Full Moon Update 8/30/2023

By Lena Stevens

Dear Friends,

Full Moon in Pisces is Wednesday, August 30 at 7:35PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)

This is the second full moon within the same month and is known as a Blue Moon. It is also a Super Moon so it warrants paying attention to. This is a powerful window of closure, release and moving into an empty space, waiting to be filled with something new. The time requires patience as that something new may not yet be clear or ready to manifest.

We are moving into a time of recapitulation of the past and an inner process where we reflect on where we have been and where we are going.  Looking over the past can bring up nostalgia and heartfelt gratitude as well as trigger uncomfortable feelings around events and experiences we would rather forget. It is all up for review as we move into the month of September. The Full Moon energies can jump start this process for us by inviting us to allow more space for just “being” instead of the “doing” that many of us spend way too much time in.

This is also an excellent time to listen to your inner voice, trust your intuition, notice your dreams and acknowledge signs from spirit. Allow the notion of right timing to be your guide and practice patience especially if the path forward is not yet clear. The set up is in the release, so what needs to go?


