Matrix Unplugged

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.

Many changes spoken of in the recent times will begin to really be noticed by all in the physical aspect of this reality.

We do not speak of only political and economical change, or even weather disruptions, for those are already taking place. We are talking about realm change. The Third Dimensional matrix is on a downward spiral, for it was unplugged from its line of support in 2012.

All will begin to see more evident signs, even those with minimal awareness are to wonder and question what is really happening on Earth, as many newly awakened are already doing this.

You cannot ask for life to improve, while asking to keep the same Third Dimensional constructs and ideas in tact. This is no longer an option. You must be willing to change, or become caught up in the real time dissolution of the Third Dimension. Shift your focus, thoughts, and actions, shift your frequency, and rise.

The increase of the light quotient on Earth is now accelerating the dismantling of the Third Dimensional constructs. No one is going to stop that, no one is going to save the current corrupt and enslavement of a system. This includes the economy, financial, and education systems, religious institutions, and so on. It has all reached the dead end. All these things have served their purpose.

If you are focusing on subjects which do not help with your spiritual awakening, you are wasting time and lowering your own vibrational energy. Flat Earth, twin flames, political stage and drama, religion, sports, exposing the dark, and more. Many are using all of these as a distraction, to avoid going within, because stillness and peace do not interest your ego. You don’t want to face your fears and traumas, refusing to heal, thus remaining in the same old energies and repetitive episodes of the Third Dimension.

It is time to unplug from the matrix and its endless games of distractions, and the time to return to your inner sanctuary. For what awaits you within, is far greater than anything that exists without. You are preparing to merge with the higher aspects of your being, and clearing is necessary for this to take place, creating room for the higher light to become part of you in your current reality.

13 Replies to “Matrix Unplugged”

  1. Spectrum

    I don’t see or feel any ascension happening. I don’t see it in anyone I encounter in my day to day life either. Where are these “light energies” they talk about ? I never notice them.

  2. optimist

    It is necessary now to break free from the mindset of judging things based on whether they are useful or not, and limiting what is necessary.

    When we are being your true self, we experience positive emotions such as joy and positivity.
    If we feel fear or scaling down ourselves, it’s better not to choose it.
    Therefore, we do not choose something that will rule us with fear.
    We need to use these as clues to choose, experience, and learn for ourselves.

  3. Lilyrose

    Pray my soul is saved from the phantom matrix. My so called twinflame sent me 5 demons. What an evil man, because i wouldnt chase him. 4 were on my body, i had a reptilian on my crown. He has some bad bad karma. He will be living life after life after life after life. Hope the ego trip was worth it. The one on my crown severed my soul cord. Now Im in this phantom earth 3D timeline. Pray for my soul. He activated my kundalini then did black magic on me. I was supposed to ascend but I was attacked. Lilyrose

  4. John R

    President Putin recently unveiling the image of a Black Jesus, (not that any colour matters!) all adds ‘fuel’ to the Global Awakening, Now, in Full Swing.

    1. John R

      There’s totally NO “us and them” ever. That is conscious ego at work the wise ones say, like Landria Onkka.

      i think it is extremely important to harmonise with these (matrix collapsing) Energies that keep on (without tea or sick break) increasing in vibration, daily, hourly.

  5. C

    Excellent, thank you Kejraj!

    Anyone else feel a big energy wave come through around 10:30am est ? Whew! Comes through with the analogy of a snake shedding its old skin – ‘something big just dropped’ (away).

    peace everyOne 🙏🕊🦋

    1. Diamond Lil

      I’m so disappointed, no, C, I didn’t feel it at that time. I did get hit with fatigue in the afternoon, now I can guess why 😁 …And perhaps, benefits to follow 🌞

