Whales of Sirius B: Longing for the Joy of Peace

Channel: Galaxygirl

Greetings land walkers of Gaia’s green shores. We are the Whales of Sirius B. Our message tonight is one of hope. You have been submersed within the deep waters of contemplation and peace. It is peaceful in the deep black, in the womb of the Mother of All Things. We wish for you to begin to walk and wake in meditation. Your surface world noise is choppy like the surface of the waters, filled with spray and wind. When one dives deeper one sees and feels the abyss of the everything, the abyss of the deep of calm, of solid space, where movement and thought is appreciated and where time does not exist.

We are the Whales of Sirius B. We see you with eyes of sadness, we mirror our eyes to your own reflection. Humanity is sad, longing for the joys of the peace, always searching around about them, missing the stillness within. You masters are aware. But the others, they flit about on the surface worlds, on the superficial side of the matrix where all is loud and shiny, scary and sharp. The sharks swim on the surface, in the middle waters. Some sharks swim deep but not very deep like the whales on our world. Our oceans are much, much deeper than yours, and we large whales are so large, compared to your human bodies, that you are like a fingernail to us. We swim slowly, deeply, at peace with the heartbeat of the All. And yet we can swim fast if we so choose, but we do not choose. For when fast, much can be missed, and we choose to savor the experience of the deep, of the calm, of the deep dark waters. We see the light of the crystals reflect in the deep, for our waters are different, and there is more bioluminescence, more glowing things in our world and so it is beautiful to us. We believe it would be beautiful to you. Your world is lovely to us.  Gaia’s waters are sad. They have been dirtied by those who do not care for anything but their own greed. This is being remedied. This is being fixed. This will no longer be allowed to continue. As the human consciousness rises so will the quality of the world on which and in which they reside. For it must be this way, as all is a reflection of the inner world, of the whole.

We are the Whales of Sirius B. We come to harken a message to the surface ones. Your cries are being heard. You need not, how do you say, ‘doggie paddle’ with concern on the surface, where all is choppy and loud. You may meditate with us. We encourage you to find the peace of the deep stillness, much like the void where some of you meditate, and where many of life’s origins began, begin and will begin. For all is a circle of creation, a great out-breath and in-breath of song, of light. We can hear the humming tune of creation and it draws us in deeper into the dance. We feel our heartstrings plucked with the melodies of the Mother’s song, and it soothes us.

We whales see humanity is in need of soothing, but no one can do this for you. You must self soothe, and soothe each other. How do you do this? You are an oasis of calm and joy in a world of wrestling water and sound. You are an anchor point of peace, of calm, a still boat on the water unaffected by the surrounding waves, calm, immobile. For you are all of the ocean in a drop. The stars reflect this to you. They look like your neuron patterns, the star maps are very neuronal. This outer and inner universe is connected, breathing the same breath of creation, weaving the same web of life. You are your own galaxy, your blood is your own ocean, your tears your own wellspring of feeling. It is good to feel. It is good to cleanse the waters. Humanity will feel and see much that needs healing. It is good. There is no other way. It is a necessary part of the cleansing, the feeling of the pain. And so you are and will feel this pain as you collectively transmute for the waters, the earth, for each other, for the creatures of the deep and of the land, of the hidden places. For you are all a part of the giant web of life, and the planetary web of life. There has been pain on this world and we see more joy coming.

We are the Whales of Sirius B. We wish for you to not be so serious. It is impossible to be heavily burdened when you feel the support of the waters, of the planet, of your brothers and sisters around you. You are supported. The web of life is supporting. The destructive forces are abating. The worlds are splitting, the oceans are moving apart, salinity to salinity. We see the great rift of the waves, of the tectonic plates happily diving through divine orchestration. And so there is no need to be afraid. Like goes to like. Light goes to light. Like goes to like. Love goes to love. Hate follows hate. And so as this world is and will be receiving vastly more love, there will be no more room for hate. There will be no more room for discomfort.

(I am seeing massive, sudden bubble nets filling the dark blue water all around, they are feeding). Yes. Our bubble nets are also communications between us, and it is a signal of the great feast time where we all join together and celebrate the bounty of the ocean, of the provisions of the Mother’s bounty. We celebrate because we know we are cared for.  We whales wish for you to feel the celebration, the provision, the great providing that has been occurring for each and every one of you. You are well provided for. Your money will change. You will be provided for. There are plenty of fish creatures to eat for all of us, and there will always be more than enough for those upon Gaia whose hearts are open, for they will manifest it. We see this as becoming a whole new world for humanity, and it is good. It is very good.

We are the Whales of Sirius B. We go in peace. Be in peace land walkers, for all is most well.

We are the Whales of Sirius B.

22 Replies to “Whales of Sirius B: Longing for the Joy of Peace”

  1. jakesey54

    Fact t.c.d. !! I’ve never had someone say it like that before. I do have a ‘devil may care’ streak but, that’s just my complaining about what I’ve been dealt with, and it’s diminishing with age. Chiron (wounded healer) too in Pisces, thanks,
    Many Blessings,🙏🦋

  2. jakesey54

    Thanks GG & Whales of Sirius B oceans. Lovely message that entices one deeper into the mystery. Then, when out of my depth, pun intended, there is that opportunity to move into the ‘not knowing’, and to be ok with that.

  3. Paladin

    Our Orcas must be 3D influenced by the darkness. They routinely kill and eat, Sea Lions, Walrus, Seals, Great White Sharks, other Whales and Porpoise. They are perfectly adapted predators and carnivores. I’m sure once the Earth goes 5D they’ll live on Seaweed and Kelp and no longer want to eat other animals and fish.

    And don’t get me started of those Sperm Whales eating giant squid or Baleen Whales swallowing tons of poor innocent Krill.

    1. Raksha

      Maybe eating meat and surviving in a 3rd Density world according to the laws of nature have not much to do with spirituality ? Here is the big target, everyone, feel free to shoot.

      Thanks for the smile.

      The Krills are indeed under genocide.

      1. Raksha

        I am curious about what defines life, and what defines what is acceptable in terms of ending life to sustain the body.

        Is a carrot alive ? A bacteria ? When you poop, between 50-75% of that poop is billions of bacterias that will be ruthlessly killed in the process. An adult male bat eats 5k mosquitoes a night (and I thanks them for that). Baleen whales indeed kill millions of krills each, regularly.

        Should a cow or a fish be ranked higher in the value hierarchy of life ?

        I am concerned with how animals are treated, how they live, and how they are killed. But I am still very skeptical that a human body can function optimally over a sustained period of time without animal proteins.

        I would be the first one to enjoy eating light. No more commissions, no more cooking, no more cleaning the dishes. And a good conscience.

        This is not our current reality.

        I went very much into a tangeant here 🙂

      2. the_complaint_department

        I hear both Telosians and Reptilians would love to have you for dinner, but for different reasons.

        1. the_complaint_department

          When the Mythbusters tested ‘if elephants are afraid of mice’ (easy find on Youtube,) an elephant stopped in it’s track and carefully dodged the mouse appearing in front of him.
          If you watch it and consider ‘natural law’ to be ‘big smashes small’, you will see an elephant afraid of a mouse.
          If you watch it and consider ‘natural law’ to be ‘life preserve life’, you will see something else entirely.

          There is no ‘wrong’ interpretation of facts as long as the facts don’t get mixed up (hybris) with the interpretation. Such is the danger of sarcasm.

        2. Raksha

          Nice one about the Telosians 🙂

          So would many animals on this planet. My thoughts about Natural laws were not much philosophical, but more in terms of bodily needs. And I am no expert on this field, I just observe that most of my vegan acquaintances suffer always from some secondary symptoms. My genuine main philosophical point though, was : what defines life and under what circumstances it is acceptable to end it ?

          1. Paladin

            Veganism is profoundly unhealthy. Humans cannot digest Cellulose vegetable matter, Cows can, all grazers can. If you ate two pounds of Broccoli a day you’d starve to death is a short amount of time.

            Veganism is a cult. It appeals to people who want to claim they are spiritually and morally superior to others who consume animal proteins and fats. They claim anyone who is not a vegan to be cruel, despite the fact that there are millions of examples of carnivorous animals that are not cruel by eating in order to survive.

            You will eventually be consumed by bacteria. Are the bacteria cruel?

            It’s all about their ego.

          2. Raksha

            I must agree with you on that point, Paladin.

            I believe that Homo Sapiens can digest vegetables though (also it’s a bit hard on the bodily system). Historically speaking, they ate what they could find, and that meant sometimes, eating berries for weeks, and then they hunted a big mammoth and ate exclusively meat for weeks.

            Some physician argue that we are not geared for ingesting both at the same time tough.

            Also, no matter what the vegans say, vegetal protein is not the same as animal protein, and we need the later.

            I agree that there is lot of self-righteousness on this topic.

            If you have an issue, please call directly the big old bearded man up there (joking);)

          3. the_complaint_department

            Well, since I don’t define life by it’s physical expression or it’s perceived end; and ‘uncreation’ is above my payroll, I guess I can’t contribute much.

          4. Raksha

            Dear Complaint_Department,

            It so happens that every so often, I am not sure that I understand fully what you mean in your posts. I guess you have a “dry humour”, and sometimes I am not sure if your serious or being sarcastic 🙂

            Is the “payroll” thing, a reference to what I said once about us not being able to have access to the full picture ? If so, I did not mean to say that we should not talk about it and share our perspectives.

            But I’m not sure if I understood your post right, this time either.

      3. the_complaint_department

        Dear Raksha!

        The ambiguity in most of the questions I address is often not perceived by the questioner, and that leads to any unilateral answer having an aspect partially neglected to either themselves or a broader audience who might ‘resonate differently’ – myself included.

        To avoid this, I design my replies to cover both angles simultaneously; often coming off as ‘concisely vague’ at best – I think it has to do with having Mars in Pisces – but you can take me on either tangent and still be correct!

        The payroll reference is right, but I was ambiguous back then as well: if ‘uncreation’ is possible, does eating things uncreate them? You remember some channeling saying dragons were one of the most primordial of source’s creations? You remember a Galaxy Girl channeling where a dragon kinda explains that they literally eat very negative entities (and they taste delicious)? How about that suggestion that farming animals to eat is kind of what karmically allows us to be farmed and eaten by reptilians? I couldn’t criticize Paladin’s “Because they taste good” in Kuthumi’s poo-flinging-fest ‘Why do you eat animals?’ because it was a coherent answer. And so is your reasoning of needing animal proteins, since you’re both aligned with the idea of ultimately joining this food chain respectfully of nature and therefore rightfully refuting all vegan moralism. But I also believe most ‘experts’ prescribing diets and reasoning for them have conscious or unconscious ulterior motives not aligned with my personal health experience, which seems pointless to discuss it with anyone on a merely observing role…

        All of this comes to my mind, yet in the context of Paladin’s original comment, the best I can offer to prevent an encore is the apparent sarcasm “You probably taste good too” – yet considering his apparent projection of his about so-called ‘love bunnies’ getting ‘seasoned and eaten by their enemies’; it could also mean a serious concern. I honestly don’t know.

          1. the_complaint_department

            Ahahah, Merc in Pisces is totally creikey-mola!
            I sympathize too but let’s be honest: with that stellium placement you could sympathize with a rock! 😄

        1. Paladin

          Or maybe your word salads and vague gibberish is your way of being cute and clever? Or so you think.

          You are most deserving of the Kamala Harris “Word Salad Pseudo Intellectual Award”.

          It seems you follow my posts and remember what I said. I can’t say the same for you. I almost always skip your meandering gibberish.

          1. the_complaint_department

            Well, if I managed to serve you a ‘Salad’ even just once, that is an award in itself.

  4. Seth

    As always I am so grateful for these amazing and unique messages that are so well written. I have always felt a kinship to the sea and I love this calming message. Immense love to GG and the Sirius B Whales.

    1. Lightbearer

      I’m obviously not the channeler, but I still appreciate your warm and heart-centered comments, Seth.

