Sananda: Keep Your Head While Others Lose Theirs

Channel: James McConnell

I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time to continue to remind you.

To remind you, just as we did earlier during your discussion, to remind you of keeping your head throughout all of this process, keeping your understanding, keeping your wits about you, keeping yourself in higher vibration when all of those around you, or many of those around you, are losing theirs, lowering their vibration. Lowering their vibration through fear. And the idea of being controlled, and allowing that control.

For those of you that are the Lightworkers and Light-Warriors are not allowing that control. You’re not allowing the darkness to come in. You’re not allowing the fear to set in, because you know it is an illusion.

All of the fear that is being raised everywhere is just an illusion. And if you remember that, if you remember that it is only part of the illusion, part of their same game plan over and over that they have been using for thousands of years that have worked in the past, but can no longer work for those that are ready for it, that understand it, that know what it is. And you know that the fear is just an illusion.

And if you keep remembering that, if you keep your vibration high as much as you possibly can, simply by seeing the beauty in the world and not seeing the ugliness, not allowing those around you to help you or to encourage you to see that ugliness, because they will. They will, because as you have a saying, ‘misery loves company.’ And those that are seeing the misery want everyone else to see that same misery.

But you, those of you that are the awakened ones, do not see the misery. You do not feel the fear. You only see the beauty. And if you continue to do that, you will move through this entire process with very little problem. The only problems you will have are the ones that you create for yourself. And if you know this, then you will not create those problems. You will not see the problems out there as others see them. You will see them through rose-colored glasses or, as you have heard before, fifth dimensional glasses. And that is the way you need to see this third-dimensional illusion through fifth-dimensional eyes. And the more that you do that, the higher your vibration will remain more and more often.

And as you continue to keep your vibration high, all of those things that people are seeing, and saying, and talking about will have no effect on you. Because indeed you are coming to the end of this movie, the end of this show, the end of the play that for long, so many have kept going, kept this going, kept this show going.

But the show is over, or very close to being over. And the more that you realize that, the more that you know that, the more it will be over for you. And that is the important thing, that it will be over for you as an individual. And as more individuals come to the end of the show for themselves, then the show will come to an end for more and more people. And the population of the planet will also come to the end of the show more, and more, and more. All of these times now are about this, exactly this: coming to the end. Coming to the end of the old, the old third-dimensional expression, or the third-dimensional illusion, and coming into the New Age of Gaia, coming into the new higher vibrational frequency age. Coming to the Golden Age, the New Golden Age.

So trust, my friends. Trust in the process. Trust in the plan. For it is, indeed, working out, exactly as it needs to, in this moment right now. And in the next moment, based on the collective consciousness, of course, it changes. But it changes only as the collective consciousness changes it. So know that. You are in the exact place that you need to be right his moment. Believe that, trust that, know that, and be that.

I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness, and that you continue to move through this process of ascension at the highest vibration you can possibly manage in each moment moving forward.

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8 Replies to “Sananda: Keep Your Head While Others Lose Theirs”

  1. Adapa

    Very good message. I hope many people who come across it shares this great wisdom with their friends and family. Makes me proud to hear your wisdom, James and Sananda.

  2. ᎢᎠᎺBᎡᎠr ᏍᏔrCᎯld

    Well, at least the Son of Yaldabaoth didn’t claim he was born on Saturnalia, which derived from Child Sacrifice. Saturnalia that is. But, the Son of Yaldabaoth is hinting at with the title is Luke 19:27 being fulfilled by Guillotine at the FEMA camps in preparation for his Christian New World Order.

    1. James

      Sananda was NOT hinting at that at all as here is what he said:

      “keeping your understanding, keeping your wits about you, keeping yourself in higher vibration when all of those around you, or many of those around you, are losing theirs, lowering their vibration. Lowering their vibration through fear. And the idea of being controlled, and allowing that control”.

      Please stop with the fear mongering as that is what the deep state/cabal want

        1. Light bearer

          I don’t think that “reads comments on his posts” is such an awful thing. I imagine many posters do that.

          And if someone wanted to cynically fake-channel for views (I’m not accusing James of this at all), then I think it’d be more productive to read a couple of other channelers and then repackage their messages in your own words. I think that’d be far more productive than reading commenters.

          I think at this point you could probably train an AI on a hundred thousand channelings and then ask that AI to spit out new “channelings” at the press of a button. And I think that not everyone would be able to tell the difference between that and a genuine new channeling. However if you train an AI on commenter data, I don’t think you’d get particularly useful messages as output.

    2. SMM

      I’m sorry but your remark is nonsense….maybe you’re not ready for this message. Love and light to you!

