From 3D To 4D And 5D: Ops In Turkey Part 3

By Lev

The next Lightwarriors’ op target was the NAA’s invasion Portal that Co-Creators spotted at Göbekli Tepe. As similar facilities in Gaziantep, Urfa and Sogmatar (see Part 1 and Part 2), it’s a very strong Power Place. Originally, the Solar Logos Gateway was there. Through this channel, Earth received Universe’s Life Energy, but later, Darks sized it and used for their purposes. In times of Nimrod, he with other Reptilian Annunaki built here a huge genetic center.

During millennia and till today, they actively apply genes weapon to create ethnic melting pots, dilute as much as possible the root system of our nations that resist forced mixing and external run. The alliance of Atlanteans and NAA, could not defeat the four space races of Hyperborea in three wars, but managed to completely dismember it into many states with the help of genetic hybrids. The ruling elite were raised from the same mutants. This facilitated the complete destruction of its infrastructure by attacks from orbit on the territory of modern Eurasia, Africa and America in the 16th and 18th centuries. Pinpoint strikes have continued in the last two centuries. Rewriting history was a matter of technique.

This fully applies to the history of Göbekli Tepe. To briefly summarize what official science tells us about it, there was a temple here, built 12 thousand years ago by primitive people of the Stone Age, who lived by gathering, hunting, fishing, and had just domesticated the first goats. But even then they were attracted to the high and the great. They could not live without observing the stars and decided to build a mega-structure of multi-ton T-shaped blocks in order to observe the stars in their free time or before going to bed. How huge T-shaped boulders can be used to observe celestial objects, scientists cannot explain and do not bother with this. We, the sheeple, have simply to take it.

This facility was indeed built by humans, but under the Reptilians’ run. At first, they used earthlings as construction labor, which, according to a given drawing, simply performed hard work, including sawing and grinding stones. It was mostly limestone, a soft rock.

Contrary to the popular myth that it’s an oldest temple on Earth, this place is not. Reptilians used it differently – to create new hybrid forms by crossing everything they could, including humans, animals and themselves. For cloning, it was an ideal place – on a direct channel of the Earth’s vital energy. Additional energy provided a local, very strong magnetic field. The T-shaped pillars served as resonators, capture devices, and amplifiers for accumulating the space and the Earth’s core radiations. They created the necessary environment and nourishment for the hybrids being grown.

The circles along which the columns are located and the large T-shaped megalith are the remains of separate compartments of the scientific laboratory, where, on the Subtle Plane, various incarnation capsules of the hybrids were stored. Moreover, images of those life forms that were grown there, mostly different animals and creatures, are still preserved on each stone slab. There are no images of human clones because to date, archaeologists have managed to excavate only 5% of the objects buried underground.

Anunnaki grew hybrid embryos in incarnation Matrices that served as incubators. In addition to sunlight and a magnetic force field, they needed the materialized life energy. Reptiloids took it from human blood. Hundreds of thousands of people, including the workforce, were slaughtered right there, like cattle in a slaughterhouse. Moreover, it was not a ritual sacrifice, as in Palmyra, Baalbek and other places. Butchers simply killed and drained the blood, placed embryos in it, which ripened in this nutrient medium.

All this continued for many epochs, including under Nimrod (1751-1638 BC), for the cultivation of entire civilizations of negative hybrids. About the 8th millennium BC, Darks mothballed the main parts of this infrastructure, covering it with an earthen hill. But on the Subtle Plane, the Portal continued to work, pumping out the vital energy of the planet coming through the Sun.

Arriving at Göbekli Tepe, Lightwarriors were deeply shocked by the huge volume, and the most intensively syphoned out recently. And how much energy of pain and suffering is preserved here. And most importantly, all the incarnation matrices that the NAA did not evacuate remained on the Subtle Plane. Power Place maintained their latent existence, and kept the Portal in operational mode, which the NAA also planned to use for the invasion of Earth.

On the instructions of Co-Creators, the ground team immediately began to destroy the entire infernal structure. Using Antahkaranas, they completely smashed and cleaned up all Matrices and Portal frame. Their remains were assigned to be remotely removed by other ground teams to fully restore, sanitize and return Göbekli Tepe to the 5D field.


5 Replies to “From 3D To 4D And 5D: Ops In Turkey Part 3”

  1. Mikkel Kaastrup

    Heh, I am very skeptical of everything this Lev writes, it sounds like pure imagination mixed with a number of Theosophical terms. Moreover, there seems to be no possibility whatsoever, to test if his accounts are true or not. They all happen in the distant past, or in subtle spiritual worlds that only he has seen. So it cannot be verified or falsified, and feels like a fable. Thankfully, though, his fables always report something good is happening.

    1. the_complaint_department

      In the context of being surrounded by channelings of anthropomorphic aliens, agents of nature, archangels, intergalactic planetary collectives from another dimension, ascended masters, astronomical objects and regular dead people; THAT comes off as quite a compliment.

      It’s hard and pointless to fabricate a coherent lie of this scope, except perhaps to alter key actors in the narrative – which is unlikely here since they are mostly anonymous and little judgement is made of their actions.

      Ironically, it is precisely fables and archetypes of our collective psyche that can provide means of verification, if any are available. ‘Pure imagination’, as you aptly named it, is more likely to showcase reality than anything they teach in schools.

      Kudos on not actually complaining about good news, though.

      1. Hosanna

        Eternally Grateful..
        Eternal unconditional love for you and your lovely family


