Ashtar: Answering Your Questions

Channel wishes to remain anonymous.

The Eagle Command and Control Centre calling you. Lord Ashtar (Commander in Chief of the Intergalactic Space Peacekeeping Force) is standing by to speak with you. At the present time he is on board the Command Ship Eagle and the fleet has surrounded Earth. All our ships are invisible at the present time, using our technologies of light bending so that the technologies on Earth are not able to pick up our craft. I send you my blessings as always.

Good morning, my beloved Earth family. What a delight it is to be back with you after you have had a recession. A great deal has happened in that time since we last spoke. I thought that because we haven’t spoken for some time it would be appropriate to answer the questions that are coming to us from your brothers and sisters on Earth.

The first question that is on so many lips is: “What is the hold up? Why is it taking so long?” and as we go through the answers I think you will understand what the cause is.

For our beloved brother Jesus and ourselves there is great concern amongst us of complacency within your brothers and sisters. For those who have been preparing for this great event for upwards of forty years, and there are many souls like that, they are saying : “We prepared for so long, and nothing has happened, and now we will go back to our old lives because obviously, its not going to happen.”

For us this is extremely alarming. And I quote the Ascended Greek Master Theophilus. He stated: “There are very few grains of sand left in the hourglass.” I say to you my beloved ones, as Light Workers on planet Earth now, do all you can to persuade your brothers and sisters not to become complacent. In the past your teachers have talked about being prepared, and XXX, you have done an amazing job in moving your home and taking note of your teachers and preparing in every way you possibly can. And each of you is aware of what lies ahead in the photon belt and the issues that will be experienced there; the period of darkness.

You have nothing to fear because you have understood the trust in God. The trust is so vital, because that was where humanity fell away from God and they were no longer able to trust God in the beginning. In those earlier talks, of preparedness, your teachers talked of all the things you needed to do – how you would find that your electronic technology would no longer work for you in the time of darkness, and to prepare for other forms of warmth and heating with natural wood and gas. Also to have fuel (petrol, diesel etc) on hand if you have generating machinery, and to have plenty of water for your needs for your body, and for ablutions, and preferably fed by gravity so you did not have to depend on anything else.

There will of course be massive problems for those who haven’t looked forward to what is going to happen when the darkness comes, and there will be an amazing amount of fear. But you, as Light Workers, and all the helpers on Earth will be able to help your brothers and sisters through this difficult time.

There are many souls at the present that are saying to me: “Lord Ashtar, you have the power to land the fleet. Land the fleet and get on with it!”

That is true, I do. But my dear ones, I have absolutely no intention, nor does anyone in our Command, of breaking God’s Laws. Imagine, if we were to have a Luciferian war, and you know the fate of the fallen angels and the story of Lucifer. Can you imagine?

And the question has come from many brothers and sisters: “Where does the Command come from? Who gives the command?”

In one simple word, dear ones, it is God. But the command comes down, through God’s trusted emissaries. And the command comes to The Creator’s Arm. And then we are asked: “But who is The Creator’s Arm? Where are they? Who are they made up of?”

The Creator’s Arm consists of the Elohim. These are amazing beings of light and whilst you are in the Third Dimension, it is impossible for you to understand the power and the magnitude of the Elohim. They are creators of the planets. As well as the Elohim, there are those amazing archangels that you have known and loved: Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel, and another one that is well known, Sanat Kumara. He is the Elohim of Venus, and for the last two and a half million years he has been the planetary logo of Earth.

When the command comes from God to the Creator’s Arm, and it is stepped down to me, the fleet will land, beloved ones, so fast that you will think it is almost like the speed of light. In the book you read, (“You are becoming a Galatic Human” by Sheldon Nidle and Virginia Essene) you were able to read about the intentions of the Sirian planet, but as well as that, there are literally thousands of planets and star systems that are standing by to do the very same as your brothers and sisters from Sirius.

And the next question was: “Why do these planets have concern about Earth? What is in it for them? And is there some intention that they have towards Earth?”

The answer is yes, they have great intentions towards Earth! Because they have looked on for eons, as Earth developed, and they are aware that Earth was to be the showcase planet in the Universe, and God’s plan was truly amazing for Earth. It is the beautiful green planet, with amazing water supplies, amazing vegetation, rain forests, trees, beautiful flowers. Compared to the other planets it is, as Isaiah would say “beyond belief.”

And so your brothers and sisters have watched on, finding it impossible to believe how this beautiful planet could suffer war after war after war after war, and then watch the people on Earth desecrate the planet to the point that it is almost impossible to retrieve. And so yes, they have a very vested interest. They want to see their beautiful little sister grow up and become again what our beloved Father had intended her to be.

Another question that comes forth: “What is happening to the climate on Earth? Why are we seeing such wild and devastating things occur on Earth?”

And the answer is, beloved ones, a great deal of time and money has been invested by governments and other institutions about what is happening on Earth, and the catch cry of “climate change”. A huge amount is being invested by the media, to make you believe, on the one hand, “Earth is warming”, but at the same time other groups say: “No Earth is cooling.”

The truth of the matter is, beloved ones, there is no such thing as climate change. What is actually happening is that Mother Earth, a living being, is fighting, it is all getting to much for her and she is crying out for help. And the climate on Earth is controlled by the weather beings, the elementals and the nature spirits and they are all controlled by the archangels – they are of the angelic realms.

When you have earthquakes on Earth, it is simply Mother Earth turning over in agony as the plates underneath the surface of the Earth grind and grumble, she is crying out for help. And when you have such amazing typhoons and hurricanes, undersea volcanic eruptions, volcanic eruptions on the surface of the Earth, tsunamis, massive storms, tidal waves, bushfires and droughts, it is simply the overwhelming of the weather spirits, the weather beings, the elementals and the nature spirits crying out for help. Imagine, as the prophet would say, a household pressure cooker on your stove when it reaches maximum pressure, it blows off. And that is exactly what is happening with your climate.

So now I wish to digress about climate and the changes ahead. I know some of you find it hard when we talk about history. But history is what decides what will happen in the future. I want to take you back to the Atlantean/Lemurian wars (12,000 years ago Lemuria was destroyed by the Atlanteans, Atlantis sank 2,000 years after that as a result of yet another attempted war.)

You may recall that your teachers spoke about the climate in Lemuria in past meetings and they told you the climate was truly amazing. The temperature at the time of Lemuria never changed more than 5 degrees, plus or minus, 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Or 21 degrees Celsius. So in the Equatorial regions it never got hotter than 75 degrees and in the polar regions it never got cooler than 65 degrees. And yes, there were no polar icecaps. The wind speed never increased to more than 7 miles per hour. (11 km/h) The atmosphere was truly amazing.

What changed all this was the Atlanteans broke God’s Laws and I refer here to the splitting of the atom and the Atomic blasts that were fired by the Atlanteans at Lemuria. It had the effect of blasting open the crystalline ice cap firmament, and this was what was responsible for that amazing climate in Lemuria. The firmament was a crystalline ice layer, and it also surrounds the planet Sirius. It was in two layers, the first 15 to 18 thousand feet above the surface of the Earth, and the second layer at 35 to 38 thousand feet.

The story of what happened is told in your bible – it is called the great flood at the time of Noah and the Ark. At the time of this Great Flood there was some 64 million people on Earth, and when the flood lessened and the survivors were counted, there were barely two million. The water receded into what you know as the North and South poles and formed the polar icecaps. Noah, in his visions, was hoping that the new civilisations on Earth would follow the old traditions of Lemuria – a Fifth Dimension civilisation with full consciousness. A civilisation of unconditional love. But history tells us a different story. Sadly the people reverted to their warring ways, and as you know in more recent times, the great destruction of your planet.

In past times your teachers have talked about the plants and the animals that have become extinct and how the Father has saved them. And I draw your attention to the recent bushfires in your state of Victoria (An Australian State) where you saw catastrophic pictures of the creatures in the trees, and great sadness amongst the people.

Beloved ones, I talked about trust earlier – trust in God. All those little creatures are safe in new bodies and they are presently under the surface and they like all the other plants and animals that are on other planets waiting to return, are absolutely safe. And other souls have said: “Oh yes, when the icecaps melt in the North and South poles, what about the polar bears, the seals, the penguins and the migratory whales that return? What about them?” Again beloved ones have trust. The Father has all that in his care. He loves His creatures and plants so much that nothing will be lost. And simply, after the landing and the reconstruction of Earth starts, the ice from the polar icecaps will be used to rebuild the firmament.

You will notice that since the time of the Atlantean/Lemurian wars, the lifespan of humanity on Earth has changed from millennia to just a mere decades. The height of the peoples on Earth are no longer the seven to eight feet they used to be. Now they have returned to five and six feet. And this is due to the radiation in the atmosphere, because of the damage that was done to the firmament. And you will be very aware, from your reading of the Telos books, of the Lemurian civilisation under Mt. Shasta, part of the Agartha Network known as Telos, and those Lemurian people were seven feet tall or more.

I also wish to say to you, that each one of you have flown over your country Australia, and you are aware of the inland of this beautiful island and how in many parts it is returning to desert. Australia was part of Lemuria and originally that inland Australia was a beautiful land of amazing water ways, amazing trees and plants and a beautiful place to live. The desecration that occurred there was due to the Atlanteans splitting atoms and the atomic blast that took place. And you will recall when I spoke to you about the atomic blast that took place on Bikini Atoll in 1954, and it took us 20 years to restore that and sadly some of it was not possible to restore. And this is what happens when you break God’s Laws.

Your teachers have spoken too, about the indigenous souls, both those embodied in the present time, and those in the spirit world. They will be joining with your brothers and sisters from space, for the rebuilding of the planet. And this will be a most glorious time. At the same time, the teachers have spoken to you in the past that there are a great many souls on Earth at the present time who will not make the move in the ascension. As you know all God’s children have free will. They will have the choice as to whether they wish to make the ascension or whether they wish to stay in the Third Dimension.

Because of this, I have made arrangements with three of the planets that presently exist in the Third Dimension and they are agreeable to take those brothers and sisters that do not wish to move forward at this time. This will not affect their evolution in any way detrimentally. They will be able to move forward in their own time and it may take considerable incarnations for some of them to do so. But if it takes ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years, whatever it takes at the present time, the Father has that avenue open for them to move into the Fifth Dimension when they are ready.

For the rest of the brothers and sisters on Earth that make the decision to move, they will move up to full consciousness and their DNA will change, up to the 12 helix system, that which was denied them in the time of Atlantis. That will mean massive changes for all those brothers and sisters. You remember I encouraged you to revisit the “Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East” and the reason was because I wanted you to see what you could do – the powers that the Father has given you. And when you move into that Fifth Dimension, you will be truly amazed at those powers. You will be able to talk to the dolphins and whales, who are fully conscious. Many souls will be able to work with them to rebuild the oceans as they are the guardians of the seas.

And I have been asked by many souls: “What happens around the Earth to the Defence forces – massive installations that have had huge amounts of money spent on them for the defence of each country. What will happen to them?”

You are aware always, that the Father does not tolerate waste. So these installations will not be wasted. Those personnel in the navies around Earth will have the opportunity to work with the whales and the dolphins to start making changes in the oceans and change them from what they are becoming – dumps of rubbish for humanity to fill the oceans and destroy the life that is already in the oceans. So you can see that there is massive work to be done in marine ecology. The airforce will be employed with the technology that will be coming from the other stars and planets to start changing the atmosphere and bringing it back to what it originally was in the Lemurian times. And your land armies will be working with your brothers and sisters from space to rebuild the Earth on the land.

And as the Father will not tolerate waste, those installations of guns and guided missiles and all those things that were straight out warfare for killing humanity, will go back into their base metals and be used in such things as bridge building and the rebuilding of the cities and whatever is required. You will be absolutely amazed at the technology that is coming from the planets and the star systems to help with this rebuilding.

There will be huge changes in your cities because, as you understand now, the population of Earth will be considerable reduced. And if you think back to your trips with the girls to Mars and Venus, you saw an incredible town and city installations in Venus and incredible beauty. But Venus was not like that originally. All that amazing building and beauty has been done by the peoples of Venus.

It is hard, when you live on Earth, to understand that the other planets do not have the beauty that Earth has. So the cities will change, very much like your botanical gardens, and the animals will change too. You will find there will be massive changes in all of God’s creatures in that once again the fabled story of the lion lying down with the lamb will be the way the animals live with you. You will even see amazing changes in the venomous creatures that are on Earth at the present time. They will no longer carry venom to cause death. Even God’s beautiful plants like the roses will change and you will find no longer do the roses carry thorns. They will have the most beautiful perfumes for all to enjoy.

And so beloved ones, I hope that you can see that the massive organisation that is involved has taken longer than many of us hoped it would. But you know the Father only deals in perfection and this will be the greatest event that has ever happened in the history of your planet and this time there will be no mistakes. Earth will come in to that dimension that originally she was in and it will be the most beautiful planet in all the universe.

I encourage you now to keep your eyes on the skies. Spend as much time as you can in prayer. And do as much networking as you can to help your brothers and sisters and explain what is going to happen. Jesus has asked that as many groups come together as they can, so they can give each other moral support when the time comes.

When the landings occur, you will see the small sky-ships, the ones that you travelled to Venus and Mars in. They are the fast little vehicles that we use. You will see the larger ships, like my command ship, you will see the massive transporters which are able to transport humanity and the equipment required for rebuilding the planet. And then of course there are the massive sky-ships. The mighty sky-ship that my twin flame commands (Lady Athena, commander of the Athena Sky-ship) will be absolutely amazing when you see it. It is absolutely huge. And coupled with the landing of the (Ashtar) command, (About 1 million craft) you will then see all the ships from the stars and the planets that are coming to your aid, and of course your Sirian friends that you have read about.

And so as I take my leave today, I would encourage you to remember the beautiful signature of the Universal Teacher, Chief Flaming Arrow: “Slip your hand into the hand of God, and you will never walk alone.” I send you my love and my blessings as always. I am Lord Ashtar, Commander in Chief of the Intergalactic Space Peacekeeping Force.


37 Replies to “Ashtar: Answering Your Questions”

  1. daniela

    Vi lamentate che i cappelli grigi non fanno nulla perché comunque loro vivono in una situazione di benessere rispetto alla massa ma voi siete uguali. Siete nati e prosperate come individui in condizioni di vita decisamente migliori della nostra. Cosa cambia a voi aspettare? Tanto state bene. Nascere in condizioni pietose in un ambiente come il nostro ed essere svegli e senza potere è la tortura più grande che si possa immaginare. Lottare per ogni respiro della propria vita. Questo è l inferno. E voi siete come i cappelli grigi. Guardate da lontano nella vostra bambagia. Tanto dobbiamo fare noi. È responsabilità nostra. È responsabilità di quei tre gatti di risvegliati in mezzo a milioni di persone addormentate, pericolose che continuano a creare merda di fare qualcosa. Grazie molte. Se avessi veramente il potere di cui parlate voi creature privilegiate col cazzo che sarei ancora qua a patire questa follia sentendomi anche presa per il culo da chi potrebbe veramente aiutare e invece non fa niente di concreto. Aspettare, aspettare… Tanto voi state bene

    1. the_complaint_department

      As long as it’s established that you volunteered to be here, that you live and propagate exactly what you vibrate into this world (this ‘hell’), and they have to come help the planet because you failed as a starseed, feel free to twist the plot to your ego’s convenience.

      1. Emma

        Answer to complaint-dude. Cannot answer in the thread, as is cuts off when too long.

        Bla bla bla…. Why dont you accept that I am entitled to my opinion. People with lots of stupid words like you, are often fascists, though they think of themselves as the opposite.

        You can call me ego or malevolent, whatever makes you feel better in your tummy. I am beyond those shame games that you people, mostly Democrats and people with falsely high opinion of them selves, are playing. It is so outdated, so childish and so laughable. Havent you seen that most os us has moved on and dont care what people like you think we are or are not?. Dont you ever read the room?, or are you just always in your head?

        I have contempt for people that think I would believe what they belive, if only I would understand their communication better. Just like the Biden campaign. The people just dont understand how wonderful Biden is, we must change our communication, and then maybe they will understand – ROFL. Get out of your own behind.

        1. the_complaint_department

          I did not call you ‘ego’ or malevolent, I meant you assume A.S. or people who comment to defend this article come from a place of ego or malevolence, in your arguments.

          I am careful with my words to avoid misunderstandings such as the one above. God forbid I would label someone based on poor communication.

          1. Emma

            Why dont you go to A.S. articles. You will find me not there in most of them, and still find angry people fighting, plenty comments back and forth.

            A.S. is talking to the lower vibrations, and some need that, to get out of the even lower one; hopelessness.

            When people are angry, yes its ego, so good call from me. Malevolence?, not a word I normally use. Evil I do use, but not about normal everyday people discussing on EOL or political sites. I dont even think about normal people being evil, as I dont belive normal people are evil.

            I was put on this planet to point out hypocrisy, so when people complain that others complain I point it out, no matter is was not directed towards me. I point out that people have a log in their eye, when they point out a splinter in their brothers eye. If people do it to me, my ego will react, but I will always reflect and ponder it after.

            Why do people react with “anger” just because some people said it was A.S.?.
            Hours before I even entered this article, people had said ‘A.S!’. Why did that create more stir than the article.

            No one was angry about my opinion about weather manipulation (geoengineering) or depopulation that I got from the article. But guessing the author got people going. What is that. What is that about?

          2. the_complaint_department

            If your question marks are not rhetorical this time and you have indeed reflected and pondered, I can only answer for myself: your ‘guessing’ of the author seems inappropriate precisely because of your stance towards him and the reflection it casts upon whoever chose anonymity to post this article.
            I will not question that actual stance or the rest of your comments on the article because I don’t particularly disagree with either and because you’ve actively misqualified such attempts in the past; but I’d be just as glad as you to share, in a less adverse context.

          3. Emma

            I would be glad if you just not share in any context.
            In my opinion you want all to have your opinion and you whip that horse again and again in hope people give in, so dont bother.

  2. Emma

    I hesitate to believe this.
    Not at word about manipulated weather, though we know that China, Saudi and 4 states in USA has weater manipulation devices. China can hinder rain in an area size of India, and did during Olympics. I also believe that the earth quake in Japan, hitting their nuclear power was man-made, but Ashtar does not mention that with one word, like a dark hat would not.

    Plenty fancy words about beauty etc, to make us feel good.

    Then the de-population agenda “There will be huge changes in your cities because, as you understand now, the population of Earth will be considerable reduced.”

    A.S being the channeler was also my feeling.

  3. Nameless

    I wonder how long the remaining grains of sand last. 3 days? 1 week? one month? 6 months? 1 year? 3 years?

  4. Christed

    All these negativity of light warriors toward fellow light bringers will be a thing of the past once the landing begins. The intensity of love- light that comes with the presence of our off- world and inner Earth kinsfolk, the healing, the sense of reunion, will be so prevalent that only the joy and forgiveness mingled with the cheer and clear intuition to understand and do the right thing will remain among the populace. So may we all be here to celebrate and rejoice on that due moment, may we continue to hold the light, no matter how often abrasive, and raise our frequencies in honour and gratitude to the divine realisation that has won the good fight in and for us all. Namaste!

  5. Raksha

    What is the problem with remaining anonymous ? Some channelers may have a regular job, and conventional families, why would they expose themselves needlessly to a backlash ? A.S for instance, is sharing a lot of his time, and not earning a single buck from it. Of course, anyone is free to disagree and even criticize his messages, but you are only justifying why one would like to remain anonymous. And most commentators are also anonymous btw.

    What is this A.S obsession anyway ? Lots of other channelers also are anonymous, and never get criticized for it. Always easier to criticize than to contribute anyway.

    1. Emma

      If one calls themselves for Light angel etc. then the person is also anonymous.
      To write “channel wants to remain anonoymous” is seeking attention, and A.S. is known for that.

      You criticize us for criticizing A.S or the channeler, but we do have free speech.

      1. Raksha

        I am not sure I understand what you are trying to say but I never suggested that you (or anyone else) should not be allowed to complain. I criticized the fallacious arguments, that’s all.

        This is obviously not A.S’s style of writing, and I fail to see what benefits he would get from posting with anonymity, since he is already accused of remaining anonymous, and is already getting criticized all over the place, but believe whatever you want.

        Now, you are blaming the messenger if people get triggered and become angry after reading the message ? What about self-responsibility ?

        1. Emma

          Many, myself included do not read A.S. and thats the benefit in not stating your alias on this article. The argument is therefor not fallacious, instead you are trying, with your ego, to make us believe that the argument i wrong to state.

          Take a look, no other than A.S. has on EOL created so many angry answers back and forth.

          Why did you feel the need to write a comment, in defense of this article?, have you pondered that. Why did you feel that need?

          1. the_complaint_department

            Any answer given honestly to your question will sound like coming from the same place you avoid to read A.S. for; whether it’s ego or plain malevolent intent, with the plus of being considered ‘going back and forth with angry answers’.

            If we point most of the angry answers are yours, you claim it’s free speech.

            If we prove A.S. did not write the article, you will likely not apologize to anyone led to error by your free speech, nor question the validity of your arguments (plus we’d be supporting your stance against anonymity)

            If we remain silent, you assume it’s because we can’t prove you wrong.

  6. Marie

    Este e o irmão Ashtar????
    Este Comandante Ashtar? Eu nao conheço!!!!!
    Neste Momento Apocalíptico…Vale Tudo mesmo!!
    A Babilônia no seu Pior!!
    Muita Consciência…Muito descernimento!!
    Em Luz e Amor…Eu Sou!

  7. Ranthia

    I want to reiterate that any A. S. channelings or any anonymous channelings that are presumed to be offered from a galactic source “operating in secrecy” on humanity’s behalf are no better than any other group “operating in secrecy”. Shadow govt, anyone??? Pfft

    If we want to talk about secrets, we will be talking about how the average human is walking around in a sleepwalker state and ready to blame and complain about everything outside oneself that is “wrong” continuously and needs to be “fixed”, presumably from an outside group like an off planet race.

    If such a race showed up and saved you, guess what? You’d still be a sleepwalker and the group that saved you then becomes your babysitters. Who is served in such a scenario? Doesn’t make much sense when you line it out. No?

    Let us remember the Humpty Dumpty story, where “all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put that ****** back together again” Why is that? Because if Humpty doesn’t step up to do the work, then no one can do it in his place.

    Let the galactic “saviors” go. You are your own savior if there is one. How hard is this to see!?!?!?

    1. kieran laffan

      in his defence humpty ,did have an unfortunate fall. i feel you might be victim blaming him a little bit,

    2. the_complaint_department

      For me, one thing that makes it hard to see is emotional contamination of what could otherwise be a rational concern. Your laughter and derision towards another person’s desire to remain anonymous only encourage further anonymity.

      It IS pretty straightforward and open to make your general conflict against someone known before making a point, as is the idea of using something you consider a lie as a springboard to express what you consider truth.

      But I think you’re failing to do so, as the contents of the message hardly conflict with anything you’re saying; it would be more productive to patiently describe where in the text you see promises of a better future without any stepping up or effort on our part.

      1. There’s no one around to judge me

        Hmmm, a lot of words carefully arranged to give the semblance of intellect, but leave the reader non the wiser.

        Do you frequently comment in the Independent newspaper comment section? I’m sure I note your handiwork there as well.

        With regard to A.S. have you considered their YouTube channel? Robot voice. Text to voice.

        Now, I don’t know if you know what channeling is, but what it isn’t is sitting on a computer and googling stuff. But then if you believe Blossom Goodchild is genuine I figure you’d believe anything.

        Keep it real Babygirl 😉

        1. Raksha

          I’m sure some channelers would be delighted to have someone such as you offering his voice to improve the experience. But the premise would be that you would actually be willing to contribute in a positive sense.

          That’s very unwise of me to post the such a comment. But, so be it.

          1. Emma

            This is for sure A.S.
            Always creating anger and division.
            Why can you be allowed your mean comments Raksha, when you are angry that ‘There’s no one around to judge me’ have complaints?

          2. the_complaint_department

            Well, how is that ‘love insult and misunderstanding’ part working out for ya, Rak? Lots of ‘criticism and shame to embrace’… I feel empty just lookin’ at it!
            And I think it’s gonna get louder.

          3. the_complaint_department

            A little, but I can’t complain.
            I mean – I could – but it eventually comes off my own paycheck.

        2. the_complaint_department

          OK let’s keep it real then:
          – Why would an anonymous channeling be faked? Whose ego is gratified by it?
          – Channelings exist, Ashtar is real, and nothing in this particular message goes against what Ashtar would say BUT we should discard it altogether because the person you credit responsible doesn’t have the right channeling voice.
          – If someone else takes credit for this channeling and effectively PROVES your accusation wrong, should we disregard the rest of your argument too?

  8. Ranthia

    “Channel wishes to remain anonymous”
    Aka A.S.

    pffft lmao

    If your postings keep showing up on here, I will keep using them to springboard back to the real truth, deal?

    Thank you! 😘

    1. A.S.

      If you mean “this channeler wishes to remain anonymous, like A.S. wishes to remain anonymous” then sure.

      But to be clear, I didn’t channel this. If I channel something, I’ll list the channeler as being A.S.

