Our New Self; From 3D To 4D And 5D Part 3

crystalline universeGoing to the Light Side is not a striking deal. It means a devastating internal Armageddon when any being burns all the Darkness in itself without a trace which it has carried all its life. After that, only the Light remains in it.

Each of us will have to go through this procedure to survive in 5D. And no external help, no restructuring of the reality around us will save us if we do not go first through exclusively our Armageddon.

Today many people successfully go through this stage. It often results in strange, unfamiliar sensations.

There is a feeling of being lost and an inability to settle in. It may feel like the world around us is not the home it used to be.

Everything seems wrong, and although the environment has not changed, the differences are suddenly noticeable in everything.

It is as if what was normal is no longer so.

We can’t focus on our tasks the way we used to. Even the smallest work is difficult to do, and it takes much longer than it should. Everything is somehow much more complicated than it should be.

Various ailments arise, appearing out of nowhere. Because of changes in the energies around us, our bodies are not always can to adapt quickly to them.

We notice headaches and external spasms. It is due to an overload of incoming information that cannot be processed at the physical level.

Strange sounds are heard that are hard to describe. These are energies emanating with great force from many different places.

Cravings for sweets arise. Those who don’t normally eat a lot of sugar crave more and more of it. It is how our body tries to compensate for the lack of energy to process all the info it receives. It will continue until the 5D transition is over.

A great many people’s intuition is sharpened. It means that our minds became keener, understanding of many things comes, and our inner voice speaks to us. Thus the Universe connects with us on a level that was previously closed.

A lot of us have problems sleeping. It is also due to the energy overload that is going on right now. Some have noted that they are constantly waking up between 3 and 5 a.m. And such rises are quite sharp as if someone woke us up.

These processes are not random. When we are sound asleep, the Darkis can download various information they need through the astral level. To prevent it from happening, from turning us off the right path, the Higher Light Forces wake us up in this way.

Sensitivity of the fingertips increases. Since we can’t take off all the energy from space, it flows through us, and part of it that we don’t absorb comes back.

It usually occurs through the fingers and toes, and in some cases through the teeth. That is why sensitivity in these areas increases. A tingling sensation appears, sometimes quite painful.

There is often a desire to go out into nature. The longer the energy transition process continues, the more we move away from technology, and the more we are drawn to the countryside.

Some of us go on trips to Nature to be alone with it. Others just spend a few hours without their phone every day. Everyone has their ways of distraction and immersion.

Are there signs of transition? Yes, there are, and not quite a few. They vary greatly in the forms of manifestation.

We begin to notice repetitive synchronicity. For example, the same combinations of numbers such as 11:11, 3:33, 1:11, 5:55, etc. Or it can be the date of our birth when we check the time.

These are not coincidences. There are no coincidences in our life at all. Numerology well explains such combinations as signals and messages to us from the Subtle Plane.

Our desires have become easier to fulfill. Sometimes our mind is incredibly cunning to lead us away from the goal and even to cause obstacles. Through the power of thought, we can create whatever we want.

That’s why it’s best to focus only on optimistic thoughts. And we will notice that all our dreams come true somehow by themselves, without even requiring any effort on our part. We think how good it would be, and suddenly the thought materializes in the shortest possible time.

Our eating habits change. We suddenly stop liking meat, or only a small amount is enough for us. We want more vegetables, fruits that are produced organically.

We noted that we began to eat much less, and even began to arrange ourselves a day off.

It realizes that we don’t need as much food as we used to. That for the most part, it was pure marketing, not hunger that worked before.

When our mind is calm and our body is free of tension, we can have prophetic dreams. No more nightmares or insomnia. Dreams become so beautiful as if reality is there instead of here. Often during or after such dreams the answers to many of our questions come.

A strong aspiration for truth is born in us. Often it completely overrides all of our former beliefs. Truth is what matters to us.

We understand better the nature and mechanism of fear. A great way to get rid of it is simply to turn off the news and stop reading gossip from the press.

By daily and hourly loading us with scares, MSM drains our vital energy, and at the same time, distracts us from ourselves, program in our obedience, greed, hatred of everything that does not fit into our usual routine and habits.

When we are freed from fear, we are freed from the System’s slavery and we are set free.

Another symptom of transition is the awakening of clairvoyance. We may begin to see energies out of the corner of our eyes. Some of us initially discern orbs; others feel the energy around them; the third can see else’s aura.

One of the signs of being in the 4th dimension is the frequent feeling of deja vu. It is a manifestation of another timeline.

We may encounter some incomprehensible phenomena, for example, things start to go missing and then emerge from nowhere. It is worth noticing such glitches carefully and paying more attention to time loops and how often they occur.

It is not a very pleasant symptom to be alienated from friends and family, as if they no longer understand us. When we move to a higher vibration, we often lose our loved ones.

It is normal and natural. Don’t worry, friends and family won’t disappear forever. We simply connect with people with similar vibrational energies.

We experience unexpected fluctuations in our energies. Some days we feel quite awake, other days we are severely weakened and depleted. Such energy ups and downs are quite normal and will become more frequent, adapting us to 5D.

We begin to pick up some high frequencies. Sometimes they are quite loud in just one ear, or both. These are the rising frequencies of the planet, and our body is trying to integrate with them.

There is a spontaneous desire to “go back home”. It happens when we look at the night sky and the stars. The question arises by itself as to which star system or planet might be our homeland.

Some will feel a slight resonance or counter wave when looking at Sirius, Pleiades, or the Big Dipper. And someone will feel even more acutely that his real home is only here, on planet Earth.

We are discovering capacities that were previously hidden in us. It may be bilocation, telepathy, clairvoyance, or clairaudience. All of these abilities and many others have always been in each of us. Now they are awakening.

As we go through our inner transformation, we connect to higher vibrations which manifest as tides of Love. Love begins to move us in ways that were simply not common before.

We see the essence of what’s going on. We well understand the connection between politics and Big Pharma, Wall Street and Main Street, global and military management strategy.

An urgent need or desire to heal and protect this world is born in us.

People are drawn to us and our blogs like moths to light. And some openly hate us, trying to stay away from our energy or troll online.

We became more discerning about our surroundings. We revise values, an awareness of how the environment is trying to influence us.

We began to feel the urge to practice Qigong, Reiki, Yoga, meditation. We began to take more care of ourselves, to get rid of negative feelings, thoughts, and actions.

We manage to stay positive or at least neutral for longer and longer, no matter what happens and no matter who is around us.

We use mantras, the power of intention, and meditation to balance and realign our inner vibration.

We find that the knowledge of what we need itself comes to us. It is the manifestation of the Universe’s trust and connection.

We know how to reprogram ourselves to get out of the 3D Matrix algorithms because we have learned to understand how, when, and why it works.

As difficult as it is, we continue to work out our karma. It doesn’t scare us that it comes with worsening life scenarios, repetition of the past, or painful symptoms in our body.

We easily overcome feelings of anxiety, despair, mood swings, and energy levels.

The overwhelming need to expand consciousness is the best way to restore our inner balance and confidence.

We feel our link with everything and everyone. Interconnectedness, unity is felt at the fundamental level of our Soul.

Do you recognize yourself? Congratulations, you are already in 4D. You fall, get up, and continue on the Path. Gaia tunes us into new energy and contact with the Source.

Strive to spread Love in every interaction, no matter how small.

Avoid negative energy. Listen to your energy system and trust your body’s reactions.

People need to be reminded that they are not the divided that the MSM portrays us to be.

Tension, polarity, separation… People need to see a spark of soulful Light in their eyes. Share the Love. Spread the Light. Raise your vibration wherever you go.

The possibility of reaching higher dimensions is open to us. Nevertheless, we are constantly falling to the ground. To the third dimension. Into the Matrix. We go up and down.

Everything is hidden in plain sight. Tactics of distraction and creating discord are used to their full potential. Times of transition are dark and tumultuous, unstable and unpredictable.

Ground your attention. Rebuild your Soul, body, and mind with self-care. Embrace these cosmic renewals.

It may be a long road for some. The tipping point in spatial change has already arrived. There is a crossroads on the horizon. Humanity needs to see compassion, hope, and Love.

The Path of spiritual development, if we have already begun to move toward the goal, like any other change in life, will not be easy. We must be open to whatever is destined to come or go.

Spirituality is not a place where we have to go to achieve everything. It is the Way itself, our Path of self-development.

We should not confuse the beginning of our spiritual journey with a fun start, where we will have to overcome many obstacles on the way to victory.

It’s not a race, and there’s no need to compare us to other people.

We must remain focused on our experiences, our learning, our emotions, and the expansion of consciousness that will take place.

Instead of evaluating others and comparing their lives to ours, it is better to focus on our inner world. It’s much more important.

Our task is not to destroy our demons. Suppressing our feelings is easy.

Real spiritual development happens when we can just sit and reflect on them; to look at our fear and pain and not identify ourselves with them.

We must assimilate and analyze all of our experiences, look at our reactions, and trace our emotions.

We can experience any range of feelings we want. It is we who choose them, not the other way around.

The real goal of self-development and spiritual growth is to develop as a person. It means that we are allowed to make any changes along the way.

We can change our opinions, beliefs, or pastime habits, as well as our energy and so on. These changes will be evidence of our growth.

Like-minded people will start showing up next to us. We’ll see a lot of people reading blogs that we do, or taking the same classes.

Communicate with them, and spend time together, teaching and supporting each other, acknowledging their choices as our spiritual paths cross.

We should be thankful for everything around us: advice, people, spiritual teachers, or our muse. And even the mere troll who tries to piss us off. Each of them has something valuable for us.

We understand that ultimately Spirituality helps us develop a deep understanding of ourselves. Along with this understanding come Divine compassion, gratitude, joy, and kindness.

Seeing the lessons in each experience or story in the emotions makes us well aware of all those lessons that are hidden in the experiences of our daily lives.

Thus we become responsible for our lives and self-development on the Path to 5D.

**By Lev

Part 1 and 2


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