Daily Message for 11/6/2023

You are not awakened if you are more concerned with what is happening in the outer world, rather than what is unfolding within you. You are only informed. Is your concern out of love, or is it out of fear, that your own future is uncertain because of what is occurring somewhere else? Your shift towards higher vibrations comes from within, and not by being distracted daily by outer world news. ~Kejraj

11 Replies to “Daily Message for 11/6/2023”

  1. Starling

    Hi Lost Soul/Lost

    Firstly, I am so sorry to find you are hurting so much; I hope I can ease your pain or help even if only in a tiny way.

    I am not an expert so I can only write of what I know through my experience and learnt knowledge. I am certainly not here to tell you what to do only because I care about you and know how you feel.

    From what I’ve learnt, usually people feel suicidal when they have lost hope and a sense of purpose.

    Watching the news, even alternative media, does not help, as all we see is gloom, doom and misery. My first step would be to stop watching, reading and listening to the news. Or, at least cut it back to once a week. Many tbings are out of our hands so it’s best to focus on what we can do, not what we have no control over.

    Then I’d look at what I’d replace it with that has tge oposite effect: makes me feel happy. For me that’s going out into nature, even sitting in the backyard and watching the birds and butterflies; or, planting some herbs or pretty flowers.

    Having a purpose is important, I find purpose and happiness in helping others. To me, it always feels better to give a gift than receive. So, I find ways where I can help others. E. g., I leave water for the wildlife to drink on hot days. It makes me so happy to see them drinking it or sllashing around in it to cool off. I put bird nesting houses up in spring so birds can have safe nests. I help my elderly neighbours with chores and walking their dog. There are many ways that do not cost money, it only takes thought and willingness.

    I try to also remember to care for myself. I’ll treat myself to something nice. This could be a bubble bath with candles and soft music (so relaxing). Or, a yummy dessert I don’t have often. Even getting a haircut can make me feel better.

    The trick is to disconnect from the things that make us feel helpless, hopeless and upset and replace them with things that lift our spirits. This includes avoiding people that drain and use others.

    I hope I have helped, my heart goes out to you đź’ž

  2. the_complaint_department

    To be straightforward, suicide does not take the pain away. In fact, without the physical body to numb it down, it becomes tenfold worse.
    Your perspective of life does no change after death, and by vibratory affinity laws you’ll be immediately drawn to an underworld that reflects your current state of hopelessness. Time will become meaningless and you won’t see an escape route from there just the same, because feelings manifest instantly without the limitations of the physical realm.

    The good news is, if you’re reaching out for help it means you still believe in help, and therefore it can manifest for you. The bad news is that either in this or the other side, it’s hard work to get your soul back, and ultimately no one can do it for you.

  3. Paladin

    So focusing on your inner world somehow negates and protects you from the outer world?

    Sounds Ike a recipe for disaster. Nothing wrong with focusing on your inner self, however it will not stop the outer world from stomping your head flat.

    Be prepared for the evil of this world and resist it with all you have in you, just don’t be a party to it

  4. Stanley

    If awakened, you are concerned about inner and outer. Just inner you are half awakened. You cannot be dormant and let someone screw you. Didn’t Jesus get angry at the money changers in the temple.

  5. Stu

    You should keep in mind, You are the “outer world” to everyone else. If you were here to truly just do “inner work”, this web site wouldn’t exist.
    Only you need to hear what you have to say.

  6. Staley

    Sorry, when awakened you see what is wrong in the outer world, and as still be a human in this Density, you should be concerned. Hmm. maybe Jesus shouldn’t have got made at the money changers in the Temple.

  7. Lost soul

    I’m feeling really suicidal and I’m scared I might to something stupid, someone anyone please help

    1. the_complaint_department

      You’ll have to be more specific. Clearly a part of you considers suicide something stupid, which is a good starting point. Next to that, you’re surrounded by what most would consider uplifting messages, is there anything in this context you’d like to share with your fellow humans?

      1. Lost

        I’m not sure what you mean, I’m just hurting inside and I can’t see a escape route other than suicide sorry

        1. the_complaint_department

          To be straightforward, suicide does not take the pain away. In fact, without the physical body to numb it down, it becomes tenfold worse.
          Your perspective of life does no change after death, and by vibratory affinity laws you’ll be immediately drawn to an underworld that reflects your current state of hopelessness. Time will become meaningless and you won’t see an escape route from there just the same, because feelings manifest instantly without the limitations of the physical realm.

          The good news is, if you’re reaching out for help it means you still believe in help, and therefore it can manifest for you. The bad news is that either in this or the other side, it’s hard work to get your soul back, and ultimately no one can do it for you.

