Nutrition in the Period of Transformations of Consciousness Part 2 and 3

By Liberty

Let’s continue the conversation about how the STRUCTURE of your PHYSICAL BODY will CHANGE into a LIGHT CRYSTAL BODY.


And this can happen only when CONSCIOUSNESS REACHES the LEVEL of vibrations of the Fifth Dimension.

The new energies coming to Earth now and your Heavenly helpers can only assist you in this energetically, but you have to DO THE BASIC WORK on transforming your body YOURSELF.

And you need to start by CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE to FOOD – to what and how you eat.

This is very important, and here’s why.


So, for example, the most LOW-VIBRATION IS MEAT FOOD, which stores the energies of animals that have survived the fear of death – the most powerful negative emotion of all that exists on Earth.

But that’s not all.

Eating slain living beings is NOT Divine in itself.

Man was originally created to be a vegetarian, and the tradition of EATING ANIMAL CORPSES WAS BROUGHT to your planet by the Draconic race, whose low energy required such food to sustain them on Earth.

Thus, the Reptilians, for their own sake, changed the nature of human nutrition, which HAS ACCELERATED THE DESCENT OF PEOPLE into the SPACE OF THE THIRD DIMENSION.

And this is how the energy of meat products penetrates into your body.

Man is energetically a very complex creature, containing the most diverse energies that are in constant motion, depending on his physical and mental state at the moment.

For example, “live” products – such as vegetables and fruits, which have absorbed the energy of all natural elements, carry “live” positive energy, which, being attracted to the positive energy of a person, greatly enhances it.

And “dead” products, which is the meat of slaughtered animals, feed the most negative qualities of a person, being attracted by vibrations to his negative energy.

That is why people who are aggressive and obsessed with low passions, as a rule, are also passionate meat-eaters: LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE.

To support this unnatural eating habit, the Reptilians HAVE CREATED MANY MYTHS that humans need meat to keep them fit.

In fact, there are many plant gifts of nature that can support the body of even those people who are engaged in hard physical work at the proper level.

And this natural natural food first of all gives a person moral strength, which is sometimes much more important than physical strength.

As for meat food, it REPRESENTS a “DIRTY FUEL”, feeding ONLY the MUSCLES of a person, and not his Spirit.

But this is exactly what was needed by those who introduced the use of this unusual low-vibration food into the traditions of people.

But now it’s TIME TO RETURN TO YOUR ORIGINS and in this area of life that is so important for you, which is your nutrition.



CHANGE in our attitude to nutrition is a NECESSARY COMPONENT for TRANSFORMATION of the PHYSICAL body into a LIGHT CRYSTAL.

After we stop eating meat, we will feel how EASY and PURE OUR BODY BECOMES.

It is as if REBORN ENERGETICALLY and physically, CLEARED from the toxins accumulated in it over many years of eating meat.

But so that the physical BODY DOES NOT SUFFER from a sudden change in nutrition, you need to find those products that will be a quality substitute for meat, which the body is already so used to.

At first, you will have to “deceive” him by offering him such high-calorie foods as nuts, mushrooms, a variety of cereals and all kinds of legumes.

Those who find it difficult to give up meat products overnight can do it GRADUALLY, reducing their consumption to a minimum for several months, or maybe weeks.

THE NEXT STEP towards the transformation of the physical body should be the REFUSAL OF THE USE of all types of INDUSTRIALLY PREPARED PRODUCTS.

All of them contain preservatives and various chemical additives that have a destructive effect on your body at the cellular level.

Particular attention should also be paid to CONFECTIONERY PRODUCTS, which are oversaturated with fats and chemical additives.

Try to find those products that contain natural ingredients and are not subject to long storage.

IDEAL NUTRITION for a person who has embarked on the path of Ascension can be “LIVING” NATURAL PLANT FOOD COOKED WITH OWN HANDS.

Why is it so important to cook it yourself?

Because ONLY YOU can FILL IT WITH YOUR LOVE and your own energy.

And then EVERYTHING YOU PREPARE WILL ENTER THE RESONANCE with the ENERGY OF YOUR BODY and will greatly enhance its SPIRITUAL POTENTIAL, which is no less important than the physical potential.

Do not be surprised, but even food can become a SOURCE OF INCREASING THE SPIRITUAL BEGINNING in a person.

And it is explained very simply.


And then, prepared by a person with Love and Gratitude, they share their Divine energy with him.

Therefore, do not forget to THANK these BLESSED GIFTS OF THE EARTH, which serve us as food, and therefore give us life!


From time immemorial, fish and all kinds of sea and river inhabitants have faithfully served man, being one of the main components of his nutrition.

Unlike herbivores and predatory animals that live on Earth and have a higher consciousness, THEY ARE A SYMBIOSIS OF THINKING BEINGS AND ORGANISMS, which are based on programs of self-reproduction and self-regulation.

In other words, they DO NOT HAVE A DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS and were INITIALLY CREATED as a FOOD SOURCE for other more advanced living beings.

Therefore, their use in food is quite ACCEPTABLE.

But still, you need to take into account the fact that their energy is incomparably lower than the energy of plant food, which has absorbed the high-vibration energy of the natural elements that gave rise to it.

And that’s why.

With the exception of DOLPHINS and WHALES, which are representatives of highly developed civilizations and mammals, all marine and river representatives of the animal world exist according to certain programs, BUILT IN ACCORDANCE WITH DIVINE FUNCTIONALITY.

And it lies in the fact that the SELF-REGULATION of all types of aquatic inhabitants MEETS THE NEEDS for food of other living beings that are at a higher level of development – the same dolphins and whales, as well as humans and some animals that feed on them.

Everything on Earth was harmonious until man began to abuse his strength and power over marine life, thereby violating the balance established for centuries.

This led to the fact that the COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS of many species of sea creatures GET FAIL and, having lost natural harmony, their GENERAL ENERGY DECREASED SIGNIFICANTLY.

This was also facilitated by the fact that people learned to ARTIFICIALLY BREED many types of fish and mollusks, which in many respects violated their natural species balance.

Thus, the total ENERGY of MOST SPECIES of river and sea creatures consumed by humans has DECREASED MANY TIMES.

And for this reason, it is better for a person walking the path of Ascension to refuse these products, which have now become low-vibration, and therefore lower the vibrations of people.

As for DAIRY PRODUCTS, from an energy point of view, they ARE quite NEUTRAL, and their value is determined only by the way they were cooked.

If they contain preservatives and other chemical additives, they significantly reduce the energy of these products and have a harmful effect on the human body.

And yet, even from these dairy products so beloved by many of you, you need to gradually wean yourself, because they no longer correspond to the energies that are now coming to Earth, and therefore, to the level of our vibrations.

NEW NUTRITION, which will be based only on products that carry the energies of natural elements, will become another component of our ENERGY UNITY WITH THE EARTH and will raise us to a new level of spiritual development, having cleansed our body and our consciousness from the stereotypes and patterns of the three-dimensional world,
concerning the human nutrition system.


– Eggs DO NOT belong to the category of meat products for the simple reason that the embryos contained in them have NOT yet BEEN INcarnated in the PHYSICAL BODY of the bird, which means they DO NOT HAVE CONSCIOUSNESS.

Therefore, their use in food is completely ACCEPTABLE.

Of course, this is an INTERIM OPTION until a person completely switches to eating plant foods.

And caviar can be attributed to SEAFOOD.


What role do drinks play in our lives?

You already know that it is the liquid that a person consumes that has the BIGGEST IMPACT on him, because it is VERY QUICKLY ABSORBED into the blood and then spreads throughout the body.

And, of course, during the period of the Transition, the greatest attention should be paid to exactly what you drink.

The IDEAL DRINK for a person with high vibrations is SIMPLE WATER , which is a particle of the Element of Water in its purest form.

When you drink water, you involuntarily merge with this Element and are filled with its energy.

All other drinks, although they are based on water, carry completely different energies, DECREASING THE ORIGINAL VIBRATIONS OF WATER.



In this case, the source of a good cheerful high spirits is NOT Divine energy, but its surrogate supplied by astral entities that FEED ON THE ENERGY OF PEOPLE who are in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

And this addiction was introduced into human society by the same reptilians.

Alcohol was a real godsend for them, because with its help they could CONTROL THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF A HUMAN UNLIMITEDLY and WITH IMPUNITY.

How many bright human souls they ruined using this diabolical “weapon”, and how many they continue to destroy to this day!

They even try to prove the benefits of these drinks by setting certain doses of “safe” for human health.

Now not a single feast is complete without one or another type of alcoholic beverage.

It has already become a tradition, a way of life, an integral attribute of any holiday, which in fact is no less a crime of reptilians against humanity than the habit of eating animal corpses imposed on people.


As for SOFT DRINKS, very FEW of them are really USEFUL for a person, because most often they contain an excess of sugar, preservatives and chemical additives.

The only exceptions are drinks that contain a small concentration of freshly squeezed homemade fruit or vegetable juices.

It’s time to pay special attention to what you drink and eat, since all the foods and liquids you consume contribute to your overall energy component.

And they can both KNOCK YOU BACK, and HELP YOU MOVE FORWARD, helping your Spirit gain strength, and your Consciousness – purity.

With Love, Liberty

“Island of Light” in English

“The Island of Light” in Russian

14 Replies to “Nutrition in the Period of Transformations of Consciousness Part 2 and 3”

  1. John

    There was arguing in an ancient Chinese temple about the best way to honor Life on Earth, and the grandmaster suddenly spoke “A fish once saved my life.”
    Amazed, his students gathered together to enquire him about the details of what undoubtedly was a wonderful story, but he simply answered “I ate it.”

  2. Seonaid

    Transformation. Hot topic. In multiverses!

    What “popped into my head” when I saw the title:
    Hermes + Aphrodite = Hermaphrodite; and

    A 5th generation Maine (USA) Lobsterman recently pulled up a never-seen-before lobster (I follow him on YouTube–Jacob Knowles). Absolute line of demarcation… 1/2 blue.. 1/2 light coral colored. The blue 1/2 is male. The coral half is female, and she’s bearing eggs!

    My point: ‘anything’ is always possible…

  3. Im From The Stars

    We live in a dense 3D realm. We are not spiritual and flying around like fairies. Humans are wearing dense bodulysuits in order to survive this realm.

    My goal is on protein intake so that my body has fuel. There is no fuel in plants. I know of people who duffer from iron depletion (Anemia) due to a vegan/plant diet.

    I’m a diabetic, there is no need for plants in my diet.

    Thanks Liberty, but just be gone with you.

    1. Lightworker

      I have mixed feelings about this article.

      But in general, I think meat eaters (as well as official recommendations) are overstating how much protein bodies need. You can also certainly get your nutrition from vegan food + eggs + dairy food + fish, as this article prescribes.

      And “no fuel in plants”? I actually agree that vegans significantly over-eat veggies, but most carbs come from plants. And you can’t tell me that there’s no fuel in carbs. In fact, carbs are the body’s preferred fuel source.

      I’ve tried a lot of ways of eating, and it seems to me that the healthiest thing to do for the average person is eat a ton of carbs, and a little bit of animal products (say, two eggs per day, or something). You know, what billions of Asians did for centuries, and which led to the stereotype of Asians being slim and healthy and long-living and rarely suffering from heart disease. I also eat that way and the people around me often remark that I seem to have unusually high amounts of energy.

      Though sure, if people have a specific health condition, then eat what you gotta eat.

      1. Emma

        No carbs are not the bodys preferred source. Carbs are made into fat, because fat is the true source. It is only possible to store a tiny amount of carbs that will last for only hours of NOT hard work.

        Eating fat will not be made into carbs, as the body cannot store carbs.

        Carbs will be made into fat, as we can store extreme amounts of fat.

        Even slim people have weeks of food inside (fat). Fat people, or fat animals are able to survice a winter, because some animals and some people live in cold areas without plants in winter times.

        We can import now a days, but how sustainable is that?
        Plant eaters should not be allowed to import so much plant, from around the world, with fuel being burned of on the way. Well I dont mind, only when plant eaters want to control my path in life.

        Carbs gave me a broken pancreas, and I think God wants to open my eyes to healthier way of living that is not carbs. Also many gets sleepy after eating carbs, just good carbs, not even sugar carbs.

        Asian people eat fish, and new science say that fish has a slimming effect on the body, if one do not overeat at the same time. Asian people eat many carbs, but not much fat with the carbs.

        Western people eat fat and carbs together. Cakes, cookies, ice cream, mashed potatoes, cream potatoes etc.

        I am a researcher in personality tests, and my pancreas has of course put me on the path of researching food, body and diseases. But I love researching many things, and I need too, to feel alive.

      2. Emma

        Btw… A vegan diet + eggs, fish and dairy are not vegan. That is vegetarian, pescetarian, and its very easy to survive in a good way on vegetarian / pescetarian diets. No supplements nessesary, unless you have a disease that needs something extra.

        Vegans needs to devote their wake life to chop and eat, and have all kinds of different food types to get it all covered. I follow a vegan, and he is again going carnivore with a little veggies, because he has so many problems with digestion, skin and farts, and he is going to meet his in-laws.

        He hate being a carnivore, his heart are with plants, but he too say that too much time is spend in the kitchen when vegan, compared to carnivore, and my experience agrees.

        Fry a lump of meat, eat, put the frying pan in the fridge, next day, or next time, take it out, fry another lump of meat. Do wash every other time, but carnivore is sooo easy. I am not carnivore as I gain weight on only meat, unless its eggs and fish, also I really love vegetables, like leaks, onions, corn, peas, cabbage, cauliflower etc.

        Looove rice, loove creamed potatoes, but my pancreas kills cells in my pancreas each time I eat a normal portion of that stuff. I can eat a baby size portion. Hospital can measure how much is left of the pancreas, as it eats on itself each time it inflames. One cannot have a pancreas transplant, and should one get cancer in pancreas one will die rather fast.

  4. Emma

    If changing diet is important we will all FEEL like changing it.

    The awakening are not pushed, it goes sloooowly so people can adjust, I expect the very same for our eating patterns, and everything else, I will see as propaganda.

    1. A.S.

      I do think that people should listen to their body, and I’m not vegan myself, and I’m also not a fan of telling people what they should and shouldn’t eat.

      But I also think that it’s a bit simplistic to say “If changing diet is important we will all FEEL like changing it.”

      Most people in the West are either obese or overweight. Clearly “just eat what you FEEL like” doesn’t work for most people.

      Not to mention that most people don’t FEEL like exercising or going to work or meditating either, and yet they probably should.

      1. Emma

        Most Americans eat very bad food, that distort the body in many ways.

        I did not say eat what you feel like eating. But I could say that, as this world is about choice and people have a choise to eat bad if they want to. This is a free will planet.

        Most people, even Americans know enough about what to eat, and exercise. Often true food are not available. The soil is bad, and the plant food have really little energy, thats why vegans eat tons and tons. Many vegans are predators on the land, eating like 10-20 bananas a day. If 7 billion people did that, and vegans wants us to do that, then it will destroy the planet to grow so much mono crop, 70 billion banans each day, or more. EACH DAY!!!

        BUT… I said that if we are suppose to eat in another way, we will feel the nudge from our GUIDES, not from a channeler that is bias, and very very few channelers are clean enough to channel true divinity.

        A majority of the population feel a nudge to change their spirituality and awakening. If you would force people to awaken (try with family members) they will not. They will only do what comes from inside, and will rather avoid you if you try. Many do try to shake their family up, due to ego that wants the family to know that they are awake, clever and know stuff and now the family have to hear their knowledge. Does not work, and many families are now split up.

        Many have a life lesson to learn to shut up, and let other people follow their OWN path, and not your path. I follow a social media site, and so many are complaining that their families will no longer see them, and now it is thanksgiving and christmas. But these people are pushing and forcing the awakening on others. They dont respect others path or pace.

        Stop being judmental towards people that dont want to eat the right way, or exercise. They dont need your advice. They dont want you advice. And they have freedom to do what they want.

        Buhu but what about insurance and hospital bill that we all pay collectively, well what about fools that go on snow hollyday, break a leg. I never do that, should I pay for that?. People using too much alcohol, should my insurance help paying for their new liver?. Kidneys from diabetes, when loading up on carbs, should I pay for that?

        Everybody just mind your own path!!!, you know nothing about others path.

      2. Emma

        When I say bad food, I mean purposefully destroyed food by the industry. Chemicals, combinations that are causing diseases etc. The wrapping is often causing diseases.

  5. Emma

    Propaganda from deepstate.
    Anyway my pancreas cannot handle carbs. I was hospitalized and they expected me to die.

  6. Harriet

    When humans were created and dropped off on Earth they were told to fend for themselves and do everything they must do to survive. They learned to clothe themselves, use shelter and fire for protection and warmth, defend themselves, learn medicinal plants, and eat whatever they could gather including meat. Eating plants only is a New Age development of a higher vibration and eventually eating animals will fall out of favor. Also, there are so many poisons in our soil and water and very little nutrition in the produce, so it is wise to eat animals until we can produce healthy and nutritious plants to thrive without eating meat. For example our vegetables are 30% to 50% less nutritious then they were in the 1950’s. So don’t believe everything you read. Go with your gut feelings literally. And we are all now in the 5th dimension at 5.0 and will be for a while. Probably until kindness, love, non-judgement, caring, empathy, compassion and service of those in need are commonplace, and crime and wars/battles are eliminated. Then we will slowly move up to 5.1, then 5.2, 5.3, and so on.

    You can still eat meat now because we are a ways off from elevating our vibrations higher to 5.1. For example, I’m very comfortable with my higher vibrations at 5.0. I try to live my best life, love everyone, feel joy and gratitude, include Creator and my higher soul in everything and so far I’m successful in healing myself from a terminal illness. I wouldn’t be able to heal this illness if I hadn’t raised my vibrations. And I still eat meat. I’m not comfortable with it, but in my heart right now I need its nutrition.

    1. Emma

      I had not seen it that way, but you are right. The soil is not good enough for even the vegan people.

      Like I wrote, similar to yours, that it will come, but not forced, not shamed to do it.

      Deepstate are always forcing and shaming us to do stuff, like global ID (in my country), like vaxxines, like new surveillance rules, climate rules etc.

      Divine would never force og shame about food.

