Jeshua: Seize the Day

Channel: Victoria Cochrane

Today is a new day. Yesterday is gone, never to be repeated, and tomorrow is still 24 hours away. Do not live in the past or the future, because then you may miss the present, which is all you have! LIVE in the moment. SEIZE every opportunity to experience and to savour life and all that it offers.

Take the time to be still, to BREATHE and to give love to yourself. Feel yourself on this Earth, grounded and connected to all that is. REJOICE in your life, because every moment and every breath is precious; a gift not to be taken for granted. LIFE is here and now, not in the past and yet to come in the future. When you can live in the moment, life will not just happen TO you, because you will be the driver, not the passenger.

You cannot expect everything to fall into place if you have not at first put it in motion. Take action to resolve past lessons and to make the future brighter by being fully present in the present.

I AM yours in love and service,

Jeshua ben Joseph

