The Group: Planet Earth

ascended beingsGreetings, dear ones. I am Merlia.

I join you this day to share with you more about my other aspects, for I am the feminine version of the Merlin energy. Although the energy has been on your planet before, I have not been here for several reasons. Let me explain first by talking about the masculine side of Merlin and what is now taking place.

Exercising an Open Mind

meditationNeuroplasticity, also known as brain plasticity (flexibility), is an umbrella term that encompasses both synaptic flexibility (the connection of neurons) and non-synaptic flexibility (modification of action potential) to strengthen or change neuron synaptic signaling. Plasticity or flexibility in the brain affects the strength and action of neural connections and pathways.

One-third Of All FDA-Approved Drugs Turn Out to Have Serious Safety Problems

maxresdefaultOne of the most common arguments that skeptics of so-called “alternative” medicine make in opposition to its legitimacy is that much of it hasn’t undergone the same safety and clinical trial process – the supposed “gold standard” of science-based medicine – as pharmaceutical-based allopathic