Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self: The Time Has Arrived

mike quinsey eraoflightTime marches on and be assured that measurers are being taken to speed up the introduction of the many changes that are waiting to be introduced. It has finally been recognised that the situation is becoming intolerable and that the people are desperately waiting to see things come to fruition. Humans by nature are inclined to be impatient, and for example some years have passed since the

Checkerboard Mutation

newlightearth eraoflightWe are witnessing some positive tipping points in the war over consciousness as the earth is naturally dropping density, which means moving beyond the influence of some alien machinery used to run reversals in the earth grids. The planet is going through a 6D–7D wing building, which is the first level of hierogamic union, making this level of consciousness embodiment more available to humanity now. This has special

Message from the Arcturian Collective, Elthor & the Dragon Collective: You Are the Bravest of the Brave

galaxies eraoflightWe are the Arcturian Collective and we see many of you making tremendous strides now, rapidly, with little patience for delays on your road to ascension. Ascension is a gradual, bit by bit momentum, more than a specific destination. However, this can make the journey seem longer than it needs to. And a way around this friends