The Masters of Light: Creating Your Own Peace on Earth

Are you at peace with yourself? Have you been able to create a safe haven for yourself in your heart that radiates out to your home, your partner, family, friends and wider community?

The phrase, “Home is where the heart is” reflects the true nature of inner peace because, when a person is truly happy within themselves they will be happy to live anywhere. It is the highest truth that peace on Earth is not dependent on companies, governments or corporations, not is it even dependent on spiritual or religious groups. It is dependent only upon each every individual accepting themselves and coming to terms with who they are and the life they have lived. Reaching a state of inner peace is up to no-one else but the individual themselves, for nothing will change unless every single person takes responsibility for they way they think, act, behave and create.

There is a chance now, as the Third Dimensional world collapses in on top of itself, to create your own sanctuary or patch of ‘Heaven.’ I refer both to a physical place such as where you live, but also within yourself. It must happen, as the outer world is now experiencing the greatest shift in consciousness that it ever has, and the impact on those who have not completed their contracts is potentially dire.

Soul contracts of learning are ending for most older people on the planet, unless they have chosen a path that deviates from their original plan when reincarnating. As a person realises and accepts their own truth, the path before them widens and opens up a myriad of possibilities. Those who remain cloaked in veils of illusion run the risk of losing their way in the distortionate realities that are a result of Third and Fourth Dimensional thinking that is embedded in ego, physical pain and illness and separation from the Source of Creation.

There are a million different realities, emotions and limiting belief systems that humanity as a whole projects every second of every day. The resulting ‘soup’ of positivity and negativity in the Human Collective Consciousness that hits people in waves at random moments in time means that human behaviour can be increasingly unreliable, unpredictable and uncontrolled, if the person is disconnected from their higher self and thus from Source. Those who have awakened and have worked to keep their consciousness predominantly above the denser consciousness of the masses are much more equipped to keep themselves clear or to extract themselves from the treacle-like energy if they have let their guard down.

Thus, Peace on Earth amongst all peoples of the world is not a realistic goal, nor can it ever be realised as a face-value possibility. However, the energies that once governed humanity as a whole are not as they were, and the matrix of lies and deception woven into the realities of the masses are breaking down. This is because the light of the Creator is shining through so many more hearts of people who have aligned to their Divine Blueprints and reunited with their soul song. The world as we knew it is no longer, nor could it sustain the higher vibrational energies coming from the Earth herself as she has integrated the golden rays of ascension into her crystalline core. As Mother Earth vibrates to a much higher frequency, so it is that humanity is experiencing a dynamic but also catastrophic shift into a new paradigm whose reality for those who have shifted with it is much more immediate, faster paced but also far more removed from the lower energies of unascended humans.

If you have experienced a shift in your reality, it will be noticeable to you in ways that are not visible to the eye. Yes, your environment is still the same. The people in your family, your friends, your street, your community is all the same in appearance. The difference is that what matters to you will have changed; your priorities, what you perceive to be important and how to you live your live, what you eat, watch, read, believe will all be much more aligned to the values and attributes of spiritual law which is underpinned by oneness and love that is unconditional.  There will be many human ways that become more intolerable and much less understandable, and you will become a Wayshower for others as you practice non-judgement, tolerance and peaceful ways of managing difficult or challenging situations or behaviours in others. Your calmness will be a magnet for others and they will feel better just by being near you.

The biggest change, however, will be the peace, gratitude and happiness you feel within for the life you are living and the abundance of love, friendship and opportunities for spiritual, financial and personal growth that just seems to keep coming your way. You are creating or have created your own Peace on Earth which is now radiating out to the Earth and those around you in ways you cannot imagine.

We cannot thank you enough!

We Are The Masters of Light

**Channel: Victoria Cochrane


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