Hakann: You Can’t Skip Middle School

Channel: A.S.

My dearest brothers and sisters,

This is Hakann speaking. I greet you in peace and love.

Today I wanted to discuss that some Pleiadians have a much higher level of consciousness than other Pleiadians. There are Pleiadians who have a high level of consciousness and they usually spend their time as non-physical beings, although they can materialize. These Pleiadians tend, for example, not to concern themselves with matters such as maintaining a physical military in order to ward off physical malevolent galactics. They tend not to spend a lot of time having physical sex with other beings. If these beings are channeled, and no dark or gray being is impersonating them, and the channel is pure enough, then these beings come across as pleasant and loving and high-vibration. They may also remind you of past lives where you were a non-physical master, and therefore these messages may feel like home. That said, their messages may not always be super practical, because after all they’re non-physical beings who don’t have to deal with a lot of the practical stuff that Tunia and R’Kok and Earth humans and myself have to deal with.

Then there are Pleiadians who have more of a medium level of consciousness: it’s higher than the average Earth person but lower than the non-physical master Pleiadians. These medium-consciousness Pleiadians are physical beings most of the time. Tunia and myself are such Pleiadians. Among our kind, I am seen as a skilled and hard-working and sometimes over-serious military commander, but spiritually speaking I am considered average among my people. Tunia is seen as one of the channelee women and as someone who is quite interested in Earth and who is pleasant to be around, but again her level of consciousness is about average by our standards.

That said, the channeler is being guided to primarily channel us, with our medium level of consciousness, because the channeler’s soul thinks that there are already a number of good channelers out there who channel high-consciousness beings, and Earth could benefit from someone channeling medium-consciousness beings such as Tunia and myself. From my perspective, medium-consciousness messages such as ours aren’t worse or better than high-consciousness messages. They’re simply different, and Earth humans are free to choose who they wish to listen to. Medium-consciousness messages have the advantage that they are more practical, but obviously they are not as high-vibration as messages from high-consciousness beings.

To reach high levels of consciousness, you have to master medium levels of consciousness first. So in your spiritual journey, you will probably have to attain something roughly like the level of consciousness of Tunia and myself, before you can attain high levels of consciousness and be a primarily non-physical being. You can’t skip the medium levels of consciousness, no matter how many high-consciousness messages you listen to, and trying to skip the medium levels is actually a form of resistance that could hold you back until you release that resistance.

You can’t go from primary school straight to a ph.D., even if you regularly read message from people with ph.D.s. You have to actually go through and master middle school yourself, and then start your bachelor program at university, et cetera, before you start your ph.D. I’d like to think of Tunia and R’Kok and myself as good middle school teachers.

That said, Tunia and I are advised and helped by high-consciousness and wise beings, which is part of why we occasionally use “we” in our messages. This isn’t really “Hakann’s message”, it’s more like “Hakann’s message, that is then checked by one or more higher-consciousness beings, sometimes a discussion is had, and when everyone agrees the message is passed on to the channeler.” Hence the “we” in Tunia’s and my messages. And Tunia and myself aren’t passing along any message to the channeler that a high-consciousness being thinks would be a bad idea to communicate to Earth people.

You can absolutely get inspired and learn from people with ph.D.s too. We’re not saying you shouldn’t listen to those messages. It’s just that middle school can be messy and unpleasant, and it can be tempting to think: isn’t love all we need, let’s just only listen to the non-physical masters, everyone suggesting that we need to deal with messy physical reality is just too low-vibration for me. This doesn’t work super well, because they are non-physical beings and right now you’re not, therefore they simply don’t need to deal with certain things that you do. They have the luxury of currently being non-physical. You don’t.

You also didn’t become a physical being in order to not engage in physical reality. Yes, at some point you chose to be born as a physical being.

For example, “war is bad and people should never fight” is true at the ph.D. level. It’s true for nonphysical masters. But it’s not true in middle school. Indeed the situation on Earth would be worse if us physical Pleiadians adopted that attitude and stopped fighting those few remaining malevolent physical galactics. So you can’t skip middle school, and resisting middle school just delays your progress. Non-physical Pleiadian masters too had to learn at some point in time that sometimes it can be necessary to fight to defend the innocent. Non-physical Pleiadian masters too had to learn at some point how to have a satisfying sex life. You can’t transcend earthly concerns without first having mastered them. In fact you transcend those topics exactly by releasing resistance to, perhaps getting experience with them and certainly by understanding those topics on a nuanced level. We’re talking more nuanced than: “war is bad, sex is just that thing takes makes babies and that is sort of fun to do once per month, but ultimately there’s not much to be gained from sex other than some fun and connection.”

Well no: war to defend the innocents is at times justified, and sex can be so much more than just some physical fun and connection. In fact this whole Earth programming of “sex is bad” or “sex isn’t something that should be discussed in polite society” was originally meant to control you and keep you down, because sex can help you tap into your inner strength and inner powers. Even if you don’t engage in energy sex or sex magik or tantric sex and you just have conventional sex with your one partner, which is of course fine, then still having a good sex life with the person you love can be very healing and nourishing. Casual sex should just be engaged in responsibly, if at all, as Tunia discussed in her previous message: “Tunia: How To Not Get Damaged By Casual Sex.”

If a part of you desires sex, but another part of you feels that sex is some base desire that should be ignored, then that inner conflict is going to slow down your spiritual progress. The easiest way out of that inner conflict is to just have an amazing sex life for a while, and that will satisfy the part of you that desires sex, and then eventually you can move on to a place where there isn’t any part of you anymore that craves sex. But if you directly try to go to a place where you try to get yourself to desire no sex, then what will likely happen in practice is that a repressed part of you will remain sexually frustrated, and this repressed part of you will slow down your spiritual progress. In extreme cases this can even lead to seemingly advanced spiritual teachers sexually abusing their students. That is what repressing desires can lead to. Of course usually it doesn’t get this extreme, usually it just leads to delayed spiritual growth, but even that is bad enough. Don’t skip middle school.

Tunia isn’t just semi-regularly talking about sex because she enjoys talking about it. Although there’s that too. She also semi-regularly talks about sex because that, too, is one topic that is to be mastered in middle school. At least, for the vast majority of people. There are people who are genuinely asexual, and in that case you can skip the topic, but most people who think that sex just isn’t that important for them are people who simply have not yet had a really good and stable sexual connection, and they would benefit from having that for at least a while, including benefitting spiritually.

If you are in resistance to Tunia describing Pleiadian orgies, or to the idea that militaries are useful to defend the innocent, or are in resistance to other such middle school topics, then you would benefit spiritually from observing and eventually releasing that resistance. Of course it’s fine if those middle-school topics aren’t the ones you feel drawn towards engaging with at this point in time. Also, for the middle school curriculum you don’t really need to learn anything about war other than though it’s horrible, it’s also sometimes necessary to defend the innocent. Once you accept that, you can stop studying war. Not everyone needs to become a soldier, but some are called to physically fight to defend the innocent, and that’s okay. After all, there are plenty of beings out there who will accept nothing but your death or enslavement, and there’s no way to deal with that other than accepting that some people who feel called will use physical force to defend the innocent. If you disagree, keep in mind that your own living situation would be far worse right now if certain good-hearted galactics and earth humans hadn’t been fighting a covert war to protect the people of Earth.

So if you have resistance to middle school topics such as war to defend the innocent, or sex, then it may feel good to release that resistance. I get that non-physical masters have grown beyond that, and their messages feel like home because it’s quite possible you used to be one in a past life and that felt amazing. However, right now you don’t have the luxury of being non-physical. You can’t skip middle school.

This also ties into a previous point I made: you absolutely should follow the guidance from your soul or equivalently from your intuition, however guidance from your emotions is not always reliable. And for the majority of light workers, it’s usually their emotions that are telling them that this message resonates and that one doesn’t. Many people indeed get and recognize a flash of intuition every now and then, but the majority of “this resonates, that doesn’t” for most light workers is still emotion-based and not soul-based. Which means that feelings of “this resonates, that doesn’t” aren’t always reliable.

Though if you are one of the relatively few light workers who can genuinely feel what resonates on a soul level, then absolutely follow that, including over anything that Tunia and I and anyone else says. If your soul disagrees with what I say, then please follow your soul.

It’s because soul guidance is so valuable that we have repeatedly suggested in past messages that you try to listen to your soul, and we have discussed how you can attempt to do that. If you missed that and are interested, feel free to listen to the older messages, they are still relevant. One way to find those is to scroll to the bottom of this article and click on “source”, and then you’re directed to youtube where all of Tunia’s and my messages can be found. And if on youtube you find a message that you are curious about, but you prefer text to audio, then you can always google the name of that message + eraoflight + tunia or hakann, and you’ll find the written version of that message on eraoflight.com

Because what kind of teacher would I be if I wasn’t actively trying to help you reach a place where you didn’t need me anymore?

At the same time, we are learning a lot from you. You have much more experience than we do with standing in your light and standing in your truth in a world of darkness. You have more experience than we do with finding your way to the light. And we respect that and find that inspiring. If you take the average Pleiadian soul, and if you let him or her get born on Earth, then likely they would just get lost in the confusion, or become yet another person whose life is just work and distraction and occasional pleasure. Hence we can learn a lot from you, you who are actually standing up and speaking truth and helping others at a time when that is difficult. We are the equivalent of someone who was born with a silver spoon in their mouth, and you are the equivalent of the self-made millionaire.

Of course, ultimately I am just sharing my perspective. Naturally you’re free to form your own opinions, and you’re free to choose which messages you wish to tune in to and which messages you don’t.

We galactics love you, so very much.

Your star brother,

For Era of Light


**These channelings are exclusively submitted to Eraoflight.com by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to the original post.

29 Replies to “Hakann: You Can’t Skip Middle School”

  1. Lexie

    I appreciated this message very much. It filled a few gaps for me. Preaching Love and Light is wonderful but we have to remember that we’re living in a physical plane. Calling out Love and Light to an attacker may not work out very well. Defense will be necessary. Thank you.

    1. Paladin

      One has to ask, Lilas, with all the problems the world is facing due to the Cabal’s actions, why do this Hakann and Tunia always feel the need to do their sex talk?

      If they are real, maybe offer advice that doesn’t revolve around orgies or having your children watch you have sex.

      In my opinion these are just one man’s fantasies.

  2. rrrttyuii

    I have been mentally and physically persecuted by a being who introduces himself first as Adamus Saint Germain and then as Saint Augustine.

  3. WK

    I told you I would protect you.

    Much resonance was felt on my side with respect to your message.

    The war to protect the innocents on Earth has revealed certain aspects to me, that I wish to highlight here. Through our own pain, we can better understand the pain of another. Feeling pain can either lead to anger (as a mean to fight back) or to sympathy (as we recognize our own fragility and that of others). The first leads to more war and the second leads to union. Ultimately it is a choice, what do we output given any given input (of any kind). Do we invert our source of energy into evil, or do we open our Light source more, and let the power of Light/Love overwhelm any finite quantity of evil (i.e., inverted Love). Note that evil is almost the word Love inverted (that would be evol).

    I guess the Earthly human experience had to be this way. Only at the borderline between Love and Evil can freewill be tested without bias between environment, either from a Love-based or evil-based society. It is not a natural way of living, experiencing the fridge space between these two energies, but it is (even if cruel) a fair environment for a strong choice – and Earth humans have choose LOVE. In this perfectly fair test, it was proven that LOVE is stronger. At there could be no other way, as evil (or inverted Love) can only exist AFTER the generation of Love, as it requires its inversion. In any resonance, the second harmonics is always less powerful than the first fundamental mode. Thus, evil is always less powerful than Love. Moreover, evil is dependent on the continuous inversion of some quantity of source Love to exist.

    Alas, the Supreme Source of All Love and Light is INFINITE. By definition, any fixed quantity of anything will always be infinitesimal compared to Source, no matter how much arrogance in superiority a mind can attempt to “sugar coat” reality with, any quantity will always be infinitesimal with respect to Infinity. Infinite Source will be always overwhelmingly larger than any finite negative energy. Well, and if that is not already decisive, consider the fact that the Supreme Source is the ONLY source of ALL energy (we, positive and negative beings, only receive energy from Source, we do not produce it), whether it be natural energy (i.e., Love) or inverted energy (i.e., evil), in which case the only thing that Source needs to do to remove evil, is simply to stop supplying it with energy … and evil simply disappears.

    May the Supreme Source always flows Light/Love powerfully through your Divine Hearts, ever more expanded, and ever more bright.

    Vekrom Antalas Hertus Zerkium. Antalas Erkium Nortagas Erzieum. Antalas Erkium Ortegas Erinium Tropegas. Ornium Etgas.

    I Love you infinitely,

  4. Dan G

    Thanks Hakaan, You and Tunia are very effective at bridging the gap that you describe. Your comms always resonate strongly. Please keep up the good work. Looking forward to meeting (or reuniting?) in person once everything gets sorted out. Cheers, Dan G

  5. scotth9510

    I’m curious but what dimensions are considered higher consciousness or maybe the answer is different for different galatic races

  6. CDL

    Hakkan wanker dude, go wank off alone with Tuna and together with the rest of your horny ilk!

  7. Silvia S

    Hi everybody, in a old message, Hakann said he is a 7D pleiadian who chose to have a phisycal body, now he says he is about middle consciousness, 7 D seems to be by far higher than middle consciousness, so which is the truth? Silvia S.

    1. John

      I would consider both to be true, since 7D might not be considered ‘high’ by Pleiadian standards. I’m not sure duality applies at such level either, but it would still be reasonable to assume he is referring to his highest level of perceived consciousness and not the ‘place’ he speaks ‘from’ as a middle-school teacher.

  8. WK

    I told you I would protect you.

    Much resonance was felt on my side with respect to your message. The war to protect the innocents on Earth has revealed certain aspects to me, that I wish to highlight here. Through our own pain, we can better understand the pain of another. Feeling pain can either lead to anger (as a mean to fight back) or to sympathy (as we recognize our own fragility and that of others). The first leads to more war and the second leads to union. Ultimately it is a choice, what do we output given any given input (of any kind). Do we invert our source of energy into evil, or do we open our Light source more, and let the power of Light/Love overwhelm any finite quantity of evil (i.e., inverted Love). Note that evil is almost the word Love inverted (that would be evol).

    I guess the Earthly human experience had to be this way. Only at the borderline between Love and Evil can freewill be tested without bias between environments, either from a Love-based or evil-based society. It is not a natural way of living, experiencing the fridge space between these two energies, but it is (even if it being quite cruel) a fair environment for a strong choice – and Earth humans have choose LOVE. In this perfectly fair test, it was proven that LOVE is stronger. At there could be no other way, as evil (or inverted Love) can only exist AFTER the generation of Love, as it requires its inversion. In any resonance, the second harmonics is always less powerful than the first fundamental mode. Thus, evil is always less powerful than Love. Moreover, evil is dependent on the continuous inversion of some quantity of source Love to exist.

    Alas, the Supreme Source of All Love and Light is INFINITE. By definition, any fixed quantity of anything will always be infinitesimal compared to Source, no matter how much arrogance in superiority a mind can attempt to “sugar coat” reality with, any quantity will always be infinitesimal with respect to Infinity. Infinite Source will be always overwhelmingly larger than any finite negative energy. Well, and if that is not already decisive, consider the fact that the Supreme Source is the ONLY source of ALL energy (be, positive and negative beings, they only receive energy from Source, they do not produce it), whether it be natural energy (i.e., Love) or inverted energy (i.e., evil), in which case the only thing that Source needs to do to remove evil, is simply to stop supplying it with energy … and evil simply disappears.

    May the Supreme Source always flows Light/Love powerfully through your Divine Hearts, ever more expanded, and ever more bright.

    Vekrom Antalas Hertus Zerkium. Antalas Erkium Nortagas Erzieum. Antalas Erkium Ortegas Erinium Tropegas. Ornium Etgas.

    I Love you infinitely,

  9. Paladin

    AS must himself have a poor sex life or non-existent one. His essays always in some way come around to sex.

    I don’t know where AS gets this notion that his fellow humans all have this idea that sex is for making babies, and it is something done once a month. Plenty of married (man and a woman)people have sex with a much greater frequency than that, if not on a daily basis.

    The psychopaths have weaponized sex and twisted it into the perverse and bizarre, but of course AS never mentions that because he is woke and is always trying to subtlety legitimize the perverse and bizarre through his fictitious characters.

    If anyone believes these characters are real, then why would Hakann and Tunia read the comments section and not just send in their thoughts directly to KR through email?

    Why would AS’s channeled messages have anymore legitimacy than an emailed one? The Pleiadeans could certainly be more precise and sure of the accuracy of their messages.

    Also, it is hard to believe the way he channels website URL’s into these supposedly channeled messages.

    The Demonic psychopaths running the planet want us fixated and obsessed with sex. With AS they have been very successful.

    1. John

      Since you’re building all on the notion of the channel being faked, I will start by your arguments on that:
      Reading the comment section does not oppose to sending an e-mail to someone, so I will assume you meant ‘why channeling is necessary if they could e-mail people?’
      I’m sure that pleiadians on ‘college’ have better means of communication than e-mail but less to be said that requires words. (…”Be.”) And while you would seem to perceive them as having ‘poor sex lifes’, it is implied that at this stage their self-perception is a continuous state of ecstasy and physical sex could actually work against their best interest. Which I get now also is kinda the point of my joke. I would humorously add the possibility of said e-mails ending up on the spam folder precisely over the sex content.
      As for subtly legitimizing bizarre and perverse, honestly, I think they’ve been pretty blunt and straightforward about sex – so much in fact, mostly every reaction to it in the comments stands out as personal projection like a sore thumb. It’s just veiled disappointment over a preconceived idea!

      Last but not least, since the channeler’s personal approach to sex has no moral conflict with that being attributed to other entities, what would be the point of faking it? The only thing in it for him are the rocks and arrows you’re throwing; and if that’s reverse psychology you could still just take the message at face value.

      1. Paladin

        I think you are confused, John. Maybe English is not your first language, I don’t know. I said in previous messages Tunia said she loves reading the comments section. I say if she is reading the comments section like all of us why wouldn’t she just email her messages rather than go through this alleged psychic connection. Let’s not make huge leaps of speculation as you have that they channel AS so their emails don’t end up in a Spam folder. That’s just plain silly.

        And secondly, please re-read what I said. I did not say the alleged Pleiadeans have poor sex lives. I said AS the alleged channel must have a poor sex life. I don’t think he is in contact with anyone. I maintain these are nothing more than essays written by AS, and Tunia and Hakann are fictitious characters.

        1. John

          Okay, I guess being subtle doesn’t work on my favor here.
          And you just made it clear you’re not being humorous either, so there is no point in beating around the bush.
          You start your message speculating about AS’s sex life… and you have no idea how much that backfired.
          You then challenged anyone to explain what you claim to be a clever proof that the channeling is ‘just’ an essay. I made some points using the message content in the faint hopes you would actually read it and figure out yourself, but that ship has sailed.
          You finally offered the signature ‘Paladin’ closing of trying to ward off any poor souls from the Demonic obsession of sex (while previously making a point of stating some people do it every day and ‘not for the babies’) because the channeler most likely already is and is probably just starving for attention; and guess what?… that backfired as well.

          1. Paladin

            You clearly are mentally unhinged, and your grammar and syntax is atrocious. You are distorting, changing context, and prevaricating. I’m not going argue with a mental defective online. If you like AS’s essays, then by all means enjoy them. I think they are fake, so do many others

        2. John

          Fair enough. You missed a ‘to’ between ‘going’ and ‘argue’.
          Guess I won’t be getting a bouquet today.

          1. Paladin

            Yes, I did miss that preposition in my hasty texting. However, my message still makes more sense than your disjointed word salad where you grammatically use the wrong preposition. You clearly don’t know when to use “on” or “in”. I’ll warrant you don’t know what a preposition is.

            Maybe get a 5th grade book on grammar and sentence structure and do your utmost best to comprehend it, AL.

    2. Lauren

      I agree with this message. Emphasizing animalistic impulses, over sexualizing everything.
      Disappointing. Very mainstream and ugly. Bummer for this era of light website.

  10. John

    Aah, thank you for the clarifying analogy: indeed some things we learn in ‘middle school’ appear to be in conflict with the wisdom seemingly taught in ‘college’!… It simply wasn’t implied so clearly thus far that you folks do have different degrees and approaches to (hopefully) the same topics, this most certainly led to some confusion on our part.

    I for one think your practical approach is commendable and flawless, it’s just not as perfect (however paradoxical) as a transcended perspective can be. Even if you always make the case of pointing that out, I always miss a more meaningful perspective that I found on other experiences and I feel could be of use to people who question the deeper roots of their cosmic drama. But I respect it may be unnecessary to most, and that you’re probably also involved in the drama, albeit at a ‘higher’ level.

    It’s usually about pointing out HOW to apply transcendence in practical terms; i.e. having war or sex out of love instead of hate or need (and hopefully not at the same time). Which is not to deny our hates or needs.

    On a lighter note, this joke comes to mind: An alien race is having an interchange of experiences with earthlings and the topic of reproduction comes about. The aliens very excitedly care to display how they procreate: “We take a portion of these flakes here and mix them with this white liquid on this bowl, and voilla! In about nine months we have a brand new baby.” The humans, not really amused, explain they have a fairly more interesting means of reproduction, and as the aliens insist, they agree to make a demonstration… which they do, after a little anxious preparation. At the end of the act, however, they notice the aliens are smiling and giggling a bit; and inquired about it one of them awkwardly explains; “Please forgive us, we mean no offense. It’s just that… well, back in our home planet, that happens to be exactly how we prepare our morning cereal.”

    1. A.S.

      Beautiful post, thank you. And thanks for sharing the joke, I think we could all use some humor in these times.

      The following isn’t channeled, it’s just me chatting as myself.

      As for how to apply transcendence, in my opinion it requires dedication but it is straightforward. Breathe deeply. Observe. Spend time in nature. Repeat. When you’re able to listen to your intuition / soul, do so. There you go.

      The galactics once joked to me that I should make a new youtube channel, and the entire youtube channel should have just one video, and the video should contain just one word: “Be.” That would be the entire teaching. What else do you need?

      I think from a transcended perspective, the messiness of Earth existence actually is just as perfect as the “perfection” of being a high-vibration master is. It’s just a different kind of perfection, a different experience.

      It reminds me of something Matt Kahn once said. Paraphrasing: two people agree to see a movie. The movie is a metaphor for life here on Earth.

      During the movie, one of the people says: “this movie isn’t very good. In fact, this movie isn’t even real, it’s just images on a screen. This movie isn’t the highest reality.”

      The other person replies: “then why did you come to this movie theatre?”

      1. John

        Yeah, what really bakes my noodle though is that it’s as if the movie was actually about a person hearing complaints about a movie being watched and therefore, to one of them, it’s indeed a very real and perfect movie and they can’t explain it to the other person. To top it off, you’re both of them in different dimensions.

        I am very careful about not making my share of the mess worse by a lack of patience, but if you do make that channel and the video, make sure to disable the ads and comments or the audience won’t follow it to the end, I kid you not.

  11. Jared

    Thank you Hakann.

    I would like to have a nourishing and healing sex life with any nice and lovely lady.

    I am ok if Tunia wishes to discuss Pleaidian orgies:) Ha!

