R’Kok: Be Conscious of Your Shadow

Channel: A.S.

My dear Earth friends,

This is R’Kok speaking. It is an honor and a pleasure to speak with you.

People on Earth often think of themselves as rational actors. If they have certain rational beliefs, they think that these are indeed the principles that will determine their actions.

But that is not the whole story.

Usually when push comes to shove, people’s rational minds only have a small impact on their actions, while their actions are primarily determined by their emotions and their subconscious. Often people’s emotions and subconscious don’t primarily care about truth or justice or spiritual growth or being a good human being or helping others. Often, people’s emotions and their subconscious just want comfort and pleasure and security and an ego-boost. People’s subconscious also likes labeling other people as bad and yourself as good, because that gives you an additional ego boost and gives you an excuse to not help or care about other suffering people.

What you might think of as spiritually more evolved people are people whose decisions are largely conscious and only a little bit motivated by fears and desires and their ego and their emotions and their subconscious. Whereas unevolved people make decisions that are only a little bit conscious and are primarily motivated by their emotions and their subconscious. So you can think of it as a spectrum.

Why have people not woken up as to what’s going on? Why do people still believe that the government cares about them and is trying to help them? Because most people are ruled by their emotions and subconscious, and the belief that is most comfortable is the belief that the government indeed is working for the people’s benefit. Even when it’s clearly not.

People being ruled by their subconscious also means: don’t be too quick to judge others who are in difficult situations that you have never been in. After all, you likely too are ruled at least partly by your subconscious and emotions, even if only to a small extent, and so you too may very well behave less than optimally if you were in that difficult situation. It’s easy to think you would do great if you were in a certain situation, but you can’t really know that unless you have been in that situation or a similar situation.

Also, if you take a certain action, don’t be too quick to believe the narrative that your rational mind creates to justify your action. Often that is just a false but pleasing and self-justifying story. Often the real reason why people act is some kind of self-serving emotional or subconscious or lizard-brain reason.

Some Earth people would now say that they’re simply rational actors who act based on facts and evidence and science. In today’s world, that doesn’t help nearly as much as you might hope, because you can nearly always find a few experts who will have the opinion that emotionally appeals to you. Therefore in practice, people who say they follow the science often just disregard scientists who say things that they emotionally don’t like, and hold up science that say things that they emotionally do like. Or they follow the mainstream media, which has done the process for them. So that doesn’t help a lot.

There are even several instances where there seems to be a scientific consensus, but the believed consensus is actually false. Or there actually is no consensus at all: the heretical scientists simply get deplatformed and censored and defunded.

Even when it doesn’t come to governments pressuring scientists to support the desired narrative, you have cases where selective industry funding and lobbying creates a lot of scientific research that supports whatever the industry wants supported

A lot of people are fundamentally unhappy and bored, and instead of looking for happiness inside themselves or finding some good ways to spend their time, some people try to find a partner to provide their happiness and entertainment for them. This usually doesn’t lead to a happy relationship, because few people can consistently make a person feel good who is fundamentally unhappy and bored. Not to mention that this effectively puts pressure on the other person to make two people happy and not just one. But of course, people will rarely admit that they’re unhappy and that they expect their partner to provide their happiness and entertainment for them, even when that’s often the case.

Or suppose you ask a man what kind of woman he wants to be in a relationship with. Make it anonymous, so that he knows that he doesn’t have to give a socially acceptable answer. He will probably still say something like: I want a kind, reasonably attractive woman with compatible values and a good character.

But suppose you then have the guy meet the woman who is exactly what he says he wants, and also a physically very attractive woman who clearly demonstrates that she is not a kind person. Likely the man will be more interested in dating the physically very attractive woman, despite what he just said. Most men say that they value good character and kindness and compatibility in their partner and things like that, but when push comes to shove, most men (not all) will instead choose a young, physically attractive woman with a slim waist and nice breasts or a nice ass. When push comes to shove, it’s usually a person’s emotions and subconscious that makes the decisions, not their rational mind.

Similarly, a woman will often say that it’s fine if her partner earns less than she does. And that is indeed her consciously held belief. But a lot of women — not all, but a lot — will actually lose attraction to and possibly dump their partner if indeed she starts earning more than he does. And then their mind produces a rationalization, a self-justifying story, that the reason for the breakup was something else than it actually was. But despite rationalizations, people usually act based on their emotions and their subconscious, not on their rational mind — and often the narratives that rational minds create are merely self-justifying stories.

With these examples, we see that most people don’t make actions based on their principles or based on their consciously held beliefs. Most people make decisions based on their emotions and their subconscious. Most people’s rational mind mostly just works to rationalize the decision that their emotions and their subconscious makes.

It’s useful to be aware of this, and to watch and evaluate your own behavior. Sure, you have a set of consciously held beliefs, but when push comes to shove, are those things what you actually act on? Remember, there’s always an excuse to be made. Rationalizations can always be formulated. But how do you actually act when push comes to shove? And don’t immediately create a nice-sounding and self-excusing narrative why you acted the way you acted. Just observe how you act, and if possible, observe what is going on inside you. Genuine observation is the first step.

And look, it’s okay. Everyone has their lizard brain, their emotions, their shallow preferences, their actions that are based on fear and insecurities and anxieties. Everyone gets jealous or greedy or superficial at some point in their lives. If you recognize these things in yourself, then that doesn’t make you lesser than other people. Other people have and do these things too. If you recognize this in yourself, that merely means that you are conscious of these things, while other people are not. And conscious people typically do a lot less damage and are a lot more capable of doing good and making conscious decisions than unconscious people are.

In fact, a big spiritual milestone is becoming aware enough of your own inner processes that you are able to consciously choose your actions, instead of just being led around by your emotions and your subconscious, as most people are. This may sound silly, but once you become aware enough, you will notice that most people on Earth are almost a bit like robots who are just controlled by and led around by their emotions and their subconscious, while not being aware of that at all. This is actually pretty disturbing once you first become aware of that. Though once the shock wears off, you can become a highly effective change-maker and influential thinker, because you’ll learn to look past the self-justifying narrative that people tell you and instead look at the emotional and often self-serving and irrational reasons why people actually act the way they do.

Of course, those other, unaware people are still you. If they suffer, you suffer, because they are you.

And don’t be too quick to say that it’s other people who are led around by their emotions and their subconscious, but never you. If you feel you feel that you are never being led around by your emotions and subconscious, then you probably are in fact being controlled by your emotions and your subconscious, and are currently believing “you are so rational” or “you are so spiritually evolved” story that your rational mind is feeding you.

Meanwhile, you probably are mostly making conscious choices if your view of yourself is that you have these shallow dating preferences, you have these copings mechanisms, you have these anxieties or emotional wounds that occasionally lead to those kinds of behaviors, but you know all these things and try to act as conscious as possible aside from this. If this is your view of yourself, you are likely more conscious and are less often being led around by your emotions and subconscious than most people are.

In other words, if you think you are always making conscious choices that are for the highest good of yourself and others, then you are probably not actually doing that. If instead you recognize which emotional wounds and sub-optimal patterns and coping mechanisms and anxieties and shallow preferences and so-called base desires you have, then you probably are largely making conscious choices.

Some people are cynics and they believe that everyone else is ruled by emotions and irrationality and unconscious patterns. Well, yes, that is mostly true for most people. But these cynics often also believe that they themselves are fully rational and fully aware, which is likely not true. It’s useful to be able to look at things through a cynical lens, to keep yourself grounded in reality, but cynicism isn’t the only useful lens to have. It’s not helpful or particularly evolved if a person only has access to the cynical worldview. It’s also much easier to criticize than it is to create something.

Cynics often have the attitude that they don’t care when other people suffer, because other people are stupid — but this is separation consciousness. Yes, some people are stupid, but they are still part of you. Not caring about their suffering is like not caring about the wound in your own leg. Thinking that other people are separate from you is believing in an illusion.


Next, let’s talk about your shadow. It is often defined as the unseen or unacknowledged part of you. Often people unconsciously choose to be unaware of certain things, because it is often a part of people that is considered ugly or unwelcome or bad. Or it is more advantageous for a person to not be aware of something. Therefore a person’s shadow is often their shadow because certain parts of themselves aren’t accepted by them.

While a person’s shadow often contains painful or awkward or unflattering things, it’s ultimately just the collection of unseen or unacknowledged things. A person with a bad self image might have in their shadow that they actually are more capable or more loved or more appreciated by the people around them than they realize.

From my perspective, a lot of lightworkers have in their shadow that they’re actually pretty amazing, because they’re more or even far more conscious than most people are, and it’s impressive that they achieved that while on Earth. If the lightworker doesn’t fully acknowledge or see that, perhaps because they’ve been trained as a child or trained by society to always look at the negative and that it’s arrogant to give themselves a compliment, then a person may have in their shadow that they’re actually pretty awesome.

Let’s look at some other examples of shadows. In the previous examples, one part of a person’s shadow might be their actual dating preferences (a man prioritizing physical attractiveness in his partners), as opposed to what the person thinks their dating preferences are.

Your shadow is also frequently things that aren’t socially acceptable, and so you’ve pushed those parts of you away so much that you’re no longer aware of them. For example, a gay man who grows up in a society that doesn’t tolerate homosexuality might genuinely repress his sexuality so much that he stops being aware that he is homosexual, and it may become part of his shadow.

Or a person might feel angry towards their parents, but that’s not very socially acceptable and that wasn’t welcome when the person was young, and so the person might repress those emotions to such an extent that they’re not even aware of their anger towards their parents. It is actually quite common for people to be either angry at their parents, or to have unresolved pain or grief about their youth, and for those things to be so repressed that they’re not even consciously aware of it anymore. This too can become part of the shadow.

Or a spiritual person might tell themselves that they’re so advanced that they no longer want or need sex. If however their actual yet suppressed truth is that they still desire sex, then that can become part of the shadow.

And this can lead to a situation where a spiritual teacher sexually mistreats his pupils, sometimes even convincing himself that what he’s doing is for some kind of noble spiritual purpose. Now, yes, sex can lead to spiritual progression, but of course both people have to freely consent to sex at a bare minimum, which doesn’t always happen if the guru says to the student that they will now sleep together, for her spiritual benefit of course.

People’s shadows can also simply hold them back from growing spiritually or leading a happier life or having better relationships (whether romantic or not). People with relatively large shadows manipulate more often, for example, and manipulating others isn’t a path that will ultimately make a person happy. Believe me.

So, what can you do about your shadow?

Well, almost everyone has a shadow, so it’s more about shrinking it or becoming conscious about it and observing it than it is about eliminating it completely. Even people like Tunia and Hakann have shadows. For example, Hakann’s shadow is that he secretly loves the color pink, but he doesn’t want to admit that because he feels he’s too manly and too commandery for that. True story.

Okay, I’m making that up.

To be honest, part of my shadow is that I sometimes feel inadequate when I’m around people like Hakann, whom I occasionally work with. I really don’t like admitting that, and Hakann is not doing anything to make me feel inferior or tear me down. But he just always seems to know what to do, and life just seems so effortless and easy for him, and life really isn’t like that for me. At all.

I feel like I work very hard to be a good person, to be worth something and to make my life have some meaning. And yet I feel that he’s at least twice the person that I am. And I feel like I won’t ever be able to catch up to him. I feel that he will always be a better person than I am, while I will always remain not quite good enough.

So. That was uncomfortable and embarrassing.

But what I just did is shrink my own shadow. I acknowledged and admitted something to myself, and now it’s no longer part of my shadow. The emotions are still there, but now it’s something I’m conscious about, hence it’s no longer part of my shadow.

You don’t even necessarily need to admit it publicly, even just admitting something to yourself shrinks your shadow. Admitting it publicly can help, but isn’t necessary.

If you feel the urge to deflect some remark that someone made, or to attack someone else personally, then you might want to check if there’s something in your own shadow that is nudging you to do that.

If you’re around toxic people, and a conversation doesn’t resolve that, it can help for your shadow to seek out better company. People often choose to be willfully blind towards a part of themselves if that part of them won’t be accepted by the people around them.

For my part, I would like to tell you that you are amazing, and that you are already and inherently good enough. Therefore even if you admit to yourself that you have certain thoughts or emotions or preferences that some might view as ugly, even then you are still fully worthy of love. You are good enough, all of you, including the parts of you that you might find harder to love. All of you is welcome from my perspective, and all of you is loved.

Therefore you are safe to admit that you may have parts or aspects of yourself that you previously didn’t want to admit to having.

All your thoughts and emotions and all parts of you are welcome, from my perspective. You are good enough, as you are — all of you is. I love you.

If you want, you can put a note somewhere in your house saying: “what is my actual reason for doing this?” That way you can remind yourself to ask yourself why you are doing what you are doing — because the actual reason might not be the reason that your rational mind tells you it is. Or you can agree with a friend to occasionally ask each other this question: “what is your actual reason for doing this?”

If you ask this to a friend, try to ask it in a curious way and not in a hostile or lecturing way or in an “I already understand you better than you understand yourself” kind of way. If they give you a reason that you think is nonsense (which may very well happen), then let them be — perhaps you’ve planted a seed. Or perhaps not, perhaps they’ve completely rejected the gift that you tried to give them, but then that’s their choice.

Finally, let’s do an exercise to shrink our shadow. I already gave an example of how I felt with regards to Hakann. You are invited to share your answers to the following questions in the comment section. You can use a fake name if you want anonymity:

1) how are you really doing? I’m not looking for the polite or for the socially acceptable answer, I’m curious how you are really doing.

2) if you get too stressed out, then what is your coping mechanism? Everyone has at least one, and it’s not even necessarily something unhealthy — it might also be reading a book or taking a walk. Then again, I’m not judging people for having an unhealthy coping mechanism such as alcohol, because I know life on Earth is really tough. So, what is your coping mechanism?

3) what do you currently want or desire? This can be internal or external. Again, feel free to give the real answer. There’s probably at least one part of you that wants something shallow, and it’s fine to acknowledge that too. The point is shrinking our shadow, after all.

4) what are your fears for the future?

5) what are your hopes for the future?

With all my love,

For Era of Light


**These channelings are exclusively submitted to Eraoflight.com by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to the original post.

19 Replies to “R’Kok: Be Conscious of Your Shadow”

    1. Klaudia

      Very nice “previously johnl” or whoever you are, bc “INSANITY IS doing the same thing over and over and EXPECTING different results” is another one THE “ART of formally been known as someone else” will prove if not demonstrate WRONG, anytime soon, but maybe not to everybody “simultaneously”?

  1. Michael

    1) how are you really doing?

    My life is very calm right now, so I have enough time to consciously relax and do my spiritual work. On the other hand I broke my foot 16 days ago (which is one of the reasons why my life is calm…. I can’t really leave the house much…) and have to submit my thesis in two days. So even though my life is calm, my mind tends to be occupied and my spiritual practices aren’t as effective as they were a month ago.

    2) if you get too stressed out, then what is your coping mechanism?

    Breathing, sleeping, focusing on my heart chakra and getting myself in a state of joy/love, so that even though I’m stressed out, at least I feel well. If nothing seems to work, I just sleep and am patient. I have unhealthy coping mechanisms when I have to focus and think a lot, but these things don’t necessarily stress me out. It’s an “I have to read this complex text and write an essay/academic text/my thesis… Better do something to kickstart your brain” thing. I consider that unhealthy because I’ve been meaning to avoid too much sugar and my ADHD meds, yet at some point my ego goes, “Oh, if you just do your breathing techniques and hydrate yourself later, you’ll feel balanced again”, and hm…

    3) what do you currently want or desire?

    Even though I’ve been practicing non-attachment, I desire to graduate – I would be able to accept it if the opposite happened and my thesis would be rejected, but I clearly am more attached to that than I’d like. Now, apart from this “Look how serious I take my spiritual growth” babble, I want my foot to heal; it honestly is annoying because this house isn’t accessible. I also want a deeper voice because I’m either considered 16 or sometimes even a woman, depending on what I wear or if I’m on the phone with no video. I did enough “shadow work” to be comfortable with my voice, and most of the time it doesn’t bother me at all anymore, it’s just an aspect of who I am – but THEN there are these days where 3 people ask me where my parents are or if my (male) first name on the documents is correct or a typo, and… Yeah.

    4) what are your fears for the future?

    One fear my brain has is “What if we complete the shift and telepathic communication is more and more common, and your mind is so scattered that you share random thoughts you didn’t mean to share and you really struggle to control that?” I used to tell people some made up stories about me and my life in puberty and some years later, and one fear seems to be that I’ll meet a former classmate/”friend” and they find out that I was making some things up… 😂 I know that, even if this happened, they really wouldn’t care, but it seems to be a deep-rooted fear I have to work on. It could be that this is because I had this common “mind reading “delusion”” as a kid and teenager.

    5) what are your hopes for the future?

    I hope that, even if some major crises should happen in 2024-2026, I’ll live more or less comfortably. I hope that I “passed” enough soul lessons in a way that I won’t create more “lose your fear of death” situations – this happened quite often this year and I think I cleared that out for this incarnation. In retrospect it always made sense and I saw the value and necessity in it, but…. Let’s just say it would start to get kind of repetitive.

  2. R

    1) I’m tired. I feel like I’m working my ass off, but having nothing to show for it. To write this, makes me sad. I feel tired when I wake up and I feel awake when I have to go to sleep. Some part of me knows it to be true that I’m working in my sleep. To be fair, this could very well be a rationalisation for me avoiding taking responsibility.
    I have a hard time taking care of my teeth, which frustrates me.

    2) I get angry and frustrated. Sometimes I get angry with my kids, while they didn’t deserved it. Most of the time they don’t deserve me getting angry, who ‘deserves’ that at all, really? I can be overwhelming in my energy and I can see it in their faces, which strikes me when typing this. I’m ashamed for it.

    3) Sex while experiencing a deep connection with my partner. Preferably my current partner, however she isn’t as emotionally available as I would like. The next thought is that I don’t accept her for who she is then, which I don’t find ok either. So a lot of judgement here.

    4) that everything I’m doing will fail. That I’ll be a big failure, for my family, the change I want to see in society and myself. Looks like I have some big shoes to fill.

    5) I do hope I can fulfill my dreams of opening a school for therapists in which they can value themselves in connection to their clients, instead of the methods they use. I’m starting the main 3-year course, hopefully in 2024.
    I hope my romantic partner and I find a way to reconnect, or deepen our connection. We’re on the right track, but it has it’s ups and downs.
    I wish I can have a deeper connection with my youngest child, I can get a bit frustrated by her behavior recently, which I puts me off, which I have judgements about.

    Thanks for asking and thank you for your nice and heartwarming words, especially your compliments. They touch me.

  3. John

    First, let me get the “Oh yeah Jung said almost the same thing” out of the way – it’s not like we owe the guy copyrights for the human psyche, but he provided some very useful insights on this subject.

    For instance: this exercise is, by definition, the most challenging enterprise an individual consciousness can undertake. This is because whatever amounts to one’s Shadow was ‘pushed’ out of the field of consciousness PRECISELY because we considered it so unbearably shameful and embarrassing in the first place. Also, your shadow will most likely provide ‘lesser shameful’ decoys that you can pretend to have conquered and feel good about yourself – remember, ‘it’ is always as smart as you are.

    My suggestion is to ask yourself what you HATE above everything else in the world, what you consider to be the most vile behavior anyone can possibly engage in (you’re always triggered by this trait, regardless of how you name it) and then answer it right away from your gut.
    This is probably you, the you that surfaces under the right circumstances (inebriation, stress, relaxation – it depends on your coping mechanisms).

    (For added context, Jung outlined that seeking wholeness is a natural process of the human psyche and it will keep projecting on others and recreating such circumstances externally until greater awareness is attained. Psychic health is similar and linked to physical health in many aspects, including the seek of plenitude. He also claimed we have unacknowledged traits that we LOVE and passionately pursue in external relationships, but are represented by another entity which he called ANIMA/ANIMUS. Ultimately, the point is that whatever we feel very strong EMOTIONS about is always a projection.)

    We are invariably repulsed by our own shadow, and coming forth with it publicly is terrifying… because regardless of how much you trust your elected therapist, your own anonymity (or Tunia pledging us to be EMOTIONALLY SAFE to each other) you KNOW deep down others will judge you! And make no mistake: they will.

    However, once you gather the Courage to believe that the very FEAR OF JUDGEMENT is a part of your Shadow (in other words, that you are _already_ judging others for /eventually/ judging you), you’re free from the trap. Though you may know this rationally; since it’s the jump that creates the bridge, it will always be a leap of faith.

    With that out of the way, on with the exercise:

    Right NOW I’m pissed off that I’ve thus far put nearly five hours into this text while I had many other plans for today. I usually feel lots of guilt over stuff I didn’t do, and hardly the corresponding joy over things that I did do.
    My coping mechanism is sitting here and telling you all about it (which in retrospect may not have been the brightest choice), so let me pause and get some chores done.
    So yeah, I fear not having enough time or resources to dedicate into what my soul desires on all the fields it appreciates. In practical (‘shallow’) terms, I guess this would translate to fear of not being able to provide ‘her’ (whomever I’d end up projecting my Anima on) enough. I may know /intellectually/ that She is also me and would never have unrealistic expectations from me, but the occasional need to remind myself of such proves that some lack of confidence dwells within my Shadow.

    See, I don’t believe in shallow desires; only shallow interpretations of them. I mean, if Cmdr. Hakann feels a certain task force should be allowed to wear pink uniforms instead of the blue ones on certain occasions, it could mean to present a softer side than what’s commonly expected from an assertive missionary. Naturally, if he volunteers YOU to be in said task force it could mean more of a prank than merely appealing to your lizard-brain. No pun intended.

    I also fear that all my psychobabble is based more on observation than experiences, and that it will continuously prevent me from engaging in actual relationships. I assume it’s not on the soul menu for the day.
    On the other hand, I feel confident that whatever hopes I had of expressing love in such manner will dig, however painfully, other gratifying means of expression into the world. There always are.

    I would love to venture into discussing Satan and Lucifer both as a personification of the Shadow in our collective psyche as Jung depicted it and as actual entities playing this role amidst the context of their own evolution, but I’d rather not indulge myself and deviate us from the important practical exercise. Thank you and see you soon!

    1. R

      I feel you in not getting down to task I’ve planned, while putting time in writing stuff here. I know the feeling of guilt/shame about it, it’s happening at this moment.

      Thanks for sharing this with me, so I could see it.

    2. Raksha

      Hey John, I just gifted myself with a chrismas gift, the “Red Book” from Jung. It’s a bit expensive and hard to find, but I have wanted it for a long time. Do you know his paintings ? I like them very much.

      1. John

        Oooh, that’s certainly a treat! My mom bought it herself using almost the same words as you (she died a few years ago, but I “inherited” all Jung material from her), never had the time to read it thoroughly… It’s not with me now, but I remember flipping thru and it’s really amazing. It’s hard to believe he found the time to work on it considering all his other works! BTW, “Memories, Dreams, Reflections” (his ‘autobiography’) is very ‘key’ to everything else, if you haven’t read yet, I seriously recommend it.

        1. Raksha

          Oh, you are lucky to have had a jungian mom.

          I indeed never read this one (there are a bunch I did not read actually, he is so prolific). So thanks for the recommandation.

      2. John

        We had a christmas song tradition narrating the presents santa brought each one, and the present had to rhyme with the person’s name no matter how weird the match was.
        I was precisely thinking how your name would make this quite a challenge when you posted this, so thanks for making it easier:
        🎼 “Get Raksha a new bookshelf” (and better make it a damn sturdy one, that thing is heavy), and of course,
        🎼 “Get Jared a Med Bed”, which as a bonus is also very catchy.

  4. Don Turner

    R’Kok, when you shared your shadow, it made it easier for me to become aware of my shadow, my denied and judged parts of my personality. So thank you. And that made it easier to realize that my personality is not me and that I could just accept it as it was as a result. That led me to understand more clearly what part of my purpose is and who I really am. One thing I habitually criticize myself for is not having a ready answer to many thoughts that present themselves to me through others. I feel that I always have to go within to find what I know.
    1. I am making progress in shifting the center of my identity from my personality to my soul.
    2. I cope by going within and by endeavoring to connect with my heart and be at peace.
    3. I want to be able to be freely and wholly my soul Self and speak from Love.
    4. In the immediate future I fear there could be stressful changes, losses and dislocations.
    5. I hope in the future to be fully my soul Self in a loving enlightened community.

  5. Jared

    Yes R’Kok, very true.

    That is why we must do a clearing practice like 7steps by arnoux goran to make all our beliefs conscious so we can react and behave in the best way possible amen.

    If I was presented with a pretty and nice lady and a very pretty and very nice lady, I would happily date both of them.

    Sounds like you are becoming a spiritual teacher R’Kok! 🙂

    I want a medbed amen:)

  6. Maysaa

    Hello R’kok, I feel good about myself but I feel not good about the war on Gaza, I can’t feel really good when others suffer.
    When I get stressed out I need to be alone to calm down.
    What I desire is this to finish my job here on earth and go back to my original home, I feel really tired of all what happens on the world and I don’t find myself with people around me (I hope to meet my soul tribe).
    Thank you friend , God bless you.

  7. cirno reed

    hello my friend, I miss you!
    I think you guy can see my comment since last time I left one and I got some kind of answer I think
    For the first question, I think my life here is bad. The life in china is bad. Dont’t where the else students will stay more than 14 hours in school without freedom. Actually, answer ‘what do you think of life in china’ id dangerous. Because there’s ‘the great fire wall’, noboy knows what things really are outside. Youmust be careful of not fall into duality. But I think I hate this place, I have anger. Actually I have my own answer of this place, why all this happed. And I find I have a desire to release it out, maybe because being repressed so long. I don;t like this place, and the people of outside never understand the specific problem of China, this ancient eastern country…
    And next problem. Speak of pressure, I think, maybe play videogames. But most are bad. I actually don’t want to play it. But I have not really other things can do. The society expliot all you energy so you can’t chase what you really want but embrace the bad things they offer you
    Thought this thing happens, but I find my inner heart is not damage at all. I think the inner will never be hurt, becaues it’s so inner that nothing but you self will can reach it.
    Then things become really boring. If you choose light as you answer. Then you do nothing. You just stay there, not interact with outside. Then this become the ultimate self-seal. I’m bored with this world. All the normal choice, ramdom talk with someone else, and all the other ways of trying to make some fun to kill time, is rather just another kind of escape! A excession! I think I should be a hermit. But I can’t. I’m too young don’t hvae much choice
    Oh please tell me, can I get what I want at last?
    Should I really do that?
    Besides daily meditation, I’m trying to practicemy will power recently. I already have some progress, I can move little paper fragment but will. Actually, It’s not the will who do that, it;s the heart who do the. And there’s a moment of comprehension, that it’s love that makes telekinesses work.
    I’m trying alchemy also. I actually want to know how’s the time line of this one my dear angel prepared for me. Yes, I want to know it !
    let’s finish this now

    1. Changwanma

      Regarding your question, I believe that China is a puppet established by conspiracy groups and has committed crimes

      For example, implementing genocide in the Uyghur region of Xinjiang,

      Sterilization, castration, and abortion of most women are carried out through family planning.

      Also, I think what you’re talking about is electronic games. Electronic games are just a means of control by conspiracy groups, and they themselves are wasting your time. Every program on Earth is under the control of conspiracy groups. I think electronic games are controlling programs and programming. This is how the rulers of the Earth use electronic games to control the people. They are like the Matrix of the Matrix of the Matrix. You must exit this game. Electronic games are just 3D illusions. Don’t let your children become addicted to electronic games. There is a way to treat their addiction to electronic games, which is a medical bed. Electronic games are not conducive to your mental growth. Perhaps you should try turning off STEAM and EPIC on your computer and deleting them. Then meditate and rest at home.

  8. Dan

    Brilliant article R’Kok. Great insights on shadow work. I can appreciate to potential for heart-felt brutal honesty from those who have worked back from the Dark as you have.

  9. Changwanma

    Thank you to R’Kok for his view on this issue. I believe that individualism and egoism are the so-called troublemakers. Through this epidemic, people have found that more and more people are homeless, lacking the concepts of service and sharing. Many people are in a state of self service rather than serving others. The concept of social atomization, which has been decentralized since Atlantis, is due to greed and selfishness, Therefore, we see a situation where more and more people lack or have very little work and childbirth, leading to laziness. This is because people’s arrogance, jealousy, and even lack of friends and family. I think it will be very serious in 2030, which means that there will not be more and more people who can provide help for what is called ascension and spiritual development. This trend has led to the impact of population aging and many wealth gaps. People not only need to ask, but also, What kind of lessons do we need to learn in order to redeem ourselves

