Truth in Silence

Greetings friends! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.

The best way to express your truth is through silence. The important thing is you know, that is all that matters. You have to allow others find their own truth, you must not try and persuade them towards anything. But when someone asks you to speak on a certain subject, to share your thoughts. What do you, do, how do you proceed?

When you begin to speak, is the truth that you had in silence beginning to change now that you are sharing it with someone else? Is your tone and body language starting to change? Do you try to sound more interesting and be more influential so you can win the other person, to get them on your side? And most important, truthfully what do you see yourself as and what do you tell the other one you see yourself as? Do you give yourself a title; such as guru, enlightened one, master, and so on, or are you as humble as possible?! Surely and enlightened one needs not a title.

Moving in instead of moving on, it is not easy for most to release or express the heart’s truth through words.

To be able to do this, humility and honesty are the key, not intelligence. The Heart Center knows Creation, it has all the answers. However, there are layers upon layers of adverse emotions, thoughts, traumas, blocking the heart’s light from shining through.

Of course let us not forget the ego, where we find ourselves always wanting to be something when already we are everything. No one is more honest than when they speak to themselves. Now all you have to do is be the self and let it flow. Humility, in a world where everyone thinks they are better, or wants to be greater than what they are, I ask how often can you wash someone’s feet? In truth I do not think there is a way for one to really express humility, it just is. If you try to express it, it is gone.

Honest and humble, it is easy when one makes no excuses. All need to exercise this, never forgetting, never diving into drama and the nonsense of others, never cutting off the connection or deviating from the heart center, with your true self, where love flows from continuously, and so does truth.

One Reply to “Truth in Silence”

  1. Adel

    This is truly what WE say (in our hearts) in Silence, as Infinite Light manifestations in lower dimensions.

    WE are slowly but surely recognizing and feeling our individual quantum fields of consciousness that are virtual fractions of The ONE.

    Peace and Love

