Jesus: Fear Is A Tiny Unreal Space That You Have Set Aside Within Yourself

sanandaThere is only the One. All that exists is contained most lovingly within the One, eternally, and without break or interruption of any kind.

There is no outside, both inside and outside are just imaginary concepts that were helpful within the illusion as you constructed it and set up the boundaries within which you chose to

Groundbreaking Solar Device Pulls Water From Dry Air

unfolding futureWhat if no matter where you lived, and under any circumstances, you would never be without life-sustaining water? That day has arrived, thanks to breakthrough technology.

As reported by Science Daily, researchers envision a future where every home, no matter where it is located, has the ability to simply pull water in from the air, even

Judas Iscariot: Increasing Light

judas iskariotI am Judas Iscariot and I have come to today to calm you all. It might seem as if nothing is happening, but much is happening behind the scene. The world is on fire dear friends. The world is on fire with light. It is a beautiful fire that sweeps over Earth today. It is a fire that unstoppably penetrates everywhere and loosens up even the worst of blockages. There is nowhere to hide now