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Grounding to Terra Christa

This or your own version of affirming earth grounding/bonding is a great way to greet the divine Light of your day:

"I call upon the most appropriate vibrations of energy and Love-!ight emanating from the great, universal, cosmic central sun, Source, to support the ascension of our magna-glorious Terra Christa/ Gaia/Arya/Mother Earth and All of her miraculous life:

animate and inanimate; mineral and crystal; flora and fauna; the devas, nature spirits, the elementals; the tree kingdom; the water world; the human realm; and all other beings of the Light on, in or about Terra Christa.

I wish to anchor these most blissful, cleansing and fortifying energies through my God-being; not only to support my own ascension, but to ground into and distribute these beneficent energies to the illustrious Terra Christa and all of her most sacred life.

Please let me be of Loving service in the most pure and divine ways possible."

