you are me. But hey, these are just my perspectives and realizations. You’re always free to take the path you want to take, and so are your other Co-fractals.

  8. Candinho

    Nossa,essas pessoas estão cheias de crenças limitantes. Tunia fale sobre a energia taquionica que é produzida pela mulher quando ela tem orgasmo.

  9. brazilbilly

    All that makes sense to me, and totally resonates with my own feelings and experience(s). (I’ve long suspected I have some Pleiadian roots.) But what I’m concerned about are all the folks who took the mRNA jabs. Based on the few scientific studies I’ve been able to find, it appears the spike proteins can easily spread through sexual contact. And where I live, every woman I know took the jabs. So who is there to have casual sex with?

    1. Yup

      I’ll be right over.. Lol. I’ve been almost totally repressed due to the beliefs of those who surround me and religious upbringing. It is religion that is blinding people about this issue, but it has always been about what resonates and there being no right or wrong. It is all subject to interpretation. Some may think it is spiritual and beyond physicality to love so you don’t need anyone else, but monogamy isn’t common in nature. It exists in swans. I could argue for either side, but people profess to want freedom and when it’s given they stay in a cage rather than leave their comfort zone. Imagine hanging out with the same person, same idiosyncrasies, same comments, same opinions.. until death do you part! Where are the diverse experiences? It is a fascinating topic, but it could be discussed like forever and that could get exhausting. Better to hang out with people who think the same as you so you can be in peace. What a crazy circumstance being on Earth really is!!!

      1. brazilbilly

        Okay, I guess I’d better shave! Lol. But seriously, thanks for your thoughts. And I agree, “it’s all subject to interpretation.” But wait—a woman questioning monogamy? Now there’s a rarity!

        1. Yup

          I want to thank you for bringing up the jab question, hopefully Tunia will make a comment. As for monogamy, it was all easy for me as a young girl, I once dated 6 little young men in one day! Sex came onto the picture and I suddenly couldn’t play the field as there were consequences to flirting and just hanging out would no longer suffice. I can’t wait to get to the fifth dimension where I don’t have to look at two sides of everything and I can relax and just be! Much love.

    2. J

      Honestly, this is something I’d love for Tunia to comment upon. Or even just in general – how to protect oneself and our DNA from contact with the vaccinated. But I’m particularly curious about this protection in a sexual capacity.

      Please pass the question along if you can A.S.

      And thank you for your bravery for continuing to share bold channelings.

      Much love.

  10. Patrick Hair

    So advanced beings are going to now promote liberal communist bullshit now to keep us trapped in the 3-d matrix as slaves to our own meaningless physical desires? We tried sex without love. It leads to destruction of families, civilization, countries, leads to treason, massive abortion, adrenochrome harvesting, torture and kidnapping of children, sexual abuse between so called consenting adults. I think Tunia fish is from the false light and talking to people who want humans destroyed and how do we know you’re Pleiadian? Hey Tunia, want my number for some physical fun? No thanks you’re nothing but a space age skank. When you remove love from sex you destroy true meaningful human experience, you remove the beauty of it. Hmmm…who would destroy beauty, relationships, families, humanity??? Synagogue of Satan fake Jews that’s who. Who is behind the porn industry and what are the effects of that on families and individuals? I think Tina fish already knows this. False light. Big fail Tuna. In the future people like you will either be in prison or nonexistent. Thank God.

  11. Crystal

    Dear Tunia,

    I cannot relate to what you are telling us of what may be our own future.

    I have developed the sense of commitment and loyalty, and the rewards it offers during physical union. And as far as I can see, this appears to me to be the more likely way of development for humans.

    Of course, it’s really everyone’s freedom, but as a global line of evolution, I cannot see what you describe as working as a general principle for the majority.

    The sanctity of each act, in every aspect of life, is at the core of our next evolutionary step, which – in our topic of casual sex – in my humble opinion does not offer, but for the very brief and very superficial satisfaction of the senses alone.

    The satisfaction of the senses is wonderful, but if we ignore the greater context, it may lead to harm at other levels, like spiritual and energetic.

    So to me, physical union works only within the greater context where all of our being, energetic, soul, spirit, unite together with the body. And this involves the construction of the relationship, a common path of commitment.

    I’ll stick to my own inner guidance, which leads me to an even holier experience of union between man and woman. Which is the only way I can conceive of my future, and possibly of our humanity’s future.

    Which will make our choice of partner even more selective, as it will more consciously involve spiritual union and spiritual harmony, cultivating it together, within the couple.

    Universal Love to you and every One <3

    1. Patrick Hair

      I wasn’t as polite as you: Patrick Hair
      10/11/2022 at 1:00 PM
      Your comment is awaiting moderation.

      So advanced beings are going to now promote liberal communist bullshit now to keep us trapped in the 3-d matrix as slaves to our own meaningless physical desires? We tried sex without love. It leads to destruction of families, civilization, countries, leads to treason, massive abortion, adrenochrome harvesting, torture and kidnapping of children, sexual abuse between so called consenting adults. I think Tunia fish is from the false light and talking to people who want humans destroyed and how do we know you’re Pleiadian? Hey Tunia, want my number for some physical fun? No thanks you’re nothing but a space age skank. When you remove love from sex you destroy true meaningful human experience, you remove the beauty of it. Hmmm…who would destroy beauty, relationships, families, humanity??? Synagogue of Satan fake Jews that’s who. Who is behind the porn industry and what are the effects of that on families and individuals? I think Tina fish already knows this. False light. Big fail Tuna. In the future people like you will either be in prison or nonexistent. Thank God.

  12. kieran laffan

    reads like a cosmopolitan, article from the 90,s. a useless distraction at best. nasty and interfering at worst.

  13. popgoestheweazle

    Talking about “Casual Sex” is like seeking/believing in “A Casual Creator”. Nice find.
    Ty Tunia for raising our awareness. 😉

    1. AzureLeaves

      Or it could also be that Sex, in any of its forms, is nothing but a TOOL to be used and can be both beneficial and destructive depending on the intent of the ones using it.

      We gotta ask ourselves: Would the Divine Source even create something that is not beneficial for the Whole of Existence in the first place?

      “Casual” Sex or not, Sex is Sex. Whether we like it or not, Sex is a tool that, if used right, can bring the participants into heightened energy state and it is through using such energies is where the benefits, or the destruction of the individuals involved comes from. Depending on the intent of the ones using it.

      Turns out, the Divine Source has a way of telling its Fractals that something is Destructive/Entropic and something is Beneficial/Creative/Negentropic by making something, if done, inflicts pain or pleasure in any shape and form.

      All the World’s a Stage and God plays ALL the parts. None of these is “Serious”, none of these is also “Casual”, it’s just “IS/BE”.

      1. popgoestheweazle

        May we take your pov onto a tiny bit higher level dear AzureLeaves, because whatever you’re saying is certainly right BUT:

        When somebody like you KNOWS God plays ALL his parts then how come you are criticising him (- again… we’ve read all your comments on this site 😎) by judging HIS comments a little further up AND BY THAT turning them into ATTACKS, bc that’s what they are according to you. Can you see that?

        Interested in more?

        1. AzureLeaves

          >because whatever you’re saying is certainly right

          No, I’m just here sharing my perspectives and realizations–the way I see, think, feel and intuit things to be. Fundamentally, nothing is either “right” or “wrong”; it’s just how an individual fractal perceives it to be.

          >When somebody like you KNOWS God plays ALL his parts

          No, knowing is just one part of it–I don’t rely on my Head Brain alone to adapt a paradigm on my path. I have to both first Know it, and then Feel it by Heart and Intuit it before I can incorporate it.

          >then how come you are criticising him by judging HIS comments a little further up AND BY THAT turning them into ATTACKS

          I don’t understand; I reread my messages above yet all I saw is me asking the “Why” questions and pointing out something that some of the commenters may have missed regarding them reacting with hatred, sarcasm, dismissal and etc., to a different view that doesn’t agree to them–and at the very least, this one can only really account to a constructive criticism.

          I don’t understand on what part if that is an “attack”? How is constructive criticism an “attack” filled with malice and an intent to degrade another human being?

          May I ask you to please point out to me a sentence or word that I said on the comment section of this particular article that attacked anyone?

          1. popgoestheweazle

            10/11 10:10 pm Part 2/2

            But not to worry… it’s a little too complex for here… yet would be interesting to sit with you.

            Sayonara 🤝

        2. AzureLeaves

          …Are you serious? I reread the entirety of the part 2/2 of my comment and the one after that, and I did NOT see anything that can be considered an “attack” such as that with malice or intent to degrade and disrespect another, nor do I find a sentence that is similar to the negative, real attacks of other commenters on this article.

          All I did with those comments is I pointed out something that other commenters might be missing, gave a few examples and my perspectives on them; absolutely NONE of the sentence there is even considered a malicious attack and a disrespect to someone.

          I understand if English is not your first language; I am, too, but I would appreciate it if you could understand the true intent behind my messages first before accusing me of attacking someone.

          If you would like to defend your accusation, then PLEASE BE SPECIFIC as to what specific words or sentences are in those comment above that attacked another person, and explain it to me as to why you think it is an “attack”?

          Otherwise I won’t be able to know my mistake and where it all went wrong with that comment.

          1. popgoestheweazle


            … but ok, you’re asking for it:

            First of all we never said you made a “mistake” because we don’t believe in what doesn’t exist. “Nothing is wrong or right” as you thankfully so keep reminding everybody on this site, so how could anybody EVER make a mistake, since “on top of it” or according to you it’s “ONLY GOD” playing all his parts?

            Next, and we hope you understand this now: There are people who STRONGLY disagree with this message and some of them are using STRONG words to express their opinions. No more no less.

            WE don’t see any attacks, let alone “real attacks”, until you come along calling such innocent comments “attacks” and PRETENDING TO KNOW THEIR INTENTION is to degrade. Only because you can’t think of a single GOOD reason for such “negative” statements. But there are. Even many.

            “Negative” is as good or bad as positive (it’s hard HAVING TO SAY THIS to somebody like you) and anybody WITH YOUR KNOWLEDGE is out of balance by not applying it. It would be better for you to not say anything at all.

            SOMEBODY LIKE YOU should wonder where or why those “negative” comments could be RIGHT. Only looking for WHAT YOU DON’T yet KNOW, can keep you aligned with who you are/one is.

            And last: It’s NEVER appropriate to point out to anybody what they might be missing UNLESS being asked to. It’s unkind, arrogant and “a Higher Self” would NEVER do that.


        3. AzureLeaves

          So, you do recognize nothing is right or wrong; only as an individual perceives it. Yet why attack me for attempting to point out a behavior that is non-beneficial for an individual? Add to that a display of uncontrolled emotion by your “GRRR” expression–anger and rage are what clouds an individual’s perception, be mindful of your emotions.

          Read my messages again: all I did was ASK QUESTIONS, while acting as a mirror to my other Co-fractals, a negativity that they perhaps could not see because they are too blinded by their limiting beliefs, rage and anger for something that they don’t agree with, so much so that they even completely missed the point of this particular Channeling.

          My intent was to help them see what they might have missed due to their uncontrolled emotions that clouded their perceptions; why label an intent to help, an intent to “attack” someone instead?

          To begin with, everyone has a choice whether or not to read a message such as mine in particular, and everyone has a choice whether or not to change themselves for the better based on what they read or remain in their status quo–because eventually they will find their way.

          The reason I share my perspectives, point out various negativities, non-spiritually beneficial, AND DIVISIVE MINDSET, is to help someone out there who might encounter my messages who, if by chance, will be able to have a paradigm shift.

          I post my messages to open doors and show other people that there is ANOTHER path here that might lead them towards being more harmonious and balanced towards another individuals, instead of being divisive–yet it’s their own choice whether to walk through that door.

          Using “STRONG WORDS” are almost always a manifestation of an uncontrolled emotion, instead of being level-headed and open-minded, they rage against something because it’s different, instead of thinking, feeling and intuiting carefully a message and analyzing it to see where they might have made a choice that will only prolong their journey towards high spiritual development, instead of accelerating it by letting go of negativities, divisiveness, close-mindedness and other non-beneficial things.

          On your perspective, helping others by becoming their mirror and pointing out their mindset and behavior that will only lead to more suffering instead of rising up to ascend is “unkind” and “arrogant”; but I don’t think so–it’s everyone’s duty to help one another, to point out specific choices and behaviors that can only lead to another human being towards continued suffering.

          I stretch my hand to help, yet it’s ultimately THEIR DECISION, whether or not they will take that help. That is why I always say it’s my perspectives, and to take it or leave it, THEY HAVE A CHOICE, I am not forcing anything to anyone.

          So I won’t shut up, I will keep speaking my truth. You don’t tell me what to do.

          1. popgoestheweazle

            Jeeesus Christ… please calm down and be cool. No need to get that defensiv. We obviously overrated your capacity to get our point and apologize for that mistake.


        4. AzureLeaves

          LMAO nice try.

          It was foolish of me to expect that you’re intellectually capable of explaining your points without confusing and contradicting yourself every step of the way.

          But all it amounted to in the end is a display of false intelligence and wisdom.

          I had high hopes for you.

        5. AzureLeaves

          But hey, I’m not insulting, or degrading you or anything, before you jump into conclusions.

          Sometimes I just have to be frank, and I apologize for that–for the moment I start to compromise just to stroke someone’s ego, it’s over.

          Just pointing out that if a person is truly intelligent and wise as you seem to be insinuating yourself to be, then they wouldn’t misinterpret and misrepresent a message of someone with zero ill-intent, and then simultaneously put ill meanings to those same messages, when the one who wrote it doesn’t even have an iota of ill-intent.

          That if a person truly is wise and intelligent, they are capable of explaining properly and with utmost simplicity–without any complexities–the message and points they truly want to convey to another, because it displays their full understanding of their own personal perspectives, without an iota of confusion, like what you displayed.

          Nor would they be foolish enough to declare what a Higherself can and cannot do, as if they are some kind of authority over all Higherselves that exists, when everyone is different–that Nothing is True and Everything is Permitted; we can do whatever the heck we want for better or for worse.

          I applaud your efforts at gaslighting, but I advise that you introspect some more and do more Shadow Work so you won’t project upon others. Keep meditating.

          You’re better than this.

          Then again, whether you accept that advice or not is up to you, once again I’m not forcing anything to anyone; just sharing another “open doors” towards ANOTHER path that other people may wanna try.

          Have a good day.


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