March Waves and Strong Shifts Anticipated

waves of light eraoflightdotcomBlessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

The Progression of Waves – last week of February, mid-March and end of April – are strong and purposeful. The initial February influx is now complete.

Geomagnetic storms were strong as the influx arrived. Note the clearing and realignment effects in your own lifestream. The more intense the energies grow, the more we shed the old. Weep it out, dance it out, sing it out … let the light change you. Notice the changes in your awareness, fields, heart and Embodiment. There is a softness, creativity and wisdom to this level of Divine Surrender.

Activations are intensifying to reflect the next level of Lightbody merge. Embodiment is accelerating (along with everything else) and new experiences are stepping up. Personally I had a brand new experience of Lightbody merge last SUNday during the Unity Meditations. A brilliant shimmering, scintillating, very psychadelic birthing-a-star sensation radiated from the heart outward, through the body and lightbody levels. It was beyond anything I have felt before – and that is saying a lot. I welcome it to happen again!

Wave Two: March

These influxes, like all waves this year, do not step down. There is no pause on the cosmic currents. Get outside and breathe, anchor, reset. The acceleration has a purpose on many levels, including collective trajectories.

Grounding is to the New Earth crystalline realities; more of a Lightbody merge than a dense anchor-to-the-old-core dynamic. You feel those denser realities dissolving; there’s nothing to anchor to. Let the evolution of the heart center connect you to all that is, to the ascended realities. They feel different; surrender to the new sensations.

The progression increases in frequency, with palpable jumps during the New Moon March 6 (8:05am PT), Solar activity around March 13-17, and through the March Equinox on March 20 at 2:58pm PT. Equinox is a key moment for influxes and outpourings of new light because of its balancing qualities. We also have a Full Moon on Equinox (6:43pm PT) which will make it a very powerful moment for balance and rewriting realities.

New relationships, partnerships, co-creations and Teams are forming to align with new Embodied expression and our new skills. This regrouping is related to Contact, Embodiment Light Signatures (collective amplification through co-creation) and working in tandem with the higher realms in a more direct way.

Akashic Deletion

Akashic distortions are being cleared – for years now – and this is accelerating to accomodate the collective Ascension. Inorganic experiences here are overwritten to align past, present, future flows of the organic timelines. We see this in our lifestreams; the memory and associated emotion with traumas, drama, or uncomplimentary experiences dissipates.

This is also related to astral collapse, the thinning of the veils which allowed for the illusion of separation. Our dream states are clearly reflecting this re-organization of timelines and experiences to accommodate higher realities. Bizarre and busy fragments from several lifetimes and parallel possibilities are sorting themselves out. The collective subconscious is getting cleared of the distortions and programs of the past, to mend the flow of past-present-future with the organic timelines of Ascension. This is a reflection of the resolution happening on a Universal level.

Plasma Waves

Positive photonic-encoded plasma waves arrive in March which support the new experience of pure unity consciousness, without the distortions of the past. This is cosmic-level support of our Embodiment, and Embodiers will be having some very strong positive experiences as these influxes intensify.

We have just begun to experience higher levels of Unity Consciousness, how it feels in the body and how to utilize it in alignment with Divine Will. A very exciting passage, happening in tandem with the dismantling behind the scenes. Brilliant. Remember we hold the balance, the calm in these collective storms. These waves will make it easier; surrender to the transformation.

Reactivation of the Ancient Sites

For the past few years, Gatekeepers/Gridworkers have been reactivating the ancient sites within Gaia (underground, unexposed structures). These ancient structures were placed in Gaia by us specifically for the Ascension, and guarded by our Galactic levels.

These sites and portals are already connected to the crystalline New Earth grid system. As with many of these premeditated sites, they lay dormant for best-case-scenario, or the point on the future timeline when Ascension would take place. We have arrived at the activation moment. The core magnetic shift of Gaia over the last few months serves like a combination lock, allowing these flows from her crystalline core to outflow through these awakened Inner Earth/ancient underground node points.

Several of these portals are connected to ancient crystal beds and aquifers, as well as sacred stone structures underneath the surface. These are not travel-related stargates, they are gateways which bridge the worlds and create more cohesive unification as we merge with Ascended realities and our higher levels.

They will assist with the first contact initiatives, the rainbow bridge DNA, and crystalline pathways to New Earth realities. A great outpouring of light from Gaia, and a way to outflow the intense stimulation of her SUN-like core as it receives these photonic waves. A delivery system and stabilization mechanism. If you are called to assist with these activations during collective Gatework, that list is at this end of this article.

Self-Qualified for Trinity DNA Markers

Trinity DNA codes are being collectively activated, which brings brand new sensations in the body and Lightbody. Trinity DNA, the path of the Ascension or Solar Cosmic Christ, is a reflection of the Deity Self, the OverSoul or I AM Presence. Our collective Embodiment calls forth Trinity DNA markers, which are a collective Divine HUMan DNA signature, triggered by Unity Consciousness, Positive Photonic plasma influxes, and Gaia’s light level.

This expansiveness and great-unknown vibration can also cause anxiety or self-doubt. This is our Mastery challenge. Balance. Consistent alignment with Love and Service. Remember how vast you are, dear hearts. Hold the Light high.

Elementals and Unity Consciousness

Remember that the elementals are a reflection of the healing unfolding on the planet right now. The elementals are evolving into pure unity consciousness, just as we are. They are affected by our vibration, and once again… Embodiment changes everything.

We touched on this briefly during the First Contact retreat. The elementals can show us where portals and gateways are activating. Sometimes they are used to get us accustomed to large objects overhead (cloudship appearance). They show us where Gaia is rebalancing, especially with the core magnetic shift this year. Elementals work with us as we move into unity consciousness. A divine reflection of our collective progress.

Water is the most sensitive and easiest way to deliver healing, restoration and light codes through the elementals. As science has demonstrated, water is susceptible to thought and emotion. It works in tandem with DNA and glands (pineal, pituitary, thymus, etc.) in our bodies to connect us with cosmic stargates, our higher levels, cosmic light influxes, and intel from other star systems.

Gaia uses water to heal. Think of all of this precipitation like white blood cells rushing to a wound. Balance and restoration is taking place. Remember this as the elementals behave in unusual ways. Always pull back to the bigger picture; we are experiencing a complete transformation of these worlds in a very brief period of linear time.

As we move into unity consciousness, this cleansing/healing activity is reflected in our own bodies – we cry. Most of you understand that and having a good cry is an excellent way to let more light in. It sheds the old and makes space for new light.

Much is occurring behind the scenes, which causes ripples in the collective emotional fields. There is a sense of relief as well as sadness for what has occurred. If you have been weeping without cause, it may be a reflection of the intense global cleansing activity. Not just transmuting on behalf of Gaia, but becoming One with all that is. We become one with this healing activity and allow it to clear our cells, DNA, and energy fields. You will also feel immense joy, so the tears may be in celebration. It is a joyful birth! Try not to ponder the why or judge it, and surrender to however the body needs to interpret the healing.

Opportunities for Unification this week

With so much unfolding all at once, and an acceleration of the energies and events evident, we may create stability and clear pathways for all willing hearts.

– SUNday March 3rd: 3-3-3 SUNday Unity Meditations. Gatekeepers opening for the New Moon, and sharing the 3-3-3 Trinity keycodes for Embodiment. Join thousands for our weekly meditations and operating at New Earth level. After three years of practice, the field is strong and our collective experiences are profound. Participate and help to spread the word. Details at

– Wednesday, March 6: New Moon at 8:05AM PT.

– SUNday March 10: Unified Gateway Opening for the March 13-17 influx and SUNday Unity Meditations. Pacific Daylight Time begins; check your time zone converters.

– March 13-17, flowing through Equinox: Second in this series of waves. More Solar activity anticipated, and crystalline grid amplification as we focus on reactivation of the ancient sacred portals within Gaia.

– March Equinox on March 20 at 2:58pm PT. Equinox is a key moment for influxes and outpourings of new light because of its balancing qualities. We also have a Full Moon on Equinox (6:43pm PT)

Upcoming Events

Exploring Mastery, the new monthly webinar and online community, begins Saturday March 9.Details HERE.

Abundance Bag items for our Crystalline Convergence event in Sedona will be accepted through March. Infinite gratitude to all donating gifts for the Tribe. What a Divine and generous collective we have. Review the details HERE.

It is a profound passage for all of us. Embodiment is a unique experience, unlike anything that came before on this path of Ascension. To witness and feel yourself merging into the Higher Self, while simultaneously maintaining a lifestream of a fading lower Self…truly brilliant. I AM forever grateful to share this journey with you, Beloveds.

Blessings and gratitude to everyone leveling up in beautiful ways in this Now. Sending Divine LoveLight and strength to all of us for a reality-shifting passage. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!


» Source » By Sandra Walters

