Accelerations of Shifts

Greetings friends! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.

The energies of the eclipse will continue to have an affect in Earthly affairs all the way through August.

Cosmic alignments provide the energy, then it manifests into action and physical change in the weeks and months ahead.

This being the Third/Fourth Dimensional plane, where change occurs at a slower pace, though these are different times, and accelerations of shifts have been continuous.

It is the time to state your intentions clearly, and empower with the light of your heart the timelines you want to be a part of, in the realities you want to ascend, as these energies offer their greatest support for humanity during this awakening.

Let go of all thoughts, let go of the external reality, observe without attachment, and feel the light within your Heart Center expand, that is who you truly are. It is now that more layers of the veil are being dissolved, together with the walls you’ve placed around your heart. You are readying to embody the greater light of your Soul Self.

All the light to You!

4 Replies to “Accelerations of Shifts”

  1. Douglas A James

    Thru August ?? My intention is for a solar flash now! I know soap opera that wrap up faster lol…seriously it’s 2024 rem this old all happen in 2012 .. then 2018 then 2020…pole shift by 2025…islands of light …portals opening up ..poor Allison Coe won’t even post a video anymore here clients all stating dates that have passed…😉

    1. Mister Green

      Yes, I’ve been expecting it, too. Thing is, God’s time is different than our time. I have been advised to continue to have faith. And that’s what I’m going to do.

