You Serve as the Gateway

You serve as the gateway to the New Earth, beckoning a profound inner journey to cleanse the remnants of the illusory 3D matrix. Embracing this important task requires diligence, endurance , stamina , consistency , patience, purpose , sovereignty. there are no shortcuts on the path of Ascension. Each layer and level must be delicately unraveled within Self to develop healing for both the I ndividual and collective consciousness.

The process of healing demands patience, for shedding all protective layers abruptly can overwhelm the physical and spiritual Aspects of being, navigating each deepening layer with care and gentleness, allowing time for adjustments and integration of healed aspects. Trusting that this unfolding occurs incrementally and precisely when needed.

Amidst the transformative shift of eras, detaching from the old energy and paradigms allows for the flow with the evolving energies guiding you towards a renewed self. The universe stands as a steadfast ally, always offering guidance and support along the Ascension journey, providing solace, blessings, and the love you truly deserve.

Releasing the programmed notion of enduring needless suffering; instead, focusing on nurturing your spiritual growth. Embracing the truth, dispelling fears, and aligning with your higher calling alongside Spirit for profound soul salvation. Cultivating a symbiotic relationship with your higher self to liberate self from depleting karmic cycles, developing fearlessness as you ascend.

Forging firmer boundaries with others, honing your responses and authenticity on this evolutionary path. Letting go of relationships that hinder your progress, you embrace a kinder, more patient approach towards ascending self . Embracing the feeling of vibrational alignment and progress, even amidst the transient doubts.

The physical body is a vessel on this Earthly journey it communicates its needs through various signals. Listening attentively to your body, acknowledging any imbalances or blockages it may be signaling. Treating your body with love, gentleness, and respect, nurturing it and valuing its messages. Monitoring your thoughts closely, as they hold significant power over your well-being.

When negative or critical thoughts arise, pause and shift them towards loving and accepting ones. Expressing and expanding in gratitude towards your body for all its hard work and its tireless efforts. taking deep breaths, envisioning each breath as a healing, illuminating light that permeates every part of you, developing relaxation and rejuvenation.

Recognising that negative thoughts, emotions, and attitudes can impact our health, and compromise our well being emphasising the importance of nurturing a positive mindset. Practicing positivity in waking conscious hours activates transformation in self beliefs and attitudes, consequently influencing the physical well-being positively.

Enlightened starseeds embody the essence of self-healing and alchemy, transmuting past traumas into sources of strength and wisdom. They channel inner turmoil into fortified boundaries, childhood wounds into their highest purpose and ancestral burdens into blessings for the future seeding on ascending earth, highlighting the profound power within. Harnessing the lesson of channeling negative energy from past pain into constructive actions is a transformational and empowering journey that profoundly enhances life and positively impact others.

Fear is the ego’s illusions, transcending limiting beliefs through endurance and dissolution, paving the way for profound personal and collective transformation.

The time for transitioning to New Earth has arrived, urging many to undertake this leap consciously rather than passively waiting for change. embracing your ability to shift timelines and realities. Those who have diligently elevated their vibrations within the current matrix are now called to make the transition to New Earth, where support teams await to assist in their healing and recovery from past density timelines.

This divine message serves as a reminder for introspection and inquiry into the process of timeline shifting . Trust that when the moment is right, you will intuitively recall the steps to transition smoothly. It is time for starseeds and lightworkers to embark on this journey of remembrance and recall by making the leap and transition fully into New Earth.

The ongoing activation of the 33 portal is continuing to infuse us all with potent New Earth energy, signaling a time of profound transformation and evolution. The numerical significance of “33” carries a message of anticipating significant change, amplifying the current energies of mastery and transformation we are experiencing. As we align, shift, and immerse ourselves in love and light, every aspect of our being is undergoing a harmonious recalibration.

Our mind, body, and soul are synchronising, resetting, and awakening to propel us towards a higher paradigm, where we will transition into new timelines and realities. This marks a pivotal phase in our ascension journey, characterised by new opportunities and the unlocking of dormant potentials, paving the way for innovative ways of existence that may incite temporary chaos but ultimately lead to growth.

Embracing trust and positivity amidst the waves of change is so beneficial . By attuning ourselves to the expanding light frequencies, we are facilitating the release of outdated patterns, illuminating our own inner radiance, and inspiring and uplifting those around us.

This transformative process highlights the importance of collective unity, service, and contributing to the emergence of the New Earth, beginning with profound internal shifts before manifesting externally.

In loving and devoted Ascension service

Source information by Ascension LightWorkers.

