Planetary Alignment for All

Dearest Holy Beloveds,

With each significant challenge that you may experience in your own life, or in the life of the world, there is within this a great gift of light that is waiting to emerge from the situation.

This is not to negate whatever pain or difficulty or challenge may be happening individually or collectively, but rather to offer the understanding that there is another aspect waiting to be born that you do not yet see.

Some of you may have the capability to feel the energies of light that are growing, others of you may be more attuned, due to your work, to the strengthening of the forces that are opposed to light.

Those who have the work of transmuting and transforming oppositional energies are given this awareness of these energies, and have given their permission on a soul level to interact with these larger forces.

It is important therefore to never hold judgments towards another and their experience, because you do not know exactly the nature of their planetary service, the purpose of this incarnation and the larger space they are holding for the planetary collective.

Each beautiful sacred being on the planet holds a special vibration, unique to themselves, that is needed for the entire planetary whole of that moment.

Each person’s presence on the planet is sacred, important and needed at the time they are present.

When souls depart from the Earth, as is happening rapidly now, this also is a sacred and purposeful event, not understandable with the human mind but equally important to honor, acknowledge and pay homage to.

The sacred planetary alignment process that is taking place now, as the holy Earth moves into her full stature in the new energy configurations of the New Earth, is requiring many changes for all individuals on the Earth.

To these ends, we will be offering a more expanded service through these avenues of light that have been established at the World Blessings Planetary Alignment space.

As such, a number of new manifestations will be able to emerge for the holy Earth and for each of you that are connected and involved with this work.

We bless your presence and sacred service and offer deepest gratitude and love, nourishment and comfort to all.

**Channel: Mashubi Shekiniah

