California State Water Board is Manufacturing a Drought by Draining Reservoirs into the Ocean

connecting the dots era of light dot comExcerpts:

“In the last 14 days, 90% of Delta inflow went to sea. It’s equal to a year’s supply of water for 1 million people.
#ManMadeDrought,” Central Valley farmer Kristi Diener said.

Diener, a California water expert and farmer, has been warning steadily that water is unnecessarily being let out to sea as the state faces a normal dry year.

“Are we having a dry year? Yes,” Diener says. “That is normal for us. Should we be having water shortages in the start of our second dry year? No. Our reservoirs were designed to provide a steady five year supply for all users, and were filled to the top in June 2019.”

Don’t believe her?

“You’re looking at our largest reservoirs less than two years ago. They were absolutely teeming with water from 107% to 145% of average!” Diener says. “Our reservoirs held enough water for everyone who relies on them for their water supply, for 7 years. We are barely into our second dry year. WHERE DID IT GO?”

“Where did it go” indeed.

According to the California Legislative Analyst’s Office, statewide water use averages 85 gallons per person per day.

But it’s always urban/residential water users ordered to conserve water: let lawns turn brown and landscaping die, limit showers and baths, wash clothing and dishes less frequently, and other absurd “helpful tips.”

Diener also asks,

“How can this year be the driest year on record when it has more than 7 months left? That’s just fake news and crisis creation.”

“Before our magnificent reservoir projects were built, California never had a steady and reliable supply of water. Now water is being managed as if those reserves don’t exist, by emptying the collected water from storage to the sea, rather than saving it for our routinely dry years,” Diener says.

“Our water projects were designed to be managed for the long term providing a minimum five year supply, but California has now put us on track to have a man made drought crisis every time we don’t have a wet season.”

Even San Francisco is suing the State Water Board. Diener explains:

The State Water Board’s 40% unimpaired flows plan is too radical. Requiring 40% of the Tuolumne River water to flow directly to the ocean without being used for anything else on its way, severely limits that river’s supply to Hetch Hetchy—the main water source for San Francisco.

The State Water Board has become the Department of Fish and Wildlife?

The Water Board has said they want to experimentally see if over time they can bring back about 1000 salmon, but it is such an extreme idea that some residents could be limited to as little as 7 gallons of water per person per day during back to back dry years, essentially making these regions uninhabitable.

Doug Obegi of the NRDC, along with other well funded nonprofits, have unleashed a barrage of negative press harshly criticizing the city, and chiding them for what they call ”being on the same side as Valley farmers.” But S.F. is not backing down on opposing the plan which gained approval by the cheerleading of Felicia Marcus, former State Water Resources Control Board Chair and NRDC attorney.

Deja vu: In 2018, we addressed the California Water Resources Control Board and lawmakers’ charges of its misplaced priorities:

As chairwoman of the California Water Resources Control Board, Felicia Marcus oversees a massive state bureaucracy with a $1 billion annual budget.

In a prescient op ed today (2018) in the Modesto Bee, Assemblyman Adam Gray (D-Merced) had some harsh words for Marcus and her radical environmental cohorts. “Despite her promises to the contrary, she and her board have used their immense authority to jeopardize – not protect – the economy and drinking water supplies of the Northern San Joaquin Valley.”

Gray says, “The State Water Board claims it needs the water to help restore fish populations, but an earlier version of their own report suggested their plan would result in little more than an additional 1,000 fish per year.”

“Irrigation districts in Merced, Turlock and Modesto have all proposed responsible alternatives that call for a combination of increased water flows, habitat restoration and predation controls,” Gray said. “Unsurprisingly, the State Water Board has rejected those proposals out of hand while continuing to preach a preference for voluntary settlements.”

“The truth is, the board will never be happy until it gets our water – no matter the consequence to our economy or our drinking water supplies,” Gray added.

 California’s residents, farmers and ranchers find themselves in this untenable situation once again.

Diener explains Gov. Newsom’s water-related budget proposals:

Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent $5.1 billion drought response package will not be used to create water abundance either. Instead, about $1 billion dollars will be used to pay off now unaffordable water bills that were made too expensive by intentionally creating water scarcity. When water restrictions are imposed, supplier revenues fall. They have fixed costs to deliver water and must raise rates as a result. #UseLessPayMore.

If you want to delve more deeply, another article from 2016 delves into the “shadow government” appointees at the State Water Resources Control Board that ordered the release of massive amounts of water from the New Melones Reservoir and Lake Tulloch, to save a dozen fish, and how then-Gov.

Jerry Brown systematically booted a number of qualified people off of the California Water Commission, the body that was responsible for decisions on how to spend $2.7 billion in public funds for Prop. 1 Water Bond water storage projects.


8 Replies to “California State Water Board is Manufacturing a Drought by Draining Reservoirs into the Ocean”

  1. Urs

    after we activated 300km of rivers between Calgary and Vancouver and places 3 wetheractivation Systems in August and November 2021 the rain gets pulled into the country from LA up north to the area in Canada.
    Climatechange has been killed 😉 so far.

  2. Urs Wirths

    we can generate rain, we killed the climate change in central Europe
    we can help you getting rain in any country.
    we did it in lost of countries germany, spain paraquay…
    website energieprodukte dot org
    We destroy the heavy water in the air and in the rivers / then no haarp helps making drought anymore

    just pull the rain into the land / with nonelectric devices….

  3. BB

    Wow, truly corruption in CA State Govt remains unabated.

    I bet you this report could developed into a really good movie plot.

    If Hollywood could get a big name star actor, like Jack Nicholson, then maybe it’s a blockbuster movie, right?

  4. None None

    Profits from water must end. Until that happens, there will be no trustworthy science and no numbers that arent massaged.
    Billionaires and Big AG are in control, selling paper water to developers for big $$, and blaming fish while they continue planting almond trees in the desert. The corruption is worse than ever, the DWR and State Water Control Board are bought n paid for by Stuart Resnick and the Metropolitan Water District of SoCal.
    Believe what you see. The reservoirs are VERY low, if you drive north on HWY99 there is no water in the rivers and streams the highway crosses.
    The water naturally goes to the ocean. What happens now is it is pumped to Westlands Water District, used to water trees planted on a naturally polluted ancient lake bed, the overflow collected and pumped back to the delta. The lake bed prevents the water not used by trees from being absorbed. Naturally occurring selenium, arsenic, etc was concentrated when the lake dried out 100s of years ago.
    Air, water, food, and shelter. Basic human needs.
    There isnt one politician with the guts to stop this. Water profits MUST END.

    1. Melissa

      You are so correct. And all the ppl left without water like sheep tell us what to do now. Who do you call if your well runs dry? The same state gov that ran it dry for profits.

  5. Ellie

    Yikes!!! I had never seen hard data like this but only heard rumors. We must spread this data around, contact our representatives and anyone in government.
    I heard the water shortages were planned as part of a land grab.
    What are these corrupt official being paid and by whom?
    We can’t allow this gorgeous state to continue to slide into ruin because of corrupt officials.

  6. Jig is up

    Its called population control….water, food, air, power, legislation , media and public school has been weaponized aginst the people. Wake up and break your programming. File complaints, file lawsuits, and unveil the devils.

    1. Sue

      Correct! And all the while they keep inviting more and more illegal aliens who come in, trash our land, and pollute our water and kill our wildlife with their meth labs. But I thought the commiecrats were so in favor of the environment?!!! Not it seems when Newsom and company can make billions off it!

