The Soul Invocation

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.

It is now in these times that you must begin to strengthen the connection with your true self, your SOUL(Source Of Unconditional Love). For it is your soul that will reveal to you the next steps you need to take towards fulfilling your purpose, towards your expansion and upliftment into a higher frequency reality.

It is now that the Soul of each being wishes to be involved in this reality directly with every action you take. The Souls of the Startseeds and Lightholders in particular. It is time for you to invite, to call your Soul, so more and more of this essence of you anchors in your now beingness and reality.

The very first step before attempting anything else while working on your soul connection is to bring your attention about 5 to 7 inches(varies person to person) above your head, that is the place of your Soul Star Chakra. Begin by taking a few slow deep breaths, and say the Soul Invocation mantra out loud:

I Am The Soul

I Am Divine Light

I Am Divine Love

I Am Divine Will

I Am Divine Design

As you are saying each line, pause for a bit, and feel the Soul Star responding, as it begins to increase in size and radiancy. And more refined light is than released from your Soul Star to your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. Bringing a greater amount of your Soul’s light and balance into your ‘earthly’ self.

In this way you are not only inviting your Soul, but also other higher aspects from higher dimensions of yourself into your now, blending with the higher frequencies. You are also identifying with your true self.

You may also say, repeat the mantra: I embody my Soul Essence.

While in meditation, focusing on your Soul Star, citing out loud the mantras, seeing a bright light coming from your Soul Star to your Crown Chakra, to your Third Eye, slowly filling with this light all of your chakras, down your spine, all the way to your Kundalini and moving back up to your Higher Heart at the center of your chest. The more you do this, for longer periods of time, the stronger the connection becomes and the more you will begin to feel and notice the signs in your now physical reality. You will once again RELIGHT the connection with your SOULSELF and REALIZE your TRUE ESSENCE.

All the Light to You!

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