Sheldan Nidle: The Miracle is Now Fully Under Way

snidle3 Imix, 4 Ceh, 13 Caban

Selamat Jalwa! All is going extremely well. The dark is becoming shell shocked, as it is quite apparent that its supposed victory is quickly fading away. The dark cabal is now racing in vain to somehow preserve what little is still solvent. It is like a sudden spray of acid that was unexpectedly

Archangel Michael: You and Only You

3465478Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you.

We would like to begin by asking all of you to give yourselves some credit. We would like for each of you to recognize yourselves as having made it this far. Participating in a shift, such as the one you are in the midst of, is not easy. It is not for the faint of heart.