Ashtar: You Are Already in Paradise, It’s Just Your Lower Self that Isn’t

Channel: A.S.

My dear beloved Earth humans,

This is Ashtar speaking. I greet you in peace and love. I am happy that I can communicate this second message to you.

Often there are different perspectives that all have some amount of merit and validity to them. Just because one perspective has some amount of validity, doesn’t mean that other perspectives are wrong.

In this message, I will be exploring the perspective that you (meaning your soul) is already in paradise, it’s just your lower self (your mind, body and emotions) that isn’t.

However, even though I believe this perspective is valuable, I also acknowledge that the perspective of “I am suffering here on Earth, please help me” is entirely valid and has merit to it. Indeed, I agree that the amount of suffering on Earth is too much. As I shared last week, we are working to help you.

With that said, let’s dive into today’s perspective.

Spiritual people often know that they have a soul, but really they’re still viewing their lower self or their vehicle as “them”, just with the footnote that they also have a soul.

Spiritual people often know that they reincarnate, but really they’re still viewing their current life as their actual existence, just with the footnote that they reincarnate.

Lots of people are still fundamentally viewing themselves as a physical body and brain, one which dies after eighty years or so. And this is leading to a whole lot of suffering. I am not saying that this perspective is objectively wrong, I am just saying that this perspective will lead to suffering. Because if you believe that one short painful life is all that you’ll ever get, then of course that idea causes much pain and distress.

However, if you view yourself as an immortal soul and this as just one very challenging road trip that you chose to experience, then your current situation looks much less depressing. (If you do incredibly evil and harmful acts then you might get unmade, but this is very rare, and otherwise you are immortal.)

Therefore, today I will invite you to no longer view yourself as a brain whose existence will end after eighty years or so, and truly embrace the idea that you are a reincarnating soul. And I know that this may be easier said than done, and that is why I want to help you by making the case for the “you are already in paradise” worldview during the rest of this message.

This might sound like I’m being callous, but from my perspective I am trying to help you see the merits of a worldview that will lead to much less suffering for you if you choose to accept it.

So, let me share why I think that there is a lot of merit to the worldview that you, meaning your soul, are already in paradise, and it’s just your lower self or vehicle that isn’t.

You probably know that you have existed for something like a million years and that you have had something like a thousand lives — it may be a bit more or less, depending on the person, but something like that.

So, if you’ve had a thousand lives, would it be more accurate to view yourself as a reincarnating soul, or would it be more accurate to view yourself as just one body and one brain and one corresponding mind, out of the thousands of bodies and brains and minds that you have had?

You know that you largely create your reality. You also know that currently you are living in a reality that your soul likes, because this is giving you great soul growth, but that your mind probably dislikes this reality is painful. This indicates that the real you is actually your soul, because you — your soul — determines what manifests, what resonates, where you reincarnate, when you die, et cetera. Certainly it’s your soul, i.e. you, and not your mind who determines that, because you’re currently in a situation that your soul likes and your mind probably dislikes.

Yes, you largely create your reality. And you are your soul. You’re just experiencing your lower self right now, but really you are your soul.

For the rest of this message, when I say “you”, I will be referring to your soul.

You actually are already in paradise.

It’s just that right now, you as a soul may not have quite as much awareness, experience, power, perspective, et cetera as you want. And thus, you can make the free-will choice to gain soul growth by incarnating somewhere. Because you’re in paradise, this is your choice — you can reincarnate in one utopian world after the other and experience as much bliss as you want. Or you can experience a number of lives in a near-paradise and then freely choose to take a field trip to a very challenging world, such as Earth, and get a lot of growth from that.

However, don’t worry, you’re in paradise — you’re an immortal soul who can’t be harmed. So nothing bad can ever actually happen to you. Sure, the vehicle you’re driving, namely your lower self, might get hurt quite badly, but you can just exit your vehicle whenever you want (you as the soul can arrange the death of the lower self). And you can have as many vehicles as you want, without limit.

Could you picture a better paradise than this, namely a paradise where you’re immortal and you can’t be hurt, and you can experience as much bliss as you wish, and you also have the freedom to experience pain and challenge if you choose, but it will only ever hurt your vehicle and not you?

I think that is paradise. In fact if you were in a situation where you weren’t allowed to choose to experience pain and challenge, I think that wouldn’t be paradise. Believe it or not, endless pleasure does get boring after a while.

Sure, your lower self, your vehicle, absolutely isn’t in paradise. But you are. And yes, you are experiencing your vehicle right now, but that doesn’t mean you are your vehicle. It just means that you are experiencing your vehicle.

And yes, as I explained in my last message, many of you have requested that we make the Earth course a bit less painful. Many of you have said that your vehicles are getting too banged up and have requested that we make the Earth track a bit less muddy and rainy and dark. And we are doing so. However, just because you are experiencing that your vehicle is getting banged up, doesn’t mean you are getting banged up.

If you want to be kind to the other vehicles on the road, that is an entirely valid path. If you want to damage them and be service-to-self, that is an entirely valid path too, because you’re damaging other vehicles and not other souls.

You’re an immortal being who is living in paradise, and you chose to take a day out of your immortality to take a field trip to a very tough world, possibly to get new experiences and perspectives. And you certainly are succeeding in getting those. No matter how much your lower self might think it is failing on Earth, you are actually succeeding, because even by just existing on Earth you are getting a ton of soul growth.

Or if you came to Earth to help people, you are also succeeding, because even your very presence and your energy are helping other Earth humans.

Now, some people might argue that their choices can make the difference between getting some and getting lots of soul growth; between helping some people versus helping a lot of people.

And that’s true. I agree your lower self should do its best — and ideally then not stress out about the outcome, because it can’t do more than its best.

Some people might be worried about: “if I don’t learn my Earth lessons during this life, I might have to go to another Earth type of world later to learn those.” However, note that it’s your mind and thus your vehicle thinking that — however the vehicle isn’t going to reincarnate. Meanwhile, you — your soul — aren’t in any kind of resistance to possibly doing another kind of Earth course later if necessary (possibly after first doing another few fun Pleiades courses). You aren’t in resistance to pain.

You are an immortal being who can’t get hurt. You also have infinite time. Therefore you also can’t actually fail. Because how can a being fail if that being can’t get hurt and can’t run out of time? There is no such thing as failure for such a being, and you are such a being.

The worst thing that can happen is that you grow less quickly than other immortal beings, and that you need to take more courses than others to end up at a certain level of soul maturity. But why does it matter to an immortal being if someone else is going faster? Eventually you’re all going to end up merging back into Source anyway.

So there really is no way in which you can possibly fail, no matter what you do or don’t do during this life.

Now, most likely you want your lower self to do its best, because it’s being guided by your nudges and intuition towards whatever you want to experience through your lower self, or towards the ways in which you wish to help others during this life. So I am not saying that your lower self should just sit on the couch for the rest of its life.

On the other hand, even in the slightly unfortunate situation that your lower self sits on the couch for the rest of its life, then that’s not actually a problem for you because you’re an immortal being. Even if that happens, you’re still getting experience and perspective from your current trip. And after this current trip you can always just take a break, select a new vehicle, select a new racing track and then take another drive. For an immortal being, it’s no problem to take a second trip to learn some lessons that weren’t learnt on the first trip.

So while your lower self should do its best, there’s no way in which you can actually fail. Because there is no such thing as failure for the immortal being that you are. I think your lower selves are doing great, however even if they weren’t, that wouldn’t actually be failure for you, because there’s no such a thing as failure for an immortal being.

Also, if your lower self sits on the couch for the rest of its life, then that also doesn’t actually say anything about your quality as a driver, or as an immortal being. Okay, you as a driver took a vehicle on a very tough track, and the vehicle had a really hard time on that very tough track. That doesn’t actually prove that there’s anything wrong with you as a driver. You may have had a thousand vehicles, why does it say anything about you if one vehicle struggles on a very tough track?

So: you are an immortal being. You can’t actually fail. You are already in paradise. You just happen to currently be experiencing a vehicle on a very tough racing track — you just currently happen to be experiencing a lower self in a very tough world. However, just because you’re experiencing your lower self, doesn’t mean you are your lower self.

Here is an exercise that you might find helpful. For a few days, in your thoughts only use “my” and “I” to refer to your soul, and otherwise use “my lower self.” So for example, if you notice yourself thinking “I am tired”, replace that with “my lower self is tired.”

And right now, if the following feels genuine to you, I invite you to place a hand on your heart and a hand on your belly and to say out loud: “my dear body and emotions and mind, I appreciate you so very much, because thanks to you I can experience life on Earth. I am experiencing life on Earth right now, therefore you are succeeding and you are doing exactly what you need to do. Thank you so very much. I love you. ”

Or if you want to tweak the words a bit so that it does feel authentic, that is completely fine too.

My dear soul, I hope that this awakened a deep knowing somewhere within you.

With all the love from my soul,

For Era of Light

** Source

** These channelings are exclusively submitted to by the channeler. If you wish to share them elsewhere, please include a link back to the original post.

24 Replies to “Ashtar: You Are Already in Paradise, It’s Just Your Lower Self that Isn’t”

  1. LCX

    (There seems to be a technical glitch and I’ve changed the network)

    Dear Ashtar,

    Here may provide some valuable perspectives and clarifications.

    Most of the earth people don’t really believe they have a soul, basically they view their body as “them”.
    Most of the traditional spiritual people believe they have a soul, and basically they think they are souls in their bodies with memory loss, so most of them actually view their lower self as “them”.
    The modernistic spiritual people believe that their soul or higher self has many branches, basically their lower self is a branch soul or branch spirit, and most of them view their lower self as “them”, too.

    The modernistic spiritual people intellectually know that their soul is the “major shareholder of the company of their subconscious”, manipulating them to do some things in their unconsciousness, as well as usually weak but persistent voice that influences their thinking. The modernistic spiritual people intentionally feel their soul more often than ordinary people, and most of them consciously incorporate the inclination of the soul into the process of defining and shaping the personality of their lower self.

    Most of them view their soul or higher self as another person, who is somewhat similar to them with the personality of extended or advanced version. This person is their advanced confidant or chairman, has different knowledge backgrounds, may make different judgments on specific matters.

    The modernistic spiritual people more or less heard that: If their energy and frequency are high enough, and their connections to high density are well-developed, they can merge with their soul or higher self, or at least share its visual field, many spiritual people know a very small number of them are developed enough to perceive many past lives and parallel world lives. Or, if they die and leave the body, recalling past lives can be easier, they can also gradually merge with their soul, or continue to develop themselves as a branch spirit. Or, if they reincarnate again, the new personality in the afterlife will carry the shadow of the old personality, and the soul is always connected and influenced across time and space by all the branch spirits in all the reincarnations.

    About reality, most spiritual people or awakeners predicted the disclosures and corresponding struggles to become increasingly intense. However, the struggle for the 2020 election eventually calmed down, basically the gray hat allowed JB to complete his term smoothly. The 2020 pandemic crisis also subsided, and the black hat didn’t successfully implement a new global crisis for more than two years. Ordinary people are starting to regain comfort, as if traditional worldviews have worked again, many spiritual people or awakeners including me, feel torn and beached. Some of us would rather the world or even ourselves have more intuitive suffering, than to see the noticeable pause or rewinding in the pace of the disclosure struggles. We believe that if the disclosure struggles are to be presented from almost non-existent to complete within a few years, the escalating should have a simple trend, like a wildfire rather than an earthquake, that looks logical and gradual enough, especially for the ordinary people.

  2. Samandra

    Life can be so challenging. Our current now appears as a myriad of challenges both collectively and individually. I have my messy and difficult moments and days. I would like an “easier” life at the moment 🙂 But I do know I’ve had thousands of lives. And my full-self is never separate from G-d.

    I currently have a strong desire to return home. I miss G-d more than anything. I am not afraid of death and I understand I am meant to be here, in spite of the difficulty and all the rest. I do have strong spiritual needs that I don’t know how to meet. I do wish I felt closer to that “higher” self because I do become stuck and lost, tired and confused…

    It can be hard to be patient. It can be hard to accept and be positive in a negative situation. It’s not always easy to feel spiritually connected and certain. I wish the best to everyone who reads this. I pray positive change comes swiftly and easily. I am personally tired of the politics on both sides. I pray we all find our hearts blossoming and our sacred place of joy where we feel our best-selves with optimal peace 🙂 🙂 🙂 much Love! xo

    1. Anselmo (Brazil)

      “I miss G-d more than anything.”

      To which God are you refering to ? The God Ra is in the sky every day. The Goddess Nut is the starry night sky herself. The Goddess Gaia is under our feet. Shu and Tefnut (Air and Moisture) surround us and enter our body when we breath.

      If you are refering to Amun, the Hidden One and his wife Amaunet, probably they will remain hidden for who-knows-how-much time. It is their nature.

      Therefore I think we should be happy with the Gods we already see, feel and touch every day and night.

  3. Elle

    My soul is rotting, my very soul is dying and infected with parasites. I get it. But I don’t believe I’ll be in paradise if I die, I believe I’ll be tortured even further if I die. So there is no escape for me, I’m being controlled by everything. I have no free will. And they are forcing me to be evil they are all forcing the creation- I know you know. I know. I just feel like they are giving me unnecessary pain, I hope you all view me with pride and admiration because this is very hard and I have be strong every second of the day. I can’t feel myself I can’t feel my soul…

  4. Veronica

    hm, this message feels like we should take our lives for granted and not treat it as a precious gift. Because I feel that our lives are something we should truly cherish! We should try our best given our circumstances. Try to turn difficulties into strengths. But the message makes me feel like nothing matters much and that it’s just about ending it because we have a thousand chances anyway. Even though it’s just a small part of us incarnating in this body, for a short time, in a row of many lives, we should treat this lifetime as the only one. That’s how I feel ♥️

    1. John

      The precious aspects of life which we fear losing when we die actually belong to the soul and should probably indeed be taken for granted, as eternity is the soul’s very virtue.
      The transitory aspects that could be better expressed or grown in/out of belong to the ‘perishable’ complex, and their virtue is in transforming and being ephemeral.
      The human condition is all about bringing these aspects together, but confusing them either way, for whichever reason, is a source of suffering and pain: excessive attachment or detachment for life.
      I empathize with your feelings, and from my own experience I offer a notion to be sought which is that things can be precious gifts and taken for granted at the same time. Much love.

  5. ecologi01

    This “Ashtar” contradicts itself and pushes people to commit suicide. Why are you fighting with the Dark Controllers throughout the Universe for millions of years, if it’s enough just to die and you’ll be in Paradise without any problems? When the Dark Controllers attacked the Pleiades, why didn’t you give up and die? I’m probably stupid because I’m indignant and ask serious questions to the fake Ashtar.

    1. the_complaint_department

      Dying is optional but not always optimal, from the soul perspective – which is in Paradise either way, per the message. You’re confusing the body giving up with the soul giving up, thus faking the contradiction yourself.
      It’s never indignant to ask or answer ‘serious’ questions, but being stupid might prevent you from hearing the answers.

      1. ecologi01

        The souls of Lightworkers specially incarnated en masse in physical bodies at this time in order to help raise the vibrations of the planet Gaia and all humanity with their presence. The Dark Controllers do not like this very much and they energetically attack tired Lightworkers, instilling in them thoughts of leaving the physical body, in fact instilling thoughts of suicide. And now someone pretending to be Ashtar is saying such convenient thoughts for the Dark Controllers. Where am I confusing “the body giving up with the soul giving up”?

        1. the_complaint_department

          What Dark Controllers do is try and instill the thought that lightworkers are here against their will. You can’t fight for free will on a self-sacrificial basis: you become a victim and your light dims out.
          Bodies get tired, souls don’t. Callous as it might be, being pulled from the battlefield is a tactical decision whether it hurts your ego or not; and no judgement is ever made by Light.

          1. ecologi01

            Why are the Dark Controllers trying to instill the idea that the Lightworkers are here against their will? Do they want to shoot themselves in the foot? There is no logic here.

            Who fights for free will on the basis of self-sacrifice? You again invented something for yourself and you yourself refute it. If you don’t understand something, it’s better to ask.

            You are so actively defending this message, please tell me how, in accordance with this message, you see Ascension from 3d to 5d, if the lower Self in the body is discarded, and the Higher Self is already in 5d and above according to this message?

          2. the_complaint_department

            The logic is to inspire suicide of lightworkers, what’s the logic behind calling it a shoot in the foot?

            Lightworkers do, until they perceive the ruse. I did not invent or refute myself anytime.

            I see Ascension precisely as the 3D lower self growing truly aware of the contents of this message, thus realizing it already is a part of the higher 5D self.

          3. ecologi01

            The Dark Controllers ruled the planet for thousands of years from the shadows until recently when the first contactees with Spiritual Teachers and Galactic Brothers appeared. In fact, this is still ongoing and is called the Cover-up. People knew nothing about them and therefore did not fight before this. After the humans/Lightworkers found out about them, the Resistance emerged, specifically the White Hats. Thus began the ground/surface struggle against the Dark Controllers. Thus, the struggle and Resistance began only when people learned that they were not truly free and were controlled by the Dark Controllers.However, you claim that people are already free, which completely discounts the many years of struggle of the Resistance and the Galactic Brothers against the Dark Controllers. Therefore, there is no point for the Dark Controllers to convince the Lightworkers that they are not free, since this will only lead to intensification of the fight against them. This is a “shot in the foot”, if you didn’t understand. As you can see, according to history, people did not commit suicide, but began to fight the Dark Controllers when they found out that they were not free. But to convince the Lightworkers that there is no problem, and that there are no Dark Controllers, this is precisely the idea of ​​the Dark Forces, who like to control everything from the shadows.

            It’s clear. You read and Ascended. Marvelous.

          4. the_complaint_department

            Oh sure, from that point of view it would be a shot in the foot. But I don’t think the message endorses that point of view: nowhere it says ‘people are already free’ in those terms, in fact if anything, Ashtar says exactly the opposite.

            It does say that SOULS are already free, and implies they are the actual inspiration for lower selves to seek freedom individually and collectively to further dignify this immortal reality of the soul in the current reality. Failing to do so only means souls can come back and try again or give up and go live some easier reality (and make room for other students), which I take means less fear of death, which means less energetic food for the Dark Forces.

            If lower selves feel encouraged to suicide once they learn of soul immortality, they are most likely not accepting responsibility for their soul decision to incarnate here in the first place.

            Also, the notion that ‘The Resistance’ or the ‘White Hats’ (who are also ‘controlling everything in the shadows’, by the way) were the first to ever oppose Dark Forces in this planet sounds a bit arrogant and naive – they are not without merit, but hardly the most efficient in relation to their power.

    1. Anselmo (Brazil)

      Yes, bring Tunia back, we are more interested in hearing about spice details of sexual life aboard the ships than controversial (alleged) Ashtar’s messages.


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