An Enlightening of the Media

Looking at how the media brings to our awareness new concepts, phrases, ideas and isms, pondering WOKE, (which already seems to be dimming in awareness) I believe it was inserted into our conscious awareness to magnify how much we rely or don’t rely on concern for the feelings of others. Removing all judgement from this, I believe we have greatly overused and underused concern and empathy. In order for humanity to deal with this, we had to have it presented in such a cringeworthy way, that it would bring up strong emotions and shake up our subconscious regarding how we handle our feelings.

I think it is the same with LGBT+. We, as a collective, are all over the map with our feelings, emotions and experiences here. I think our Higher Selves are androgynous and use a melded Divine feminine/masculine consciousness and branch off into one proclivity or another depending on the nature of the experience. Since procreation is likely somewhat unique here, we are experiencing this gender ambiguity in a crazy way. I believe it is to make all that is hidden deep inside each of us come out and be seen, understood, loved and accepted, and to help us understand who we really are, may have nothing to do with gender or sexual preference.

If we look back in history, we can see that all labels and all divisions brought out in the media have served to apparently divide further and further. On a positive note, could this have enabled us to bring to light the depths of what has been hidden within ourselves that needs to come out and be loved- for all of us on both sides and in the depths of the coin? We come from so much oppression throughout our lives as beings who are subconsciously trying to make our Divinity conscious, that maybe the media bringing these things out in such overt ways has been a trigger for our benefit. We are trying to find out who we are and much of this self-scrutiny is leading us into searching for the meaning of our existence in past Earth lives and our lives as eternal multidimensional beings. Maybe this level of inner combustion and discomfort is exactly what we need to move to the next level that will prepare us for a new world. How often have we needed a huge shake up in our lives to make a necessary change?

How can we interact with and accept beings of various species from other planets if we cannot accept our own differences within our own Earth collective? This could be one of the major reasons they have not yet openly presented themselves to us. We fear and judge each other here to such a massive degree that the loving, benevolent souls from elsewhere do not want to frighten us anymore than we frighten ourselves.

We know the media has been a tool for those who have wished to keep us ignorant and oppressed, but perhaps we can look at it in a new light and help it transcend its old function into a new one. If enough of us hold this vision and look for the positive in what it is doing, and look at the faces of the presenters in front of the camera and those behind it and see them as the Divine souls that they are, too, maybe we would be powerful enough to affect the evolution of the media like we are affecting our own evolution. I have a feeling that this is already happening. There must be thousands of media employees working their hardest to make a difference, too.

One of Billions


9 Replies to “An Enlightening of the Media”

  1. RuanonX

    Mensagens como esta, apenas servem para justificar o injustificável de uma AGENDA que nao serve a Ascensao, o Amor e a elevação da Consciência.
    Sacrificar, matar pela fome, sacrificio, trafico humano sem mais respeitar a dignidade ou o Código Galactico.
    Nao é o PLANO DIVINO!!!
    A quem pertenca a mudanca desse plano e a criação de tudo que observarmos… Nao serve ao Plano que me trouxe ca.
    Este plano é de Alguem e bem recente!!
    Nao Serve ao despertar da Consciência, ao Amor e a Ascensão planetária e Humana.
    É uma aberração em si mesma!! É mais do mais!!
    A Mensagens como esta, nao identificada, simplesmente cria indignação a tantas Sementes Estelares que hoje esperam pelo Plano que os trouxe a este Planeta para cumprirem a sua Missão.
    EscuridãoXEscuridaoXTrevas…nao é Novo para NÓS!!!
    Muito Blá blá blá, Nada Novo!!
    Sempre Servirei Ao Plano Original da Fonte…Jamais Desistirei!!
    Este é o Plano de Homens compremetidos com o Mais de Mais da 3D, pois tem Medo de perder as suas “Vidinhas” recheadas com a Dor, Medo e desespero de Quem Nada Tem e quem mantêm na desinformação permanente.
    Genocídio e Holocaustos jamais terao a minha Cumplicidade! Nao Sirvo a esse Criador!!
    Sirvo ao Amor, à Luz à Ressurreição e à Vida e ao Código Galactico! Sirvo à minha Fonte Primordial!
    Este Novo Plano nao Serve…e o Tempo mostrará que a exaustão e a desistência dos Despertos apenas Servira às Trevas da Nossa Amada Gaia…Mais de Mais e as infinitas Promessas de Mudanca Ano Apos Ano.
    Assim as Sementes Estelares e Despertos, em Varios Escalões, sairam do Planeta Por VELHICE e as Criancas do Futuro estarão tao Taumatizadas com a Nova Agenda que dificilmente Despertaram.
    Este nao é o Plano do Divino Criador Supremo para o Planeta!!
    Sinto Muito!!
    Eu Sou oque Sou!!

  2. MJP

    This makes me think. It should be all about love. Thank you for this. Sometimes we can’t see what’s in front of us. This really resonates with me.

  3. Francis Bacon

    That was an article consisting mostly of a lot of questions. I do not really think those questions were relevant – at least not for me. So I am left with one question: What positive results might that article create?

  4. Don Turner

    That viewpoint is very Pollyanna.

    I believe that we are better informed if we see the woke ideology and agenda that the Deep State is promoting and imposing through its agents and controlled institutions as a nefarious agenda to confuse, disempower and detach humanity from its moorings in science (the X and Y chromosomes determining gender don’t change with superficial surgical or hormone interventions.), spirit (The binary nature of creation isn’t changed just because we want it to. Or is it right or healthy to integrate humanity into a transhuman AI metaverse.) This nefarious agenda is based on the deception that a minority ideology ostensibly about freedom can be rightfully imposed on the majority opposed to it. This is how communism/ cultural Marxism/totalitarianism work that the Deep State is imposing on humanity. There is no freedom or justice when a minority agenda is coercively imposed on the oppressed majority by threat of being cancelled, fired, smeared, fined, taken to court, ostracized or other punishments, if one is not compliant. Evil is based on lie, deception, intimidation and coercion. Humans have free will given by God but that doesn’t imply that it is right to use that will to dominate others. Adults have freedom to believe, speak and live as they will as long as they live within majority norms. However, woke ideology is a minority belief that indicates that the Deep State minority has gained control of the mainstream institutions to the detriment of the majority population.

    1. Lalo

      If once we see what the deep state has done, couldn’t we as a collective, via each one of us individually responsible for our personal evolution, use the awareness to energetically redirect the narrative in order to transform the direction these things are going in?

      For instance, a person struggling with their gender identity having the “public” resources (school, media, medical) to understand why they feel as they do, might heal if they were allowed to know that the last 50 lifetimes they had on Earth may have been as the opposite sex of what they are now or that their soul comes directly from a realm where there is no gender distinction. Wouldn’t that peace of mind help them and our collective consciousness in the long run to shift the narrative into something more positive instead of WOKE or a line of capital letters defining them instead of the honest truth?

      The way our system is set up now, the only reaction for many to experience at first may to be angry and outspoken and of course that whips up more of that. If we envision and speak gently in truth, then the winds will shift.

      I think humanity is much stronger in transcendence abilities than the deep state is in moulding their nefarious plans into reality. They may put up blocks and steer a narrative, but the majority of us will continue to redirect. I believe this is inherent in us. Since everything is consciousness, we can and are taking their power away since there are so many of us and few of them. We just need to continue to educate and heal ourselves and live our lives as if the new information is what is.

      1. Don Turner

        Yes, I agree. The fact that the soul has both masculine and feminine qualities and incarnates as both men and women over many lifetimes, helps explain why someone newly incarnated may have some gender or sexual confusion. However, it is important to realize men and women can integrate their opposite sex qualities without having to undergo surgical or chemical procedures.

  5. C

    Climate change as example. Climate defined as: A prevailing condition or set of attitudes in human affairs; prevailing psychological state. The context in general of a particular political, moral etc. situation.

    I’ve often thought that the use of the phrase is somewhat coded. Used as one meaning while giving the impression of something else.

    Under this definition, climate change is something to rejoice! It is indicative of the shift.

    Another one – ‘financial’ system, or situation, etc. One definition of finance is: ransom; to forfeit, pay a penalty.

    As we’ve ‘left’ the old paradigm and await full arrival of the manifestation of New – we can probably expect to see a system built upon ‘ransoming’ to self-implode.

    Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change. 🙏🕊🦋

