Two High-Level Government Child Trafficking Rings Busted And American Media Is Silent

1In late 2016, the government’s spin machine made it a point to feature “pizza gate,” only to mock anyone who would ever believe it to be true. The thought that high-level government officials in the U.S. would or could ever be involved in sex-trafficking or pedophilia was presented as far-fetched conspiracy theory, only believed

The Hathors: Spherical Consciousness

hathorsSpherical consciousness is the experience of time that encompasses all. Present, here, now. The new template of you. We exist here, you stem from here. Now you are planting yourselves into this most natural existence of being. As you continue to feel the homecoming in yourselves, in your earthly vessel, you will begin to truly feel-cognise that the perceived

Benjamin Fulford: World Freemasons Gather in Tokyo

benjamin_fulford_3The world’s freemasons are gathering in Tokyo this week and next to select a new world grandmaster, according to Japanese military intelligence. The meetings will start this week at the Freemason underground complex near Tokyo Tower and will conclude with a final leadership selection at the Sanno Hotel on March 25, the sources say. The meetings are taking place because