What Happens When You Transition?

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.

One question I have been asked often is what happens when we die? Let’s get two things out of the way now, for which many have been mis-lead to believe and fear, the trapping of the soul by malevolent forces. The Soul cannot be trapped. It is multidimensional. Only your ego may be trapped in certain loops of the Third Dimensional Matrix. Bring your attention to the Heart Center. The other is judgement. No judgement of any kind takes place when you return to the light realms. Not by God, not by the Spiritual Hierarchy, or anyone at all. The Soul itself and the team of Angels evaluate all the experiences, and decide the next best incarnation for the Soul.

What happens when you transition, also depends in the way in which you ‘die.’ Did you simply have a heart attack, or were you involved in a car accident, did you die from a disease, or war?

When you transition to the other side of the veil, you always have a team of Angels to guide and support you. For those who go through a horrific death, you are surrounded by Angels, and you are given a long break, comforted, as everything is explained to you, and you recuperate from the experiences, understanding what transpired.

For others who go through a less tragic death, you are also surrounded by Angels, but the Soul may not feel that it needs a long break, prior to choosing the next incarnation. In this instance you review sooner your previous journeys, with your team of Angels and other guides, then you decide what experiences you wish to have, where you want to incarnate next, what roles you will be playing, and so on. In each life time you have guides with you, to support you, angels, ascended masters, and others, who await for your requests. You truly are never alone.


55 Replies to “What Happens When You Transition?”

  1. jakesey54

    Klaudia I can’t find your reply button which also happened recently with Raksha. Your third decanate is ruled by Neptune/Pluto unlike Neptune/Moon by me. It makes you have more Scorpionic traits like Einstein whose vision penetrated the dictat of his day. Not that you’re asking!:)

    1. the_complaint_department

      I bet he also kept his reply button hidden.

      But did you see the gorilla?

      1. Klaudia


        I had to come back here today after integrating what came via “shareable ideas about prosperity programs” nearly knocked me over last night.

        I start reading again what I don’t understand anyways (I only know my pisces and ascending Leo) and notice the words are “translating themselves slightly differently” which “in itself” I’m used to. Happens all the time for EVERY DAY the incoming energies I perceive as more energy. In the very beginning of this process that was GREAT fun. I’d have a question ot two AND KNEW I only had to wait till just after midnight and “klick” like a gate opened up and my answers were there… πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡…

        But back to you&Raksha:
        While I was looking “for a keyword” you probably had mentioned somewhere else I realize “THAT NOW SOUNDS like some guys talking on the phone KNOWING they’re “being bugged” (correct word for police listening?) CLEVERLY USING CODEWORDS in an awfully smart way…” PLUS like Raksha ONLY PRETENDING to being that more held back kind of guy “HA HA HA”… feels like I know YOUR TRUE SELF better than you do lolll…

        Btw. got the answer for “why a Gorilla” PLUS what that “shadowy” means…


        1. Klaudia

          [“… incoming energies I perceive as more TRANSPARENCY…” of course πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ]

        2. the_complaint_department

          Way to keep it inconspicuous, Kleo… Our code is SO secret even WE don’t know we’re using it.

          1. Klaudia

            Very interesting. “kLEO” was the keyword I’d come back here for (πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ “btw”) and that perfectly fits to a recent abstrus confusion about “past&future” in “a normal people” that kind of really made me πŸ‘€πŸ‘€… and that right now even suggests to wonder if “what WE THINK we have experienced IS YET TO COME”??

            “kLEO” is pointing back to a not too insignificant story of my old life when I once was in Kairo, but TRULY SIGNIFICANT is “YOU” either DO KNOW about it (or your “deeepartment”) OR this points to “being a useful idiot”, another “AWEfully neeeded” combination of words that came from you…

            At the bottom line looks like we’re making BIG progress lately.

          2. the_complaint_department

            This time I was actually aware it would very likely become a reference to Egypt but bear in mind the surface point (the gorilla) is exactly about how our need to amaze or be amazed by coincidences proportionally blinds us to how much of a coincidence they really are.
            Unfortunately, it has to do with ‘allowing yourself to be seen as an idiot’. (my Leo Moon condescends at me: “at least you’re a useful one”)

            Regarding the thought of experience preceding it’s own expectation, ‘Tenet’ is a fiction where the possibility of intuition or instinct being regarded as the same as a rational deductive process with reversed entropy is presented. It’s the kind of movie you probably liked before watching it.

    2. Klaudia

      I LOVE to be served without having to ask and even more so when people just act on behalf of their intuition. πŸ™ πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‡

      1. jakesey54

        You’re welcome Klaudia. I once had a twin brother and sister in your decanate and used to love watching them dream.

      1. jakesey54

        Thanks for helping. I appreciate your response. Anything else sets me off on a right brain tangent.

  2. Klaudia

    Lol… THAT question is not gonna “bake my noodle” at all… I’ve hosted them&their feelings for long enough and I don’t care if they suffer from “empty nest syndrome” –> I’ll THROW’em out ASAP!!… “HOTEL MAMA” is pretty much over…

    1. the_complaint_department

      Well if you CAN throw them out and be alone again, why would you want an ‘illusion’ of that back?

      1. Klaudia

        Oh “I love πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™” your curiosity:

        “THIS” is all “words in progress”… it ain’t “little me” who’s throwing them out, it’s the Gorilla, rememberrr?

        1. the_complaint_department

          Of course I do. I’m just providing ‘monologue support’ so the people who missed him won’t go bananas.

          1. Klaudia

            Hahaaaa…. I see you respectively “the work you’re doing” totally “the other way round”… πŸ™ƒ

          2. Raksha

            Klaudia, do you also have some Pisces emphasis in your chart ? I barely understood a thing from your convo, both of you πŸ™‚

          3. Klaudia

            Sure Raksha… Alberto Einstein&me are born the same day… March 14… thx for asking… no coincidences far&wide 🀩

          4. Raksha

            Haha. Astrology is always fun. My girlfriend is from the 12th. But she has a lot of “air”. So not the typical pisces.

            It seems you and TCD could understand each other very well.

          5. the_complaint_department

            I only have Mars in Pisces, it can mostly reflect or deflect any martian aspects from people. But looking back at this conversation, having the Sun there certainly matches everything no?
            From ‘wanting the illusion back’ (which is so Neptunian) to being isolated however never alone, to helping people (as part of a ‘collective’ duty), being ‘misunderstood’ and having a good sense of intuition for synchronicity. BUT I still think Einstein could’ve spot the Gorillas faster. He has an awful lot of phrases wrongfully attributed to him though, I wonder if that’s a Piscean trait.

          6. Raksha

            Maybe you have a strong Neptune ? Also, I have a precise square between Neptune and Mars myself. So it’s a bit like Mars in Pisces in some ways. But I am not very Piscean/Neptunian overall.

            The super memory that you seem to have is not very much neptunian though.

            There are a lot of wrong attributions of quotes. But yeah, maybe Pisces people are more prone to it ?

            That Gorilla is bugging me. I will have to check that video.

          7. Raksha

            Also TCD, your shaolin monk analogy was very good. But if we talk about archetype, Mars in Pisces (or is aspect with Neptune) reminds me of Odysseus. That brave heros who was up against Poseidon, god of the sea, or Circe, the deluding witch. Lot of good analogies here.

          8. Raksha

            Sorry for the lack of modesty, but my girldfriend just sent me a vocal to say that she was very surprised that she was having so much erotic dreams with me, unlike her previous experiences. Mars/Neptune ?

          9. the_complaint_department

            I actually have a very pivotal Neptune in the 8th, but his presence eludes me (get it?).

            The gorilla video is in Tunia’s post of last November 26th; you can find that navigating the Articles by Date box on the right. I think you’ll be disappointed though!

            Odisseus is indeed a very piscean warrior! The trojan horse an disguises in general (being confused with another adversary) are very typical. It’s not a weak Mars, it’s only impredictable, erratical and indomitable… Gosh I just realized how awful that sounds. It’s a suicide-mission Mars? It doesn’t need a lot of stimulus to react, but it has to be the right emotional stimulus. From the memory, I’d say Captain Haddock.

            Another character that is definitively Mars in Pisces is Kenshin (wandering ‘samurai’ with a reverse-blade sword that doesn’t kill people), and perhaps ‘the army’ as a collective warrior institution as well. That song ‘Pride’ from U2, warriorly depicting Jesus, fits the concept well too IMO. I explored this combination a lot because many people in my family have this Neptune-Mars thing; I think both are 6th-Ray planets in their higher aspect.

            I think the erotic dreams are more of a Venus-Neptune nature, but your modesty is definitely a Mars-Neptune square. πŸ™ƒ

          10. Raksha

            I disagree about Venus-mars. I am a male, and therefore Mars is most important to describe my virility. It is indeed in my chart and not hers though, but she is an intuitive person, and maybe could feel it. My sexuality is a bit mystical, so to speak.

            I agree with the rest though. Mars-Neptune has a reputation to be weak, but what is weakness exactly ? Is is simply a Mars who asserts itself not as bluntly and directly as some other Mars.

            From my observation, Neptune/Mars has a thing about having desires for the sake of having desires, it’s not necessarily about actualizing desires. I also noticed a pattern of of martyr/savior/sacrificial fantasy (the hero sacrifices himself for a greater cause). There is also a lot of subtlety and sensitivity in sexual context, and dare I say, the potential to elevate sexual union to a mystical act.

            Of course, with Neptune, the potential for plain abdication is always there.

            P.S: I know Kenshin, good analogy.

          11. the_complaint_department

            Well, if your Neptune is in Capricorn; your sense of transcendence and mysticism is probably something very practical to you. I see whenever you contribute to this site there is a certain ‘cautious approach’ to articles and comments expressing a less-than-reliable argument. You like tangible contributions and, in attempting to make or receive them; you trigger that squared Mars in Libra.
            Hence “I liked your comment” is the first thing most people here get to hear from you, and it’s very hard to perceive whatever comes after such a decent attitude as a possible confrontation.
            On the other hand, whenever you are confronted by an adversity, your gut reaction is trying to understand the opposite point of view and that invariably triggers your (very practical) sense of transcendence, and you find assertiveness in a most inclusive way.

            Depending on the house placement, I would picture this square as a ‘very disciplined monk’ and an ‘attorney’ (as someone who fights by an inclusive protocol of justice) compulsorily working together.

            Naturally both input and output were very superficial here, bear in mind my Neptune in Sag is more like a jolly drunk franciscan monk preaching.

          12. Raksha

            I am very impressed. Your comments are very astute. Not only do you have a good memory, but also amazing observational and analytical skills. I did not know you were so well-versed in Astrology.

            You guesses are spot-on. My Mars is indeed in Libra (8th), and Neptune in Capricorn (12th).
            I am not afraid of speaking my truth, but I value harmony, courtesy, and the attempt to listen to other’s viewpoints.
            I am indeed very cautious about ungrounded mysticism, what I call “rainwows and unicorns spirituality”.

            Is your Neptune squaring your Piscean Mars as well ?

          13. the_complaint_department

            Ah, that added context places the monk in the Monastery (a suiting place, where your solidly learned experiences are structured into conclusions) and the attorney in the Laboratory, mobilizing resources to ensure the results of your association with others is always fair and balanced. Though the square always triggers both functions simultaneously and their particular element filter seem out of place; the 8-12 settings are native to them, complementing each other well.

            Astrology was a ‘mystical inheritance’ for me (Neptune in the 8th, my mentor was a conjunct Sun-Mars-ASC Piscean) and it gets some input from that Pisces Mars in the 10th, but it furthermore serves as a social self-transcending tool (8th/Jup-Sag is my final dispositor), and I guess that’s what I’m doing now; but it’s Mercury in Capricorn at the 9th that makes for my cautious yet (functionally) expansive articulation skill (we’re down to what? 30 replies in the subject?πŸ˜†)

          14. Raksha

            Funnily enough, Astrology was also an inheritance, from my father, who also happens to have a Sun/Mars/Asc conjunction (In Cancer though).

            But it is more of a hobby for him while I became professional.

            This is not to be excessively indulgent or courteous, but I am really amazed at the way you talk about Astrology. You’re good. I have the mind of asking you if you would care to share your views about the other little characters that play in my psychic circuitry ? πŸ™‚

          15. Raksha

            Also, if you like, I can do the same for you.

            Laboratory is a great word for the 8th. Good one. I sometimes call it the « jam factory », where the raw product is crushed and transformed. The apple is no more, here is the good compote.

          16. the_complaint_department

            Well, I think we both like the word ‘Laboratory’ because both our 8ths (and my mentor’s) and probably our connection to Astrology are related with Neptune (in alchemy, Laboratorium = Ora et Labora, Pray(neptune) and Labor(capricorn)), there may be better analogies for different people’s charts.
            For instance, a Scorpio in the 8th makes for a ‘Secret Lab’, perhaps under a lake, where people get tied up on a table. Your Libra (and resident Mars) make more for a Consultorium, a Clinic or Attorney Office with airy windows and a wide view. Probably a pair of comfortable chairs where he receives and treats each client one-on-one. He clearly has a weird connection to the monk, for you can’t reach one without reaching the other. Who this attorney works for depends on “Where is your Venus”, which is a good handle for you to further explain your chart.

            And the Stern Monk at this Monastery – certainly resting on the top of a mountain, which steep ladders most are daunted to climb – who is the master of his order; to what use the results of your finely distilled transcendental experiences is put to? Where is your Saturn?

          17. Raksha

            Oh, I did not know the etymology of laboratory. I am fond of etymology, but there is always more to learn.

            My venus is also in Libra (8), and according to the ancient ruling system, is the final depository of my chart.

            I interpret your reply as an invitation to share more.

            My main emphasis is a stellium in Scorpio which includes a precise Sun/Pluto conjunction (9), and a precise Mercury/Saturn/MC conjunction. Saturn is also the master of my Asc (Capricorn).

            I won’t submerge with the rest for now. Curious about your share on that for now. And if you so wish, feel free to share also.

            I might add, that I take with a grain of salt the ruling planets and depositaries. Most important, to my eyes, are the aspects themselves, then the signs will give the motivations and patterns, and the houses will give the “arena”.

          18. Raksha

            “And the Stern Monk at this Monastery – certainly resting on the top of a mountain, which steep ladders most are daunted to climb – ”

            My girlfriend recently told me: “sometimes, I feel you are so wise on your cloud up there, that even if chaos was unfolding in your basement, you would stay at peace – it makes me feel stupid and irrational at times”.

          19. the_complaint_department

            The plot thickens. When people talk Astrology and the first thing they mention is NOT their Sun Sign, it’s most likely Scorpio. But conjunct Pluto I think not even the SUN knows, that is one impressive Stellium.
            But first things first: that attorney seems to be working for another one who happens to own the institution; and it’s purpose is simply to uphold justice and bilateral harmony as a means of direct healing and achieving personal transformation. It’s possibly Athena herself.
            And the master of the monastery is the head of a secret intelligence agency who seems to control absolutely everything. Not much is known about this shadowy figure BUT we do know you identify as someone who ventures abroad for that same organization; and within whom a GREAT collective transformative power dwells. I would guess you’re at least familiar with the likes of MacGyver or Michael Westen from Burn Notice.

          20. the_complaint_department

            (and I forgot to mention: the whole organization seem to be driven into the purpose of providing this attorney with clients)

  3. Mark Keller

    I wanted to believe! They got me! Even with I am the light I am the love I am the truth I am! I feel my time is done. But it never ends.

    1. Klaudia

      TY for commenting Mark. In my awareness ALL&”EVERY THING” IS INTENTIONAL but only today I realize WHY you’ve added your energy to this thread EVEN BEFORE it began. That’s so typical and I’m so grateful for “I’m totally IN MY KELLER” today, intentionally of course.

      Again thx for letting me connect with your field. I KNOW it’ll help. β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή

    1. the_complaint_department

      What’s really gonna bake your noodle is “do these feelings really belong to YOU or to those keeping you company?”

        1. Raksha

          Haha. I knew that’s what you were thinking. I guess articulated and smart people can be confused for each others. Am I not included ? πŸ™‚

          1. Klaudia

            “No mistakes” far&wide either. “They are the same as coincidences” BIG ME is saying. So “πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™” for reacting EXACTLY as you did, dear Raksha.

          2. the_complaint_department

            Big you has seemingly NO problem making little you available to ask stuff precisely at 11:11 does it?

        2. the_complaint_department

          I usually stick with the handle I started with so as to not confuse the reader; but TCD is functionally-oriented and tries to follow ‘professional’ parameters in their primarily ‘reactive’ behavior whereas John is an actual person, where all that escapes TCD job description (such as being gratuitous, opinionated or dismissive) can be expressed.

          1. Raksha

            Oh, so you indeed were John. Thanks for the clarification. That’s pretty confusing though. Good intuition Klaudia (and myself). You are a weird but interesting guy.

          2. Raksha

            that’s a bit deceptive though, don’t you think ? I did chat with both of you, without knowing for sure if you were one and the same. I even asked once, you did not answer.

          3. the_complaint_department

            As with all things Piscean, I can’t hardly deceive anyone without deceiving myself first.
            I may not have been too obvious for a few reasons but I inferred your question was rhetorical – both handles display the exact same blue pattern icon in my screen, so I thought it was obvious.

          4. Raksha

            Haha. I am blissfully unaware about such nerd things. So, is an IP address producing the same pattern here ? I noticed the coincidence, but was unsure.

            On another note, I would like to chat with you in private, if you so wish. If so, you can email Kejraj and he will give you my address. I have a question to ask you (not about me) which would not be appropriate to say out loud. Please, don’t elude this query. Just say yes or no, I won’t be insistent.

            We could also pursue our astro convo there if you so wish.

          5. Klaudia

            Thanks TDC. “There’s more!” I’m hearing but “I am still too destroyed” from serving my process today to “GO DEEPER THAN THAT”.

          6. the_complaint_department

            Hey Rak, KejRaj told me he sent you my e-mail; but (depending on your email provider)check your spam folder too.
