The Grandmothers: Rest, Restore, and Allow the Power of Love Within You to Build

the grandmothers eraoflightdotcom“Let yourself rest,” the Grandmothers said, slowly moving their palms up and down. “It is time for that. For a while now, there will be a period of relative calm and quiet amidst the storm of change that has come upon the Earth. Take advantage of it for the next few months and rest, love, and enjoy one another. You have a sustained and a sustaining power within you and at this time, you will build that that supply. This is a time for you to rest and restore. Take it.

“Life will never be the way it was a short time ago,”the Grandmothers said, their faces serious. “It will not be the way it was a year ago. It will be a different life from now on. There are many changes yet to come, and come they will. So, rest now and make of yourself a greater repository for love. It is your job, your mission on Earth to love ceaselessly. So, at this time, call love down upon your planet and upon one another. You are all part of the One Love so, to benefit life, ask that all the beings in all the words be happy. This is a prayer for others as well as for yourself. Pray that prayer over and over again until it becomes a litany for your mind. Give that busy mind of yours something good to do. This prayer is good — there is nothing better you can do during this period of relative calm than chant ‘May all the beings in all the worlds be happy’. Sing it or chant it.

“And do not waste your life worrying about what is to come next,” the Grandmothers said, shaking their heads. “The more you soak yourself in the bath of love, the easier the Great Transition will be. We have covered you with love, so stay under its mantle. Live there. Live in love, open your heart to the great supply within you and open your mind to the beauty of this love. We are inside you,holding you, and as we have told you many, many times, ‘We will fill you full. Let us.’ The supply of love you carry is life sustaining. It will hold you steady and it will bless all those in your life.

“We know you. We have always known you and we know that in all circumstances you are and will always be the lighted one you were born to be. Trust us when we tell you this. You know we do not lie. You were made for these times! So, rest now. Rest, restore, and allow the power of love within you to build. You have no idea of your own magnificence. You have no idea of your beauty/power,“ Then they laughed together and said, “But WE do!!!”

**Channel: Sharon McErlane


2 Replies to “The Grandmothers: Rest, Restore, and Allow the Power of Love Within You to Build”

  1. Frances Rose

    I have a friend who is an empath, amongst other things, she is battered and war-weary. I sent her this. I am also attempting to bring her strength through my meditations. I am sure this channeling will help her.

