The Mooners: Stand United

Channel: Erena Velazquez

Hey Humans,

We are the Mooners Civilization from planet XU-780 located in a far away Universe called XXY. We are communicating telepathically through this channel to let you know about our existence.

We are familiar with your real history about your planet, which had a lot of turmoil in the past, and it continues to these days. We are 10 feet tall with a very pale complexion, as we avoid daylight and only appear during the night. We are from the 7th dimension. Our Galactic Civilization doesn’t participate in any coalitions or alliances.

We prefer to keep our distance from others, based upon our experiences after being involved in meaningless Galactic Wars. After the destruction of our previous planet and almost losing our whole population, we found a new home, where are three moons and one of them is extremely pale, which resembles our appearance. We also love to travel during the night to different destinations with our triangle shaped spaceships, which are one of the fastest in all of the Galaxies.

Our motherships are huge, we have full cities, nature and wildlife inside them. We are known for our scientific knowledge in any technology existing in the Cosmos. Nothing can’t surprise us; our expertise is in a constant advancement in science and new discoveries. Millions years ago. we created our first Al, which eventually turned on us. After that experience, we never let anything ever to become self aware again. We can see that your Dark Superiors are very reckless and playing with fire by letting AI to self develop without any real supervision.

We ended up fighting with our Artificial Intelligence for years, until we were able to finally to get them back under our control. We like to use safe and efficient technologies, which are tested enough, that we know on how, they will perform in a real situation. We consume a specific diet our scientists created for us, which keeps us alive for thousands of years. We never visited your Milky Galaxy, and at the moment we don’t have any interest to go there, because of too many conflicts are going on between different Outworlders in that region.

Your planet Earth has been invaded many times, and by our knowledge most of the humans in your world don’t even know about it. You don’t have any transparency in your reality, and you have been constantly being used by your Dark Rulers for an extremely long time. Our research tells us, that you are in a crossroads into a new reality of 5D. Your old world is falling apart, high vibrations are destroying the old energies.

As a result of this process, the 3D version of your planet is going to disappear into the Cosmos. We can see that humanity right now is divided between each other. We can tell you from our own experiences, that you need to unite and together as one in order to be able to move to a higher dimension. Fighting amongst each other is not going to lead you anywhere good, it will only create more division and chaos in your reality.

Unite and stand together against the same enemy, as one power to defeat your Negative Oppressors and move to a New Earth. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. We wish humanity success in their journey into freedom.

Be Persistent and Strong


10 Replies to “The Mooners: Stand United”

  1. Jens Neustadt

    Greetings. I’ve had a few synchronicities which align with what is said in this article. Admirable impression.


    MOST BELOVED ERENA – Many thanks for introducing to us
    the inhabitants of XU-780 planet call themselves MOONERS.Please relay to them our LOVE.

  3. Galaxy Ghost

    Similarly, the Ballooners who travel freely through space in a translucent balloon shaped planetoid, share inconsequential yet curious habits and trifling tidbits of minutia with me, their earth channel. Their wealth is immense as their advanced technology allows them to turn starlight into gold bricks which they use to trade with other civilizations as they traverse the universe. They are mostly peaceful and mostly enlightened and come from a parallel reality where they lost their ability to procreate due to overwork and migraine headaches. Their souls decided to leave that reality and have been gently ballooning in ours ever since. They enjoy surfing many advanced realities, deep conversations and long walks on the beach. They are squat, round with thinning hair and sharp teeth so they do not need can-openers or other tools. They avoid earth because it gives them flashbacks and they don’t want the migraines to return. They offer many useless platitudes and other cliche philosophies which I will graciously reveal during my next communication with you. However, they do say the earth changes are happening in just the right way and at just the right time. Any horrendous experiences you might be having are due to your constipated energies and bad beliefs. They recommend ice baths twice a week and doing crosswords by moonlight. This will help raise both your individual and collective vibrations. In the meantime they ask you to suck it up and try to pretend you’re not a disposal-able slave on the great digital plantation for the non-human, globalist feudal lords and ladies. They would like to offer their condolences for not being able to visit in person but they just have so many other things going on right now; and they want to apologize for waiting so long to reach out and say hi! As a channel, I do my best to bring you relevant teachings from the highest planes of sparkling doohickies! As I meditate seven hours a day, my clarity has become so clear I am able to see beyond the multidimensional reflections within the cosmic looking-glass within the cosmic egg of the great central sun! Until next time, “Expand without popping!” The Ballooners!!!

    1. Diamond Lil

      Galaxy Ghost 😂🤣♥️! While I enjoyed the Mooners, I also cracked up over the Balooners😂. I’ll forever remember your cheerful advice on my way to better times, Expand Without Popping!

    2. John

      Oh no, these are not the real Ballooners! They are mentioned in Genesis Ch.1. v.32 as proxies for Archangel Flatalphon, and can not be channeled by earthlings as their immense energy would literally blow their minds away.

      I believe this channel has been infected by the Sarcazoids! I read in Cobra’s blog that they only want us to do crosswords puzzles under the moonlight so they can steal our brain powers with an undercover quantum sucking device they have built on the Moon surface, and keep us further enslaved by the cabal! The ice bath would keep us from realizing that, as this technology also triggers heat-induced migraines.

  4. Gordon Jackson

    Same old same old. Brief description of who they are followed by the same tripe as every other chanelling.

    Change the record, this one is worn through to the other side.

  5. Lexie

    Thank you Mooners. Please share more of your perspectives and knowledge of our World with us again soon.

