Larimar; Stone of Atlantis

larimar atlantis stone eraoflightThis Caribbean blue stone has always been aligned with Atlantis; it is a remnant of that time and place that has continued to live thru fire and water. Atlantis was more than a star or a lost continent or a parked mother ship. It was a way of life, a way of honoring Earth and embracing all of her truths and beauty. Atlantis was home to the stars. She housed both the technology and magic that earth so needed at that time and place. She was both our future and our past and ‘her heart still beats in all of us’.

These small but mighty Caribbean azure stones of pure Larimer come to escort us thru time to a place we can see our beauty and magic and power. A place in our minds and hearts where we can still do good; accomplishing what seems impossible while holding a place of honor and valor.

Larimar is born of Fire at its volcanic origins in the Caribbean, and still this lovely blue stone holds the element of Water. This stone can cool tempers, calms fear, and relieve worry. Like a healing day at the beach the ebb and flow of its energy calms the turbulent riptides within. Larimar is a reflection of the peaceful Caribbean Sea and sky. This lovely stone brings the ancient wisdom of Atlantis laced with a deep dolphin healing.

Larimar is very connected to the ‘Goddesses of Atlantis’. It awakens a sleeping Atlantean promise and code. Larimar helps women to attune to their Divine Feminine, the ‘Holy She’ so to speak. It helps women to call upon the Goddess within, embracing her in all her forms and expressions.

The goddesses of Atlantis served and were aligned with every walk of Atlantean life. They combined the magic and power of Mother Earth with what they remembered from their home star and planet. They saw the potential for earth, as a living being to reach her star-hood, without remorse and loss of her inhabitants. They aligned with all livingness on earth and in the stars blending and merging them into a place of a peaceful coexistence. Unfortunately solar and earth factors were influenced by outside sources and caused a great loss for earth and future mankind.  The Goddess of Atlantis awakens within our hearts, she asks us to still believe in what lives in our Atlantean heart and never to give up on healing the Earth or ourselves.

Use Larimar to overcome fear of doctors, hospitals, injections or surgery. Use this stone to lessen hot flashes, or when the kundalini has become too intense. Larimar is a powerful emotional cleanser for phobias, panic attacks, and fear. It aids in breaking down the walls one has built around the heart for defense, allowing one to speak from the heart. This stone is useful in dimensional and cellular work. It is good for purging entities and unwanted interfering negativity from any source  Also Larimar is an excellent stone for finding a soulmate. 


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