Archangel Michael: False Flags

I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Light Community.

We are now all familiar with the fact that there is a war occurring in eastern Europe, in the Ukraine and there are many reasons for this war, not the least of which is that Vladimir Putin has decided he’s had enough of the deep state’s tactics and is now fighting back.

Mr Putin has sent in troops to secure vulnerable areas such as Chernobyl and he has bombed facilities that were being used against his people in Russia [biolabs]; otherwise he has done nothing to irritate the people of the Ukraine.

However, the news is saying otherwise. These are false flags or actual attacks on the Ukrainian people by the Deep State and UN forces but are being presented to the world as Mr Putin’s evil.

It is not.

We must help in revealing to the world by increasing the Light in the Ukraine.

This week, however, will be a bit different in that we will be targeting the Khazarian Mafia, in whatever way you may sense them, be they in Khazaria, Switzerland, Antarctica or America, we are targeting all of those responsible for these heinous attacks on the Ukrainian people.

Simply state that you wish your energy of love to go to the Khazarian Mafia responsible for this attack on Ukraine and your intention will guide your energy.

You may be able to see faces; you may not. Perhaps you will see their demons; perhaps not. Regardless, simply send your loving energy.

The energy of love empowers love and disempowers evil. Our intent this week is to disempower and destabilize these evil people. Understand that many world leaders are complicit in this attack.

Khazaria is the main station of these evil beings, and to have an attack on its homeland would be devastating for them. The Ukraine is part of what was Khazaria. Mr Putin is tired of his proud people suffering at the hands of these criminals and so he will bring them down.

If your desire is to destabilize the efforts of the media in your country which is also complicit in this attack, then feel free to do so as well.

We would like to destabilize this attack on many fronts and there are many ways to do it. Choose whichever you feel most comfortable with.

A suggestion to you: If you can gather with friends and family to send your collective Light as one, then please do so. These meditation circles are very powerful and combine the energies of all involved.

I am Archangel Michael, I am sovereign, I am your truth bringer and the Light.

We are Legion.


**Channel: Sharon Stewart


14 Replies to “Archangel Michael: False Flags”

  1. Tammy

    Thanks to Michael for directly enlisting our assistance and energy in the creation of our New World and the fall of the old. It is coming furiously now and we can help expedite it. Much love….

    1. Eric/Sara Driscoll /Reed

      Yes, its fake (lies), its deception — stumbling blocks; snares!

      Isaiah 8:11-12 For this is what the LORD has spoken to me with a strong hand, instructing me not to walk in the way of this people:

      12“DO NOT CALL CONSPIRACY everything these people regard as conspiracy.
      Do not fear what they fear; do not live in dread. <– INSTRUCTIONS!!!

      1. AlwaysLight

        Why is it fake? Just because you say so? So when has sending love, the undo-er of evil a bad thing? Is that fake as well? And then quoting from the bible! Which version, there are so many, saying different things (so clearly not from the creator who is one truth), after all it was translated from many different stories, edited, 711 books cut out and handed to people as religious mind control, yeah, that sounds like a wonderful alternative. Seriously, so many asleep sheep commenting here. The creator is love, love transforms everything into just that. What do you think, you’ll gain ground by going out and bashing them over the head with your book? I don’t normally respond to posts like this, but seriously, you are in for one massive shock awakening… I actually respect your wishes to believe whatever you want to believe, everyone has that right, but stop writing nonsense on peoples work that are making a call to positive change. What solution did you offer? Crickets….

    2. A lightworker

      My gut says this is real. As others have stated: yes war is always awful, but someone had to deal with deep state biolabs and deep state state-sponsored neo-nazis whom have arguably been genociding Russians in eastern Ukraine for eight years. When I talk to angels myself, I got the message that “peace isn’t the absence of war, peace is the presence of everything that people need to fully live their lives, and there hasn’t been peace in Ukraine for a long time.”

      Also, the “Russians kill civilians” reports are false: the Ukranian state-sponsored neo-nazis are doing that and blaming it on Russians.

      Furthermore, keep in mind that Archangel Michael is an archangel associated with overcoming darkness and depicted with a sword. Not all archangels are 100% “love and light”, some are tasked by God to overcome evil, with force if needed.

      A great way to know if you’re dealing with a benevolent being or a malevolent being who pretends to be benevolent, is if they talk about things like “send love”, “we love you”, “send light”, “I am the light”, etc. No demon masquerading as an angel would ever encourage us humans to send love.

  2. John Robbins

    Spot On Vicki. When the msm say (scream) to go this way, go promptly in the opposite direction with eyes still wide open, and ears pressed to the ground.

  3. Göran R.

    If you say a statement A and at the same time non A, then it cant be be true. Putin said in television that he would attack Ukrania ,and he did. He has said thet he would do a lot of things, attack against Ukrania earlier and Georgia, and he had helped the dictator i Syria. But when the so called spiritual people see the result it is not Putin that has done this. He is as his idol Stalin, never done anything wrong, so it must be the deep state that has the responsible. And why not take help of his dictatorcollge in China so both Ukrania and Taiwan comes to where they belong, and people will so religious that they believe in everything and nu problem with people who love freedom and a good life without dictators. I get a dejavu. When the communists built the wall in Berlin than they said that it was comming a lot of people that wanted to come in to Berlin from the west. I think it is just so true that Putin has no responsibilty for the killed people in Ukrainia and all the millons that have been forced to leave their homes. .

    1. Susla

      Thank you mr. Putin for attacking bio weapon labs, that USA has paid for. We do not want another pandemic.

      Thank you mr. Putin for destroying DeepStates plans for Ukraine and for the world.

  4. Mother Goddess Sophia

    this is a fake Michael channel by confusion opinion to misleading light workers ! because if Putin is good guy who won’t invasion to other countries even threaten to use unclear weapon ,all these 3D politics leaders they are all illuminati cabal members !No exception ! what reptile cabal want Now is Only WW3 ! they all criminals to show out to wakeup global people who have eyes and ears to see that truths about those reptile bloody players ! so This 3D political fighting is just final battle of Dark forces trying to hijack public consciousness into fear so then the dark ones can survive a little longer on this transition period ! so our global awakened all just need to keep be clarity and stands strong for our light already won ! don’t give any chance to all such confusion turmoil Stroms by focus on send light (violent flames) and peace and love to those battle fields !
    Mother Goddess Sophia 3/7/2022

    1. Mother Goddess Sophia

      this is a fake Michael channel by confusion opinion to misleading light workers ! because if Putin is good guy who won’t invasion to other countries even threaten to use unclear weapon ,all these 3D politics leaders they are all illuminati cabal members !No exception ! what reptile cabal want Now is Only WW3 ! they all criminals to show out to wakeup global people who have eyes and ears to see that truths about those reptile bloody players ! so This 3D political fighting is just final battle of Dark forces trying to hijack public consciousness into fear so then the dark ones can survive a little longer on this transition period ! so our global awakened all just need to keep be clarity and stands strong for our light already won ! don’t give any chance to all such confusion turmoil Stroms by focus on send light (violet flames) and peace and love to those battle fields !
      Mother Goddess Sophia 3/7/2022

    2. Susla

      You should go within and ask for guidance.
      Ukraine has many dangerous bio weapon laboratories, that not only threatens Russia, but also the world with a new pandemic.

      Ukraine is big time corrupt, Ukraine is a money laundering country, and home for large groups of neo nazis, the real ones, not those kinds liberals call everyone not agreeing with them.

      I live in Europe and I am grateful that someone clean that country up.
      Also remember that NATO agreed in 1991 to NOT expand, and they have done and done and done, and this time is was the drop Russia did not accept.

      I dont think you know how big and how dangerous deepstate is.

    3. sara

      11For this is what the LORD has spoken to me with a strong hand, instructing me not to walk in the way of this people: 12“Do not call conspiracy everything these people regard as conspiracy. Do not fear what they fear; do not live in dread.


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