Mahala’s Astrology; News Flash August 2018

galaxies eraoflightThe Uranus/Mars aspect is also making a trine to Saturn on three degrees Capricorn. Because Lilith was conjunct Uranus at the time of this eclipse she is giving Uranus the power to change things in the government of the United States. Because this energy also tunes into Jupiter in Scorpio, more scandals have come to light in our

Who Is Q? Mainstream Media Crashes The Party To Take Control Of The Narrative

eol independent newsIf you don’t have a clue, then you are one of the people that the mainstream media is targeting to make sure you get their narrative on the subject first.

But let’s be frank here. Our mainstream friends never wanted to cover the Q-Anon phenomena. Their idea was to not dignify the movement

How Things Work in the Higher Realms: Compassion is Loving Self/Others

gods lightDid you know we take 17 – 30,000 breaths and have 50 – 70,000 thoughts a day? (1)

As we become more and more conscious of our thoughts, emotions, actions, we realize that each day there are thousands of opportunities — connected to our breath, our thoughts — to be the blessing of compassion, the Mother’s Loving Movement

Accelerated Death Cycles for the Human Body (3D/4D) as “Body-Aging Death” Increases: 5D (Light) Bodies are the Opposite

througthelight eraoflightI write this to assist with those preparing to transition “out of body”, or those “still here”, as well as having loved ones transition out. This is a “Cosmic/Quantum HOW” all now accelerates and some “why’s”…. for this now.

There are infinite truths…. each “believes” according to their own conditioning, programming and truth. This is different