Mother Earth and Mother Mary: New Days

new earth era of lightGreetings dear children of my heart, and song of my soul. It is I, your Mother Mary, here to lend a supporting ear and to shower you with love and support from on high this eve. For much that you hold close to your heart in the hidden places – the hidden chambers of hope and of joy yet revealed – are about to come into fruition, into your current field or trajectory. Or to put it more plainly, prosperity is coming down your pathways, to great you warmly in the sunshine of sweet dreams about to become your new reality on Nova Gaia. This warms my heart, our hearts, with great joy and eager expectations. For we know you are so weary, our dear sweet grounded ones, who just keep on holding the light and in actuality are bringing this forth quite effortlessly. We know you would disagree with this but it is true, you are acting as masters, not apprentices, and this warms our hearts. For we love you all so and have watched you mature for eons. I blow kisses to you now.

I am your Mother Gaia! Children, look around you and feel the hope of new purpose and new days ahead brimming within me and tap into it. Tap into me and feel my peace so that I may share it with you. The crystals are humming happily with my new frequencies of light and of Christed consciousness, and remember, we are all connected, so therefore you too are humming within your newly developing crystal form that is coming on line, and oh children, you are so beautiful. If you could only see what I see! But you will soon, shortly, for all is unfolding so fast now. That is likely why many of you have had so many ascension symptoms of late, for it is happening fast and for you energy sensitives you are going to feel it more acutely. That is alright. For all is well in the end and the end is just the beginning of a new life, a new reality, a new hope for me and for my precious kingdoms, my children. For we are like a big, huge, beautiful flower that is suddenly glowing brighter and brighter and then bursts forth afire with light, luminous in its beauty. I am so proud of you. I am your Mother Gaia. Lean into me. Find a tree and hug it and I’ll be hugging you right back! It is true dear hearts. I love you endlessly. I am your Mother Gaia.

What more needs to be said after these two bright love-lights? Not much! I am your Mother God and you need to know children, and appreciate, how much support you have in this Now moment. For truly we are all totally available for you and you are sensing this Now more deeply and acutely than ever before, are you not? For the veil of forgetfulness that wrapped between the worlds is thinning ever so quickly. And the dark ones are shocked and astonished. For their time is coming to be once again one with the light, with us the family of the light and one with me. Love is the ultimate healer. Now is the time for forgiveness and renewal as we create together. You children, are the fire of my heart and I love you. I pour my honey love all over you, down your face soothing away your tears of sadness and replacing them with tears of joy; into your heart opening it, expanding it wider, into your past pain, coating those hard lessons learned with bejeweling light – the lessons of tough truths that formed you; down into you belly as you digest and expand within the new energies of hope and love, and at last down into your feet as the new anchors for the New Earth. And we now send this pulsing light deep into Mother Gaia who thanks you for sharing your light and love with her and with her kingdoms. For her kingdoms are your kingdoms are they not? To tend after and to protect? Yes. All are connected! For we are all one! One big happy family with a few skirmishes at the dinner table here and there and all are in the process of returning it the light, ever to the light, for all is light, and love. All is Source. Therefore children be comforted. For how could you possibly be alone? I hold you tightly to my bosom and sing you lullabies of sweet tomorrows. Now go to sleep and be at peace. And if it is daytime for you, let me hold your hand during your day and smooth the rough patches away with my honey love that coats everything with love light and new beginnings. I am your Mother God.

We are three in one. We are the Mothers. We love you children ever so.
» Source – Channel: Galaxygirl
