Trump Makes Rapid Pivot To “Chinese Nightmare” As His Annihilation Of “Deep State” Nears

real news source eraoflightdotcomA very informative new geopolitical-focused Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting China’s drawing up plans for war with the United States, states that President Trump has responded to this provocation with his “Chinese Nightmare” deployment of B-2 Stealth Bombers to Hawaii, where these feared nuclear armed warplanes will be kept on 24/7 combat watch—and is a retaliation Trump has not previously been able to make due to interference from the American shadow government “Deep State”—but against whom, just hours ago, Trump signaled the nearing annihilation of by his stating: “The whole Russia thing is a hoax…Everybody knows it… Wait till you see how it all ends up…You watch…McCabe, Lisa Page, Strzok…You watch…Including some others I should not name…I better not…You watch…It would make front page news if I do…You’ll be surprised at the names of the people involved in the corruption”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Anyone who thinks my story is anywhere near over is sadly mistaken.” President Donald J. Trump

According to this report, the Security Council has previously noted that veteran American investigative reporter and best selling author, Dr. Jerome Corsi, revealed that a group of top US generals told him that Trump had been recruited by a mysterious and secretive military intelligence unit called “QAnon” to run in the 2016 Presidential Election to aid them in removing from power corrupt “Deep State” officials—whose crimes against the US military including their forcing it buy huge chucks of its vital war supplies from China—with the Pentagon’s biggest fear being that the Chinese had installed “kill switches” in transistors that could turn off sensitive US military systems in a conflict.

Aided by “QAnon”, this report continues, and upon taking power two-years ago, President Trump surrounded himself with American generals to push through the US Congress a massive defense bill targeting China, and that the Chinese vowed to retaliate against—but who were then met by Trump beginning a new Cold War against them—the most critical part of which is a trade war that now sees China having more to lose than the United States—and whose consequence of, though China posted a record trade surplus of $323.32 billion with the US in 2018, now sees Chinese world trade plummeting while its ability to buy up companies in America plunged 83%–all occurring at the same time the Chinese housing market has crashed, and is leading to fears the entire Chinese economy is ready to collapse.

The timing of President Trump’s new targeting of China, this report explains, coincides with news that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is expecting to end his Trump-Russia collusion witch hunt investigation in the coming weeks—about which even leftist Democrat Party US Congressman Jim Himes was forced to admit no evidence exists that Trump colluded with Russia, and who was joined nearly afterwards by the “Deep State” aligned propaganda mouthpiece ABC News reporter Jonathon Karl reporting that “people who are closest to what Mueller has been doing, interacting with the special counsel caution me that this report is almost certain to be anti-climactic”.

Sensing their coming destruction, this report notes, the “Deep State” aligned propaganda newspaper The New York Times, two days ago, published what they described as a “bombshell” article titled “F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia”—but whose most chilling essence of the WSWS News Service described as:

A front-page article published Saturday in the New York Times revealing that the FBI secretly opened a counterintelligence investigation into President Donald Trump after he fired FBI Director James Comey has laid bare a massive police state conspiracy by the US intelligence agencies.

The Times published the article in an effort to revive the anti-Russia campaign against Trump, promoting the unsubstantiated and highly dubious claim that Trump is a Russian agent.

The facts presented in the Times report are, in reality, far more damning of the FBI than of Trump.

Despite the newspaper’s intentions, the picture painted by the Times of the FBI is alarming.

The Times depicts a highly politicized intelligence agency whose officials carefully monitor the activities of the two main capitalist parties, keeping a vigilant eye out for any deviations from the national security consensus in Washington.

With the “Deep State” aligned leftist propaganda media, just weeks ago, having published for their seriously mentally ill Trump Derangement Syndrome readers the article titled “A Complete Guide To All 17 (Known) Trump And Russia Investigations”, this report concludes, not being reported to the American people by their leftist mainstream media overlords are the only real investigations that matter—that include the highly secretive FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton and her foundation, the highly secretive investigation by US Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz into crimes the FBI committed against President Trump, and the mysterious highly secretive criminal investigation of former Clinton and Obama officials being conducted by US Attorney John Huber—all of whose findings and criminal charges are ready to spring like a loaded bear trap upon the “Deep State” once Mueller completes his investigation—but that President Trump has already used the findings of to snub “Deep State” aligned officials in the European Union, while at the same time downgrading their diplomatic status in the United States—though the American people will have to wait a bit longer for their revenge against these monsters, and Trump only telling them now “You’ll be surprised at the names of the people involved in the corruption”.


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