Saint Germain: Questions and Answers

Dear children of the Light, it has been a long time since I expressed myself through this channel, through this energy. I am Master Saint-Germain, very happy to be with you once again this evening, in energy, in words.

First of all, I would like to greet each of you as the master he is, to greet each of you in the exercise that you are going through in matter. Dear children, you are so enthusiastic in fact as souls to live the current changes, the current period, that it brings me joy and gratitude too, in a spirit of gratitude for each of you who live this moment, who live this experience of the human, of humanity, of ʺhumanitudeʺ.

You are entering a precious time when each of you will feel human, close to your loved ones, and close to beings who seem distant to you, distant, those who seem separated but who are not and never have been. . You begin to feel this need inside of you, this feeling of unity, of simple, quiet, joyful unity.

From the Universe, expect big surprises, yes, because the events that follow this path that you trace sometimes cannot be imagined, not designed.

Without really having the right to give you details, let me tell you that you are going to experience some pleasant and unpleasant surprises. I speak of surprises in the term of not expecting what is in the divine Plan. So, the divine Plan is always aimed at your greatest good, always at your learning, at improving the sum of the conscious knowledge that you have of yourself, of the exercise of embodied consciousness that you are.

Dear souls, each of you in your own light finds and will find your way. Don’t worry about it. I read the concern of many of you. Understand that you will remain Light no matter what. Understand that the very Essence of your being is risking nothing at all in the experience you are in. None of you are really, really in danger.

Of course, in this time everyone tries to pose his personal sovereignty, his collective sovereignty too, consequently, this can create wars of ego and physical wars.

So, indeed, maybe I can invite you to be more gentle, wise, concerted, positive gathering to advance and advance your time, your country.


As you know, we are entering a cycle this year with our channel, which had forgotten about it, but let me tell it again, a cycle of questions and answers, of greater interaction with you. Consequently, our channel will have to learn to read the questions that you ask it, that you ask us, while letting the energy circulate in its body.

For this, and before reading your questions, I would like to set some conditions. I will not answer too personal questions, they belong to you and we are not really between us. I will answer broader questions that you may have. And for our channel, I tell him that the ʺtrickʺ, the solution so that he remains both aware of my presence and that he can have sufficient awareness to read the questions, this requires being a little more in the breathing, a little more calm, not rushed, to have movements that are long, slow, and quiet.

Dear souls, here I am ready to answer your questions, more collective questions, I repeat. I won’t answer everything, I’ll try to do my best. You know, our teachings, you have already received them, the theory, you already know it, so it may be up to us to help you on other paths. Let’s continue.

I tell Sylvain not to worry if everything passes before him. If the question rises too high, we will forget it, we will not take it, it is not important, and we will not necessarily take either the one who shouts louder than the other.

What role does France play in the events to come  ?

Know this, I will transform this question by saying: “What role do the French play in the events to come?” “, because it is this people who remain an example to protect freedom.

The role of the French is to protect freedom. I’m not talking about France, if I’m talking about France I’m going to talk about your governments and your governments, you all know it now, are all more or less corrupted by particular ideas, by the idea of ​​controlling a people, whom we must in fact learn to let be free again in their thoughts, in their emotions, in their energy. It will happen.

However, it is useful to understand that the French can serve with other peoples, as an example in this liberation for freedoms, as an example in this liberation for simplicity, for work instead of work. Here is the role of France, it is always, and the French particularly, a people which serves as an example, which serves as an example of reflection, which serves as an example in the installation. Oh ! There will be others and I repeat, your real liberation will not come from France, nevertheless, this people that are the French will put forward their freedoms, will finally understand what is the key, the freedom to evolve and advance in consciousness and even in spirituality, in the steps that now arise before you.

How to be yourself  ?

Dear souls, the real question is, “How do you not be yourself?” »

How do you manage not to be pure Love, pure Joy, pure happiness?

So what did you add or remove in your life, in your existence, to feel so unhappy?

What did you accept out of spite?

What did you refuse out of pride?

Within these questions are the answers of your liberation, and again, little by little, take back this space.

To be yourself is to be in your true nature. Your nature is not to grumble to impose yourself, to finally affirm who you are as an ego , but to finally affirm who you are as a multitude, as a people, as a nation, as as a whole, as a community. That is being yourself, and if the self brings you back to the self, that is to the separate identity, to the I, you lose yourself.

The true Self, the Higher Self, is the one who embraces this world, who embraces the community and desires to serve rather than be served, and in honorable service, whole human service, conscious, powerful, indeed, powerful of this regrouping of souls, powerful from this conjunction of energies, not necessarily between beings who get along from every point of view, on the other hand, towards beings who have the same aim, the same attention of love, the same intention of liberation, the same intention of peace. Ultimately, being yourself is revealed through other selves. The others one loves determine oneself.

In this way, further extend your love to be yourself. Don’t expand your ego. Don’t stretch the character. Do not try to impose again, on the other hand, recognize that your true love is pure Love, that true joy is pure Joy. It’s already in you.

You stopped being yourself when you thought you were the characters, the bodies, the energy, the general atmosphere. Get off those theatrical coats. Come back to the powerful awareness of the energy flowing through you. You knew this energy deeply. You wouldn’t even need to nourish yourself anymore, you would be nourished by the Holy Spirit himself, by the energy of the Almighty God in your body. Become children again, that is to say simple, loving, joyful beings who, yes, say what goes through them but do not hold grudges or grudges. All these debts that you leave in grudges, in grudges, in stress, in anxieties, in desires of fights, all that prevents you from being yourself. You end up believing that you are this fight when you are not the fight, you are the Peace.

You are deeply at peace. Access this field of consciousness my friends, access this knowledge, this rebirth within you and around you. Peace settles in the heart of those who are ready to welcome it, unconditionally. Thus, when you say: “  I would like, if… — I will be in Peace, if…  ”, you will never be in Peace.

Peace is a choice, not the absolute result of exterior conditions, but above all the revelation of an interior condition in each of you, in each of you. In this case, pursue this quest inwards, towards the depth of your Being which seeks to expand and extend its Love, and you will be yourself.

Many of you are wondering if there are going to be earthly disasters . 

Yes, we announced it. You had the fire. You had the water. You have had the air, and you are beginning to have the earth in its tremors, in its modifications. There are going to be natural disasters. Indeed, the magnetic field of your Earth is quite upset. It corresponds to a need and a desire of your planet to continue its evolution, to continue to grow, to continue to grow.

Therefore, yes, you will suffer in the appearance, the external layers, certain consequences. Really, I understand that you are so attached to this life and this existence, but please be aware that you are an immortal being, that your body is only transitory. You are in fear because you don’t want to give up the ego, you don’t want to give up the character . However, if you agree to leave this world, whatever the conditions, you will not leave sooner being in this state, on the other hand, you will be at peace my friends. You will be at peace with the idea of ​​saying to yourself: “I can leave tomorrow to join my brothers and sisters in the Light, in peace. When you resist all that, when you resist death, you are not alive.

You are alive when you are enjoying every moment, not when you are afraid of the next. I repeat, this sentence is important, you are alive when you are enjoying each moment, not when you are afraid of the next. It is necessary to be in the present moment. Your Earth is not the deadliest disaster that you are experiencing or will experience in this transition period, humans themselves have killed each other more by sometimes trying to save themselves than your planet will ever do.

So, yes, there are climate changes. Yes, there are changes in the energy. These changes were planned, they are cyclical, they happen regularly, you are not the absolute cause of them, moreover, they are evolutionary changes in consciousness, evolutionary in your body. Let them go. Do not wonder where and when it will happen, because you would not be present. In fact, the more you are present in the present, the more you will feel a possible danger presenting itself well before this one presents itself.

By being in the apprehension of the future, you will not be able to prevent anything and just suffer. Conversely, if you’re in the moment, see, you’ll be like those animals that have sensors that detect danger so far in advance that they can walk away from it. It is the same for you.

The key to the present is not to tell yourself that you are ready to die only, more simply, to tell yourself that you agree to be there, here and now, in total consciousness. By doing this, you spread the wings of your Unconscious and allow it to receive planetary signals to warn you of danger. At that time, you will feel when there will be danger, however, you will not be afraid of danger, you will feel and act accordingly knowing what to do. Not being afraid is the most pragmatic way to avoid any danger and to be ready, should it happen in your area, in your life or to yourself.

I hear your thoughts of “  yes, but I’m scared — yes, but I’m scared  ”. Dear children, listen to me, you are master and disciple of yourselves. You have within you the teaching and the wisdom sufficient to extricate yourself from this fear. Stop systematically looking for all of your answers outside. We give you clues. We assist you and help you, only the solution comes from your Higher Consciousness, from your personal sovereignty.In this way, we take steps with you, we help you, on the other hand, the solution is not necessarily in such a Guide or such a Presence which will assist you, because this Presence will be content to attend your own birth of you. -even. Be aware of this. Accept that.

Here is a question that I am asked: Are the earthquakes experienced in Turkey human-made or of terrestrial origin  ? 

They are of natural origin, dear souls. There is no human intervention here. The energy transforms in the air and the Earth shook in the place that was intended.

Will humans raise their consciousness to follow Jesus  ?

Why Jesus? Is Jesus the Savior? In conscience I would say yes, he is probably the one who is closest to you, but there is a being even closer than that: yourself. You are your Savior.

Christ is the Redeemer, the one who will help you understand your dysfunctions to bring you to your own energy vehicle, to your own Christed state. He is the Guide. He saves Saviors. It leads you to recognize your Higher Dimension. He is close to you, he is close to the Earth, this Being who is Sananda, Jesus, above all, he first seeks to reveal you, to raise your consciousness. He can read the Spirit of the Earth and its inhabitants, however, he cannot decide in place of this Spirit nor in place of its inhabitants. You have full power.

Indeed, it is the example of Jesus and the teaching of Jesus that you are invited to follow, however do not forget, if you asked Jesus himself who the Savior is, he would just make this gesture, he would point his hand and his finger towards you, towards you.

I have already answered some of the questions here, and here you are wondering if the year you are living is a final year, if it will get better later, or if everyone will understand ?

No, this is not the final year of your change, this is not the end of this transition. The duration of course depends essentially on a human will, on a human consciousness, on an elevation of this consciousness in a planetary way, and we cannot determine, dear souls, of time at your own birth, you have between two and ten years of this evolution.

In fact, there are times when you speed up this transition and times when you slow it down. You slow it down — and this allows me to answer another question — you slow down this progression when you cling to everything you think you know, everything you think you have.. By clinging to all of this, by asking that nothing be taken away from you, nothing changed, you slow down the possibility of the emergence of a brighter New World. It’s not a world that’s going to kick you out. It is not a world that will plunge you into loneliness or servitude. It’s a common world, not communist, common, a world that leads you to more sharing, to land sharing, yes, maybe sometimes sharing homes, sharing resources. This world opens the world of tomorrow.

Let go of what you think you have and know. Allow yourself to have something else and know something else, like someone new. Whatever your age, become students of life again, become students of Love again. Enter those studies again. Your masters are the Ascension Masters, the angels, the Beings of Light, but you are already ready, you don’t really need to learn, maybe a little more to understand, to integrate the experience of this world in a larger whole, the experience of your life in a larger whole.

I repeat, in very ancient history and even at the time of my last incarnation, the powers were corrupted. They are still powerful. In truth, none of these powers can face open and united hearts, standing beings, people who say no, not out of rage but out of love: “No, because I love, I will not give up freedom, I will not renounce God, I will not renounce Peace. Understand that this is a great key to this present moment. The majority of your governments have given up on peace by deciding who the enemy is. There is no enemy. As brothers, there would be no wars. Without borders, there would be no wars.

How many surprises, astonishments or catastrophes are needed for you to understand that you are Earthlings first and foremost? This consciousness is already there. This planetary consciousness is already there. Your wars can only be fraternal, fratricidal, because you only kill your brothers and your sisters. There are no enemies.

Those who have taught you that enemies exist are those who seek to gain unshared power, for power focused on themselves or people like them. I am for power for people like all of you. I am for the power of the children of God, and you are the children of God, the children of this immense Source, which seeks in your heart most deeply all the Love which you can deploy in this earthly field of experience.

Dear souls, all of this deserves the passage that you are going through. All this openness deserves this time. Do not curse this period, it is revealing. It is the most revealing Apocalypse for each of you, for it reveals both who you are individually and collectively, and it also lets you choose who you want to be individually and who you want to be collectively.

Having said this, I hear those who say to me: “  I am awake, but so many beings are still asleep  .” It is God’s role to awaken those who sleep, and the alarm clock rings. Don’t be alarmed, don’t be worried. Everything here, despite appearances, is done for your good.

Will the Beings of Light and the Invisible Worlds be more noticeable  ? 

In truth, they already are. In truth, each of you is having more and more deep and rich experiences with the Beyond. Little by little, you will learn to communicate with your dead, to communicate with your Guides, to communicate with Great Lights, and this on a scale of twenty years not on a scale of several lives, but well for the majority of you in this existence. You won’t have that experience every day and moment like some of you may, but you will have that experience, you’ll have those communications, you’ll have those moments. And this is also why the planet is transforming its energy field , it is not for selfish purposes, but alsoin order to adapt your energy, to adapt your vibrations to the finer reception of these other worlds of the positive Beyond. Be aware of this.

Sometimes you curse these circumstances, so I repeat, if you had the hindsight of my soul or even yours, you would understand, dear souls, dear masters, that everything is done for your highest good, once again.

How to free yourself from the mind  ? 

It’s the question of a lifetime sometimes. This is the question of a lifetime for some. The answer is simple, however, we free ourselves from the mind when we stop giving it power. We free ourselves from the mind when we seek to become a more natural being, more present to our deep needs, to our deep desires, without attaching ourselves to them either as being primordial, but by being attentive to this, by being listening to his deep Nature and his body too.

As you know, otherwise I mention it, spirituality does not consist in ignoring the body, in entering a completely ethereal state, on the contrary, in reconciling one’s body. So in your time and era, I would say that you are more in your mental body than in your physical body. This physical body is primordial for you and you are aware of it, however you have given thought all power. It has power, but your word spoken by the body has a higher power. Your actions, your acts through the body have a creative power far superior to your thoughts.

Take it back, reinvest your body and then, when you hear repeated thoughts, take the time to tell yourself, to add another perhaps lighter thought, a thought that says: “I do not grant you the power to hurt me. I do not grant this thought the power to destroy this body. I don’t give him that power.”

Oh ! it’s simple, Maître Saint-Germain. Do you think this simple sentence can help us? Do you think that’s enough?

I don’t think so, I know it, whether it’s true, whether it’s spoken inwardly or outwardly with all your wisdom: “  I don’t grant this thought the power to destroy my body  ”. And I insist, your thoughts do not destroy the Divine Essence that you are, on the other hand your thoughts always destroy a part of your body if you let them take too much power. You’re going to let them gnaw on the inside, rather than using your agency from the outside to change circumstances. Realize this. Don’t shut yourself up, your Divine Nature can do anything. This truth will set you free.

Realize that you are already associated with the powerful Being whom you call upon. Realize this now.

As I speak to you, turn your heart and mind within. Know how to hear the silence, and pronounce these words:

“  I empower Peace. I give power to Love. I accept Joy  ”, the simple, conscious joy, already present in you, “  the joy of still being there to have this experience  ”.

You see, when you say “the joy of being there to have this experience”, your mind begins to bring in what could dissolve that joy: there is war, there are earthquakes, there are powers abusive. “  I don’t give power to those thoughts. I don’t give them the power to destroy the peace and love within me.  »

See how the thoughts continue to fight within you. Watch them like a restless child. Let him wiggle. Let that thought wear itself out and repeat within yourself, “  I will not give power to these thoughts. I am. I Am . »

See how peace settles a little deeper within you, by letting a thought do its inner battle, letting go of its hold on you, and allowing the Eternal Light to touch you, Eternal Knowledge to touch you, Eternal Life to touch you.

I am sending the violet fire of transmutation to each of you, so that it enters deep into your being and liberates you.

In the world in transformation that you are experiencing, you ask me what is the place of the other kingdoms ? 

Vegetable, animal, mineral, these other kingdoms just like you are transformed and suffer. You know, suffering is the deep call to transformation. Whether suffered or induced, it is a call to transformation that is desired by the soul of each one. It’s hard to believe, I know. Some of you will say, “No dog asked to be beaten. No crystal asked to be tortured and crushed, escaped from its mountain. You are wrong, dear children. The soul of each of these beings made this request. That doesn’t mean it’s right, from a human point of view. It means that it is right, from a divine point of view, and you can transform this experience of suffering into an experience of liberation, because all suffering is confinement. It is up to you to liberate yourself and to liberate these beings from the other planes, from the other realms when you can. However, this does not mean that this experience is not desired or desirable, the Plan is right. Despite your judgments which continue to dissect the good and the bad incessantly, each thing, each event is used. There is a deep place in the plan of Universal Love. You know inside of you that my words are right.

You also hear the resistance of your thoughts to my own words. “  It can’t be right Master, God can’t want evil.  In truth, evil does not exist. Evil is the appearance, the lever that pushes a human or other humans, because you are an evolved unit, to advance even more in its field of love, in its field of experience of life in this world. Evil is not obligatory, I agree with you, however evil is useful and believe me, if you think God is not using it, then you don’t know who the Creator is.

Everything is used, even when it is generated by yourself, because you are the source of much evil. And when I say ʺyouʺ, I am not only talking about the human being, the animal kingdom is not as peaceful a kingdom as you imagine. It is a very warlike reign, which also lives its warlike broods.

The mineral kingdom also sometimes attacks rocks. You are used, because these realms live in another rhythm, to believe that they are at peace, peaceful, calm, on the other hand if you accelerated the temporality, you would see the rocks and the crystals fighting each other, trying to conquer entire territories there too for survival. This battle looks peaceful when seen in your time, truly when seen in time, it is not.

Stop believing that you are the source of all evil. You have created and manifested it many times, and you are undoubtedly the most powerful creators of this world, that said, the other kingdoms also have a source of this in them, and do not judge it, because, I repeat dear souls, everything is used by the Lord himself.

I am tonight the spokesperson for other Guides who accompany me, who pass through my words, who pass through this voice, through this consciousness and we all agree that we are here for you, with you and through you too, and we are present to awaken you to yourself, to humanity, to ʺhumanitudeʺ, as I began my speech. Each of you is prepared for it. Each of you is ready, ready. Just be patient.

Access this power of the present.

Do not let your energies disperse.

Act consciously.

Reveal your unit.

This is the progress of this month.

Month to month, we will help you. From month to month, we will answer other questions. We will reveal as much as we can giving you all a few clues, a few bits of awakening, so that you can pluck that plant that is already inside of you, dear souls.

The group I represent salutes every consciousness, every space of light, dear masters. Remember, you are the master and disciple of yourself, it cannot be otherwise.

Be blessed, and thank you for having accepted in you and around you, our word. She is not the only divine source of information, your heart is the Source of it all.


**Channel: Sylvain Didelot


2 Replies to “Saint Germain: Questions and Answers”

  1. Matteo

    Wow. So many blessings today. So many thing to consider or just remember? All I can say.. Thank You! Thank You all.

