Mira of the Pleiades: On the Verge


I am Mira, the Pleiadian High Council, and I am very happy to communicate with humankind.

Finally, you are on the verge of entering to the high dimensional realms and leave behind low energies of 3D, which prevented you of being a multidimensional Galactic Being, as you were before you came to Earth.

You started to receive the upgrades, as soon as Divine took over the Ascension process. Be ready to accept your forgotten responsibilities, such as helping everyone, who requires assistance. Most of you were traveling to different parts of Cosmos to rescue from Darkness enslaved civilizations. You took a commitment to become missionary to go anywhere to fulfill your duties. Your mission on this planet got overextended due to numerous reincarnations, which got stopped now by the destruction of reincarnation machines.

Our healing chambers are going to restore your lost memories and transform your bodies into multidimensional one. Meantime, it’s recommended daily meditations to keep high frequencies. You can request our presence during your meditations. It will take some time to reintegrate to the life, you left behind millions years ago.

Asleep part of humanity will stay in 3D, as their soul wants to be in low vibrations. Please, welcome their choice even though you disagree. You are in the place, where you are ready to embrace a new reality without regrets leaving behind everything, what represents Darkness.

The desperation of Dark Entities to survive reached a new level. They were trying to build a station-ship, which would float with them on the board in Cosmos. As I speak, Ashtar Command just destroyed their station.

We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to welcome you aboard our ships for healing or to meet you in person. Our team is excited to see all of you very soon, and we can’t wait to provide you with an enriching and transformative experience.

Please, receive my Love and Support. Your journey on planet Earth is almost done. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.

Stay Strong.


**Channel: Erena Velazquez

9 Replies to “Mira of the Pleiades: On the Verge”

  1. unionylibertad

    Dear Mira, I accept the invitation for healing aboard your ships…I am very excited about all that is transpiring…I feel the Love, I feel the changes and I am ready…With Love to you and to Erena…

  2. Douglas A James

    Awaken all and rescue all as all humans have biochips in their front lobe literally keeping them from waking up!! No free will here!! Stop this nobody left behind that’s bullshit and a failed mission nope not having it!! Finish the job right!

  3. Pamela Dennis

    I’m ready to beam aboard and revitalize my vessel and correct what has disconnected my ability to connect with my higher self. Don’t understand why I have intuition but cannot seem to connect. I want this ability, future and light/love in my life eternally.

  4. David

    Heartfelt thanks Mira, so so hoping to be part of this. The thought of the welcome….well for now I can dream I guess. I trust the plan and keep hoping we are close to profound changes for all of us. Much love as always. Namaste.🙏

  5. Light bearer

    Just like almost everyone else, I love the idea of meeting the Pleiadians soon.

    However, Earth is already a quite dark place with a lot of suffering and control. If then you beam up all the awake people, won’t Earth become even darker and more controlled? More suffering for the unawake? Weren’t we lightworkers supposed to alleviate their suffering?

    Maybe you say: “more suffering is the soul choice of the unawake.”

    Okay, but how does this “evacuate the awake” plan tie in to the idea that Earth is going to be this beautiful, vibrant 5D world? Certainly if you evacuate all the awake people and leave all the unawake ones, then that’s not going to happen, at least not anytime soon.

    It’s a bit strange to think that we spent lifetimes working to uplift Earth, and then when that mission is 99% done, we lightworkers are just going to be beamed up and go off to paradise, and we’ll leave most Earthlings to suffer, and we let Earth remain a dark place. Then what was the point of us lightworkers incarnating on Earth in the first place, if the end result is “dark Earth, suffering humans” anyway?

    Or am I missing something?

    1. john

      I dont think Mira is talking about evacuating the awakened she is saying come aboard nightly to recieve healing and yes i belive we are all here for the long haul which will end soon well in the next couple of years months weeks days hours minute’s lol i’m not counting, love to you.

      1. Light bearer

        “Come aboard briefly to receive healing” is something that would make sense, but I don’t think that’s what this article is talking about. This article says:

        “Asleep part of humanity will stay in 3D, as their soul wants to be in low vibrations. Please, welcome their choice even though you disagree. You are in the place, where you are ready to embrace a new reality without regrets leaving behind everything, what represents Darkness.”


        “Your journey on planet Earth is almost done.”

